It's time to talk about Mayor Pete
Sometimes there are simply too many coincidences.
And no, there is absolutely nothing conspiratorial about pointing out the fact that the Shadow app - the failure of which gave Pete Buttigieg time in the limelight - was paid for in part by Buttigieg's campaign and made by a company whose CEO is a Buttigieg fan.
— Vaush (Bernie Boi) (@VaushV) February 4, 2020
The thing about a victory speech, generally, is that it requires a victory. But when this year’s Iowa caucus didn’t quickly produce one, Pete Buttigieg claimed the win as his anyway...
An irony of Buttigieg’s victory speech is that in the days leading up to the caucus, his campaign staffers warned reporters not to fall for the Sanders campaign trying to claim victory out of early results. But by the time Buttigieg landed in New Hampshire after the caucus, in the middle of the night, his campaign was the one out on a limb, hoping that by the time the state Democratic Party sorts out what’s going on, he’ll have come in first, or at least second.
$50k of 'contributions' from #MayorCheat to Shadow, Shadow CEO sending heart emojis to Mayo Bootygag, and the Iowa Caucuses getting Epsteined like AZ and NY were in 2016? U rite, it could mean anything
— Zimx02 (@Zimx02) February 4, 2020
The thing about audacity is that if something suspicious is going on, people will think that you did it.
Let's also not overlook the fact that Mayor Pete managed to spike the last poll that showed Bernie kicking his a**.
Pete is a slimy little rat-faced fuck but he’s also the only candidate who realizes that if he just gets up there and says “Yeah bitch I won, here’s my acceptance speech, what’re you gonna do about it?” the media will probably run with it.
— Quantian (@quantian1) February 4, 2020
The question is "Is this konspiracy theory of real?"
“Iowa cacuse results are delayed because of inconsistencies in reporting”
Let me guess, Bernie’s team had a reporting app y’all didn’t account for and he caught y’all red handed trying to get away with some bs huh?
— Niko House (@nikoCSFB) February 4, 2020
So let me get this straight. #MayorCheat had internal numbers showing he LOST and then STILL claimed victory? How does that work exactly? #BernieWon
— Tabula Rasa (@indianaboognish) February 4, 2020
Watch Buttigieg's surrogate ‘randomly’ win this coin toss for a delegate.
— (@mooncult) February 4, 2020

meanwhile in Amy's office
@gjohnsit We have a correction on
"When my wife makes Harvard beets they taste like they went to Brooklyn College. "-Henny Youngman
I have an idea
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Stopped clock Markos gets one right
in his "11 takeaways" article he writes
The irony, it burns.
Except totally not when Hillary does it, because ohmygawd, it's her turn!
@Shahryar They deleted my comment
I have not visited that establishment shithole for nearly 4 years. Just out of curiosity (and since Hillary's campaign is very dead now) I looked around today and could only find establishment crap over there. All the good writers are gone.
One particularly annoying post criticized Bernie Sander's surrogate (they meant Nina Turner) for calling Bloomberg an oligarch. They claim Bloomberg is a democracy-supporting Democrat who might even help a socialist in the general election (yes, like it's happening).
When I responded with the correct definition of an oligarch. and pointed out the fact that the Biden's camp also criticized Bloomberg as yet another New York (but richer) billionaire and Elizabeth Warren called Bloomberg's approach "dangerous to our democracy" they evaded addressing Biden and Warren and instead tried to find other faults with Nina Turner (as ex-director of Our Revolution) and that Bernie Sanders also belongs to the 1%.
I responded to those two replies very courteously but they deleted the entire exchange from the web site.
TOP is very sick now.
Cheatin' Pete's declaration of victory
reminds me so much of Clintonites who remind me, every other sentence, that HRC won the popular vote. Nice symbolic non victory victory you got there Cheatin Pete.
Cheating cheaters gotta cheat.
I've been detached from politics mostly for at least a year and has it really just continued to devolve into a middle school playground?
I knew something was gonna happen though when the first couple caucuses shown on CNN showed Bernie winning by margins around the 20 point range higher than 2nd place.
I certainly hope Sanders voters have such an internal tracking app.
We need to keep eyes on these crooks every second, they can be trusted less than my Zoe with a steak on a TV tray. (Don't ask me how I know...)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
After success in Venezuela and Bolivia we get this.
From CIA Pete.
And, somewhere else,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Why it's downright Clinton-esque!
Hmm, the company counting the votes is run by a Mayo Pete supporter. Pete's campaign has a financial hook into same company. Pete declares victory with 0% reported, beating the polling. Seems like I've heard this story before.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
From a candidate with connections to the CIA
Not to mention how Shadow's CEO was behind the dark money attack ads on Bernie.
It's almost enough to make people ask questions.
BTW, Nevada's caucus will be using the same app.
"McKinsey Man Makes Good."
Details to follow.....
from a reasonably stable genius.
ACRONYM which controls SHADOW is run by Tara McGowan.
A mere coincidence I suppose?
Tara has such great roots.
Nevada says it won't use the app now.
They paid $50,000 for it but they have seen the light.
Just covering their ass.
WTF does this mean?
Is that the good 50% or the bad 50%?
The only 50% you,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Posted this in another thread
but it's relevant to this as well, RE SHADOW:
Well it does not take much digging. The Democratic party were using an ‘App’ to count the votes; you cannot make it up but the tech company creating the app is called SHADOW, a name generally given to a Bond villain. To add to this Bondness, SHADOW is owned by another group called ACRONYM, whose CEO is Tara McGowan, Obama’s digital strategist. Gerard Niemira, who worked on Hilary’s 2016 campaign is CEO of SHADOW and finally David Plouffe, Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, sits on the board of ACRONYM. Additionally, the Buttigeg and Biden campaigns paid SHADOW for work done. Strange coincidences indeed.This sleuthing took me all of 20 minutes when you asked me to see what the heck happened in the Iowa cornfields. There are two explanations: it is a conspiracy of the Washington Consensus cabal denying Bernie a clean win and essentially muddying the waters...or it is total and utter incompetence of bringing an untested, non-transparent technology into the democratic process.
I like the concept.
I have a concern, though. What if Trump wants to join in and throw the desk fron the Oval Office?
"When my wife makes Harvard beets they taste like they went to Brooklyn College. "-Henny Youngman
Knowing Mayo Cheat
had a hand in the creation/use of the app exposes his victory speech for what it was. He knew the app would make him victorious. When it failed, he didn’t realize it failed and thought it would come through in a matter of minutes maybe an hour. He is caught red-throated.
Mayo Cheat! Mayo Cheat! Go Team! Cheat! Cheat! Cheat!

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Most Hurt / Helped?
I think the candidate most hurt by the lack of prompt returns is Buttigieg. If he actually finished second, and it seems likely he did, that is huge for him and would have helped create momentum going into NH.
Sure, it would have helped Bernie too, but he was expected to win. And Bernie will win NH next week.
I expected Buttigieg to do well because it seemed likely that Biden would not be viable in many places.
The candidate helped most, of course, is Biden. He can pretend that Iowa and his disastrous showing never happened.
Anyway, if I am looking for a suspect to have engineered this, I would look to Biden's camp.
FWIW, I am a Bernie supporter and have been for a long time. There are no circumstances I can imagine where I would vote for Boot or Biden. If Boot did this, he hurt himself.
"If Boot did this he hurt himself."
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Biden is too stupid to have done it
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
lol ~~~
that's just so fkn true!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
MayoCheat the kinda kid who would unplug the
Sega if he was losing
“Mayor Pete Was the Kinda Kid Who Unplugged the Sega If He Was Losing.”
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Throwing this into the conversation.
Could this be part of the reason for the long delay?
But we're all conspiracy theorists doncha know.
Meanwhile Centrist Twitter is going off on how everyone on the Sanders' campaign staff is a Russian asset. I kid you not.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That's because it's true.
In other news, the Soviet Union never fell. They've just been hiding.
Biden suing to stop the count?
Has this been posted here yet?
Lots of info flying so apologies if it has. But seriously wtf? Let's make the DP voting system even more broken than it is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Drip! Drip! Drip! Bernie's team has the Receipts!
Now here are the results of 60% of the tally.
I can hardly wait to see the 100% figures.
Say it out loud Bernie.
Easy, Bernie
It's when the results have been predetermined. Come to Chicago and get a crash course from any alderman.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Oh goody more censorship from Twitter
So who decides what is fake or not? Does this mean that all the compilations of ByeDone cutting social security go away?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
First results at 62% show CheatinPete leading! I call B.S.
There is no way I believe that.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Hey whatta ya talkin about they had 3 years to prepare for this
Democratic Party @DNC - 22:16 UTC · Feb 3, 2020
For three years, we’ve been preparing for the process that officially kicks off tonight in Iowa: the Democratic presidential primary. Today our chair, @TomPerez, reflects on the reforms we’ve made to make this the most transparent primary in our history: How We Prepared for 2020
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The rest of the story
No, only when Her is involved n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
@wouldsman @Alphalop @Alphalop We have seen so
Mary Bennett
This from RT is as good a summary as I have seen.
The jokes about Pete the Cheat are writing themselves. The guy who was supposed to be America's Macron turns out to be Juan Gaido. You would think, if the CIA were going to pick a president for us, they might have come with someone a bit believable.
Mary Bennett