Of AOCs point about how so many modern politicians/advisers are still running like the internet doesn’t exist. How long did it take someone to put this together?
Just look at all the privilege up on that stage!
Gotta love how the weekend before the first 2020 primary we're all still talking about the 2016 loser.
Can't actually say that's bad for Bernie, though.
25 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Men calling on Bernie to control his women: one of the most beautiful and feminist things about this campaign is that @SenSanders has MANY powerful women representing him on the trail and he doesn't even try to control us. We all try not to go negative, but we are human. Move on. https://t.co/boNSpKLcJQ
It Should Be Easy to Defeat Trump, But Corporate Democrats Look Ready and Willing to Blow It
Trump should be the most defeatable president in history.
It is remarkable how the Democratic Presidential candidates allow themselves to be pigeon-holed by the media as "moderate," "centrist," "extreme," "left-wing," and other abstract fact-deprived nomenclature.
It is also astonishing that the Democratic operatives have made something called "electability" a yardstick for deciding who to vote for in the primaries. This is particularly ironic considering the winner of the primary will be running against "crooked" self-enriching Donald and his brazen wrecking crew. Remember, Donald Trump was once considered unelectable.
Let's start with the labels. Why are overdue and overwhelmingly popular proposals put forward by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren labeled "extreme?" What is extreme is the greed and power of the plutocrats and Wall Street, not advocates cracking down on corporate crime and ending corporate welfare. There is nothing extreme about supporting a living wage, universal health insurance, or big infrastructure investments funded by reforming the tax system.
There is nothing radical about preventing the super-rich and giant corporations from using tax havens and other tax escapes. The proposals to close the tax loopholes and properly enforce the tax laws would collect trillions of dollars over a decade and fund necessary government spending for the benefit of the American people.
Why does Joe Biden's history of coddling banks and credit card companies rather than protecting consumers make him a "moderate" or "centrist?" It is time to poll those retrograde, corporatist positions. What about Biden's support of the Iraq war and other costly, brutal adventures of Empire? What about Biden's defense of the "Delaware" corporation laws that rig the power of corporate bosses against shareholders, whether they be individual, pension, or mutual funds?
As to the issue of "electability," that is just another name for the self-compromised Democratic Party's defeatism and cowardliness. How can Democrats question someone's "electability" when the opponent is the hateful lawbreaker Donald Trump?
Why does Joe Biden's history of coddling banks and credit card companies rather than protecting consumers make him a "moderate" or "centrist?" It is time to poll those retrograde, corporatist positions. What about Biden's support of the Iraq war and other costly, brutal adventures of Empire? What about Biden's defense of the "Delaware" corporation laws that rig the power of corporate bosses against shareholders, whether they be individual, pension, or mutual funds?
As to the issue of "electability," that is just another name for the self-compromised Democratic Party's defeatism and cowardliness. How can Democrats question someone's "electability" when the opponent is the hateful lawbreaker Donald Trump?
Unfortunately, the entrenched corporate Democrats in Washington are just using the "electability" excuse to block the rising progressive presidential candidates who intend to upset the plutocratic applecarts and cushy fat-cat sinecures. The leadership of establishment Democrats has led to the loss of too many national and state elections to the worst Republican Party in the GOP's history. It is time for these Democrats to shape up or ship out.
Amen, Ralph.
27 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
the devotion of a Hillbot is more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle, more frustrating than misplacing keys, and more toxic than an actual plague. I am a horrible person for thinking this, but I look forward to the day that this malignant fuckwit dies and releases us all from her vindictive, narcissistic clutches.
Hillary Clinton has spent more time denouncing Rashida Tlaib than she has denouncing Harvey Weinstein
Hacks with jobs who do what they are told and try to earn extra brownie points for advancement. Opportunists with no scruples who will do anything for jobs.
#5 the devotion of a Hillbot is more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle, more frustrating than misplacing keys, and more toxic than an actual plague. I am a horrible person for thinking this, but I look forward to the day that this malignant fuckwit dies and releases us all from her vindictive, narcissistic clutches.
Hacks with jobs who do what they are told and try to earn extra brownie points for advancement. Opportunists with no scruples who will do anything for jobs.
Woke investment bankers network for freinds, family and to get more clients who have money to piss away and make them richer.
They put selfies of themselves with Hillary or whoever on their office walls.
Just think of how many of these people there are in every city who are in one way or another dependent on the exclusive club otherwise known as the Democratic Party.
They are fighting for their livelihoods and they see us as peasants with the pitchforks.
#5 the devotion of a Hillbot is more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle, more frustrating than misplacing keys, and more toxic than an actual plague. I am a horrible person for thinking this, but I look forward to the day that this malignant fuckwit dies and releases us all from her vindictive, narcissistic clutches.
15 users have voted.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
#5.1.2 although I wouldn't fight something like "the Faillary Clinton Nucular Waste Containment site."
19 users have voted.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hillary Clinton lost a lay-up of an election. And at least 75% of it was on her. She was entitled. She didn’t go where she needed to. Midwestern voters never saw/met her, which matters to us. Rashida Tlaib has every right to boo. That’s how many MI voters feel.
I think her grudge against Bernie Sanders is smaller only than her grudge against the voters and now she's finding ways to try to punish people every day by grinding down on Sanders and his campaign. Every goddamn insult is about voters - "nobody likes him" takes the cake for me. How many of you will join me in a prayer with both hands that if Sanders clinches the nomination, she DOES quietly sit out the election?
Hillary Clinton lost a lay-up of an election. And at least 75% of it was on her. She was entitled. She didn’t go where she needed to. Midwestern voters never saw/met her, which matters to us. Rashida Tlaib has every right to boo. That’s how many MI voters feel.
@Le Frog
I will join in a prayer that she chokes to death at lunch and very painfully dies.
#7 I think her grudge against Bernie Sanders is smaller only than her grudge against the voters and now she's finding ways to try to punish people every day by grinding down on Sanders and his campaign. Every goddamn insult is about voters - "nobody likes him" takes the cake for me. How many of you will join me in a prayer with both hands that if Sanders clinches the nomination, she DOES quietly sit out the election?
13 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI) stated that 250,000 regular Democratic voters from Wisconsin stayed at home in 2016.
It's as if Democrats didn't see a choice worth getting off of the couch over. Donald Trump won Wisconsin by 23,000 votes.
But Russians, sure.
And Democratic candidates also under-performed down-ballot thanks to the low turnout across the country.
Hillary Clinton lost a lay-up of an election. And at least 75% of it was on her. She was entitled. She didn’t go where she needed to. Midwestern voters never saw/met her, which matters to us. Rashida Tlaib has every right to boo. That’s how many MI voters feel.
So, let me get this right. Hillary Clinton can say awful things about @BernieSanders in an effort to damage him at a critical time (and so can everyone else on TV). But if @RashidaTlaib dares to be mad about that all of a sudden the civility police show up & she is out of bounds?
Sussman is the individual who gave Hillary the latest softball interview that sparked the latest controversy.
.@EmTSuss: What's unusual about this year is people are willing to set aside what may be their own preferences around policy, around personality and prioritizing a candidate they think can unify others and bring others along. #AMJoypic.twitter.com/A4c18w4pix
So, let me get this right. Hillary Clinton can say awful things about @BernieSanders in an effort to damage him at a critical time (and so can everyone else on TV). But if @RashidaTlaib dares to be mad about that all of a sudden the civility police show up & she is out of bounds?
boils my blood. I can't wait for the day that these shills are extinct: their platforms, their pay, and their lies.
#8 Sussman is the individual who gave Hillary the latest softball interview that sparked the latest controversy.
.@EmTSuss: What's unusual about this year is people are willing to set aside what may be their own preferences around policy, around personality and prioritizing a candidate they think can unify others and bring others along. #AMJoypic.twitter.com/A4c18w4pix
deserves a lot of credit for getting the $15.00 an hour bill passed by her work in mobilizing marches, organizing groups to target legislators to voice support for it, doing voter registration drives and the GOTV work come voting time.
She got reelected this last time in spite of all the forces (Dim Party leaders included) arrayed against her, including Jeff Bezos who poured money into campaign of her opponent and the votes were close but she managed the win.
I live ninety miles north of Seattle so I can't vote for her but I am on her email list just to see what she is up to and it is always something that should be happening all across the Country. She has announced that 2020 is the 'Tax Jeff Bezos Year' and her fight for rent control and low income hosing continues but look at the latest email, this energizer bunny never stops...
" Every year, hundreds of Seattleites get evicted from their homes - often for owing a
month or less in rent. Nearly 9 out of every 10 end up homeless. In the winter, eviction can
be a death sentence - nationally, 700 people experiencing homelessness die annually from the
effects of hypothermia in U.S. cities, according to the National Coalition for Homelessness.
In December, I introduced legislation that would place a moratorium on winter evictions of
residential renters in our city. Earlier in January, the Council’s Sustainability and Renters
Rights Committee, which I chair, passed my legislation - three in favor, and one abstention.
Now our bill is headed to the full City Council for a final vote. Can you join us?
**Please note the date change, from Feb. 3 to Feb. 10.**
Monday, Feb. 10
Seattle City Council meeting and vote to stop cruel winter evictions
City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, Seattle 98104
Whether you can attend or not, I urge you to also send an email to city councilmembers today
urging them to stop cruel winter evictions. You can customize your own letter, from this basic
template, by clicking here.
Our legislation calls for a halt to cruel evictions within Seattle during the winter months. The
legislation prohibits most evictions from November 1 through March 31, when Seattle is at its
coldest and wettest. Most evictions involve corporate landlords. The most common reason for
eviction: Inability to pay the rent because of a medical or family emergency, or lost
A recent study found that most renters evicted for nonpayment owed one month’s rent or less.
With my legislation, tenants will have the time to figure out a solution to their housing needs - whether it’s coming up with the funds to pay the rent, or finding a new place to live. They won’t
be thrown out on the street.
Not surprisingly, the corporate landlord lobby is pushing back. Which means our movement needs to
Will you write to city councilmembers today, and demand that they stand with tenants, not the
corporate landlords?
Tonight, in this extraordinarily wealthy city of ours, thousands of people will shiver in the
cold, be forced to sleep in cars, ride public transit, or gather in overcrowded shelters. The
housing unaffordability and homelessness crisis has worsened because rents are out of control and
because some of the world’s richest corporations escape any responsibility to pay their fair
share of the city’s taxes so we can build affordable housing.
We just went through a historic election in which Seattle voters overwhelmingly rejected Chamber-
bankrolled candidates who wanted to crack down on people experiencing homelessness, in favor of
progressive candidates. Addressing Seattle’s crisis will require bold policies such as the Amazon
Tax to fund services and a major expansion of social housing, a Green New Deal, and a strong,
citywide rent control policy.
This winter eviction moratorium is a step in the right direction, and is part of the humane approach to the homelessness crisis that voters have called for.
So please take these two steps:
Join us on Monday, Feb. 10 at City Hall, and tell City Council to adopt my winter eviction
moratorium bill.
Write and send your letter to city councilmembers today, telling them to stand with tenants and
stop cruel winter evictions!
@Steven D
I don't understand how Rashida booing is the bigger problem than Omnishambles Clinton voting for the Patriot Act?
I was annoyed when the Sanders campaign reacted to the Cenk Uygur endorsement and subsequent back-step. It was reactionary but I hope that it never happens again.
I'm sorry she was asked to walk back her righteous criticism of Hillary Clinton's recent actions attacking Bernie.
We live in a society where “booing” mass murderers like Hillary Clinton and her buddies is considered more offensive than the war crimes of the mass murderers themselves.
The boo Hillary crowd is on a roll today. I'm seeing so many great tweets telling Hillary and her sycophants to shove it.
It's okay for the rich white woman to say whatever the hell she wants, but it's not okay for a brown woman to have her own say about it. Bingo this!
#10 I don't understand how Rashida booing is the bigger problem than Omnishambles Clinton voting for the Patriot Act?
I was annoyed when the Sanders campaign reacted to the Cenk Uygur endorsement and subsequent back-step. It was reactionary but I hope that it never happens again.
35 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There is a picture of her with her hands on Weinstein and it makes me feel queasy. It's so disgusting to me that she hung out with that monster, accepted his fundraising efforts, vacationed on Jeffrey Epstein's island, and campaigned on her friendship with Henry Kissinger. (And this is scratching the tip of the iceberg, because the breadth and depth of scummy company she kept/keeps is mostly kept under wraps.)
We live in a society where “booing” mass murderers like Hillary Clinton and her buddies is considered more offensive than the war crimes of the mass murderers themselves.
more than once and don't forget that Hillary's campaign covered up some person on it that sexually harassed a woman. But for some reason only Bernie's campaign had to answer for that.
There is a picture of her with her hands on Weinstein and it makes me feel queasy. It's so disgusting to me that she hung out with that monster, accepted his fundraising efforts, vacationed on Jeffrey Epstein's island, and campaigned on her friendship with Henry Kissinger. (And this is scratching the tip of the iceberg, because the breadth and depth of scummy company she kept/keeps is mostly kept under wraps.)
18 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We live in a society where “booing” mass murderers like Hillary Clinton and her buddies is considered more offensive than the war crimes of the mass murderers themselves.
The boo Hillary crowd is on a roll today. I'm seeing so many great tweets telling Hillary and her sycophants to shove it.
It's okay for the rich white woman to say whatever the hell she wants, but it's not okay for a brown woman to have her own say about it. Bingo this!
21 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
So let me get this straight: Hillary Clinton, out of the blue & unprovoked, attacks a leading Dem presidential candidate (“Nobody likes him...he got nothing done”) &, then, when that candidates’ supporters boo her *for that line* they are to blame for incivility & Dem disunity??
Tlaib (needlessly) apologizes and the HRC camp trashes her anyway. This isn’t just about a bitter, corrupt narcissist refusing to accept responsibility for losing to Trump four years ago, it’s about trying to destroy the surging progressive movement that could beat him in 2020. https://t.co/03OeeBMCzh
Tlaib (needlessly) apologizes and the HRC camp trashes her anyway. This isn’t just about a bitter, corrupt narcissist refusing to accept responsibility for losing to Trump four years ago, it’s about trying to destroy the surging progressive movement that could beat him in 2020. https://t.co/03OeeBMCzh
just once, I’d love to hear “yeah, sorry, not sorry.”
Or, even better, one of these people point out the hypocrisy of the pear clutching over stuff like this when the “aggrieved” has done so much worse. I get it that the Sanders camp doesn’t want to piss all over the Dems like Trump did the GOP* but hasn’t anyone noticed yet that the Dems are going to shit all over Sanders regardless of how nice they play? What does this accomplish aside from looking like they aren’t willing to hold the Democrats accountable for anything?
* although I don’t understand why seeing as Trump ran the tables on the Republicans and his willingness to disrespect them has only endeared him to his supporters
Tlaib (needlessly) apologizes and the HRC camp trashes her anyway. This isn’t just about a bitter, corrupt narcissist refusing to accept responsibility for losing to Trump four years ago, it’s about trying to destroy the surging progressive movement that could beat him in 2020. https://t.co/03OeeBMCzh
the Dems are going to shit all over Sanders regardless of how nice they play?
Yup. And even though Tlaib apologized to Her she is still getting lots of crap for doing it in the first place. The rich white woman, brown woman tweet is so spot on. I'll see if I can find it again.
#13 just once, I’d love to hear “yeah, sorry, not sorry.”
Or, even better, one of these people point out the hypocrisy of the pear clutching over stuff like this when the “aggrieved” has done so much worse. I get it that the Sanders camp doesn’t want to piss all over the Dems like Trump did the GOP* but hasn’t anyone noticed yet that the Dems are going to shit all over Sanders regardless of how nice they play? What does this accomplish aside from looking like they aren’t willing to hold the Democrats accountable for anything?
* although I don’t understand why seeing as Trump ran the tables on the Republicans and his willingness to disrespect them has only endeared him to his supporters
16 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hillary Clinton is entitled to your applause. In fact, Hillary Clinton is entitled to more applause than that which you've been giving her, so cough it up, people.
24 users have voted.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
she still finds a way to make the 2020 election all about her, and not what she did wrong but how badly others wronged her.
Hillary Clinton is entitled to your applause. In fact, Hillary Clinton is entitled to more applause than that which you've been giving her, so cough it up, people.
17 users have voted.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Good for Rashida, except the apology part she didn't need to do. The Clinton's stole the party and moved it right to Republican lite. But they are real Democrats? Obama left the DNC 6+ million in debt which then lost a thousand seats nationwide. But the Obamas, Kaine, and Wasserman are real Democrats? Then Queen Clinton leaves the DNC 6 MILLION in debt again! But she is a real Democrat? They why are they hamstringing the functioning of the DNC leaving it in debt? Too busy collecting speaking fee checks? From wall st. and war inc.? And now the DNC is changing the rules so REPUBLICAN Mayor Bloomberg can run, no doubt as a real democrat.
Criticism is divisive? Not accepting their disastrous failures hurts unity? Come gather round our failures and shut up? So we can do some more.
Hillary, the Obamas, Neera, Posesta, David Brock and his Botflies can all F off.
23 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
And now the DNC is changing the rules so REPUBLICAN Mayor Bloomberg can run, no doubt as a real democrat.
But Bloomberg is? Lots of videos of him speaking at the rnc convention and thanking Bush for starting the war of terra. His stop and frisk is right up there with ByeDone's crime bill. My gawd stop and frisk was basically screwing their 4th amendment rights. "Empty your pockets!" Gotta search warrant for making me do that? "We don't need one."
And spot on for how Bill and Hill gutted every spot of dignity the DP once had. They became whores for the banks and corporations.
BTW..dr. John posted a link to a great article if you guys missed it. If Bernie just rolls again if they steal it then he's just sheepdawging us into voting for democrats. If he fights them and goes 3rd party the ski is the limit. Maybe?
Good for Rashida, except the apology part she didn't need to do. The Clinton's stole the party and moved it right to Republican lite. But they are real Democrats? Obama left the DNC 6+ million in debt which then lost a thousand seats nationwide. But the Obamas, Kaine, and Wasserman are real Democrats? Then Queen Clinton leaves the DNC 6 MILLION in debt again! But she is a real Democrat? They why are they hamstringing the functioning of the DNC leaving it in debt? Too busy collecting speaking fee checks? From wall st. and war inc.? And now the DNC is changing the rules so REPUBLICAN Mayor Bloomberg can run, no doubt as a real democrat.
Criticism is divisive? Not accepting their disastrous failures hurts unity? Come gather round our failures and shut up? So we can do some more.
Hillary, the Obamas, Neera, Posesta, David Brock and his Botflies can all F off.
12 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And now the DNC is changing the rules so REPUBLICAN Mayor Bloomberg can run, no doubt as a real democrat.
But Bloomberg is? Lots of videos of him speaking at the rnc convention and thanking Bush for starting the war of terra. His stop and frisk is right up there with ByeDone's crime bill. My gawd stop and frisk was basically screwing their 4th amendment rights. "Empty your pockets!" Gotta search warrant for making me do that? "We don't need one."
And spot on for how Bill and Hill gutted every spot of dignity the DP once had. They became whores for the banks and corporations.
BTW..dr. John posted a link to a great article if you guys missed it. If Bernie just rolls again if they steal it then he's just sheepdawging us into voting for democrats. If he fights them and goes 3rd party the ski is the limit. Maybe?
with a cute perky voice saying that Bloomberg yard signs are now available -- just call and let us know.
As a Sawant and Jayapal supporter and voter I didn't bother to pick up.
And now the DNC is changing the rules so REPUBLICAN Mayor Bloomberg can run, no doubt as a real democrat.
But Bloomberg is? Lots of videos of him speaking at the rnc convention and thanking Bush for starting the war of terra. His stop and frisk is right up there with ByeDone's crime bill. My gawd stop and frisk was basically screwing their 4th amendment rights. "Empty your pockets!" Gotta search warrant for making me do that? "We don't need one."
And spot on for how Bill and Hill gutted every spot of dignity the DP once had. They became whores for the banks and corporations.
BTW..dr. John posted a link to a great article if you guys missed it. If Bernie just rolls again if they steal it then he's just sheepdawging us into voting for democrats. If he fights them and goes 3rd party the ski is the limit. Maybe?
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
For the past few weeks, I’ve been clear about my intention to caucus for Tom Steyer and, if he’s not viable, then to support Bernie Sanders in realignment. My reasoning is simple. The climate crisis is an existential threat that trumps all issues. Steyer is the strongest on climate. Sanders is second.
Even for those of us who’ve decided who we’re going to support, there’s value in attending other candidates’ events to further elevate the climate conversation. That was my intent at Joe Biden’s “block party” on Sunday. After long answers to a handful of pre-arranged questions, Biden invited attendees to come up front for a photo and a brief question.
Sam Kuhn, Shaun Ahern, Kathy Byrnes, and I accepted his offer. I wanted to ask Biden about his stated opposition to new pipelines even as he supports replacing older existing pipelines. Those two positions are incompatible, and I wanted to know where he really stood.
And despite his repeated calls for unity, Biden rejects my offer to support him in the general election. That really shocked me. What was even more shocking was how Biden pushed and poked me, and then took hold of my jacket with both hands as he lectured me.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it one more time: Joe Biden is the Democratic candidate LEAST likely to beat Donald Trump. His demeanor on the stump will inevitably come back to bite him, perhaps repeatedly. His propensity to violate personal space is a huge non-asset in politics, and his frequent gaffes are prime fodder for opponents and the media.
Most important, Biden is simply wrong on climate change, and out-of-step with voters on so many issues.
So, here’s the truth that has become impossible to ignore:
I don't know what the rules are for letters and fair use so I'll stop here. But I hope you will read the rest of his letter and excerpt the good parts.
This is one of my tweets to someone scolding Tlaib...
If Hillary can piss and moan about any democratic candidate then everyone calling for unity and vote blue no matter who can stuff it!
She blew the easiest election in history and can't accept that she did.
Plus she had the media give $2 billion in air time that Trump.
It's getting lots of likes and retweets...
18 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If Bernie wins the nom, I can’t wait for the point in her inevitable speech at the Democratic Convention when Tulsi pulls her offstage with a giant hook like Sandman at the Apollo to wild applause
The nation’s most prominent elected Democrat said Friday her party must resist the temptation to chase progressive dreams, such as Medicare for All, if it wants to win the 2020 elections. The key to victory, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, is policies that appeal to the political mainstream.
“I just say to all of our friends, you know, you want to go to the left? You want to win the election, let’s make a decision to win the election. And when you make a decision to win the election, you have to make every decision in favor of winning,” Pelosi said in an interview Friday with the South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Board.
“There's plenty of progressive work that we can do in the mainstream without, um, shall we say, having the luxury of our exuberances in carving up a pie we don't even have,” she said.
“We all understand what is at stake,” Pelosi said. For Democrats it’s defeating President Donald Trump and maintaining the House and winning control of the Senate.
She said Democrats won control of the House in the 2018 midterms by running on mainstream issues. The things that work in her San Francisco district won’t necessarily be the issues that appeal to voters in Michigan. “We won last time with a mainstream message.”
Pelosi called Medicare for All, the idea of a government-run health program for everyone that’s being espoused by some of her party’s progressive presidential candidates, is “lovely in concept. Maybe one of these days that’s where we are. Not a winning message.”
Pelosi said she didn’t object to including Medicare for All as an option, but said proponents have an obligation to show the costs and the benefits. She does object to touting a Medicare for All plan in conjunction with eliminating the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare. “This is not going to happen.”
And yet she wants us to believe that she fought for single payer, but just didn't have the votes for it. Plenty of money to kill brown people everywhere and even more to give to the banks, but not enough to keep Americans alive? You can stuff it too you old warhorse!
17 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The nation’s most prominent elected Democrat said Friday her party must resist the temptation to chase progressive dreams, such as Medicare for All, if it wants to win the 2020 elections. The key to victory, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, is policies that appeal to the political mainstream.
“I just say to all of our friends, you know, you want to go to the left? You want to win the election, let’s make a decision to win the election. And when you make a decision to win the election, you have to make every decision in favor of winning,” Pelosi said in an interview Friday with the South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Board.
“There's plenty of progressive work that we can do in the mainstream without, um, shall we say, having the luxury of our exuberances in carving up a pie we don't even have,” she said.
“We all understand what is at stake,” Pelosi said. For Democrats it’s defeating President Donald Trump and maintaining the House and winning control of the Senate.
She said Democrats won control of the House in the 2018 midterms by running on mainstream issues. The things that work in her San Francisco district won’t necessarily be the issues that appeal to voters in Michigan. “We won last time with a mainstream message.”
Pelosi called Medicare for All, the idea of a government-run health program for everyone that’s being espoused by some of her party’s progressive presidential candidates, is “lovely in concept. Maybe one of these days that’s where we are. Not a winning message.”
Pelosi said she didn’t object to including Medicare for All as an option, but said proponents have an obligation to show the costs and the benefits. She does object to touting a Medicare for All plan in conjunction with eliminating the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare. “This is not going to happen.”
And yet she wants us to believe that she fought for single payer, but just didn't have the votes for it. Plenty of money to kill brown people everywhere and even more to give to the banks, but not enough to keep Americans alive? You can stuff it too you old warhorse!
12 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The nation’s most prominent elected Democrat said Friday her party must resist the temptation to chase progressive dreams, such as Medicare for All, if it wants to win the 2020 elections. The key to victory, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, is policies that appeal to the political mainstream.
“I just say to all of our friends, you know, you want to go to the left? You want to win the election, let’s make a decision to win the election. And when you make a decision to win the election, you have to make every decision in favor of winning,” Pelosi said in an interview Friday with the South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Board.
“There's plenty of progressive work that we can do in the mainstream without, um, shall we say, having the luxury of our exuberances in carving up a pie we don't even have,” she said.
“We all understand what is at stake,” Pelosi said. For Democrats it’s defeating President Donald Trump and maintaining the House and winning control of the Senate.
She said Democrats won control of the House in the 2018 midterms by running on mainstream issues. The things that work in her San Francisco district won’t necessarily be the issues that appeal to voters in Michigan. “We won last time with a mainstream message.”
Pelosi called Medicare for All, the idea of a government-run health program for everyone that’s being espoused by some of her party’s progressive presidential candidates, is “lovely in concept. Maybe one of these days that’s where we are. Not a winning message.”
Pelosi said she didn’t object to including Medicare for All as an option, but said proponents have an obligation to show the costs and the benefits. She does object to touting a Medicare for All plan in conjunction with eliminating the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare. “This is not going to happen.”
And yet she wants us to believe that she fought for single payer, but just didn't have the votes for it. Plenty of money to kill brown people everywhere and even more to give to the banks, but not enough to keep Americans alive? You can stuff it too you old warhorse!
Most of the replies are just as heinous. But guys don't forget that you have to vote blue no matter who even though it's going to be rigged in favor of the person who is going to lose to Trump. And Nancy once again is going to go out of her way to block all progressive legislation.
This is such a great point.
rashida tlaib booed hillary clinton.
hillary clinton assisted in the ongoing genocide of rashida tlaib’s people.
Most of the replies are just as heinous. But guys don't forget that you have to vote blue no matter who even though it's going to be rigged in favor of the person who is going to lose to Trump. And Nancy once again is going to go out of her way to block all progressive legislation.
This is such a great point.
rashida tlaib booed hillary clinton.
hillary clinton assisted in the ongoing genocide of rashida tlaib’s people.
I'm seeing lots of people questioning how it came into being. Right next to a lab studying viruses? Porten Downs and the novacheck scam? Not saying that is what happened....but censorship has been spreading for the wrong reasons.
I'd love to hear an explanation as to how a CNN & MSNBC parody account were suspended on the same day that doesn't come down to censorship on behalf of triggered elites @TwitterSupporthttps://t.co/HH7Ed1hvSP
I'm seeing lots of people questioning how it came into being. Right next to a lab studying viruses? Porten Downs and the novacheck scam? Not saying that is what happened....but censorship has been spreading for the wrong reasons.
It's true that the elites are getting pissy because people are calling them out. And here comes Warren wanting to censor more. Not unbelievable that the kids or inmates are totally on board with it. Why? Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia!
I'd love to hear an explanation as to how a CNN & MSNBC parody account were suspended on the same day that doesn't come down to censorship on behalf of triggered elites @TwitterSupporthttps://t.co/HH7Ed1hvSP
So proud of my longtime friend from Michigan who spoke the truth last night at the Bernie rally in Clive, Iowa. The audience booed Hillary, then somebody tried to shoosh them, and #Rashida said don’t shoosh them — boo Hillary and anyone else who doesn’t speak the truth. pic.twitter.com/cNjrV5mpAF
The Hillary campaign wanted to run against Trump. They dedicated massive resources to insuring that he get press time and be nominated. It was called the Pied Piper strategy. Their theory was that they could then threaten people of what would happen under Trump if they didn't vote for HIllary.
Of couse, the threats and promises didn't work then and they won't now. If they try to stop the movement that has built for Bernie, the move to a 3rd party -- or to the streets -- may come quickly.
There are so many hate pages on Facebook authored by DNC illuminati threatening long-term Democrats about the horrible fate that will befall them if they vote for Bernie -- (yet they continue to peddle the notion of the 'Bernie Bros.' being troublemakers). Every text we send for Bernie's campaign is reviewed and volunteers who cross the lines of not criticizing others are suspended. It's highly disciplined.
There are many over-50 people in my community who have beeen intimidated into not voicing support for Bernie. They are being told to say that everyone just has to agree to vote for whoever the Dems nominate.
A sick and dying order can't bring us to the future.
Bernie is running for president, but he's also trying to teach us how to struggle -- so that these lessons survive beyond the actions they will take to knee cap this movement and rig the primaries. There are important lessons to learn from all of this suppression and intimidation from the DNC and the MSM establishment. They're bringing everything they've got against him.
They actually interviewed employees of the fracking industry in PA who said they couldn't possibly vote for Bernie because he opposes fracking, and then interviewed supposed Bernie supporters who said that they could vote for Biden if Bernie didn't get nominated. As if there are more employees in the fracking industry than there are people who oppose fracking in PA. And educated people are taking some of this seriously.
Like we should all gear our votes to whatever would please the employees used as mouthpieces for the fracking industry!
Shillary is a loser and a despicable person to boot. She deserves to be booed. After her screed against Sanders, "Nobody likes him .... Nobody wants to work with him," and his supporters ("Bernie Bros"), I find myself hating her and her bots over at DK so much that it crowds out my hatred for Drumpf and his minions of Neo-Nazis.
Can you post a link to the tweet
I would like to see the responses to it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here it is...
This is the original tweet:#BooHillary is Trending!
This looks like the top tweet:
A Short History of Hillary Getting Booed
This is another example
Of AOCs point about how so many modern politicians/advisers are still running like the internet doesn’t exist. How long did it take someone to put this together?
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Somewhere in the UK a while back she heard someone yell
"Bernie would've WON!"
Damn those white male Bernie Bros!
Just look at all the privilege up on that stage!
Gotta love how the weekend before the first 2020 primary we're all still talking about the 2016 loser.
Can't actually say that's bad for Bernie, though.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I support booing war criminals, but then - party unity?
Fuck the fuck off, Faillary Clinton.
Time to Stifle your Women, Bernie!
ICYM Jimmy showing who Perez put on the DNC
Ralph Nadar on how the dems are not going to defeat Trump.
It Should Be Easy to Defeat Trump, But Corporate Democrats Look Ready and Willing to Blow It
Amen, Ralph.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The is what the Hilbots do.
How the fuck are there so many Hillbots still out there?
Hacks with jobs who do what they are told and try to earn extra brownie points for advancement. Opportunists with no scruples who will do anything for jobs.
I mean her unpaid fandom
Paid shills will prop up whoever they are told to; the wine moms and woke investment bankers on Twitter though?
The wine moms want jobs for their nieces
Woke investment bankers network for freinds, family and to get more clients who have money to piss away and make them richer.
They put selfies of themselves with Hillary or whoever on their office walls.
Just think of how many of these people there are in every city who are in one way or another dependent on the exclusive club otherwise known as the Democratic Party.
They are fighting for their livelihoods and they see us as peasants with the pitchforks.
You’re kidding, right? That’s when they start naming
crap after her.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Oh God no! Hahahaha
The Hillary Clinton Fracking Superfund Site. She has
been toxic.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Good on Faiz as this is the correct response.
Here is another BOO for you Hillary.
She must hate all of us too
Not me!
I will join in a prayer that she chokes to death at lunch and very painfully dies.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I picture a cartoonish fall off a tall cliff
Big drop-off of Democratic participation in 2016
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI) stated that 250,000 regular Democratic voters from Wisconsin stayed at home in 2016.
It's as if Democrats didn't see a choice worth getting off of the couch over. Donald Trump won Wisconsin by 23,000 votes.
But Russians, sure.
And Democratic candidates also under-performed down-ballot thanks to the low turnout across the country.
It is OK as the MSM keeps giving Hillary sloppy wet kisses.
Just like this!
Yes this Emily Sussman from back in September.
The fact that these charlatans are employed anywhere
Especially Joy Reid the homophobe
People forgave her the awful tweets she wrote including her lying about who did it and then she comes roaring back with attacks on Bernie.
Stuff it, Joy you corporate hack!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Russians hacked her blog, okay
I also can't stand that Reid didn't get shown the door to obscurity after that "misstep."
Seattle's Socialist City Council member Kshama Sawant
deserves a lot of credit for getting the $15.00 an hour bill passed by her work in mobilizing marches, organizing groups to target legislators to voice support for it, doing voter registration drives and the GOTV work come voting time.
She got reelected this last time in spite of all the forces (Dim Party leaders included) arrayed against her, including Jeff Bezos who poured money into campaign of her opponent and the votes were close but she managed the win.
I live ninety miles north of Seattle so I can't vote for her but I am on her email list just to see what she is up to and it is always something that should be happening all across the Country. She has announced that 2020 is the 'Tax Jeff Bezos Year' and her fight for rent control and low income hosing continues but look at the latest email, this energizer bunny never stops...
" Every year, hundreds of Seattleites get evicted from their homes - often for owing a
month or less in rent. Nearly 9 out of every 10 end up homeless. In the winter, eviction can
be a death sentence - nationally, 700 people experiencing homelessness die annually from the
effects of hypothermia in U.S. cities, according to the National Coalition for Homelessness.
In December, I introduced legislation that would place a moratorium on winter evictions of
residential renters in our city. Earlier in January, the Council’s Sustainability and Renters
Rights Committee, which I chair, passed my legislation - three in favor, and one abstention.
Now our bill is headed to the full City Council for a final vote. Can you join us?
**Please note the date change, from Feb. 3 to Feb. 10.**
Monday, Feb. 10
Seattle City Council meeting and vote to stop cruel winter evictions
City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, Seattle 98104
Whether you can attend or not, I urge you to also send an email to city councilmembers today
urging them to stop cruel winter evictions. You can customize your own letter, from this basic
template, by clicking here.
Our legislation calls for a halt to cruel evictions within Seattle during the winter months. The
legislation prohibits most evictions from November 1 through March 31, when Seattle is at its
coldest and wettest. Most evictions involve corporate landlords. The most common reason for
eviction: Inability to pay the rent because of a medical or family emergency, or lost
A recent study found that most renters evicted for nonpayment owed one month’s rent or less.
With my legislation, tenants will have the time to figure out a solution to their housing needs - whether it’s coming up with the funds to pay the rent, or finding a new place to live. They won’t
be thrown out on the street.
Not surprisingly, the corporate landlord lobby is pushing back. Which means our movement needs to
Will you write to city councilmembers today, and demand that they stand with tenants, not the
corporate landlords?
Tonight, in this extraordinarily wealthy city of ours, thousands of people will shiver in the
cold, be forced to sleep in cars, ride public transit, or gather in overcrowded shelters. The
housing unaffordability and homelessness crisis has worsened because rents are out of control and
because some of the world’s richest corporations escape any responsibility to pay their fair
share of the city’s taxes so we can build affordable housing.
We just went through a historic election in which Seattle voters overwhelmingly rejected Chamber-
bankrolled candidates who wanted to crack down on people experiencing homelessness, in favor of
progressive candidates. Addressing Seattle’s crisis will require bold policies such as the Amazon
Tax to fund services and a major expansion of social housing, a Green New Deal, and a strong,
citywide rent control policy.
This winter eviction moratorium is a step in the right direction, and is part of the humane approach to the homelessness crisis that voters have called for.
So please take these two steps:
Join us on Monday, Feb. 10 at City Hall, and tell City Council to adopt my winter eviction
moratorium bill.
Write and send your letter to city councilmembers today, telling them to stand with tenants and
stop cruel winter evictions!
In solidarity,
Kshama Sawant
Seattle City Council District 3
She had good reason
I'm sorry she was asked to walk back her righteous criticism of Hillary Clinton's recent actions attacking Bernie.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
And it wasn't even that bad to me
I was annoyed when the Sanders campaign reacted to the Cenk Uygur endorsement and subsequent back-step. It was reactionary but I hope that it never happens again.
This tweet is spot on
The boo Hillary crowd is on a roll today. I'm seeing so many great tweets telling Hillary and her sycophants to shove it.
It's okay for the rich white woman to say whatever the hell she wants, but it's not okay for a brown woman to have her own say about it. Bingo this!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Exactly right
There is a picture of her with her hands on Weinstein and it makes me feel queasy. It's so disgusting to me that she hung out with that monster, accepted his fundraising efforts, vacationed on Jeffrey Epstein's island, and campaigned on her friendship with Henry Kissinger. (And this is scratching the tip of the iceberg, because the breadth and depth of scummy company she kept/keeps is mostly kept under wraps.)
Hillary and Huma flew on Epstein's plane
more than once and don't forget that Hillary's campaign covered up some person on it that sexually harassed a woman. But for some reason only Bernie's campaign had to answer for that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My favorite so far:
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I believe she chose to save Bernie the distraction /nt
This pretty much sums it up. (at least for the Hillary crowd)
Hear that? It's the painful death of the Establishment DNC
in the form of a four-year-long screech-cackle made by the unfortunately ubiquitous Two-Time Failed Presidential Candidate.
Tlaib apologized...Hillary slams her anyway
Take it back, Tlaib cuz you were right to do it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It doesn't matter what the Sanders camp does.
Political Ticker: Abbi Tanton -- PUMA Party Unity My Ass
Ready for Dystopia
Or, even better, one of these people point out the hypocrisy of the pear clutching over stuff like this when the “aggrieved” has done so much worse. I get it that the Sanders camp doesn’t want to piss all over the Dems like Trump did the GOP* but hasn’t anyone noticed yet that the Dems are going to shit all over Sanders regardless of how nice they play? What does this accomplish aside from looking like they aren’t willing to hold the Democrats accountable for anything?
* although I don’t understand why seeing as Trump ran the tables on the Republicans and his willingness to disrespect them has only endeared him to his supporters
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Yup. And even though Tlaib apologized to Her she is still getting lots of crap for doing it in the first place. The rich white woman, brown woman tweet is so spot on. I'll see if I can find it again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Rashida Tlaib didn't get the memo.
Hillary Clinton is entitled to your applause. In fact, Hillary Clinton is entitled to more applause than that which you've been giving her, so cough it up, people.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
It is amazing how after 4 years
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Rashida was right
Good for Rashida, except the apology part she didn't need to do. The Clinton's stole the party and moved it right to Republican lite. But they are real Democrats? Obama left the DNC 6+ million in debt which then lost a thousand seats nationwide. But the Obamas, Kaine, and Wasserman are real Democrats? Then Queen Clinton leaves the DNC 6 MILLION in debt again! But she is a real Democrat? They why are they hamstringing the functioning of the DNC leaving it in debt? Too busy collecting speaking fee checks? From wall st. and war inc.? And now the DNC is changing the rules so REPUBLICAN Mayor Bloomberg can run, no doubt as a real democrat.
Criticism is divisive? Not accepting their disastrous failures hurts unity? Come gather round our failures and shut up? So we can do some more.
Hillary, the Obamas, Neera, Posesta, David Brock and his Botflies can all F off.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
But Bernie ain't a democrat dammit!
But Bloomberg is? Lots of videos of him speaking at the rnc convention and thanking Bush for starting the war of terra. His stop and frisk is right up there with ByeDone's crime bill. My gawd stop and frisk was basically screwing their 4th amendment rights. "Empty your pockets!" Gotta search warrant for making me do that? "We don't need one."
And spot on for how Bill and Hill gutted every spot of dignity the DP once had. They became whores for the banks and corporations.
BTW..dr. John posted a link to a great article if you guys missed it. If Bernie just rolls again if they steal it then he's just sheepdawging us into voting for democrats. If he fights them and goes 3rd party the ski is the limit. Maybe?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Dem party made him swear an oath in blood
that he would 1) support the Dem nominee no matter who it was and 2) not leave the Dem party to run as an independent.
Then they screwed him anyway, and he kept his oath anyway.
That oath is still in effect.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Got a call yesterday from a young woman
with a cute perky voice saying that Bloomberg yard signs are now available -- just call and let us know.
As a Sawant and Jayapal supporter and voter I didn't bother to pick up.
(No subject)
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
From the guy Biden dissed
Ed Fallen is not some nobody.
Biden didn’t need to do this to me
I don't know what the rules are for letters and fair use so I'll stop here. But I hope you will read the rest of his letter and excerpt the good parts.
This is one of my tweets to someone scolding Tlaib...
It's getting lots of likes and retweets...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I got $5 for this bet
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Nancy is doing her part in keeping Bernie from winning
Pelosi says Democrats must focus on mainstream, not progressive exuberances, to win in 2020
And yet she wants us to believe that she fought for single payer, but just didn't have the votes for it. Plenty of money to kill brown people everywhere and even more to give to the banks, but not enough to keep Americans alive? You can stuff it too you old warhorse!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
warhorse was way too kind.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It would do my heart wonders to see this happen.
Wow..just wow
Centrists are showing their true colors. They would rather defend the warmongering, single payer denying, bank worshipping b*tch than see Bernie win.
Most of the replies are just as heinous. But guys don't forget that you have to vote blue no matter who even though it's going to be rigged in favor of the person who is going to lose to Trump. And Nancy once again is going to go out of her way to block all progressive legislation.
This is such a great point.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Almost a year old and even more relevant today:
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Just a simple reminder that nobody likes Bernie. HAH!
@humphrey That's a lotta nobodies!
"Not me. Us."
Words of wisdom from another corporate tool from Delaware.
The tweet cut the list short. This is the full list.
If you put words or just.....in front of your tweets they post bigger. Just a friendly FYI...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Zero Hedges has been banned from Twitter for doing journalism
Why is it wrong to question the outbreak of the corona virus?
I'm seeing lots of people questioning how it came into being. Right next to a lab studying viruses? Porten Downs and the novacheck scam? Not saying that is what happened....but censorship has been spreading for the wrong reasons.
ETA link to the original article that got them banned.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I don't think that it was a coincidence that this also happened
Lots of people are being banned from Twitter
It's true that the elites are getting pissy because people are calling them out. And here comes Warren wanting to censor more. Not unbelievable that the kids or inmates are totally on board with it. Why? Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Adding this simply because it made me chuckle.
I have watched this about 1000 times
Michael Moore has her back.
Hillary created Trump - it was called the Pied Piper strategy
The Hillary campaign wanted to run against Trump. They dedicated massive resources to insuring that he get press time and be nominated. It was called the Pied Piper strategy. Their theory was that they could then threaten people of what would happen under Trump if they didn't vote for HIllary.
Of couse, the threats and promises didn't work then and they won't now. If they try to stop the movement that has built for Bernie, the move to a 3rd party -- or to the streets -- may come quickly.
There are so many hate pages on Facebook authored by DNC illuminati threatening long-term Democrats about the horrible fate that will befall them if they vote for Bernie -- (yet they continue to peddle the notion of the 'Bernie Bros.' being troublemakers). Every text we send for Bernie's campaign is reviewed and volunteers who cross the lines of not criticizing others are suspended. It's highly disciplined.
There are many over-50 people in my community who have beeen intimidated into not voicing support for Bernie. They are being told to say that everyone just has to agree to vote for whoever the Dems nominate.
A sick and dying order can't bring us to the future.
Bernie is running for president, but he's also trying to teach us how to struggle -- so that these lessons survive beyond the actions they will take to knee cap this movement and rig the primaries. There are important lessons to learn from all of this suppression and intimidation from the DNC and the MSM establishment. They're bringing everything they've got against him.
They actually interviewed employees of the fracking industry in PA who said they couldn't possibly vote for Bernie because he opposes fracking, and then interviewed supposed Bernie supporters who said that they could vote for Biden if Bernie didn't get nominated. As if there are more employees in the fracking industry than there are people who oppose fracking in PA. And educated people are taking some of this seriously.
Like we should all gear our votes to whatever would please the employees used as mouthpieces for the fracking industry!
Good for Tlaib!
Shillary is a loser and a despicable person to boot. She deserves to be booed. After her screed against Sanders, "Nobody likes him .... Nobody wants to work with him," and his supporters ("Bernie Bros"), I find myself hating her and her bots over at DK so much that it crowds out my hatred for Drumpf and his minions of Neo-Nazis.
"Not me. Us."