The Camel plans to hump for ByeDone, maybe

In the department of useless gestures, such as voting in California, I hereby submit this comment to Madame Prosecutor, protector of the poor and disadvantaged. Think of her largesse, please, in providing so many of our citizens three hots and a cot for their use of Marijuana. How could one disparage the selfless acts of a public servant who ensures that our state will have a steady supply of reliable labor to perform essential work, such as political surveys--working at home, the Gray Bar Hotel? I contend, dear fellow swampers, that one would be remiss in failure to give credit where credit is due (and she has lots of credit at any office of Mnuchin's banks).

Days ago, the New York Times reported that Kamala Harris is seriously considering an endorsement of Joe Biden for president -- and she might endorse him well before the March 3 primary here in California.

Such an endorsement would be widely understood as an effort to tilt the race for the Democratic presidential nomination away from progressive candidates.

The Nation magazine has published an investigative article headlined “Joe Biden’s Friends and Backers Come Out on Top -- at the Expense of the Middle Class.” Written by a veteran reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, the piece noted: “Progressive Democrats who think 2020 is their year won’t soon forget Biden’s long fight for the banks and credit card companies against credit card and student debt relief.”

Meanwhile, an editorial by The Nation pointed out “Biden’s long record of poor judgment -- on everything from the 1994 crime bill that fueled mass incarceration to his botched handling of Anita Hill’s testimony against Clarence Thomas to his defense of Bill Clinton’s brutal welfare cuts to his support for the Iraq War to his role as cheerleader for Wall Street deregulation.” The editors concluded: “It may still be unclear which Democrat is best positioned to defeat Donald Trump, but we know one thing: The answer is not Joe Biden.”

Being a good citizen of the Western branch of the Dismal Swamp, it became evident that Kamala needed some toothful advice--oh, how I wish.

As a constituent, I urge you not to endorse Joe Biden for president during the primaries. I am especially concerned that, as the New York Times reported on Jan. 24, you might endorse him before the California primary. Such an endorsement would be very disappointing, and for many Californians would tarnish your reputation.

You are a soulless suck-up. I don't expect you to act in good faith to help our country for any reason except your personal benefit.

I went to bed, dreaming of an angel in the Senate--woke up with a monster.


Who sees us when we cry?

16 users have voted.


Not Henry Kissinger's picture

California Dem Primary Poll

During the debates, Harris all but accused Biden of being an unreconstructed segregationist.

Now she wants to endorse him?

Not sure how that helps either of them.

23 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger

13 users have voted.

California for Biden before the voting starts like 2016.

@Not Henry Kissinger

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture

Good point.
Woes begotten.
To whom does it matter
what we think
and suffer with
beyond the maga

5 users have voted.

question everything


Bloomberg's rise comes t Biden's expense.
Warren's fall is Bernie's gain.

19 users have voted.

Does she actually believe in something? She tried to position herself between Medicare for All and Obamacare. I never understood her theory for her candidacy. If she endorses Biden, it becomes clear that she just wants to win things.

19 users have voted.
Situational Lefty's picture

@psychodrew white people will vote for against their own best interests.

I think she just wants to confirm her own blackness.

At this point, she needs some reassurance.

4 users have voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

I’m with the people who feel Harris is aiming for Biden’s VP slot. I also agree with the people who feel this helps neither.

18 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

CB's picture

Who hasn't witnessed the obvious degeneration of Biden's intellect? Why is everyone looking the other way? Biden will be a gibbering idiot within a year or two into his presidency. Then, whomever is VP will get to steer the floundering Ship of State Fools. Maybe Kamala figures she can ride in on his coattails. (After Tulsi laid that well earned hurt on her there is no other way she could do it.)


17 users have voted.
Creosote.'s picture

It's obvious Biden lost a lot of weight in the last year or two -- why? Could that perhaps be related to some open-heart surgery, during which I understand that problems happen when sufficient oxygen isn't present? Something similar seems to have happened to Her's husband as well.

2 users have voted.

him at the last minute for reasons. It would explain why he takes a dump on anyone who asks him a question in public. He really doesn't give a shit.


5 users have voted.

@CB It feels so much like these career politicians see the Presidency as the goal line they must cross rather than having any actual drive for the office. Like they've checked all the other boxes and this is the last one they need to "win". I especially feel this way about people like Biden and HER who had multiple failed runs and just keep at it.

6 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

PriceRip's picture

          More like, belligerently ignorant, but perhaps that is a bit harsh … right?.

          I am encountering far too many (here a bit north of the California border) that truly think we can survive by implementing micro movement away from the sarlacc inhabiting the Great Pit of Carkoon that is the Republican vision of the future.

          It is obvious that the DNC and much of the rank-and-file don't take the wholesale slaughter of our political, and regulatory institutions seriously. "Tis but a scratch" … "I'm Invincible" they think as they dream of turning the tide influencing the results of one local office election at a time. Because, going for the big win, "That's Impossible" … right


12 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@PriceRip Casual dining is not for me, RIP. I do not play with my food, I do digest them forthwith, posthaste, as it were. A merciful death occurs when those to be eaten say "thank you for what you are about to do". After all, it is only fitting that slaves thank their masters for ending their sorrowful misery quickly and efficiently. The work of eating the poor is never done and must be performed quickly, else they multiply too rapidly.

5 users have voted.

That was your first mistake.

Being a swamp member, I just have to ask. You weren't wet dreaming about a camel humping alligator, were you?

4 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@davidgmillsatty Camels are on my delicacy list. We, at the Californicate division of the Dismal Swamp, do not regard Camels in any other means, except to:

Abuse them,
then eat them.

Bactrians are more challenging meals because they have an extra hump. Thus, for casual dining, I prefer Dromedaries. Alluding to wet dreams, in which we reptiles do not indulge, I would prefer a juicy Klobachar. She seems built for comfort, not for speed. A bit of adiposity aids in digestion.

4 users have voted.
QMS's picture

As RIP duly noted
not about us, but the fuss
is mostly about screwing the potential
of a bonafide movement toward
peace and future
why do these creeps exist?
not confusing me for sure

8 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture

Joe Biden’s Friends and Backers Come Out on Top -- at the Expense of the Middle Class.”

If Harris endorses Mr. MBNA for president then she is saying that we deserved all the bad legislation ByeDone got passed. Good golly we sure do owe Tulsi a debt of gratitude for taking her down. And with Russian talking points of all things.

Warren wants there to be large penalties for anyone who spreads disinformation on the internet, but I doubt she will go after the mainstream media for them doing it or Rachel Moscow for filling people's heads with democratic propaganda.

And have you noticed how Warren hasn't gone after Biden for his bankruptcy bill which she said is the reason she got into politics? Harris did for his segregation trick and Bernie has for his Iraq war vote but the only person Warren has gone after is Bernie and she had to lie about it to do it.

16 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Your comment is correct, as far as it goes.

I especially like (approve, support, concur, agree, etc.) with the comment:

Warren wants there to be large penalties for anyone who spreads disinformation on the internet


Yes, let us stifle any opinion we do not approve (affirm, support, agree, etc.) any opinion with which we disagree, all in the name of Truth, Beauty and the Amerikan Way. Do not dare think (under pain of penalties as yet undecided) of objecting to the obvious truth that we, Those Who Know Best, have determined for your canine or other inferior brains. that WE know best.

I have lit a candle at my church, the Church of the Great Sobek, that we heed and obey, under penalty of Warrenization, the great, liberty-loving opinions of the Wonderful Liz the Wiz. My prayer goes as follows:

"Our mother, who art in Massachusetts, tallowed be thy name, forgive us our trespasses as we dare voicing any opinions contrary to Your Eminent Wisdom."

Now, please, Congregants in the Holy Church of ABWD (Any Blue Will Do) attend this Admonition and speak not heresy against Liz The Wiz or any appointed disciples.

Hey, when it comes to Blue, then I'm Done Gone Blue


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