Biden on Joe Rogan endorsement of Bernie - Updated x2
Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights.
— Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) January 25, 2020
Can you say hypocrite? Sure you can.
— White Assad (@RacismFactory) January 25, 2020
More hypocrisy, but this ain't rare for Neera.
I'm sorry Neera, you were making some point about protecting people?
Am I getting this right? Did you not out an anonymous victim of sexual harassment?
And weren't you also silent when your idol Hillary made offensive comments about the trans community?
Just stop.
— beth, purity test enthusiast (@bourgeoisalien) January 25, 2020
Bam! Here is Biden talking about cutting social security during MyBoss' tenure. Let's see Joe's campaign defend this!
NEW: video of a speech Biden gave in 2011 in China, in which he explains his role in negotiating a “tentative agreement” with Republicans to cut “entitlements” like Social Security and Medicare, to “reduce the deficit.”
— 29 U.S.C. § 157 (@OrganizingPower) January 25, 2020
One trillion is what we're spending on the military for one year. When people have to pay into a system that shouldn't be then called Entitlements!
Here's Joe shaming people for being poor
Joe Biden in 1987 proposing changes to the welfare system so that “Mom can’t get the money and go buy sunglasses—you know, the old stuff. Dad can’t get the money and go out to the track.”
9 years later, he voted for work requirements for welfare, which exacerbated deep poverty.
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) January 25, 2020
#%^**^%#!!!! Words not for polite discussion

I'm waiting for Biden, Warren and Neera to denounce Maher
Speak it, Glenn
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I posted this elsewhere earlier but it also fits here.
Joe Rogan's stance on trans
I commented earlier on this
I agree with Rogan that if men transition into women they shouldn't be allowed to compete against them because they still have more strength than women. And especially if they haven't transitioned. I don't think it's fair. If this is what people are upset about with Rogan I'd like to hear from them why this is controversial.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The main thing that pissed off Rogan
was Fallon Fox did not reveal the fact that she was a transgender woman before the fight. I fully agree with Rogan when it comes to sports where male/female physiology plays an important role. That's why we have separated sporting events.
Yeah that's what I said about this
So it's a lot of yada yada about nothing. Typical.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Some democrats (status quo establishment ones) haz a sad.
Bernie is everywhere.
Get you story straight Joe. Your history speaks the truth.
I doesn't hurt to add this to the conversation.
Trump will mop the floor with you Joe.
Dreaming of k-street turned into affordable housing.
I think that it MoveOn's leadership not its members opinion.
Bernie leads? We don't like it! (says media)
The Hill
As for Rogan, he's a guy out of millions. Any backlash against Bernie is, as we all know, the centrists finding one more reason to bash.
Look how the NYTimes gaslights it own column.
no kidding...
their own headline makes sure to indicate it might not mean anything!
"Sanders seizes lead in volatile race, Times poll finds"
Perez is setting up Bernie's screwing
This is a must read thread about how and who is going to screw Bernie. John Podesta? Lots of ex Hillary supporters? Harris supporters? Read more.
Y'all remember Podesta don't you?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A sigh of relief from Nate's Liver.
Deny this Joe!
I updated the essay with a video of his speech
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Can't say that this makes me smile.
In trying to keep up with newspaper endorsement game.
This is what I call an endorsement. One from the people!
I suppose that I should add this one.
I’m still laughing at this.
Does Biden’s campaign (because I can’t believe Joe knows how to use Twitter) honestly expect anyone to believe Transgender rights ever cross his mind, let alone that he believes it is the civil rights issue of our time? They are flailing for anything to divert attention from social security, aren’t they? What’s next? Suddenly Biden wants to talk all about Hunter and the Ukraine?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Yeah like that ever crossed ByeDone's radar
The newest video of him going after SS is very damning because it brings Obama into it. Obama sold us out and people are pissed at him for doing so, but to get confirmation that he wanted to work with republicans to gut SS will add more fuel to this fire. Good.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Biden diminishes the struggle of African Americans
You know that's what Brock's minions would be saying about Bernie if that was Bernie's tweet . . . .
When the people hear the truth their decisions are clear.
That is why the MSM avoids telling it.
The people complaining about Rogan don't object to Kissinger
. . . and other right wing shits when they support the likes of Hillary or Biden or Warren.
My guess is that all this IdPol idiocy is being pushed and coordinated by David Brock:
I feel sort of out of the loop on Joe Rogan.
I have watched perhaps 2 of his shows. Each show featured Jimmy Dore, and they were fun, interesting, and the two of them seemed to be on the same page.
I do not watch fights, do not watch TV, but I knew he had something to do with that type of sports entertainment.
But I didn't know he was considered some sort of right winger until this kerfuffle.
Who was the pro tennis player transwoman that flipped out the tennis circuit all those years ago?
Maybe decades ago?
This sports issue is not new.
And this has nothing to do with Bernie. I bet everyone on this site has some right winger acquaintance that would prefer Bernie to Trump, just for Medicare for All.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Rogan is not a rightwinger
He's not an establishment Democrat either. In the partisan scheme of things he's probably most accurately sorted as a left-leaning libertarian, primarily the anti-authoritarian kind. (From my pov anti-authoritarians, whether right or left, are the only real libertarians.)
Like a lot of standup comedians, Rogan's not much of a tribal thinker and he likes to rail on that kind of thought. I share that non-conformist kind of thinking style which is one of the reasons I've been a lifelong fan of standup comedy and have enjoyed Rogan's standup bits.
And of course nothing establishment Democrats or any of their sycophants are saying right now about Joe Rogan has anything to do with anything besides their foaming-at-the-mouth loathing of Bernie Sanders.
Bernie isn't a democrat!
Umm I think Manchin votes with republicans much more than he does democrats. In fact he is thinking of not voting to impeach Trump. But of course every republican that doesn't is Putin's puppet of course.
Now that Trump gets to tell his side of the story will anyone bother to listen to the evidence Trump's lawyers put up or will they just say it's conspiracy theories and Trump is guilty?
Second DCOTN
Oh goody. This just doesn't make sense to me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.