Rising: Post democratic debate
Submitted by snoopydawg on Wed, 01/15/2020 - 10:11am
Sanders Press Secretary Reacts LIVE To Warren Attack
Bernie's answer to "Why did yous say Warren couldn't be president" starts at 9:00
And wtf did Warren mean that only women won reelection? Hello. Bernie is a sitting US senator so doesn't that mean that he has won reelection more that Warren has?
Here is Krystal talking about how Warren stabbed Bernie in the back. h/t Wally
Again here is Warren refusing to shake Bernie's hand after she shook Biden's.
Look who gets a handshake and look at who doesn’t. pic.twitter.com/nbUv5oQhnJ
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) January 15, 2020
Saagar calls out CNN's outrageous conduct.
CNN was amateurish
To truly be effective in your bias you can't be so obvious.
When the audience laughs you messed up.
"Fox would have done a better job."
I have to agree. That's sad.
Bernie missed a chance
Something like that. Instead, he offered semi-pushback in a polite way. I would have pushed back harder, using CNN as an obvious and handy object of scorn.
Bernie also should have hit Biden harder on Iraq -- not just noting his vote, which he always does, but how JB led the Dem effort to pass the authorization then post-invasion clearly indicated in public remarks that he agreed with the use of military force. In the days leading up to the debate, his speechwriter David Sirota was all over twitter with dozens of tweets about this.
Sirota was also aggressively posting past Biden comments about Joe's 35 yrs of support for SS cuts. This wasn't mentioned in the debate at all.
No one went after Biden last night, including the moderators, including Klobbachair, who needs those Biden moderates. No wonder he's still considered the frontrunner. This passive attitude by the rest of the field towards Biden is all a bit of a mystery to me. They are in the process of passively and politely ceding the nomination to Joe.
It's dangerous to go after Biden.
Look what happened to Trump. The "deep state" wants Biden to win. The bankgangers want Biden to win. The warmongers want Biden to win. He's most simpatico to their causes. If any of the Democratic candidates goes after Biden, they'll be kneecapped.
Dems are always
I'm not sure on the Deep State angle, but it's plausible given the timid nature of the Dem gutless wonders.
Well, somebody, sometime
Mary Bennett
Bernie was in an impossible position
If he went after Warren, the sexist accusation would have been amplified.
We responded with a new nightly record of over 100,000 contributions (not sure of the dollar amount yet).
Warren has united the real left and we are fighting back for him.
Not just Bernie, US!
The trick is to keep her below 15% in each state so she can't give any delegates to Biden. She's a spoiler and that's all she is.
That's why I suggested
In any case, I'm more upset at how he failed to nail Biden along the lines his guy Sirota was lining up in tweets prior to the debate. So much juicy material there, totally fair game, attacking Biden not just for his judgment but for his credibility and honesty in characterizing his positions.
No rigging here, except for the MSM doing what it's been doing for decades in going after the most progressive candidates. Bernie will have no one to blame but himself if he continues to play Mr Nice Guy to Biden and Joe goes on to get the nom and of course lose the election.
I'm not gonna blame Bernie for what Warren and MSM cooked up
There's time for going after Warren and Biden as this plays out over the next month towards Super Tuesday which comes before the end of this Winter. And do it in situations where MSM isn't in total control of what's going on.
He's trying to win a rigged game. That means there are different rules.
That's the effective strategy
.Bernie is a master. By holding himself back, Bernie created a little vacuum, left a little room. And who rushed in to fill the empty space? We did, bringing our commitment and our donations.
But what is more astonishing, the skeptics, the sideliners, and the brain-dead media filled the space. Americans have this innate sense of fairness, and they got a chance to identify with Bernie and they took it. Wow.
The constant carping on identity issues from the Democrats reached a tipping point. It's not that they are wrong about the abuses, but their tactics have been obnoxious and they have made people resentful. The Dems are lucky Bernie is there to give them a safe space and keep them close. This 'me too' tension is part of the reason that Hillary lost.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Biden apologizes for his Iraq war vote, BUT
Nuclear Weapons, Joe? Who said Saddam was working on getting nukes? And good job letting everyone know that you were MyBoss' VP. Again.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That's the right question:
But speaking of 'right questions', has anyone ever asked, "Who said Iran was working on getting nukes?"
I mean, Iran could have acquired nukes anytime they wanted them over the past fifty years. Just as India and Pakistan have. But they didn't. So, what gives?
I've been researching this for several months. But this is not the first time I've researched it over the years.
The US-built Iran's nuclear industry, back in the 1950s. The goal was for Iran to stop burning oil for domestic energy and to use nuclear power plants instead. In fact, the US co-developed Iran's first power plant and the US' first power plant at the same time. The government contractor was General Electric for both countries.
(I'm sure all Americans know this. Right?)
The plan was for Iran to export its oil to the US (at cost). In fact, US oil companies went to Iran to suck their oil of the ground for them. Iranian oil would also be exported to 800 US military bases around the world, that were part of the plan for the New American Empire, sitting on the drawing board. So, while Iran geared up for nuclear power, the US installed a puppet dictator in Iran just to make sure Iranians didn't object to having their natural resources stripped. Any protest of this arrangement was immediately crushed.
(All this, while Israel was evicting millions of indigenous Arabs from their native lands. What could possibly go wrong? Meanwhile, Syria and Iran were among the very first real democracies in the Middle East. But, you can't asset-strip real Democracies. That's why the US has to overthrow them and install US-subservient democracies: Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iran, etc. The Impeachment is our way of grooming Ukraine's new President Zelensky — that's why the Democratic bosses keep inserting Ukraine into the manufactured crimes against Trump. Ukraine is holding the smoking gun for the real 2016 election crimes and US money laundering theft.)
This history is not a secret. I'm sure all Americans learn these facts in school since they establish an ongoing geopolitical situation that is directly affecting their economic security. Or, maybe this is not taught to Americans.
I won't belabor this. Just wanted to point out that Iran has been building out their nuclear power infrastructure ever since. They have been developing their own fuel because they are blocked from importing it. The Shia (Iranians) consistently — and to the present day — denounce the existance of weapons of mass destruction. Developing nuclear weapons would be an abomination to their religious philisophy. We have been told this. We know this. Weapons inspectors have confirmed this over the decades.
We also know, through open-source intelligence, that Iran had the opportunity to receive a technology-transfer of nuclear weapon technology, but this is unthinkable for them. The Iranian nuclear agreement, under Obama, was a tremendous humiliation for them as a culture because they had to pretend they were developing nuclear weapons and then agree to submit to constant supervision by outside authorities. This was the only way they could stop the ongoing US acts of economic terrorism against their nation. They sucked up their humiliation and signed.
But at no time were they ever caught doing what they were accused of. The American people have endured 50 years of anti-Iranian gaslighting to embed this lie in their brains. This lie has been used to asset-stripped the American people for decades in order to fund Israel's military horror-show in the Middle East. All of it has been an evidence-free propaganda-fest by the US government authoritarians who control the State Department, the Pentagon, DOJ, White House, and Treasury, in conjunction with their Israeli cohorts and operatives woven into the fabric of DC and the Corporate Media, reaching up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Evidence free.
Until we can unyoke Americans from this propaganda harness, and stop paying this extortion, we are going nowhere, politically. There is no other escape from this slavery.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Yep I was taught none of that during my 12 years of being fed propaganda. I did know this..
My local media commentary is so full of people who have believed every thing that they have heard over their lifetime. Iranians scream death to America for no reason. They hate us for our freedoms even though we don't have many left. And of course we need to fund the military above all else because we are the world police keeping other countries safe. From what? Us? lol.
Did you see the Craig Murray and Michael Hudson articles that talked about our connections with the Saudis? This was one of the reasons Soleimani was killed in cold blood. Peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran can never happen.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I have a problem with this.
I have a big problem with Michael Hudson. His interview with the Saker was pure Mossad controlled opposition. And, the Saker knew it. I'm now wondering what his game is.
The CIA/Mossad have been creating these propaganda-assets among journalists and experts since WWII, as you know. Hudson is the real deal on geopolitical economics. Rare truth-telling. Strips away all the veils, right? Yeah, well... that's the set up for wangling brainiacs, unfortunately.
Sometimes his writing is not tainted at all. And, when it is, it's only tainted in very specific places. I'm still surveying his articles that pertain to 'bullshit' events. I wouldn't have picked up on Hudson at all if he hadn't done that interview with the Saker. The interview format is a deadly one for anyone. (Always demand a lawyer.) That's how Mueller nailed all his bs process crimes.
Sorry if that is a spoiler. It was for me, too. Still, I'll be reading everything he writes from now on. His spookiness generates its own intel. If I hadn't read the link you posted, I wouldn't have looked under Hudson's hood. I would have never noticed that his long-time business partner was Head of Mossad.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
[edited] PS: This could be a misdirection.
If this points a finger at Netanyahu and Mossad, however, then it may help explain who is behind this operation — and why the US is providing cover. The screwed up explanations coming from the White House make it all look unconvincing, though.
VIPS sent a memo to the President after the assassination, signed by most of their members. It was printed at Consortium News and the Readers Comments are eye-opening. They seem to understand what Israel has to gain from the hit. The American people certainly do not benefit. After reading this and other discussions, I doubt that the US military was involved at all. To me, it looks like a thrown gauntlet intended to expedite the Shiite extermination across the Middle East. That's a core competency of the US, so that part makes sense.
US Foreign Policy is dedicated to this. I imagine there's some kind of quid pro quo, Something related to Dollar hegemony, perhaps.
It appears to some observers that the Neocons/Deep State are in control of the tactical gameboard. No matter what kind of legislation that Congress passes pertaining to foreign policy, it's ineffective. When it's tested, they will discover they have no power to prevent military action. The impeachment is a facepalm that relies entirely on a misinformed, uninformed populace. (Anyway, they are just temporary employees of the States. And there's a rush to resignation underway,) On that note, I wonder why the Russian Prime Minister resigned today?
[edited before responses to provide details for the hypothesis]
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Changes proposed
I'm still researching what went down, but you can start here:
Russian political earthquake: Putin sets out plan for Kremlin departure & Medvedev resigns
Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution
Thanks for those links.
It's difficult to maintain a stationary perspective. I was amazed to view the corruption that was taking place in Ukraine during the 2016 elections. Ukraine prosecutors completed their investigation of the Democratic participation in the financial theft and election meddling about 18 months ago. So it's curious that Trump asked for investigations that were already complete. Perhaps there is confusion over the fact that what the Democrats did there is not a crime in Ukraine.
Anyway, the physical evidence and filmed testimonies of these crimes is posted on the Internet. I have the notices of these crimes sent by the Ukraine parliament in November 2019, during the impeachment hearings. It does name names. It's curious that Trump's allies don't use it. I've learned that it is easy it is to keep publically available information out of the heads of the American People.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
This is what Hudson was talking about
Whether he works with Mossad or not I think his first article on the Qassam hit had some excellent information in it regarding our connection to the Saudis no matter what they do.
As for the Russian government resigning today RT has some good articles on it. From what I understand of it Putin is trying to protect Russia from outside interference. He is going to allow the people to vote on what he is proposing. And Medeved is still going to be part of the government. He's just in another role.
I'm seeing people saying that Putin is making a power grab and is setting himself to be president for life. I seriously doubt that is what he is doing. Time will tell.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thanks, Dawg
It's coming back to me. There's some sort of big deadline coming up with the World Court. Putin is removing Russia from liability for war crimes from 70 years ago. It's vague. The resignation seemed to come out of left field.
"President for life." lol. People are nuts. No self-awareness at all.
Is this the artice you are referring to? I may have gotten references mixed up. So sorry.
The Saker interviews Michael Hudson
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
This is his first speech on this
America Escalates its “Democratic” Oil War in the Near East
I have read others that talk about our alliance with the Saudis because of their oil and our weapons and such.
LOL... Here's one that says Putin is setting himself up for president for life.
Well then okay. Let's just make up a headline stating something unequivocally and then not making the case in the article. This pattern is getting more and more obvious and I have to laugh each time I see it. But of course it works on people who have already made their minds up to the fact that Putin is a really bad guy. The log in the eye thing comes to mind again.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
First comment
Well they can either vote for it or against it since Putin said he would put this up for a vote and let people decide. I really wonder why people comment without reading the articles?
Putin emphasized that the constitutional changes must be put to a nationwide vote.
Another comment.
Read the others if you're interested in the mindset of some Utahns.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I got nothing.
Good catch. How did it go over?
Groan. Or sigh. Welcome to my world.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yesiree #CNNisTRASH
Just because CNN reported on it does not make it true. Guess someone should tell the CNN talking heads that. Right out of room 101 indeed. Too.
Caitlin's article from Wally's tweet.
CNN is Trash
Good read as always.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I didn't see
debacledebate. But I already knew thegrillersmoderators just came out of room 101.Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Warren sooooo Phony
Krystal and Saagar did a good job framing the debate
Pity CNN decided to undermine their credibility with the most egregiously bizarre moderating I've ever seen in the 25 years I've been watching Presidential debates.
Shameful? Laughable? I don't know what to call it. But this I know for sure, no one could call what we saw last night helpful for the voter who is wondering why we are pursuing Trump's disastrous foreign policy instead of shoring up the resources here for Americans worried about healthcare and social security.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
But Russia Right?
Caitlin ends with this:
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
LOL - indeed.
That Mika clip was brutal. Liz is done. Good riddance to another phony progressive.
We knew it would happen.
We knew the establishment would go after Bernie. He's a serious challenger with a lot of grassroots support and able to raise serious amounts of money. It was preordained that they would go after him.
This stunt pulled by Elizabeth Warren has Hillary Clinton's
fingerprints all over it
But as Saagar pointed out this was a knife straight to the chest. Hey, what are freinds for, anyway?
"mystifyingly inane."
'CNN Is Truly a Terrible Influence on This Country': Democratic Debate Moderators Pilloried for Centrist Talking Points and Anti-Sanders Bias
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
CNN = NeverBernie
Actually MSM = Neverbernie
At least Fox is honest about their bias.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I wonder how the refund window from ActBlue was doing re Warren
Well, I didn't really
learn anything at last nights fiasco. It just re-confirmed, for the zillionth time, what I already know. Democrats are worthless. CNN / MSM media are worthless. Presidential debates, if we could actually call them that, are worthless. What the vast majority of this country needs, is unimportant. Lizzy-Pocahontas-Warren is a liar.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
This whole thing stinks of Hillary's work
On twitter after the sham debate Elizabeth Warren gushes about how "energized" she feels tonight and what followed was like some fool rushing out on stage with arms stretched wide and a big grin saying 'dontcha love me!' and promptly getting pelted by a rain of tomatoes coming from every direction.
And I do mean 'every direction', because it included her own supporters and newly minted 'ex supporters' with a helluva lot of others saying forget her being the number two pick, Elizabeth Warren is 'off the radar'.
There was/is a lot anger, of course from Bernie supporters, but from a lot of her now ex supporters who voiced why they had chosen her over Bernie but backstabbing Bernie was too big of a shock.
Elizabeth Warren has a well documented list of lies she has told,she was basically getting a pass on them but trying to frame Bernie Sanders as a sexist with another lie was over the top, and an insult to their intelligence.
Speaking of that list of lies, a bunch of twitter posts started pointing them out one after another and I would love to be the proverbial 'fly on the wall' wherever she was when she saw the responses to her twitter post.
My suggestion to Elizabeth Warren is that I think she should continue to follow advice from Hillary and that crowd, which includes Obama but on this event he wore gloves so no prints, but Hillary slobbered all over it.
Stick a fork in her she is done.
Oh yeah the CNN host asking the loaded question regarding Warren's latest lie is indeed a Hillary person.
What bias?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Tipping point?
Maybe this is indeed the year that the sheeple wake up to the farce that is our "elections" and our "democracy."
I hope so. If the pitchforks come out, we just might be able to save the planet.