Warren has made the biggest own-goal of the campaign season
When even MSNBC takes Bernie's side you know that you've screwed up.
MSNBC, not exactly the Sanders-friendliest crowd, defends him.
"Do any of us really believe that Bernie Sanders is gonna say, 'I don't think a woman can win --" Joe Scarborough says, with some level of amazement.
"It is very doubtful," Al Sharpton replies. pic.twitter.com/Zv1qJNfC4L
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) January 14, 2020
The hashtag "WomenForBernie" trended Tuesday on Twitter amid an escalating feud between White House hopefuls Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).The online campaign, which had more than 10,000 tweets as of Tuesday afternoon, came in response to reports and statements on Monday about a private discussion the two candidates had in December 2018.
Apparently several MSM reporters were working on this @BernieSanders story for months. What does that tell you? They had a pre-conceived notion that they wanted to paint Bernie as sexist & it was just a matter of when they could cajole SOMEONE on @ewarren to play ball. 1/2
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) January 14, 2020

The CNN reporter is being dishonest.
This reminds me of a day at a hearing that was structured to follow courtroom rules. This expert hydrologist was testifying but because of the standards of courtroom protocol he was able to insert lies into the record unchallenged.
I hate that the same thing is happening in this situation.
While I love humanity I really despise people! Particularly this reporter.
Did anyone here miss The View this morning? / s
I just noticed #WomenforBernie is trending #1 on twitter.
I make it a point to miss the View, LOL
"You come at the king, you best not miss"
This takes me back to when the Omnishambles Clinton campaign manufactured the BERNIE SO SEXIST nonsense. To my mind, that was as successful as it was for her for two reasons: a huge and vocal army of moronic hilbots (I don't think Warren's supporters collectively are nearly as fanatical or as maniacal), and a much firmer grip of control over mainstream media; Warren does not have that either. I've read somewhere that some poltergeists from the Clinton campaign are sleazing around in the Warren campaign now, and while I haven't bothered to read up on it further, this bullshit reeks of the genius of that mouldy brain trust. The Sexism 2.0 launch has gone over like a lead balloon, and I'm here for it.
If at first the smear didn’t succeed, try, try again
The Clinton camp tried this already and, aside from the people who were going to believe it anyway, it didn’t stick. It’s just baffling to think what Warren hoped to gain from this. For someone who is allegedly smart, she is real dumb at politics.
OTOH, seeing even MSDNC saying “this doesn’t sound like Bernie” is jaw dropping. While I do have to wonder what their angle is, this is the most positive thing I’ve seen towards Sanders this season.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
My tinfoil hat is on super-tightly, but what if
She would have gotten away with it
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
#Refund me Warren is all over Twitter. Many, many people are asking Liz to refund their donations. And remember Warren called out Bernie for 'trashing' her through his supporters. I don't know why people thought that anyone was responsible for every damn thing their supporters said. Didn't that start with Hillary's campaign and pushed by Brock when his supporters were called Bernie bros? Also remember Hillary's posting that picture of Obama in a Madras making it look like he was Muslim. Yeah this crap has Hillary's fingerprints all over it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Somehow they will blame all of this on Sen. Sanders! /nt
if Bernie respected women
The whole DNA thing was shambolic
This is shambolic also.
Perhaps shambolic is her 'super power'. She'd fit in with William H. Macy and the rest of the cast of "Mystery Men".
from a reasonably stable genius.
Didn't work very good
Does smell clintonish.
What's next?
Bloomberg buys Bernies rights to delegates?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
How amateur!
Bloomberg is a playa - he would just buy options.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
it depends what you mean by "this season"
if you mean "Winter" then could be. But if you include the entire campaign I think that DNA test to show 1/64th Native American ancestry was a colossal own goal.
EDIT: I see that it's not 1/64th but 1/1024th!
She was lucky
Of course, she’s continued to make more unforced errors since, of which this is that latest and maybe fatal? Who knows?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
It has been dragged up again
People are tweeting about all the lies she has told since she started running and that's at the top of the list. This will not go away. I'm doing my part in reminding people of that. T hee.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Her story keeps changing for why she believed that
My high cheekbones. My parents had to elope because one was part Indian. My uncle told me that I was. And 20 other excuses for why she thought she should get special treatment all through her life.
As someone mentioned here, Warren didn't just decide to become a democrat. Democrats moved to the right so far they became republicans. And Warren could then fit in with them. She has come a long way from the days she tried to get the bankruptcy bill stalled. I see you Liz for who you really are.
Just remembered..she recently gave a speech about how the banks bought and flipped houses. Well guess what. Liz did that too. She was making so much money she leant it out to her family so they could get in on the fun.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
She didn’t elope
The marriage was celebrated in town by a local preacher with one of her friends as a witness.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
It's misleading, not quite
as this article suggests and discusses the ancestry vs genetics issue. Basically the test she underwent cannot be quite as precise as some would wish, and the estimate is that her NA ancestry, which exists, apparently goes back from 6-10 generations ago, which is problematic itself in assigning precise numbers to her situation. It is stated that she could be anywhere from 1/64th to 1/1024 NA. Obviously Trump and the GOP emphasize the latter number.
that simple,Edit: It's also unclear from a DNA basis whether or not she has more or less NA in her than the average American. Dispute over a proper sample of "average Americans' for this purpose from which to measure others.
Read the article for yourself, as it gets quite detailed and goes beyond my jurisdiction. In any case, NA tribes don't generally use a DNA test to determine group membership including the Cherokee Nation.
It just dawned on me that Joe Biden's campaign is
sending fundraising emails from his dog and it comes across as shrewd and strategic compared to this Warren skullduggery.
Speaking of dogs
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Probably stolen by Bernie bros
Joe Biden's campaign IS a dog!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Or rather a steaming pile of dog mess
then there's this slimy maneuver
The intent here is to plant the thought but avoid inspection of the facts. "let's move on while I leave you with the impression that Bernie is misogynistic. It's not important to me, really, other than that Bernie's a misogynist but don't ask anyone or look too closely."
Exactly right
Warren says Bernie gave her a smallpox blanket
Warren Claims Bernie Gave Her Smallpox Blanket
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've heard the White House is draughty and poorly sealed
Not gonna lie, I got taken in and thought that was a Neera Tantrum headline over at CAP. My bad!
Best endorsement for Warren
Yep. I see through you Liz. With friends like this I don't think many people are going to vote for you.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes, the coveted spook vote!
@Le Frog Brilliant!
The anti-Semitic dog-whistle practically sounds itself
Think of how easy it would be to cherry-pick sexism from the Talmud and other scriptures unfamiliar to the gentile majority and try to make Bernie "own" it - especially if you think about how/what so many people "learned" about Islam once 9/11 made them seek information about it for the first time ever, or the more recent regurgitation and (to coin a term) bluewashing of 1980s "war on nerds" moral panic.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!