Behind These Prison Walls
Submitted by snoopydawg on Sun, 11/24/2019 - 4:45pm
Behind These Prison Walls -- final cut, with subtitles
— David Rovics (@drovics) November 17, 2019

Thanks snoop
I can't quit thinking about Julian's torture for revealing our war crimes. The only thing we might do is write him. They are asking us to flood him with letters.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I cleared my office calendar
I think that would be the perfect day to write Julian.
Thanks for the vid, Snoop.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
hope you have a great trip!
Will you visit lake Atitlan or Antigua? They are a couple of the coolest places I've visited.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I love the country, have visited there twice, and it is a 3 hour flight from Houston. I love the Barceló Hotel in Guatemala City, will have tour guides and transportation the entire time.
Unfortunately, both day long excursions begin at 7 a.m., but I can sleep in on Day 3 before checkout.
My goal is to purchase some Che Guevara tee shirts in Antigua.
I have had my hands on them, didn't buy. What was I thinking? Several friends anxiously await!
I just knew if I stayed here, I would work, and cook. I need some time away from those obligations.
I will be with a tour company the entire time, and with a small group, so that is as safe as I could arrange.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
How will you bring them back?
Turn them inside out? Or would that belie your innocence?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Assange needs long overdue medical treatment now
Doctors Petition UK Home Secretary Over Julian Assange
Read the article to see why he needs treatment and how long he has been suffering without it. If Julian dies in prison then every damn person connected with keeping him there should be charged with depraved indifference homicide if not something more severe. And I never want to hear any government claim that another country is committing human rights abuses because they will be hypocrites. They already are I know, but still.
Imagine having severe tooth pain for 4 1/2 years as well as suffering from the other health issues that he needs treatment for.
I am appalled and ashamed of the British and American Government! The way Julian Assange has been treated is absolutely unjust and illegal.
Far too many people are okay with what is happening to Julian because they have believed all of the smears and lies told about him which is exactly why they were. Tying him to Russia interference was intentionally done for the purpose of people giving their consent to what he is going through. Damn and F them all!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Even if
Even if someone believed that everything they said about Julian was true, they'd have to be soulless ghouls to think what is being done to him is okay. Torture is immoral and anathema to any society that claims to be civilized, period.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
There are many soulless ghouls who think that he
deserves what is happening to him. I read comments like this quite frequently on many sites and on Twitter. The media constantly talks about Trump's war on the press, but I haven't seen one person from the main stream media say anything about what's happening to Julian. One site in particular is very guilty of that.
This ship has sailed long ago from our shores if it was ever parked here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I see the same thing. It really is tragic how easily led so many people are, trusting in the moral compass of people who have none, probably while patting themselves on the back in the belief that they think for themselves.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
thank you;
i was just about post the wsws version of the letter signed by 60 docs, and thought i'd check here first. i can't find the referenced video, but also from wsws: ‘Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson addresses public meetings in Australia’, Patrick O’Connor, 25 November 2019,
in part:
fuck trump, fuck priti pattel, fuck scott murderers!
meanwhile: 'Advancing Propaganda For Evil Agendas Is The Same As Perpetrating Them Yourself, cailin johstone, Nov. 21, 2019
kinda makes you wonder if the fact that Wikileaks is suing the guardian for the manafort lies has anything to do with this bullshit, doesn't it?
Held too long without trial or extradition.
Try him or get off the pot!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Try him for what?
Committing journalism? Or for exposing war crimes? Are you seriously advocating that it's okay to charge Assange under the espionage act for what he has done?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No, I'm not
I'm saying regardless of guilt or innocence, a person has a right to a speedy trial, not indefinite detention. How long has Assange been imprisoned? Not counting his voluntary detention in a friendly consulate?
I don't know if the charges are true or false, although I'm pretty skeptical. But they should release him or send him to the USA for trial, not hold him forever.
And he has a right to be tried in a public court, not a star chamber, before an unbiased jury, with competent counsel of his choosing.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Assange sought asylum there because he had no guarantee that Sweden wouldn't extradite him here. This was legal for him to do. The way you wrote it sounds just like everyone else who said that he was free to leave any time no matter the cost to his freedom. Years ago Sweden dropped any charges against him because he had committed no crimes and at least one of the women recanted her story. But Britain demanded that she keep the charges on him. Why? This info is in Wendy's link. And way back at the beginning of this sh*t show after Assange voluntarily went into the police department he was told that he was free to leave the country. Think they would have allowed that if the charges were serious?
You might want to read the articles Wendy and I posted here to get up to date on what has happened to him. Or read any of the essays posted here by way of the search option.
He also did not skip out on his bail which is what Britain's holding him in prison for. Again asylum seeking was legal for him to do because of his fear of being extradited here which looks pretty smart right now since we are actually trying to extradite him.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So they should try him for what they say he has done.
And he will have a chance to clear his name. Again, he shouldn't be detained without trial for an unreasonable period. I guess in the UK you can't demand a writ of habeas corpus.
So, the USA is not the worse country in the world after all.
He tried to evade a trial. So would I. But I agree that what Britain is doing is wrong.
You feel he should be unconditionally released now. And maybe you are right. That's what courts of law are supposed to decide. You are sounding to me like, because he is popular, he shouldn't be subject to legal process. i.e. Some animals are more equal than others.
If it becomes judiciously apparent that he has been imprisoned without cause, well that's what lawsuits are for.
You say the system stinks. So do I. And I'm sure onthecusp would agree. But it's still better than mobocracy or "might makes right" or "divine right of kings" for that matter.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It's obvious that you haven't followed what has been happening
Assange is not being treated fairly by the U.K. court system. Again you should read Wendy's recent essays on this so you can see what is happening there. Or read the UN report. The process is being rigged by people in this country so it's kinda hard for him to even get out solitary confinement for 'skipping bail' even though he legally sought asylum. The judge in charge of his case has so many conflicts of interest she should have recused herself, but because this is just a show trial she won't.
This is insulting.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No intent to insult you!
I said that only because I don't think you mean what it sounds like!
That's what I've been trying to say through this whole thread! Either release him or extradite him. Don't keep him locked up without trial!
We are on the same side. But I want the courts to follow the rules. not because I feel the rules are fair or the system is unbiased, but because it's the only system we have and that's better than anarchy. YMMV.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i) julian is NOT
popular: on edit:
he's had so many guns to his head over the years in the form of lies, smears, obfuscations, and propaganda, including by the fearless journalists at the intercept, guardian, daily beast, and others. few take the time to learn why and how to counter them, and realize what his captivity and slow-mo death means in terms of journalism, the first amendment, and the rule of law.
ii) his detention and extradition hearings are NOT about what he did, they are about his journalism and publishing 'inconvenient truths' about war, and eventually exposing the CIA's abilities to control...everything they require.
iii) his arbitrary detention for so many years now is simply punitive and has nothing to do with the rue of law in any of the nations involved, nor what 'they say he did', including and perhaps especially the 17 counts of espionage they're charging him with.
but aha! here is the defend wikileaks julian assange tab at their website; please consider reading it, as i hoped you would read the david stockman piece lot lizard had recommended. i'd even clipped some passages on that thread to entice you to read a (gasp) republican who'd worked for ronald reagan. srsly, that part of III was excellent in its depth, breath, and historical narrative.
In the Ecuadorian embassy in London
Restrictions and Isolation
Arbitrary Detention: The United Nations ruling
Political Asylum
Swedish allegations
Major Writings
(and i think he's an excellent writer)
but this might be a good way to educate yourself, rather than trying to discover the many years of diaries and essays that snoopy, i, and others have brought.
Julian is being given special treatment.
You are not allowed to put on a defense in an espionage act trial, iirc. It can result in a death penalty.
He does not have free access to his lawyers.
He is in solitary confinement.
His medical treatment is being withheld.
He served his bail jumping sentence and is still in jail.
His hearings are not public.
Your argument that everyone should be treated the same is the very argument being made that Julian's treatment is torture without precedent.
Speedy trials should be available to all, but it is always the call of defendants and their legal counsel to determine if that is wise. 99% of the time, it is better to let time pass to prepare a defense.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
effing exceptional
boils me blood
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I bow to your professional judgement
Knowing that you are a practicing attorney.
As I told snoopydawg, we are on the same side.
Also, I'm aware that the UK does not offer as many rights as the US Bill of rights, which is why we have a Bill of rights and part of the reason that we are an independent country and not a Dominion offering (lip service) fealty to the English Queen.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
We do not have to prove our innocence.
He is unable to speak coherently. That is not just out of the damn blue.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
as a practical matter he does
The government can make a prima facie case, with lying witnesses. Or just cite "classified sources"?
He must refute the charges or have his lawyer argue that the government has not proved his case. Stalemate is killing him. It's effectively a life sentence voluntarily made.
He has to fight back.
There is a time to fight and a time to run. he has been captued so the time to run is over. He seems to be stalling, hoping that the US/UK governments will get tired and quit.
That's not going to happen. It's time to fight. No matter how hopeless.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
oh, strangle christ,
as john steppling would say... how in your ninth circle of hell could any sane person begin to untangle this sort of hasbara nonsense?
don't you understand the verdict is already in, the show trial will be on feb.20, likely to last for a week the Magistrates say, and will be held in that tiny prison's court next to belmarsh gitmo that allows almost no one to watch, certainly not record.
of course the lying witness will be largely classified, and the US DoJ has already offered immunity to a few more (that we know about) to testify, such as Dumbsheit Borg who wrote a whole book on how he hates assange...and why. similarly they've offered Joshua Schulte (who'd allegedy leaked the CIA vaults to wikileaks) a deal for immunity.
gina 'torture' haspel will ccertainly appear, even if by skype.
holy mother of zeus!
did you notice that he has no way to prepare his case? everything he owned in that sphere was ripped off when lenin moreno permitted the Asshole Police carried him out of the ecudorian embassy and was turned over to the US DoJ! did you read what ONE of his attorneys (jen robinson) said above went thru a week ago trying to talk with him in belmarsh? added to which he's constantly subjected to strip searched every time he crosses one threshhold or another.
do you not get that he's barely compus mentis by now as he's so physically and cognitively ill after being tortured for so long?
i almost feel embarrassed for being willing to try to respond to such dreck, myself. it seems you may just love to argue and stir pots of merde.
yep, he should have flown earlier: somebody shouldda smuggled in a jet-pack for the darlin' man. or taken the greek Unity4J supporter's advice to have 300 peeps dress like him, don assange masks, and smuggle out of (then) the ecuadorian embassy, put him in a car and take him to the airport.... sheeesh. what could possibly have gone wrong?
Voice seems to be under the delusion
that there is such a thing as a "free country" with "individual rights" anywhere on this benighted and probably doomed globe.
Unfortunately for him, so was Julian Assange - only to find himself betrayed by every Western power he dealt with. And the cruelest - ongoing - betrayals of all have come from his own country, Australia.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
my mind's reeling
to think about the competition for nations that have betrayed him, from the UK, UK, lenin moreno's ecuador, sweden...and austrailia. i can't speak to what julian had imagined as per his native nation protecting him as a citizen, but i do remember writing about scott morrison laughing at his plight and the petitions on julian' behalf.
but of course the US military has bases in australia, two in 2012 and expanding, as well as joint military understanding with the Pentagon, yada, yada. because: China.
nice little client state IOW.
but yes, all in all: voice is delusional, but it also may be by way of a game to him, who can say? as in: he/she apparently never read all the material i gave him at 'defend julian assange' at wikileaks. may i utter an Hurrrumph! ; )
Brava, Wendy
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
as well as taking
away all his electronic devices containing what he needs to defend himself, sending to the US DoJ (i mean gina haspel, CIA), prevent access to Good medical care for years, and yes:
did any of us not weep at the images of him being carried out of the ecuadorian embassy (betraying rafael correa, as well), then struggling to even hear him speak coherently? those images will live in mind forever, as they will for all but the most callous barbaric observers.
and a good UnThankgiving/Day of Mourning to all of us.
enough, i've been spending waaaaayyy too much time searching my archives for strife deivery's longer comment from which snoopy had extracted her signature line. i'd thunk (likely in error) it was on one of my julian assange diaries, and although i've checked 15 pages, i haven't found it.
but you were on many of them. what the UK has in terms of anything matters not a whit in julian's case. lenin moreno (post rafael correa) sold out to the western Imperium for ten pieces of silver and a memo of military understanding with Amerikkka. similarly, sweden is a vassal state for the UK, as i understand it, and wanted to do amerika's bidding re: assange as well.
and with the torture queen gina haspel heading the just picture her salivating over getting julian in a Supermax prison in this shithole nation.
and to snoopy: by the by, you and others did some deep diggin' bringing more sources and analyses.
Can't disagree
Everyone who is ok with this, whether government official, or individual, needs the same treatment Julian is receiving, just for a dose of their own medicine.
Anybody who thinks this if fair and just is a monster.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
By witnessing the slow murder of Julian Assange
...some will be crushed beyond all repair. They were the best of us because they knew the rare singularity of boundless courage and selflessness.
...some will enter the long silence of bitter resolve. Their solid steady commitment to that which is righteous for all mankind will no longer walk beside us.
...some will be pulled under a flood of knowing and drowned in cynicism. They shall not seek the truth because they have been short-leashed.
...some will quietly detach and melt away. They will be inspired by their intelligence, or by their fears, or by a serendipitous lack of interest.
The truly fortunate in this world will notice nothing at all. They live in a state of grace, untroubled by things that they cannot change and blessedly unaware of looming catastrophes. They are the meek and they shall inherit the earth, as foretold.
This comment just reinforces my sigline
Strife delivery hit it out of the park with his comment. I wish I had his entire comment because it was really excellent.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
he'd said it on one of my
diaries about julian's deepening plight, and iirc, it was after my begging folks not to spout off about what any of the US political class had to say. i did check about 5 pages of my essays, and checked all the relevant ones, but he wasn't there. sorry; there were too many about julian, and i'd hoped i could surprise you w/ his whole quote.
but fuck the Great Orange One! his Dept. of Injustice could stop this NOW, save for the CIA pressure. julian had long said that he believed the 17 charges of espionage had come close on the heels of the publication of the CIA vaults, not that many have paid attention to what they truly meant in terms of what the CIA can accomplish.
do you happen to recall
when you'd added strife delivery's sig(nature?) line? i live in a time warp...can't even remember sequential order.
i'd alo bingled for his screen name at c99%, as usually an author's name will pop up, but found nothing but your sig line quote. perhaps he'd never authored?
I do not
I spent lots of time looking for it too, but alas no luck.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
ah, rats.
i sure hoped you might have, then i could check the dates on my assange exposé post. say, if you'd said: 'over a year ago' or some such. thanks for responding, but unsolved puzzles bug me.
and eloquent, amiga, if disheartening.