I Think Bernie's About To Take Off. Seems Warren's Campaign Is On Its Heels In Defense, Admits It Didn't Think It Needed A Healthcare Plan, And A Dark Money Campaign Event Is Held For Her In Iowa.
There's not a lot of theorizing here. I just threw this together from various things I'm seeing, and from trying to glean as much as possible as to where it all stands in terms of moving this country Left.
My overriding interest insofar as the elections go is in watching how the narrative develops, the reactions to it and then helping to change it, by being ever vigilant to identify comrades in that struggle. If nothing else I see the odious immersion of public interest solely around the presidential election as subsequently an excellent time to both counteract the cartoonish but malicious MSM propaganda and an opportunity to educate and align with people.
That said, I really hope to see a day when the previously brainwashed American public becomes a majority, with an unequivocal admittance and acceptance and then action that Socialism is the only way forward.
Anyway I think there's a good bunch of hopeful stuff I've noticed that reflects how Bernie's message is prevailing, first as his main rival flounders:
So Liz has voted twice for Trump’s military budget expansion, and now this healthcare equivocation and her backing away from Medicare4All. Add to that the dark money event in Iowa and she's on her heels.
In the DNC's continuing effort of Anyone But Bernie they've gotten the MSM in going along with the marketing pitch that there’s no difference between her and Bernie, in an effort to get previous female Bernie supporters to identify with the Clinton-backed-and-staffed Warren campaign instead. Problem is policy, where the difference is between being given a hand-held fan to cool yourself off with during a heatwave, or a room with air-conditioning. Her penchant for equivocating and saying she'll have to "look into it" contrasts strongly with Bernie's lifetime resolve and commitment to the same things he's believed for 50 years.
Elizabeth "Capitalist to My Bones" Warren joins Trump in supporting the military coup in Bolivia
That "interim leadership" consists of fascists who call the Indigenous majority "satanic"
Bolivia had free and fair elections. Evo won. So they overthrew himpic.twitter.com/Z5XgyI8nPU
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) November 18, 2019
Taibbi thinks Warren, as evidenced in her meltdown when Amy Goodman asked about the Dem primary order, has a simmering rage that is wearing her thin. He refers to her latest missteps and campaign tenor as #LizHolio (I guess it's a pejorative about her being an all-powerful one above criticism). Which is a reference to a few things, but namely the corny and clueless campaign decision to create something called #BigStructuralBailey, which was a monstrous blowup, inflatable street fair balloon of her dog named Bailey, whose name they then chanted while she went up and hugged it. Co-host Halpern adds that it's the second time a Dem candidate showed rage toward Amy Goodman for asking hard questions, and then they play a clip of Willie calling her "hostile and combative."
The marketing of Liz as "Bernie But Woman, With 'Plans'" is losing its legs.
And what a weird Upside Down time it is when this happens. I loathe this POS with a passion. He's essentially a hitman for lead thug Murdoch. So how then does this get through? His RW pawns were not happy about this and sought every excuse under the sun to will it away.
Military members have donated more to @BernieSanders’ campaign than to Trump, Biden, and Buttigieg combined.
https://t.co/2N8L5KAXtL pic.twitter.com/g3rKHqnCLX
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) November 18, 2019
MSM is scared shit of a sane and non-partisan Right-Left nexus forming under Bernie. Shreds their whole divide and conquer profit strategy.
And speaking of Right-leaning dudes with big platforms waking up to a new reality:
Talks to Bernie Sanders one time:
pic.twitter.com/OBYHVrkIx9— Samuel D. Finkelstein II (@CANCEL_SAM) November 16, 2019
I don't think Rogan has the talent or intellect commensurate with the massive audience he somehow has. If anything he does however allow his guests plenty of room to speak.
Seems "All Lives Matter" Petey Boy is literally faking it with black support, including using a stock photo of a Kenyan woman.
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is yet another amazing African-American surrogate for Bernie.
This is fucking huge.
Major ramifications. Should let everyone around know that not only is Socialism competitive but it is absolutely the only way forward. Sawant is a devout Socialist and the only one elected in many years before this recent wave inspired by Bernie.
Kshama's come-from-behind win against over $1million of Amazon money, other corporate and real estate funding and a press that maligned her is a clarion call to those who want to win.
I think Kshama embodies everything I'd like to see in a candidate, and is our best elected office-holder.
And then a sampling of more Socialists on the rise...
In Texas this young lady farmer is running an excellent campaign (video clip starts with one of her ads)
How about the just-elected Socialist DA in San Francisco Chesa Boudin, son of a Weather Underground couple who are still in jail, who ran on a campaign of decarceration and reigning in police? Truly amazing.
One of my favorite pastimes these days is looking in the annals of radical history for those whose lives were committed to fighting for real truth and justice. In 2011 there was a documentary made on the youngest elected official to Parliament, Socialist Bernadette Devlin.
She survived an assassination attempt, but Bernadette Devlin is best remembered as the 21-year-old Irish republican from Ulster who, in 1972, strode across the floor of the House of Commons to punch Reginald Maudling, home secretary of the Conservative government. His grave mistake had been to suggest that the British army had fired only in self-defence on Bloody Sunday when they shot dead 13 civil rights protesters.
I rose to my feet smitten with respect and love for this young radical comrade after seeing this segment on 60 Minutes from the early 70's. What a fearless, brilliant activist fighter she was/is:
'My people’ — the people who knew about oppression, discrimination, prejudice, poverty and the frustration and despair that they produce – were not Irish Americans.They were black, Puerto Ricans, Chicanos.
And those who were supposed to be ‘my people’, the Irish Americans who knew about English misrule and the Famine and supported the civil rights movement at home, and knew that Partition and England were the cause of the problem, looked and sounded to me like Orangemen.
They said exactly the same things about blacks that the loyalists said about us at home.
In New York I was given the key to the city by the mayor, an honor not to be sneezed at.
I gave it to the Black Panthers.
Devlin and Ali are my kind of people. Real, not state manufactured, heroes:
I don’t know who deserves credit for this photograph, but it’s Muhammad Ali saving the life of a suicidal Vietnam War vet around 1980. On Veterans Day, of all days, this seemed appropriate to share. pic.twitter.com/FAkPB7I469
— Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) November 11, 2019
Some protest action at Harvard in support of Palestine reminds us that public acts of defiance and humiliation are worth something. We need lots more of them.
The Israeli ambassador was invited to give a talk at Harvard Law School about the legitimacy of the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. As he started his talk, all the Harvard Law students got up & left in solidarity with Palestine
RESPECT THIS SO MUCH pic.twitter.com/ZWZVKeknuU
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) November 16, 2019
I’ve said before, Donald Trump strikes me as nothing so much as a man who has never known a love - that he hasn’t had to pay for.
And I think that forms all of his decision making. I think that explains all of the things that we see.
This is someone who sees the world through a prism of a very, very sad lens, which is that what he is, who he is, does not today, and never has and never will, have any value.
The only thing that matters is what he has, what he can trade. And I think that really explains all of the transactional corruption that we have seen throughout this administration, is simply someone who thinks that’s what life is.
- Edward Snowden
Oh, there's supposed to be an impeachment going on. My interest is none whatsoever.
The most glaringly obvious problem is that the feckless and corrupt Democrats themselves have no moral standing upon which to stand. Being a little less corrupt and greedy than that pathetic POS is not exactly inspiring.
Plus, their own collusion against Bernie Sanders in 2016 and again for a second time, with full compliance from their counterpart courtiers in the media, is not going unnoticed by the public.
As I've been saying lately, Bernie continues to ramp up the radical rhetoric - and I fucking absolutely love it.
Landlords cannot be allowed to raise rents to whatever they want, whenever they want. We need a tenants bill of rights that includes a national rent control standard.https://t.co/lO8ygDcwTB
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) November 18, 2019
The applause for Bernie when he came out tonight. By far the loudest applause by a long shot of any presidential candidate at #cadem2019 tonight. @BernieSanders is going to win! #feelthebern pic.twitter.com/Fsd2NvfaOX
— CJ Berina for Congress (@CJ4Congress2020) November 17, 2019

Greetings, C99ers.
I'm getting a rare night out for myself. And being the boring guy that I am will be headed here soon:
And man, if you only know Lee from his RT show Redacted Tonight and don't really know his comedy, you really have to check him out. I've met him a handful of times through a comedian friend of mine, seen his standup and ran into him first at Occupy Wall St; he's such a cool guy and amazing comedian. He's a bonafide rebel.
Then on Thursday I'll continue the trend in going to see this, "Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Book Launch: Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership," at the People's Forum, which looks like an amazing place. In fact it looks so amazing that it's almost too good to be true. As with everything will have to look into who's funding it.
I think Bernie's about to take off...
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@Mark from Queens Thanks for the uplifting
I saw Lee Camp here in Minneapolis, summer it was. No Bloomenthal or Mate! And I had to pay for it. But it was worth it and so much fun, he signed his book for me.
I don't see how they can deny Bernie the nomination... we'll see!
Thank you Mark, all I have to say is I wished
you had more free nights for yourself. What comes out of it is real refreshing and stories I would have never known about otherwise.
I am not so amazed that military members have donated more to Bernie than to the other candidates and Trump combined. It makes a lot of sense to me and in combination with Gabbard it would make a strong movement.
Let's hope.
@gjohnsit - military members have donated more to Bernie -
I think this article from truthdig's Maj. Danny Sjursen Opinion Piece explains quite well that there is a shift in military's members thinking about the endless wars they participated and supported in the beginning, experienced it personally in real time and now come out as being critical about them and opposing them.
Ending Endless Wars from the Right
May be finally those military members show more courage to speak truth to power than the cowards in Congress. Soldiers fighting in wars that began before they were born ... No wonder Ralph Nader speaks up.
Raplh Nader: We Have a Congress of Cowards
There is the smell of change in the air or may be the wind blows from another direction now?
That is going to be an awesome
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Active military are sending us a message with their donations
Of course, active military have sent a message with their donations in the past, too, but neither of the parties were listening.
This is amazing
An veterans group endorsing Bernie would make a powerful visual.
And just continues to get even more amazing...
'What Momentum Looks Like': Sanders Becomes Fastest Presidential Candidate in History to Reach 4 Million Individual Donations
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
It's a continuation of 2016
some things don't change
Sanders is outside the norm
As for 2020, look at his response to a Military Times survey
4 million unique donors
yesterday. On September 19 they announced that they had reached 1 million donors. So they've picked up 3 million new donors since then, about 2 months. If those 3 million new donors each kicked in $27, that's $81 million, with half the quarter left to go, plus whatever is raised from the previous donors.
This could easily be a $100 million quarter for the campaign. That's a big war chest to go into the primaries with.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I think the difference
Is between donations and unique donors. The language is confusing. So it’s more like 1M unique donors with an average of four contributions per donor. (Although I’d be happy to be proved wrong!)
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
It's 1 million unique donors (the number of individual people who've made donations to Bernie) and 4 million donations.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Fantastic essay. Thanks so much!
I hope you’ll write about the Lee Camp event too.
I’m feeling similarly optimistic about Bernie’s current trajectory (as well as Liz’s downward one.) Here’s hoping.
The Useful Idiot video is awesome
I so hope Shahid Buttar clocks Pelosi's arse
what an amazing person!
Thanks for the essay Mark.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
More manufacturing consent for vote rigging?
Has ByeDone finally been knocked from his leading the polls perch? giggle
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not completely.
Luckily the voters in SC have a history of being influenced by what happens in earlier primary contests, so I would expect that after IA and NH have voted, presumably with Biden coming in a poor 3d or 4th place both times, there will be considerable movement away from him in SC. All the more so as Joe in the next 2.5 months will almost certainly further expose himself as a pol well past his prime, and as someone hopelessly out of touch with the current times. Which other candidate(s) benefit the most from the Biden shift isn't entirely clear, but it's possible former Biden backers will go somewhat equally to several other candidates.
* a few polls in the past year have shown either a bare majority of AAs in support of same-sex marriage or a plurality slightly against. AAs as a group lag behind other demographic groups in such support.
255 respondents and 6.1 point margin of error
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
The DMR/Selzer poll
So be it. He's leading in the first 2 early states -- in November.
Let's see tonight how he does handling some of the incoming from candidates and moderators. B/c I think it's time for them to move on from targeting Liz alone. She seems to be doing a good job by herself of reversing her momentum.
From One Mayor to Another ...
Maybe they found a sample of 900 Pete Buttigieg supporters
I wouldn't be surprised.
They're desperate.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Actually they're manufacturing "shit"
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
When Elizabeth Warren started backtracking on Medicare for All
The Democrat rank-and-file no doubt said: "we already had one candidate doing that..."
Given the sheer number of promises surrendered by Clinton One and Obama after they reached office, has anyone within the ranks noticed that "Democratic Party" is a tainted brand? And the politicians are all STILL saying: "Hey, if they looked the other way during our record-breaking surrender under Obama, maybe they'll continue to look the other way now..."
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Today here in Portland has been overcast, drizzly
I don't know seasonal affective disorder, I think that's what they call it, or the news is just pulling me down. But this essay perked me up a bit. Then my inner wisdom said, "Smoke some of your homegrown."
Now I feel better.
Here in the Rogue Valley it's like that too.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Reminder: Naked Capitalism meetup @ Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow
Today is a holiday in Saxony, Germany — Buß- und Bettag, Protestant day of penance, always on the Wednesday eleven days before Advent. This year it’s only a holiday in the one state of Saxony, not in any of the other German states.
Looks like Liz
peaked too soon. The time to do that is in the month leading up to IA, not 3-4 months out.
Possible this could happen to Pete as well. And like Liz at the last debate, he's due for some tough scrutiny and questioning by other candidates.
Bernie might be sitting fairly nicely in IA and NH, not red hot of course in the polls but well poised for a late charge in January. And it's more likely than not that all along his actual support has been underrepresented in the polls, as I recall it was in 2016.
you know who else is a tireless
advocate for bernie? glen ford of black agenda report. i tried (in haste) to score a link there, but failed. but one thing that irks him how the MSM disappears mention of him, as to the Ds in general.
shahid buttar is awesome' i'l grab the video for later, and hope it's not long, lol. for some reason, i have his email address, as he'd asked for mine long ago. maybe to help him on some project or other...
A wonderful juicy post Mark From Queens
I cross-posted it at wotb where it has been warmly recieved. (Please let me know if you object to a cross-post.)
It's always a pleasure
to have a Mark from Queens essay! Your voice is sooooooooooooo needed here! So happy you had a night off and were able to give us a morsel.
Hug those kids for me!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Video of Mark from Queen's event
last night.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11