Open Sesame 03/26/16
When the brown people, they make the bombs and the shootings, in the cities in the countries of the white people, the white people, they wonder: why for art thou, the brown people, making the bombs, and the shootings? Do they hate us for our freedoms? Are they wanting to put food on their familes? Are they, like, maybe, a little Mad, because we, the white people, are making the bombs and the shootings, in their brown-people countries, and on their freedoms, on their food, on their families? Or are there, really, no bombs or shootings at all, just holographic false-flags, produced and directed by Alex Jonze, for the greater glory of the nefariousness of the neozioneolibcons?
It is all very confusing.
Except, not any more. Because now, we Know. Why there are these bombs, and these shootings.
Mason Wells. He is why.
On April 15, 2013, Mason Wells, he was standing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, waiting to greet his mother, who was in that race a runner. When, quite near that finish line, the Bombs, they went off, killing three people, and injuring 264 more.
On November 13, 2015, Wells was in Paris, when the Bombs and the shootings, they claimed the lives of 130 people there, injuring 386 additional human beings.
On March 22, 2016, Wells was at Brussels Airport, when the Bombs exploded there, and also at a city metro station, killing 31 people, and injuring 300. Wells, this time, was himself one of the injured, suffering a ruptured achilles tendon, shrapnel wounds, and burns to his face and hands.
Wells, he is, for whatever reason, a bomb magnet. Wherever he goes, there are Bombs. He should therefore not be allowed to run loose. His wandering around, without restraint, this is demonstrably dangerous for people—and now, yea verily, even dangerous to himself. This man, he needs to be put in some sort of deep Shelter. I am thinking maybe an abandoned missile silo. These can be made comfortable. Really.
Wells, he is only 19, and he is a Mormon missionary. And so, if he is not put in the Shelter, there is no telling what ruination he might wreak, if allowed to continue to catastrophically trot around the globe, everywhere trailing Bombs, and Mormonism, in his wake.
Wells can be provided, there in the Shelter, with some sort of video apparatus, so that he can emit Mormonism, to various foreign lands, without actually physically going there, and so thereby setting off the Bombs. Wells, I am afeared that he is going to have to stay in the Shelter, until the Science Men, they are able to Learn Why, as the 22nd Century Gregorian klezmer combo The Grateful Dead put it: "wherever he goes/the people all complain."
Many more humans possess these sorts of unaccountable powers than Science Men can explain or will even acknowledge.
For instance, I once worked with a man to whom electricity was allergic. He would stride through a room, and, over his head, as he passed blithely below, the light bulbs would blow out. Someone would be using a xerox machine; he would walk by; the machine would abruptly shut off. If you tried to give him a ride home from the bar, well, once he slid into the passenger seat, the car would refuse to start. We eventually figured out that if we kept him in the bar until the car had been started, he could then stumble out and pour himself into the vehicle, and be delivered home without mishap. Except sometimes the turn indicators or windshield wipers would cease operating.
I myself extinguish streetlights when I drive. At first I thought these were some kind of "smart lights," that doused themselves when my headlights flashed across them; the smarty-lights, they thinking, by the light of the beams, it was day. But no. It didn't matter if the headlights were low-beam, high-beam, or off; didn't matter what car I was driving. They'd just go out. It was, me.
I finally decided this was happening because when I was a sprout I really liked how Jack Lemmon (this was back when he was a cocky little witch, before he became a swollen embarrassing ham), in the true-life documentary film Bell, Book and Candle, he could witch out all the streetlights, when he was walking down the street. I'd wanted to do that. So now, I, sorta, was. Can't control it, though. Any more than poor Mr. Wells, he can control the Bombs, that go off, wherever he happens to Mormon.
Tomorrow, they are having the Easter. This day commemorates that time when some Mean Boys caught and captured the rabbit who lays, colors, and hides the eggs for the children. The Mean Boys, they nailed the rabbit's feet to a board. But then a girl found the rabbit, and took him to some kindly veterinarians, who extracted the nails, and fixed up the rabbit, and made him all better. The Mean Boys, they were sent to a reform school, until they learned how to pat the bunny, and then they were allowed again to walk among the Good people.
It is right and meet that, in this universe, all the holidays, they are simple and sensible and sane and straight-forward. Because, in some of the universes, like in universe ULB7010(b), as seen in the video embedded below, the holidays, they are pretty mucked up.
But first, before tomorrow, there is today. When the Democratic versions, they are making the president. In Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington. The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he is expected to earn most of the delegates, and thus creep ever closer to The Mad Bomber. But the televisions and the tubes, they will not say this, because the Narrative is that the Deli Man, he is the Loser, while the Bomber, she is the Weiner.
But this Narrative, it is Wrong. Because the Deli Man, he is already the Winner.
And we know this how? Because of this:
Because this little bird, of three little birds, came to the Deli Man, to tell him, and the people of him, and people everywhere, and all and every creature in all and every, that every little thing, is going to be alright.
The Republican versions, they cannot be bothered with making the president today, because they are, once again, busy publicly pounding their puds. Zed Crud, and The Hairball, they are bestaining the nation with some sort of ur-mammal display of strutting and sand-kicking, involving their wives, and various and sundry other animals, minerals, and vegetables, into which they insert their peni.
These people, I suppose there is now no hope, that they will ever bottom out. They are like a cartoon, where Daffy Duck, or The Roadrunner, or Yosemite Sam, or somebody, is in an old weathered multi-story wooden house, and they crash through the rotten timbers of one floor, and then they crash through the rotted next floor, and so on, crashing and crashing, until they crash into the basement, and then they crash through that, and, finally, it's into the septic tank, except then they crash through that, they keep going, crashing and crashing, as the septic tanks, they are never-ending, one atop another; they keep crashing through, lower and lower, deeper and deeper, into ever new and toxic levels of sepsis. For they are like a really bad variation on Shakespeare's "Bottom's Dream": they, too, "hath no bottom."
Why was I not surprised to learn, amid this muck, that a real good buddy of The Hairball, he is the CEO of the National Enquirer? And why was I further not surprised to learn that this man's name is David Pecker?
This Pecker person, he has been enlisting his rag in The Hairball crusade, from the beginning. His claim of today that the creepy, sinister vampire Zed Crud, he has with his peter been harpooning women not his wife, this is hardly Pecker's first tabloid jihad bent to benefit The Hairball. For, earlier, after Star Trek Head was said to have bested The Hairball in a televised debate, Pecker shrieked from his paper: "Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter!" When Uncle Ben Carson briefly surpassed The Hairball in the national polls, Pecker's paper cried: "Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!" When that didn't take, The Hairball, you might recall, he took to personally referring, to Uncle Ben, as a brain-damaged narcoleptic child molester.
But that didn't bring down Uncle Ben. Oh no. For Uncle Ben's dirigible, it did not crash and burn, until it became apparent that he was unaware there existed any other nations on Earth, besides the United States. And Egypt. Where, according to Uncle Ben, Joseph, he used the pyramids, to store grain.
That's what did it. Because this Joseph-grain notion, it went totally against the historical understanding of the Americans. Which they had derived from the true-life documentary film The Ten Commandments. Where they had learned that the pyramids were a vanity project, erected by the sweat of the pecs of Charlton Heston, at the head of a bunch of goyim, for Yul Brynner, to honor Brynner's father, Sinead O'Connor.
The Pecker paper, it has also said:
[The Mad Bomber] is on her deathbed and is "engaging in a massive cover-up about her health." The Enquirer claims she is suffering from strokes, brain cancer, depression, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, and paranoia, among other dire conditions.
Well. Okay. They got that part right.
There are so many Cro-Magnon in Texas that the state expects to soon issue its one-millionth license to swagger around in public yoked to a killing machine. This will certainly make the Magnons happy. Because they can then have a Million Mongo March.
Remember that Alan Lomax guy, who wandered up hill and down dale, recording various folk musics? There was something sort of like that a few years back in Texas. A team of Science Men, they went into Texas, with sophisticated brain-scan equipment, hoping to document, there in that state, intelligent human life. But, after just a few months, the results, they were so meager, so paltry, that the Science Men, they became discouraged, and so went back to the Lab. And switched over to studying slime mould.
I am not a Science Man, but I am aware of various Science Man theories and inventions. Like flubber. This is a compound invented by Dr. Fred MacMurray, which can enable persons or objects to fly—even to travel into space. As set forth in the true-life documentary films The Absent-Minded Professor, and Son Of Flubber.
So I was thinking. There must be some essential element that is present in all the bombs and the bullets. So Anonymous, they should sneak into all the places where are made the bombs and the bullets, and attach flubber to them. Then, whenever anyone tries to make a bombing or a shooting, the bomb or the bullet, it will fly up into space. And so, no one will get hurt.
Fred MacMurray, he is a good example of how anyone can be rehabilitated, redeemed. Because in the true-life documentary film Double Indemnity, he conspired to kill a man, because he wanted to put his penis into Barbara Stanwyck, and also get a lot of money. But after he was executed in the gas chamber, MacMurray came out and became a Science Man, and invented the flubber, that will now stop people from getting hurt in the bombings and the shootings.
That Double Indemnity thing, that was a real cock-up, all the way around. Like, Barbara Stanwyck, she didn't even want any penises. Because she was a lesbian.
Several years ago there was a burst of anarcho-communism in this town. The town obtained tens of thousands of daffodil bulbs, and then gave them away, free, to anyone who wanted them.
Some people, they were suspicious. Mostly teabaggers, and/or meth monkeys. "Why is the town giving us these bulbs?" they whispered. "Why are they wanting us to plant them? Is it because the bulbs, they have Radios in them? And so the town, with the Radios, it will be able to Hear, and See, and Look, and Know?"
No, no, the town told the teabaggers, and the meth monkeys. There are no Radios. But, anyway, you don't have to take the bulbs, if you don't want them. But anyone who wants them, can take some. And plant them.
And so that's what people did. And today, they're all over this town. The daffodils. You never know where you might see some. They are even all around the fire station, and the police station. This last, it is real good. Because even when you are a Police Man, it is hard to be an asshole, when you are standing, in a bunch of daffodils.
The daffodils, they all bloom at different times. Because they feel like it. Some come on in late December. Some are just flowering now.
You kinda gotta like a place. That hands out flowers to people. And says: go ahead and plant them. If you want.
This below is a daffodil song. The guy singing it, he isn't famous, or anything like that. He's just a guy.
I like it. When it's just a guy. Singing a mushy love song.
When it's just a guy, and he is singing a mushy love song, he is not making the bombs. Or the shootings. He is, in fact, repelling them. And all over the world.

Happy Easter eve
I had to look that name up on the Google, myself I call it Saturday and the next day Sunday. They each come around weekly. Sunday is different because the physical bank buildings are closed and the USPS does not bring mail except for packages to compete with UPS and FedEx.
The sun and the moon decide the Sunday called Easter, this I know.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
in universe ULB7010(b)
they intentionally overlaid Easter onto the Spring Equinox. But we don't have to worry about that here.
And, here, packages, they are delivered via Will, and Desire.
Will and Desire is the name for Amazon o er there?
Do they involve drones, like storks bring babies in the Eurozone?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
in universe ULB7010(b),
Amazon now owns the United States Postal Service, commanding it to deliver packages on Sundays.
Storks are some of the coolest people ever. Science Men have no idea what they mean. But Joseph Campbell does. And so does Robert Graves.
A drone is a flightless bee, perfectly useless, who exists only to, if she is so willing, fuck the queen. And then, he dies.
Drones are the peasant class
In bee-world. It's a girl's world.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
all of the planet
is a girl's world.
It all went very wrong. When The Hairballs, they were permitted to swing their pee-pees around. As if they ever meant anything.
Done. It doesn't go exactly right. Too few Eves. Hope@end.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
is golden. At some point I hope to inscribe here a piece called "Eat Me." Rooted in the Stephenson understanding, as expressed in that book, that the intertubes, they are cannibalism.
There's nothing like
writing on the Internet, while simultaneously strongly suspecting that it would probably be all for the best if it withered up and died in some hopefully relatively innocuous manner.
These sorts of thoughts keep me up at night. I'd have to move. I am weary of moving. Humans are crazy everywhere anyway.
So why not just hang out on the Internet? Maybe some day we will all finally swirl around and wind up in the Sargasso Sea or the Pacific Garbage Patch of humanity, and then, finally, we will find community again.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
You make streetlights go out?
I make water pipes leak. It happened one time too many, so I gave up on plumbing to some extent. Life is more peaceful now, except that it's a hassle to acquire water during a drought, and I can see it coming again, so I will have to get some men to come and do things to the pipes again so the water can sing in them and get nearer in hope of finding me again.
The last time I really liked the back yard swamp, but this sort of thing gets expensive after awhile.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
metal pails. Birdbaths.
I do everything I can
To honor and respect Rain. It's a sort of conversation.
Recently I suggested she go to California, even though it's getting on the dry side here.
Please do say hello.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Can AB get some of your drugs?
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Medicine, is freely available, to all. ; )
But what about the radio bulbs?
You scoff, and meanwhile this scourge of radio bulbs is popping out all over. I'm going to have to poison my whole yard, and then dig it up and send it to be recycled in China. Just when I was girding myself to call in the pipe men. There is no end to this hell.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
there were never
any Radios in the bulbs. That was just a sad and sickly meth-piped brain malformation, in the sort of people who, today, see some sort of worthiness, in The Hairball that is Herr Drumpf.
Oh, hell
I'll have to go out and talk to them. This must have been so traumatizing, being slandered thusly. I bet it got all around through the mycelium and everything.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Bullshit, hec...
You're just saying that because you've got a cushy gig in an air-conditioned trailer with free coffee and donuts transcribing every detail that comes in over the airwaves. We're on to ya , Pal.
ACK! Pretty sure we have some of those bulbs here in the windowboxes. Wait, you say daffodils? Hmmm... thinking... thinking...
Did you guys spike any Irises?
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Irises don't have bulbs
They have rhizomes. You can't just stick an electronic device inside a rhizome. C'mon, do your homework!
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
So, you're in on it too, miep?
You and hectate are just trying to flush out the unwary with your clever banter and incredulity. The thing is the more you talk, the more you give away. No torture necessary. Of course you can't stick an electronic device inside a rhisome because that what LEDs are made from. That's why Irises don't need bulbs.
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And that's why...
LEDs are replacing bulbs indoors because it's very difficult to grow daffodils indoors. Big Brother never sleeps.
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I'm going to have to crash
Contemplating the thought of humans growing daffodils indoors, for who knows what dogforsaken reason.
I blame you in advance for my dreams.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Ya gotta get up pretty early to put one over on AB
Some of you can bend light, some of you can control water, AB builds nightmares, and at no charge either.
Sleep well, Miep.
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I don't control water!
It's like a conversation. If she thought I was trying to control her, she'd never speak to me again.
You build nightmares? Do you have a card? Do you do custom work?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Custom work? Isn't it obvious?
By the way, your invoice is already in the mail.
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Probably not
I miss a lot of obvious things. And my mail goes to the wrong box.
I'm sure we'll get along just fine.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
In that case
just email me some daffodil bulbs and we'll call it even.
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I will try to remember to do so
When I figure out how to resize images under 2 megs.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
If you send them through
the Book of Faces they get smaller but may be stuck there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This poses a problem
Considering that this is the first time in Internets history that anyone has actually brought up the question of what exactly they make LED's out of.
Usually people just think of the quaint radioactive clocks their grandparents told them of, and shrug it off.
You have been warned. I like you, A.B. You seem like a nice person, so I'll go out on a limb here and suggest you watch out for strange vehicles bearing hats. I know, I know. They always think it's CT, until they disappear. It's sad how quickly everyone forgets.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I don't usually blab this around but since we're friends...
And not many people know this, but LEDs are made out of rhizomes, and rhizomes come from ginger roots. China grows tons and tons and tons of ginger to make LEDs which is why they're so cheap now, cheap enough to stuff in all the light sockets in America. Pretty soon their surveillance network will be complete as other countries adopt non-incandescent "lighting". It's all part of the One World Government Climate Change Brain Control to get people hooked on Korean television.
Try to keep this under your hat, OK? If this gets around, I'll be ruined when the bottom falls out of the ginger market. (I'm long acidosus beetles, which you probably don't know are ginger pollinators.)
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Where have you been all my life?
Having a bit of a bout of insomnia here. But the nice kind.
I rarely run into anyone online who knows much about arthropods. I helped run the American Tarantula Society for several years. I wrote up some stories about that, which are available at (caveat: this is not an official ATS website, and they were not entirely pleased when I bought the domain and turned it to my own uses, but hey, it's the Internet, deal.)
I enjoyed writing those stories.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Is insomnia like...
going to bed at 10:00 and waking up again at 12:30 like I do most nights?
Btw, I love arthropods. That's why whenever we go out to a seafood restaurant I order snow crabs. They shed their legs, you know, when they get arthritis from living in such cold water. Besides being tasty, it makes me feel like I'm doing something good for Gaia by enjoying a renewable resource.
[edit] Sorry about Spider Bob.
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Insomnia is when you can't sleep as planned
Otherwise, it's just rolling, rolling along.
I am not inclined to get into hassles with people about what they choose to eat. It's always interesting to me, though, when anyone shows any indication of knowing anything about arthropods. A lot of people think they're not animals.
Spider Bob oscillated between being a bit of a pain in the ass, and a terrific scientist. Actually he was always the latter. They don't pay you to study spiders, though, unless it's about how to kill them more efficiently, which is insane.
He died at about my age now. Too young. I think of him frequently.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I was pushing the gag too far.
I read quite a bit of your site. Got to know a little about you and Bob. I say "I'm sorry." and leave it there, otherwise I think of all the friends whom I've survived.
FWIW, I escort flies back outdoors these days.
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You're good, you're good
The Internet is a strange and bad place, and often confusing.
Thank you for reading my blog. Thanks for the Rachel Carson quote.
I have screens with little holes. I send the flies out that way, though they don't always survive the process. It's not important to me with synanthropic animals. I trap house mice too. Or the cat gets them.
We all die to feed each other, in the end.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
have never lived in a home with air-conditioning. I swamp only coolers. This is no trailer: a house of stone. I have not consumed coffee in this millennium. There is only one type of donut I like, which I three-plus weeks of each month eschew, so as not to transform into the Michelin Man. The irises are randy and ready. To come in colors everywhere.
Daffodils here
Plus 70 new planted last fall. Mixed forms. None have opened yet but the leaves hatched on time. EZ planting in chipmunk holes.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Julian, CA, pretty close to the center of my Universe
gives out daffodil bulbs, and has a daffodil festival every year, and prizes for the most and best daffodils growing in peoples yards. And gas stations, and libraries (one of my friends, and high school classmates, is the librarian), and tourist shops, and the cemetery.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Local acts of citizenship
That is metaphoric grassroots building. By growing green things. A start.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I have an air conditioner
In case it turns into Saudi Arabia all of a sudden here some summer. Otherwise I make do with fans and ice.
I reuse my coffee grounds.
But really, it's all just posing until the whole thing comes down. Best thing to do is work on how we work that.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I have no air conditioner.
In Arizona. It helps to live above 5000 feet.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I had to, didn't I
Fun Fact about Easter...
Did you know that this most sanctimonious celebration by Christendom of a Dirty Fucking Hippie of his day going "Poof!" is determined by the stars?
Easter falls on the first Sunday... after the first full moon... after the Vernal Equinox. Yea Pagans!
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I got a lot done yesterday
I was thinking "This has been a good Friday," and then I realized that it actually was Good Friday.
And now look. It's Saturday.
These things happen.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Duuuude. Serious.
Fun is fun. Fun happens. This was fun.
I was thinking on the Wells and the unhealthy ones dilemma. Universe ULB7010(b) I believe is the answer. Seriously, they'd do it to us. Sara will be fine. It's a big universe and they'll never come within light years of her.
The Cro-Magnon were artists, though not all of their genes made it into all parts America. This loss of genetic material may have occurred in the Appalachians in the early settler years and spread south.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Contemplating getting my DNA profile done
To see who my predecessors linked up with, in the Biblical sense. Doubt I will find a Native American trace, unlike what I was vaguely told.
I do know that a few years ago, I was viremic with TT virus (by PCR) . My factoid.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i know
what I will find.
I am an animal.
Big tent
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I wuz an animal in the Sixties.
it's sad,
if it hasn't continued for you.
I love that song
High on my list of songs I am always happy to hear again and again and again.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I especially like the video of this
Where Byrne is dancing with the lamp.
This must be the place?
Ya think?
Oh please.
Less we say about it the better
Make it up as we go along
Feet on the ground
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
This is where I'll be
Where I'll be
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
It may seem sad, but it’s probably part of the law of service.
— Hermann Hesse, The Journey to the East
The only way
out of a double bind is to smash it.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
there is no
"law," in service. Much less one, that requires the light, to go out.
Animals, they do not seek to rule. That is but an anthropomorphic blanket, thrown across them, by unknowing humans.
Animals, they but be.
Like this animal, below. The Trump voter.
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”
quoth Aleister Crowley . . .
a phony. A false magus. Butchered his own moon child. Soiled the spelling of the word magic. Understood, nothing.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law": admits, into consideration, no other creature. Thus: selfishness, onto the lowest, of all possible levels.
So: a sadsack. So: very sad. So: sorry.
lotlizard was a cat then??
The 60's were pre-internet except for DARPA I guess. Pre-avatar except in LOTR
I would have been a tree.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Make daffodils,
Not WAR!
Hey I like that.
I wish I had your brain, hecate. Another great read.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
well, okay
Then you'd get to hear, banging around in the brainpan, all day, and all of the night, bojangles, like this:
Also this. Sunnier. ; )
In the gardens of some alternate future
maybe everything will be chipped and can be controlled remotely, if one can find the remote, which will be tagged to find by remote. Remotes all the way up!
Imagine, turn up the daffodils, turn down the zucchinis.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
haha, hecate,
Well. Okay. They got that part right.
I didn't see that one coming.
Well, actually I never see what's next in your writings.
Thank you for your outstanding reportage.
Good morning, hecate, and all!
thank you very much,
for understanding, that all I do is Report.
And then I lie down, and I put the covers over my head, and I take Medicine.
Morning time.
Time to speak via telephony to the Being that Lives in the Present, formerly known as Mother. Groundhog Day turned into Groundhog Minute. Dealing with the present and things happening pre-1950 and Post-1927 or so. Pre-me. Creative...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
the reason
for incarnation on this planet, it was set forth as nakedly, as it ever has been, in Groundhog Day.
Was scrolling through the Tubes yesterday ...
... enjoying the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man's bemused moment with the tiny Winged Thing. He was not Cranky then, nor was his audience. They were all inspired, and smiling mightily.
So I scrolled some more ... and happened upon an image to which a Winged Thing had been added post facto. It was an image of the Mad Bomber at a lectern. Only upon her lectern rested ... a lean and hungry Turkey Buzzard. They seemed to enjoy one another's company. I wet my pants with laughter ...
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
Flowers extinguish bombs
Thanks for the fun morning read. Hoppy Easter all.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I am a shooting magnet.
Remember the bank robbery in North Hollywood, where the robbers had body armor, and armor-piercing bullets? I was a block away. In Reno, they have an annual car show downtown, called Hot August nights. One time, I was there, and a gang fight broke out between the people of Modesto and the people of Merced. A window above me was shot out, and the glass rained down and I left. Another time in Reno, I came down to the lobby of the hotel where I was staying, and a rival motorcycle gang assassinated the leader of the Hells Angels in the lobby. And then there was a shooting in a Mall in Clackamas Oregon...three days before Sandy Hook (which happened on my birthday). I was in the Barnes and Noble when the shooting broke out near the food court. I dropped the book I was buying for my Dad, and made my way to the door, which I held open for the stream of people running outside...and caught the little girl that tripped and almost hit the pavement, last one out.
This is not good, I know.
I wish little birds would come to me, instead.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Sounds like you should avoid cities. I will admit to a certain amount of bias on this subject, though.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I live in Bisbee, AZ, for that reason.
But my job takes me to many big cities.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I have a ring with Bisbee turquoise
That's how I know about Bisbee.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
"Bisbee Blue"
Some say it is the best torquoise.
We live near a mine called the Campbell shaft. Turquoise from deep in the Campbell shaft has a coppery-rusty color to it, which is unusual, and also very nice. It is called Campbellite.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
all the cities,
they do not want you in them.
You should be preceded, everywhere you go, by a giant blarehorn, that blats, at top volume, DANGER!
Bisbee? Do you know Andrew?
funny...getting a deja vu here.
Oh well....on to the next comment.
i'm sorry,
but you, like Mr. Wells, need to go immediately into a Shelter. It is simply not safe and sane, for you to remain among the Normal people. Because you will get them beat and shot and bombed.
I know you like to fly the airplanes, but don't you think you have, maybe, like, now, flown the airplanes enough? The airplanes, they are always—let's face it—crashing, so how 'bout you not be on one, when it crashes?
You can instead play the banjo—which we know you also like to do—there, in the Shelter. We will pipe, from the Shelter, all your music, out to all the people. From this, they will quite likely, experience, an organism. You will, thereby, contribute to the Goodness, of humanity.
But, if, you remain free, you may, very well, Fuck Up, and Destroy, everything.
For instance, that Hollywood bank-robbery, for which you were clearly, from your proximity, Responsible? Those miscreants, they watched the movie Heat, and added to it, body-armor. And, from that, and in the aftermath, all the law jockeys, in all the western states, proceeded to arm themselves, with fully automatic weapons, head-to-toe armor, grenades, bazookas, and tanks. Years before the 9/11 rain, of hardware, down upon all the Barney Fifes, of our nation.
Do you want to be responsible, for some further holocaust of this type? No. You do not. So. You must get to the Shelter. We will fill it with many banjos, and also many Medicines. Friends and family, they can visit as they will. But you can not go out. Because you are a magnet. To which Danger inevitably attaches. If you come out, then, quite frankly, there is the chance, that there will be no, recognizable, world.
You are so right...
That was the beginning.
You are also right, that I have flown enough airplanes. I need to add up the numbers, I think it will be 20,000 hours next week, or the next. That is more than enough. But I have to pay for my food, and for my partner's. And house. And wood to make banjos, and various other things.
And I cannot go into a "shelter", a box (I have been put into very small boxes) ...I need sun, and mountains, and particularly open water. Almost done with my travel-kayak. In it, I can be alone, and away from people. It's crowds I need to stay away from. And Bisbee is small, and usually has no crowds. And so far, when I end up near a shooting, I manage to herd people away, so that has got to be worth something.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
i have heard
your banjoing. And I have read your writing. I know, that you can earn your crust, from these. In the sun, in the mountains, on the open water. And, every day.
Thank you
Boxes bother me.
I lost count. I went over 20,000 hours of flying this last week. Its time.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
it is time
to fly away.
Your banjo, it should be, will be, in that mix.
Sudden revelation!
This site doesn't have a mobile platform, amirite? So that would explain some of the glitches.
No worries. It's worth it.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Next vesion planned to be more mobile friendly. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Feel free to unpack and enjoy
Markos Moulitas: Mar 25 · 04:55:39 PM

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I'm not unpacking
any self awareness. Some irony, however.
Either extreme
lack of self awareness or deep cynicism. Loads of irony either way.
(Reply to Olinda)
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Awesome as always, hecate. Powerful writing and cool clips.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I agree
Fantastic in every possible meaning of the word.
Question, though: since yesterday I seem to be unable to reply directly to the post. I can reply to replies and can give the post a big ol' thumb's up, however. Solution?
We have the railroads to thank for regular time
Before them, time differed from town to town. I learned that at an Art History lecture recently. But I got to thinking what powered the railways?
So we actually owe regular time to coal. The Industrial Revolution was powered by coal and it turns out, coal was a big mistake.
To thine own self be true.
We have always done what is easiest and cheapest first. Then we figure out what is right. Of course, we usually ignore that for what is cheap and easy, but at least we can have the knowledge to do better and at some point the cheap and easy becomes less so..and then progress.