Obama is Right
The part of the left that lives and breathes politics on twitter has pushed candidates to take stands on issues contrary to our best interests. That small subset of hobbyists has an outsized influence as they are posting and reposting all of the outrage de jour. Most candidates, their staff, and the media follow the same or similar twitter posters. What "everyone" thinks becomes an issue a candidate has to comment on and come up with a policy or they get gossiped about because they don't have a policy.
Obama mentioned health care and immigration but he might well of said guns and global warming, the same applies to most issues. Assuming a candidate wins office it's impossible to predict what sort of senate they might have to deal with, but it's a pretty good bet that things will be close enough to evenly divided with either Republicans or Red state dems controlling the agenda. We aren't going to become Denmark via electing a president any more than we became Nazi Germany by electing Trump.
Health care is going to take a long time, and no one has any idea how it will turn out. Splitting hairs about M4A is beyond ridiculous. I voted against single payer in my state, as did most people, the plan sucked. The ACA roll out sucked in my state, both plans were ok for people making 6 digits, for the working poor it wasn't so great. Better than before, but subject to losing one's health insurance with no warning on the whim of a private industry contracted out customer service person paid $12 an hour who didn't even have health insurance themselves didn't impress. I spent scores of hours on hold waiting to see if some piece of paper work or another had arrived snail mail as required. Forced onto Medicaid without choice of private insurance except full price. Nope, many working class people are very leery of health insurance, especially via the govt. Support the idea alright, but it must be approached with care, or it won't be affordable except for upper middle class and beyond, and no, no new taxes at all on the working class.
There is an entire "woke" side of the left that seemingly looks down their noses at the proletariat who works at Walmart and Amazon. There is a special vocabulary that has to be spoken or else one is a racist, sexist, gay bashing, knuckle dragger. And right now that woke fragment is forcing the language of people like Warren to use words like Latinx which is a ridiculous word, or the candidate has to get all dogmatic on some finer point about carbon and never mind the houses in 3 states and frequent flier miles.
I don't mean to bash Warren, wonderful lady, would make a president a thousand times better than Reagan/BushI/BushII/Trump,and probably better than Bubba also. They all do it, and they all have to do it. Gabard has some kind of history with gay people, maybe said they shouldn't get married, I don't know. I'll tell you what, for every issue, if you look at Pew polling, there are Dems, and Independents, often a sizeable minority, who don't agree with the progressive Democratic party position. If we alienate twenty or thirty percent of the people on enough issues, well pretty soon they are staying home, or worse voting for some Trump who is telling them who knows what.
Every day more Americans worry about kitchen table issues, those are our strengths, Sanders, whom I still believe to be the best candidate by a couple miles, hammers those issues home relentlessly. We worry about our kids going to the doctor and not losing the house, we don't care which esoteric policy gets us there. We want our jobs back, even if they are at the chicken processing plant, but they have to come with a paycheck and a pension and Unions have given up on us, they agree to guest workers, they no longer protect American jobs (wife is SEIU thank you very much)
American has become a very capitalist society controlled by a very few wealthy people, but with the acquiescence of a whole huge segment of woke foke who are also doing pretty well for themselves. When the Democratic party starts using the language of that segment, well, a lot of people figure maybe our party isn't in it for us.
End of rant.

Things to chew on in your essay
This sounds like tacit acceptance of Who-Iz-Liz. She is H. Rodent Clinton without the finesse or ability to lie straight out (once her DNAS did the job for her). Liz will do an Obama-like about turn as soon as she gets in office, should that ever happen.
Quibbling about M4A is important because "the Devil is in the details". Other than straight M4A, the wannabe's are promoting M4A-X4. Medicare for all eXcept For.....
Pretty much, the Dems have utterly failed to make the M4A message clear except for Bernie. This is one of his redeeming values.
Get woke, go broke
The outrage culture is steadily losing traction. Latinx my ass. I'm pretty certain that many Hispanic Americans disapprove that appellation. In fact, 98% of Hispanics reject the term "latinx"
Interesting old diary from Obama
lecturing us not to hold democrats accountable for their horrible votes. Link goes to DK, but interesting read.
Tone, Truth, and the Democratic Party
This was written on 9/30/2005 and boy do I wish I had been paying more attention to what he was saying. But after the 8 horrible years of the Bush administration I probably would have voted for almost anyone who blew smoke my way. And this is just what is going to happen after Trump's reign of terror is over. The comments are interesting too.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Armando being the voice of reason?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not sure where I read it,
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The Inner Ring
Is an essay by C.S.Lewis.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Besides maybe Barbara Lee, Bernie and Wellstone, who shares/shared our fundamental values? Biden? Obama? HRC? Mary Landrieu? Lieberman? Debbie Wasserman Schultz? DiFi?
I'm at a loss here
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Chuck Schumer? Lanny Breuer? Eric Holder? Rahm Emanuel? n/t
I associate the woke folks
with being the slipping middle class that is burdened with debt, seeing subsidies and tax cuts go to the oligarchs, and that they have nothing but compassion for the proles you claim they disdain. Those woke folks are pounding the tweets for the 99%.
They have way more allegiance to their fellow 99%ers than to the Democratic party.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Woke, as I now understand it,
While a significant number of poor people and those of color already knew this fact, the vast majority of people who were firmly in the middle and lower working classes did not understand it until so many of blue collar, living wage jobs were either shipped overseas for cheap labor or were taken over by automation. In the meantime, the government has spent trillions of dollars on wasteful regime change wars while telling the American people that we cannot have the things that nearly every other developed nation provides for its citizens.
As a country, we have been impoverished and our middle and lower classes have been hollowed out while those at the top are doing better than ever. The Occupy movement helped shine a light on that fact and the American people are now becoming woke.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And in the meantime $3tril gifted to banks
As Fed Pumps $3 Trillion into Repo Market, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Practice Borrowing from the Fed’s Discount Window
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I need an explanation of your first sentence, ban nock.
Are you saying that pressing a candidate to state a policy position is "contrary to our best interests?"
To do otherwise is to vote for the unknown, giving the candidate the benefit of the doubt that they know what is best for the little people.
These candidates determine our lives, and how, and if, they are even lived.
Why would I not want to know what they want to do to me?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I consider this term, as it's popularly used nowadays, to apply to centrist Dems who are socially liberal and doing well financially. They include the pink pussy hat "Resistance" crowd.
As a progressive and a leftist, I don't identify with "woke". In fact, many of the "woke folks" accuse people like me of being Russian trolls and basement-dwelling Bernie Bros.
If by "your party" you mean the Democratic Party, they haven't been in it for you (and us here at C99) for several decades now.
In general, I'm confused about what you've written, and I think it's because it's not clear about whom you're referring to. I don't think I disagree with everything you've said, but I'm not sure, because I'm not exactly sure how to fit myself into your picture.
As an example, this would seem to be a contradiction in terms:
The political term "left" means pro-working class. How can someone who's pro-working class be against the working class?
Bernie is and has always been actively pro-working class. In fact, among his biggest supporters are rank-and-file employees of Walmart and Amazon. I haven't seen too many (well, none, actually) Bernie supporters dumping on the proletariat.
In your opening paragraph, you said this:
If you could give specific examples of those tweeters, it might help your readers give a better response to your post.
In fact, I believe it might help if you could clarify whom you think Obama was talking about when he made his comments the other day.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Interesting characterization of the woke crowd.
I did not associate it at all with the centrists, but I do not follow Twitter, listen to broadcast news, go on FaceBook, so maybe it does mean other types of activists.
I appreciate you wading into the waters of centrist memes.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Now that's
a scary thought ... "wading into the waters of centrist memes." Yikes.
When they first started using that word "woke", I assumed that it just referred to people who were waking up to what's been happening over the past 40 years, as a lot of Bernie supporters have been doing. I like to think that I'm becoming more enlightened, so I thought that's what "woke" meant. That's the sense in which Caity Johnstone uses it.
Then I started noticing what the self-identified "woke" folks were saying and doing.
From what I can tell, the term "woke" originated in the black community during the Civil Rights movement, and in that context it was used recently by Black Lives Matter.
But then it seems to have been co-opted by the "social justice warrior" crowd. While many leftists are concerned with social justice issues, I don't see SJW itself as leftist.
Getting back to the main topic, I just don't think those "woke" folks, the SJWs, are who Obama was aiming his remarks toward.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Ok. That is helpful.
In recent times, the only person I have read closely who uses that term is Caitlin.
Hard to keep up with co-option.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It's gotten confusing
We could have a big discussion on how, by whom, and for what reasons the term "left" has been co-opted and distorted, for instance.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Yes we sure could.
Labels just do not mean what they used to mean. They are the current meaning.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Words and their meanings
always evolve over time. However, in this case, I have to think it's being done by deliberate manipulation, as a means to confuse We the People and get us to act against our own interests.
The neoliberal Dems - people like Nancy Pelosi and Neera Tanden - refer to themselves as "left" and "progressive". Of course, they are pro-oligarchy, pro-Wall Street, pro-MIC, and in the 1980s would have been considered politically center-right.
It's smoke and mirrors. It gets people to keep supporting the Dem establishment because they (the supporters) think the Dem party is still the party of FDR.
And by co-opting the term "left", it effectively marginalizes and shuts out the true left.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
It's a good rant
I agree about Obamacare, a huge tax on the near middle class to pay for the poor. For me I don't see why they just don't drop the age to 50 for medicare, and after a few years whittle away at the middle to cover more.
You're also right that the country is pretty much 50/50. We suffer from that, but the political and capitalist class seem to love it. It keeps us riled up, not much gets done to benefit us, but the upper %'ers always prosper. That includes our top politicians. Nobody ever went broke by being the president, in congress or on the supreme court.
Hey, Snode
Did you might mean to reply to someone else's comment, rather than mine?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Thank you Centaurea
for so clearly articulating what I associate with the current definition of 'woke'.
thx, centaurea, finally I am really awoke
and completely awoken or is it awaken about that (pardon my french) gawdawful "woke" label.
How about using conventional English words, like Socialists, Capitalists, Liberals and Democrats? Have mercy with the foreigners. I just imagined I had to try to explain to an average German who the "woke people" are. The thought alone caused me to think about suicide.
But then I thought I can't kill myself over a thingy no German would care about to begin with. That thought woke up my sense of getting back to normal and being with both feet in the real world.
I mean, is it correct to assume that a foreigner on this blog and in the United States are members of the 99 percent? I thought so, but now I get my doubts. I feel so 0.001 percent-ish
here right now.
"Both feet in the real world"
What a great idea. I hope the American psyche can find its way to doing that, real soon.
In the meantime, most of the US population seems to have been asleep at the wheel since the late 1970s. Some are finally rousing themselves, yawning and thinking about breakfast.
Some are still fast asleep.
Some are still fast asleep, but are dreaming that they're awake. I think they might be the most dangerous of them all. Ironically, I think a lot of the "woke" folks are in that category.
Yep, that might be a good definition of "woke". Asleep, but dreaming that they're awake.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
So you are saying that my wanting affordable health care is contrary to my best interests? I don't understand how anyone can say this. Not when thousands of us are dying every year because of it. As I have stated previously Obama himself once ran on single payer, but renegotiate it by selling us out to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. During that time I think most democratic voters were also in favor of it. I would sure like to know why people changed their minds and are now saying that it would be bad for the country. This sure doesn't make any sense to me.
Kinda funny how Bernie has been trying to get that passed for years, but just because some people said something on Twitter we should just forget about it. Not sure what you thought when posting this, but it'd be nice if you addressed people's comments.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I am also confused
by this essay, and would appreciate clarification from the author. There are parts of ban nock's perspective that have invited responses and deserve expanding upon, I think?
Yeah drive by essays are confusing
If someone cares enough about what they write I'd think they would like to be part of the discussion. If not then I question what their point was in posting it here and especially after ggherh's excellent essay on this subject.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You lost me when
you confused "the left" with "woke". In my world someone who is "woke" is a violent, hate filled monster, who claims to support women's and minority rights but only does so to justify their malice. Their belief is that white, heterosexual males are the absolute font of all evil and must be denied all human rights and anyone who disagrees must be shunned, denied employment, and even murdered. (a little over a year ago someone was swatted because of an accusation that he held an unacceptable opinion about comic books) In my world the term "progressive" was coined to differentiate the true left from the evil fundamentalists who co-opted the term "liberal".
That aside you make some important points. Achieving our goals will take much time and effort. We must not alienate people, and even more we must not allow the "woke" to alienate people against us.
On to Biden since 1973
Obama's new slogan
"No we can't"
“Not you, us” (meaning him and Michelle, raking in the dough)
AFAIK, “woke” refers more to folks like the students in this vid
who are emancipated enough from the white man’s shackles of so-called “civility” and “respect” and “free speech” that they are not afraid to show the GOP-supporting students who’s in charge now.