2 Tweets re: julian asssange’s trial magistrate
Submitted by wendy davis on Sat, 11/16/2019 - 11:06am
Please consider this a PSA, I dunno if I'll be able to participate on the thread given epic weekend chores.
"Julian Assange’s judge and her husband’s links to the British military establishment exposed by WikiLeaks".https://t.co/eZxhemRolB
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 15, 2019
(referenced in a sub-Tweet):
#Arbuthnot Out as #Assange’s Judge, says #Wikileaks Lawyer Jen Robinson https://t.co/Sp2khgaWXO
— Consortium News (@Consortiumnews) November 16, 2019

Finally some good news for Julian
Hopefully a judge that respects the law will be inserted, but I'm not going to hold my breath. And hopefully Julian's lawyers can get him out of there. Slim chance, but I gotta hope.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
i join you in hope,
even if slim. from consortium news:
"Robinson made her remarks in response to a question from the audience about Arbuthnot’s reported conflict of interest in the case. Robinson did not provide further details. She spoke in future tense, but it is not clear if she was referring to Arbuthnot maintaining supervision of the case while turning over the courtroom duties to another judge, which she did weeks ago, retaining the right to influence rulings, or whether Arbuthnot has recused herself from the case. Consortium News has contacted Robinson to provide clarification.
really, the arbuthnot son's connections may be even more frightening: also from the daily maverick: ‘The son of Julian Assange’s judge is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment’, Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis• [video:https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-11-15-conflicts-of-interest...
they open with:
and close with:
this may be just dangerous & nefarious mud-slinging, but one of the subtweets to the wikieaks daily maverick tweet is:
sigh. who is lucy komisar? beats me. https://twitter.com/LucyKomisar
Not familiar either, but finding out.
Okay, I didn't know either, but I am fast finding out about her. One of the first things I'm seeing is that she does not buy into the William Browder/Russia story. The more I find out about William Browder, the more convinced I become that it's a total lie. You may recall that the Magnitsky Act, pushed hard by war-monger John McCain, is based on the story put forth by Browder. At this time, I consider Browder's tale to be a fabrication.
You may be interested to read this very recent article by Lucy Komisar: Assange lawyers’ links to U.S. govt & Bill Browder raises questions
I'll have to spend more time reading what Ms Komisar has written, but right now I'm impressed.
You are right to question the Browder stories
I don't know if a search for him will bring up the correct information on him, but from what I understand he negged on his taxes in Russia and did a lot of very bad things. Magnitsky wasn't killed in prison either IIRC. He died from a heart attack or some other disorder. We have been pummeled with so much propaganda since 9/11 I'm surprised how many of us can still see through the BS that we are inundated with every day. But I'm still trying to figure out why it was Papadopoulus that got in trouble when it was Misfud that first had the fake information about Russia having Hillary's emails? Shouldn't the FBI had wanted to talk to Misfud first? Heh...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
no, i don't remember and had no idea, so double thanks.
There was a documentary
made about the whole Magnitsky thing, more information here: http://www.magnitskyact.com/
IIRC the filmmaker started out making a film based on believing Browder's tale, but he kept finding out that things were not the way they had been reported. As you'd expect they've had a lot of problems getting it distributed, Browder has lots of money and connections.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Ha! GMTA n/t
Browder, et al.
The whole Browder mess has smelled rank to me from the very beginning. It's been out there for a while, of course. I was a bit late to the party. I received a X-mas gift from my brother-in-law and his wife a few years ago - it was the book Red Notice. I read it. Pretty good read, but something didn't seem right with it. I tucked it away, vowing to do some research on the issue, but I still haven't done it. What I have done is collect a bunch of links, a few of which I've read.
Let's just say at this point that I don't believe much coming from William Browder. There's a film made about the affair, evidently funded by Browder or some such. It was evidently made to buttress his case and put it before the public. As I understand it, during the filming, the actual people making the film became convinced that it was Browder who was the culprit and that what the Russian government was saying was the truth. They finished the film, having decided to tell the truth, and it's been deep sixed ever since. I have a link to the film, but have yet to watch it.
Evidently, this Lucy Komisar is all over it. I haven't had time to read what she's saying other than a brief scan of some of it. Perhaps it's time for me to go into it. A lot of this Big Bad Russia business is based on the Browder story. So, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that it's all a load of bullsh*t.
I think he is still wanted in Russia
for tax evasion and some other issues that he did there. I didn't flesh out my first comment very well, but Browder is not who people think he is here. It'd be a shame if Russia got there hands on him again cuz he would spend lots of time in prison there. The Magnitsky act was a total creation of his that he duped congress into passing.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
same or similar link i'd provided above,
amigo. was it in the comments on one of then who'd noted of the dought street lawyers: 'amal clooney, cia asset?' or close. well, george is totally CFR, so there's that, but:
it's likey i shouldn't have muddied the waters, as as far as i'm concerned, jen robinson (@suisgenerisjen) is a true warrior for assange, as is @assangelegal (hanna jonasson).
should jen have known? is that a convenient psyop? but that's why i'd included her twit account to click into: https://twitter.com/LucyKomisar
...for investigative purposes. so far as i've read her tweets, i like her politics.
Checking her out as best as I can.
Yes, so far I'm okay with her. Seems she's written a LOT. Surprised I haven't run into her before this. If I have, I don't remember it. Still researching. May take a while....
As far as mudding the waters, the water is already pretty murky as far as I can tell. Deliberately so, probably.
the link i'd provided
was this off-guardian one (117 comments, many of which had extra links...and more links. some comments got pretty into the weeds, including pilger and craig murray as gate-keepers, etc. some claimed not to even believe assange is IN belmarsh gitmo, go figure.
as far as i could tell, amal clooney and mark summers faced the most damnation by links of other stories...
no updates from jen robinson on consortium news as to what arbuthnot's removal really means. but i did find this on jen's twitter account:
a few outtakes:
then some lies and smears:
and this from mark curtis of the daily maverick, whatever it means:
@markcurtis30 23h23 hours ago
Mark Curtis Retweeted Jonathan Cook
Just to be clear, Arbuthnot is chief magistrate who directly ruled on Assange case til June, then appointed junior judge to hear the case who has done so since. She hasn't recused herself or declared conflict of interest and her role remains to "support and guide" junior judges.
there were commenters on the thread doubting magnitsky had died as reported, or even died at all, but here's one link provided:
Daily Mail: From Bob Browder himself. Worth a read.
on morning edit: it IS the daily fishwrap, but the title and bullet points tell most of what follows:
Putin's vengeance: Murder, corruption and a dead man put on trial... how one man rose to the top of Russia's most-wanted list for daring to stand up to country's president
• Sergei Magnitsky died in November 2009 after 358 days in Russian prison
• Wrote daily letters about beatings but treatment was never investigated
• His friend William Browder successfully campaigned for Magnitsky Act - placing travel bans on Russian human rights abusers
• In return Vladimir Putin tried him for Magnitsky's murder in his absence
• Russians also tried Magnitsky - first dead man to be tried since 897AD
• Mr Browder says it is possible Russian regime is trying to kill him
By William Browder For The Mail On Sunday, Sunday,7 February 2015">7 February 2015
but as to the Magnitsky Act he'd written:
Tweet Trump
Tell him the only way he will prevail in all his challenges — Impeachment, the Supreme Court, and the 2020 Election — is to free publisher, Julian Assange.
Champion the First Amendment. Stop the slow murder of Julian Assange and win the hearts of good people the world over.
Rinse and repeat like an indicted St Petersburg bot.
i've scoured all the relevant
Twitter accounts i can think of, but i can't find what time of day julian's '18 November 2018 Call-over hearing (administrative hearing necessary to bring a defendant before a judge every 28 days)'.
but from my last diary from late oct. on his deadly plight i'd found:
"In a final vindictive move, Baraitser declared that next year’s week-long extradition hearing would take place at Woolwich Magistrates Court near Belmarsh Prison. There were audible gasps in the public gallery at Baraitser’s announcement. The venue near Belmarsh has a “public gallery” of just three seats, all but denying public scrutiny and allowing a biased media to selectively report and spread disinformation and lies.”
now that's the actual extradition trial on feb. 22 (iirc), but it does beg the Qs: who will preside tomorrow, and where the hearing will be held. braitser again?
anyway, my guess is that oscar grenfell may write about it in the morning, and i'll keep my eyes peeled in the meantime.
goddam. goddam. goddam.
on edit: just checked mama assange's account, & there's a notice that she's suspended her own account (not the Twitter pigs), but this was on her account:
Sorry if this was already posted wd
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley