Bernie for the win
This recent NY Times article about how Trump is beginning to lose the independent voters that made all the difference in 2016, references a survey by Marquette University.
The exit poll showed Mr. Trump winning independents in Wisconsin by 10 points in 2016. In a recent survey by Marquette University Law School, these voters preferred Joe Biden to Mr. Trump by a nine-point margin.
One thing about that survey: of all the Democratic candidates, only one of them have a net favorability by independents - Bernie (45 - 38).
Not only did the NY Times fail to mention that, they never used the word "Sanders".
While centrists want to get moderate Republican unicorn voters, Bernie goes after the tens of millions of non-voters that lean Democratic.
And yet, while nonvoting Democrats were more ideologically heterodox, and averse to identifying as “liberal,” they also expressed some sentiments that will hearten leftists who imagine them as latent revolutionary subjects: 51 percent of Democratic nonvoters said they wanted a presidential nominee who will “fundamentally change America”; only 42 percent of regular Democratic voters said the same. Meanwhile, nonvoting Democrats were also more likely to support single-payer and to approve of Bernie Sanders, who boasted a higher “very favorable” rating among such Democrats than Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren. In fact, Sanders was the only Democratic candidate to enjoy higher favorability among nonvoting Democrats than those who regularly show up at the polls.
Independents and typical non-voters often don't show up in survey polls.
However, one thing that can be easily measured is donations.
The Daily Beast reports that in the 206 counties that went for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and then went for Donald Trump in 2016, Bernie Sanders is raking in far and away the most individual donations. Sanders has received 81,841 donations from 33,185 donors in flipped counties. That’s roughly three times as much as runner-up Elizabeth Warren, who received 26,298 donations from 13,674 donors. Buttigieg comes in just under Warren, with Biden trailing closely behind.
The GOP is hoping and praying that Bernie wins. They think that he'll be easy to beat.
“It would be good for us to have a nominee like that,” said Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who is up for reelection next year and sounded downright giddy about the prospect of Sanders representing Democrats at the top of the ticket...
But Republicans could be making the same mistake Democrats made four years ago, when Trump launched his presidential campaign and they began salivating over the prospect of a Senate sweep.
If Bernie is going to be so easy to beat, then how come he's the leading contender in Texas?
Bernie defies almost all accepted political norms, so it shouldn't be a surprise if the voting doesn't match the polling.
Of course the most significant poll is this one.
The poll found that 22% of Fox News viewers who also identified as potential Democratic primary voters back Sanders compared to just 13% of MSNBC viewers.Sanders was an outlier in this regard, as every other 2020 Democratic included in the poll had more support among MSNBC viewers than those who tend to watch Fox News.

Lula walks free
Lula thanks Bernie and then Some
Say what!?!
Uh, Facebook killed neoliberal blogs like GOS?
For far too many people, Facebook is the internet
My cousin's wife once called me on a Friday because she had not received an RSVP for a party on Saturday, the next day. I told her that I knew nothing about the party, and never got an invitation. She was astounded. "But it was on Facebook!" Doubly astounded when I said I didn't have a Facebook account and never would.
She's about 60. She should have known better.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Plug for c99
That is why is is so important to support sites like this that use their own infrastructure. It might seem more expensive but in life you generally get what you pay for...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Call me skeptical ...
But I don't believe for a second that Republicans think they can beat Bernie. Quite the opposite. They know they can't, which is precisely why they're spreading the word, loudly and widely, that they can: to give the Democrats cover for denying him the nomination. Again.
It's not a bug, it's a (bipartisan)
psy-opfeature.And it's why we can't have nice things.
@WaterLily I agree, @WaterLily I agree,
never match wits ...
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Dems don't need
Re Rs hoping for Bernie as an opponent, I believe they believe he would be their weakest opponent. Let them believe that. It will make them overconfident, the way Ds were in getting Donald last time, and tend to dampen their turnout. If Donald will easily beat Bernie, maybe a lot of R voters won't feel it necessary to go to the polls for what is expected to be an inevitable outcome.
Naomi Klein to endorse Bernie at Iowa Climate Crisis Summit
Bernie's only impediment to becoming prez
is himself, he needs to FIGHT back at the
establishment and go independent if necessary
The first obstacle....the repuglican wing of the D party
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
NYT this AM had a Bernie story
That wasn’t written by Sydney Ember. It was a remarkably positive piece on the Latino vote being big for Tio Bernie.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
And he doesn't even carry hot sauce in his pocket.
Missed that one
Probably because I found her not simply distasteful but uninteresting.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I believe they would come out
I believe they would come out strong for him. He holds similar values that seem shared by the southern half of our hemisphere, and once upon a time by us too. We have been pushed into a survival mode to the point where it seems like the only thing we value is money.
I think Bernie would win the popular vote
Would he win the EC? I think it could come down to three or four states that were close last time.
And we may see in the not too distant future where a Democrat wins the popular vote by four or five percent and still loses the EC.
The EC is not going away. If it does, then the USA will be run by a couple of powerful states like Germany, France, and until recently the UK, ran the EU.
Electoral math
Notably, Clinton lost Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. If Sanders takes those three + the 2016 Dem states, he wins. Too soon for general matchup polls to be very meaningful, but he's currently polling ahead of Trump in all three of those states. Clinton also lost Ohio (18 electoral votes) and Florida (29), and Sanders is currently beating Trump in those state polls too.
The Plains States...
which beltway Dems always write off (because, well, they're full of icky deplorables and who cares about poor farmers anyway) are also very much in play with Bernie's popular rural policies, grassroots organization, and massive small donor funding.
Howard Dean's 50 state strategy worked for Obama. Twelve years later, there's no reason it won't work even better for Bernie.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Another contrast between other Dem candidates and Sanders is that he's proven both willing and able to campaign in territory that's not welcoming to establishment Democrats, which could help him net enough votes in enough counties in enough plains and midwest states.
Trump has lost
These national matchup polls we see are largely meaningless, as they still reflect mainly name ID. Most/many primary voters are still not tuned in to the ongoing process and could only name a few candidates. Biden has the most name ID other than Trump. Bernie has the second-highest name ID among Ds as he ran a prominent and nearly successful campaign in 2016. Liz and the rest are still unknown to a large number of D primary voters. And primary voters are the ones more engaged in the political process than general election voters.
I was talking about state-by-state polls, not national polls, and while I mentioned it was too early for them to be particularly instructive I'd rather rely on some kind of data than guessing.
Doesn't matter re
Impeachment is the big unknown