Welcome to Saturday ...

Friends, good morning, my mind, busy taking apart--in recall--each moment and word of the pulmonary hypertension conference from which i just returned, so please take center stage.
Without outside encumbrances; a good day to bring music; too, a movable feast, online.

"Were I king, each creature would be a princess or prince or both. Each child, a god, but i'm not king, nor wish to be having lost that charm while sailing though humanity. The colors be, the light's still there and sometimes the wind blows. Pardon my doldrums, ages old, far more wise and unnerved by bouillant water. Run turtles to the sea, leave the shells behind, swim as fast as you can. Deeper and deeper, it can be."

Art today: Léon Joseph Florentin Bonnat.
like i said, tired puppy, here, mind otherwise engaged, later.
Pussy Scouts’ anti-Trump rap. Also cookies and free pussy hats.
super cali fragil istic expe alidoscious (sp)
Great stuff lotli -- had to laugh!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Morning Smiley
The pulmonary hypertension situation sounds seriously scary. Hope you can find a reasonable path forward. So sorry.
The global body politic is also rebelling. Although in this case against authoritarian regimes. inequality, austerity, climate denial, corruption, injustice & etc. To wit:
France, Catalan, Ecuador, Chile, Iraq, Panama, London, Ecuador, Algeria, Haiti, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Lebanon, Columbia, Brazil ...
Defuncts' Day for all us souls in purgatory.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Chaos in Brooklyn as 1,000 anti-cop protesters storm subway stations yelling 'don't let these pigs touch us' after a spate of violent arrests and the city's vow to add even MORE officers to crackdown on anyone not paying the $2.75 fare

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good link gg
was hoping to find something in the US to add
the fuse is being ignited
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
King Kong’s up on the Empire State Building
but it’s Hong Kong down in the subway . . .
Morning, Q,
Hey Morning Q instead of QMS fits a spy theme. Fun stuff this morning, is this a pussy riot?
Thanks for the concern, the conference was very rewarding, a good time, more about it later.
Just a drop in to see if i had the lights on here and edit to add the open thread leader as i'd forgotten.
Back to bed. Carry on and have a good one, everyone.
Rest well
the lights are definitely still on!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Positive vibes and great music, QMS, you
brought to this thread, many thanks.
All Soul's Day
@karl pearson @Karl Pearson
And Karl much of the Catholic hierarchy may well be in that other place where prayers do not penetrate
I guess Lucifer would reluctantly take them
Glorious Saturday ~
Glorious Saturday ~
I welcome you
for the R&R you bring
to my weary bones,
which rejuvenates me
as I continue the daily grind.
Enjoy your Saturday, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Feets up poetry foundation rings a bell, RA, cheers.
I think I sent you a link similar to this...
...but this gets at the basics.
...for what it is worth.
And here's a fellow who reversed his heart disease. The body like nature can heal itself.
Sending you healing thoughts. Hope you're having a lovely day like here. About freezing this AM. A cool stroll through trade day. Stay well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Stunning seaside picture
I can feel the wet sand between my toes just looking at it. Thanks for the poetry and reflection. Rest well, dear Smiley.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Sand in my shoes, Anja, the image does make one want to be
there. Happy day to you and thanks for the good wishes.
good health to you, smiley.
and a good all souls day to all!
Thanks Wendy, happy day back-at-you.
Good morning and happy Sabbleday, smiley. Be well and
as focused or afocal as you need be. Let it stew, simmer and perk and remember to chase not false happiness. Busy here, doing all those must do thingies, starting with farmer's market rsn. Be good to yourself, and hey, "https://getpocket ... " eh, heh.
Have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
For you el, as such a steady friend to others
Thanks you Janice. Just found that this morning, a really nice
start to the day. Thanks again and have a great day.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Question is when a dog chases its tail, el, is it
happy? Good advice, good friend. Sleep about 36 hours. Beginning to relax down after so much research and tests, it is what it is, back to the hill in two weeks for an interstitial lung disease consult, review of a new Ct scan and see an eye doctor to make sure the new med isn't impacting my eyes negatively, one more appointment scheduled in December with my lead doc and maybe we will all be satisfied with the science we know and accepting of that which we do not.
Happy day to you.
Please rest well, and get well, smiley7
So, I was determined to sleep in. Stay in bed until I just wanted to arise.
And I got this call. My friend and part time employee said "Put on some clothes, I want to do some business."
I told him that is the first time I had heard that, that what I have heretofore heard is sort of the opposite, as regards clothes.
So, we looked at a property, decided we would buy it. It has a rental home, and a 2-story metal building that can be used as a warehouse for the processing of CBD products, which he does already. He is a personal friend of the seller, who offered the property to him at well below fair market value. I expect it to actually return a profit within 5 years. It would provide an income stream for our retirement.
Exciting times!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Congrats on the new venture, OtC, sounds a perfect
match for you two; so many possibilities.
Feeling fine this afternoon after lots of rest, thanks for your encouraging thoughts.
good afternoon smiley
I hope you are resting well. Very busy myself catching up on chores that have been left in the dust in recent weeks due to climate excitement. Picking up detritus from the windstorm, composting, trimming with lots of raking and sweeping. Still no rain and things are very dry. The nights are cold here as well due to the Arctic air over the Rockies. I wish you the best. Be well...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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All the best to you too, magiamma
You do amazing work, and must feel very satisfied, even when other places require dusting. I imagine your strength gets you through it all. Thank you for everything.
funny you should mention that
my strength. Not so sure. Plod along but was just recently bowed to the ground; felled to my my knees. The spiders are disappearing. They have been scare here this summer. Especially the Orb Weavers. I leave the cobwebs up outside so the birds can have snacks. Our planet is visibly failing.
Why spiders? I was terrified of them until I kept a wolf spider in a large jar during a biology class one summer (for not too long because it had business to do). But I learned so much from that little spider about the fragile web of life that we all partake of. I thought I was radical before I took 'this' on, but now I realize that we can no longer live in a capitalist society (does that make me radical?) and change must happen quickly in spite of the folks that have their grubby little hands locked onto the levers of power. Visualize nonviolent regime change - political, corporate and military. om
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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spiders got it webbed
They came from Mars ya' know
I learn a lot from bees and ants
Not sure from where they came
Suspect they know where they are going
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I suspect so too
and trust they'll lead the way.
Your faith in humanity makes you strong
despite the falls and failings of us humans. It's what makes you radically, positively strong, despite those grubby little hands.
I only have to watch Bloomberg TV for a minute
to be reminded that, call it capitalism, call it something else, what’s killing the planet is this reduction of the real and living to the dead and symbolic — forget the Web of Life, silly non-economist, just look and let yourself be hypnotized by all our little numbers and graphs.
It’s Bloomberg versus Thunberg.
It’s a big casino — in the case of Sheldon Adelson’s business, literally so — and Bloomberg is the slot machine / poker machine readout. Bezos’ and the other billionaires’ billions: built on death and data. Living things and lifeblood are just dirt and ore to these guys.
Hi magi, the pace of climate crisis can keep us awake and
busy for lifetimes, it's good to break away on occasion and clean up the debris.
Lucky to have the best care in the world, medicare and plan f and it was good to see most of the team members and providers all in one place at the conference, having breakfast and sharing seeing their baby and dog pictures, a team that has become family.
I was honored to serve on the patient perspective panel.
Happy day to you.
Hi smiley,
I hope you are resting well, and comfortably absorbing all the rewards of your exchanges.
Your poetry brings tears. The image of the turtles shedding their shells and swimming for their freedom is powerful. The music is like a soothing lullaby.
One of the most romantic places I’ve ever been was on a small seaside balcony in Estoril at sunset.
Hi janis,
Rereading the short poem today after your mention of tears, sometimes an amateur sings way over his head, and delightedly so, if you felt the simple words.
Never been to Estoril, was planning to be nearby on the last trip Bill and i had planned to Europe, but had to cancel at the last moment to take care of Mom. Let's go, looks like a perfect c99 retreat stop to me. Love memories of the special places, don't you?
Many thanks for the great music and gracious spirit on this thread making this OT a bookmark to remember.
It's always so nice
to be in your presence, and with those who gather here. Thank you for the welcoming space, and a place to dream.
Portugal is nice
People are warm, friendly, happy.
Face to face, expect good and receive same.
Log & mess
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
in your neighbourhood ...
One Particular Harbor
Buffett live circa 1990
(you tubes ain't aworkin' foamy)
Thanks Janis b - good!
View from my office...
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Happy to fill in for your broken you tube
Everything's coming our way
Santana 1971
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Hope it's so ...
Don't think I could come up with
something livelier!
Just a wish
draw the energy in, if it's good
then share
the goodness
Make it so...
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
and thanks QMS! Appreciated.
A view from your office,
how cool, a travelling office. It must be very refreshing when the temperature is warm and the water inviting.
On a nice day like this
heaven is just a sigh away.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Very true
a little down tempo ...
Ahh, life's ups and downs
one of my girls
Southern Cross
Daylight Again
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
She's beautiful
Will be awhile before she's visible again.
Hi smiley,
I trust you are getting some good rest. I wish I could stop by with some homemade soup and a salad. Perhaps e.l. could bring some of his sourdough bread and M. Hagle could bring some of her beautiful fresh veggies. Someone could pick up a bottle of one of your favorite Italian wines...all in the name of healing.
It sounds as if you gleaned some good information from the conference.
Thank you for the OT.... take good care of yourself.
Music for our souls:
Hi randtntx,
The door is always open, come on in with all those good folks, food and libations. We could have a great thanksgiving--this group--i can see it in the mind. Thanks for this fullsome image.
And the lovely music, cheers.
Cooking now: cubed-steak in a chicken stock with garlic. Made my grandma's potato salad earlier, it's in the fridge and some mountain cabbage lightly steamed. Think the glass of Sauvignon blanc left in the fridge will wet the palate today as i sit here in humble celebration of having so many good friends.
Happy day to you.
Your meal/humble celebration
I found a beautiful cookbook at the library which I have not examined much yet. It's all about vegetables. My family has a weakness for very nice cookbooks and we tend to buy too many, quite a few of which I have first borrowed from the library.
I will report on some recipes if I find some unique spectacular ones in this book.
Anyway, hope you have a lovely, restful, quiet, week.
Philip Glass:
A beautiful piece
thanks rand
made the morning
a better
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
So glad you did;