I'd like to see Tulsi take the McCarthyites to school
Submitted by bondibox on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 1:06am
Can you imagine if Tulsi wore a red pantsuit to the next debate? It would create a Ruskophobia meltdown. The hillbots would be screaming hither and yon about how she's no longer hiding her true allegiances, etc.
And if I were Tulsi, I'd wait about an hour and then have a helper in the audience shout out the number of tweets that mention "Tulsi + Red + Russia" since the debate began.
And then I'd spend the next minute shaming all the twitteratti for their McCarthyist mob mentality.
"What have we come to as a nation when there are those among us who are eager to impugn a person's character over the color of their clothes."

It is too bad they don't teach history
In school anymore, especially stuff like the McCarthy era. I'm going to make it my business to teach it to my grandkids.
Yup. One of my friends
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Tulsi is on it!
"Step down from your throne."
Tulsi IS schooling the Dems more than they know.