Tim Pool agrees on why Tulsi is pro impeachment

Tulsi endorses impeachment--military strategy

Sun Tsu said pick your battles. Tulsi is still repelling feeble counterattacks, otherwise known as smears for her having the temerity to find out for herself what was going on in Syria. She is called an Assad-lover by such beacons of moral rectitude as Neera Tanden, Samantha Power, and Chris Cuomo.

Every TV or print interview smear takes time for Tulsi to repel the ridiculous trope that she loves Assad. This eliminates time which should be used to promote her plans and vision. Wisely, having observed the amount of ill-will cultivated by her foes (mainly lefties), Tulsi wisely decides that impeachment is one battle she does not wish to fight.

Tim Pool makes a good analysis of this at about minute 14 concerning Tulsi's view on impeachment.


Sun Tsu, the art of war. Plus Ninja, the way of the warrior.

Pick your battles.

Fight hard.

Stay true to yourself.

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but I agree on Tulsi's reasoning. The seditioncrats aren't going to impeach Trump, at least not by the election (they probably will drag it out till then in their infinite stupidity) (or the Republicans will see how much good it's doing them and drag it out themselves) but it will keep them occupied and off her back at least a little. The impeachment people are a bunch of vicious yap dogs who think they're pit bulls and are all about ankle biting - why provoke them?

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On to Biden since 1973

Wally's picture


I won't be at all surprised if it comes that fast in the House.

Of course, Trump won't be tried or convicted and thrown out of the White House by the Senate.

But the Democratic establishment will keep harping on R-gate and U-gate and whatever the newest x-gate is until hell freezes over and the 10 year window of opportunity to address climate catastrophe closes instead of dealing with that crisis and every day basic life quality issues that the American public really cares about.

Unless the left can get it together and make the chance of our lifetime happen.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


...brainwashing leads them.

They are now participating in the slow murder of their only savior, Julian Assange. Just as the Jews did 2000 years ago to another political activist in Palestine.

Expect catastrophe upon catastrophe from the American public. They will somehow manage to murder all their saviors. I am not saying that Trump should not be impeached. But he is the only thing standing between them and being eaten alive by the Nazi State that is persecuting him. Do Americans deserve a year of President Pence? Why, of course they do.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Pluto's Republic

You can't actually believe that the fate of Assange is being left up to the American people.

You know who's after him. Do you think they give a shit about what the people think?

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Alligator Ed's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

You can't actually believe that the fate of Assange is being left up to the American people.

You know who's after him. Do you think they give a shit about what the people think?

Most Amerikans could probably not identify the current Vice-President by name or face. Voters get whom they vote for. If you are a stupid chicken and open the door to the handsome wolf, you will be dinner.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed

1992, and 1994.

After that, the various wolves had managed to tear the door off its hinges, rip it to pieces, and defecate on it. Since 1994, we haven't had a door to close.

That matters to those of us who first voted 1988 and after. We tend to feel like we didn't have a lot of time to convince our fellow citizens that the wolf was a wolf, nor to organize some guys with guns to at least scare the wolves away long enough to put a better door on.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Wally's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Impeachment will not lead to trial, nor conviction, nor sentencing, nor removal of Trump from the Senate.

The big question is if he will be weakened or strengtheed by the ongoing spectacle?

I think while the Dem base might be all up to do about it for awhile, it won't last because it will only get bogged down or more likely swiftly dismissed in the Senate.

And most likely, voters who are not staunch diehard Dems (including many ordinary non-activist Dems) will be discouraged from voting for any Dem because they repeatedly fail to deliver.

Worst of all, if the Dems come up with a Biden or a Warren to oppose Trump, fuhgedaboudit. We'll all be fuhduckled.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


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@Wally disappointed b/c anyone with a pulse will know -- after several months preceding of massive impeachment news -- that Rs control the senate and except for maybe a handful of defectors will toe the line for Trump. At that point Rs will be joined at the hip with the tainted and damaged Donald, Ds will be energized and outraged at the HC&Ms the Rs allow Trump to get away with, and indy Ds will come out in droves to back the D nominee.

Maybe not so much energy for Biden -- in that very unlikely case -- but certainly for Warren, contra 99% of the posters here.

My biggest concern about the election remains this: will Donald leave office peacefully when he loses re-election.

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Centaurea's picture


I'm not saying that he might not threaten to do it. Posturing dramatically is how he rolls. But as a practical matter, how exactly could he do it?

Would Donald barricade himself in the Oval Office while the new POTUS is sworn in on the Capitol steps, tweeting like crazy and sending out for pizza and burgers when he got hungry? Let him. POTUS doesn't need to work or reside in the White House. I'm sure Bernie couldn't care less about that kind of thing.

Who would make a stand alongside him? Not Melania, that's almost certain. She and their son would have decamped to Manhattan as soon as the general election was over. I'm sure she doesn't spend any more time in D.C. than she has to, as it is.

When the Secret Service arrived to escort Trump from White House, would he hold them off with an AK-47? Does Trump even know how to handle firearms? Maybe he'd threaten them by brandishing a golf club instead.

The only way someone could pull off a stunt like that would be with the full cooperation and assistance of the MIC, the intelligence community, the corporate media, and everyone inside the Beltway. Is there a reason to think that such a perfect storm would exist in 2021, and that it would be used to extend Donald Trump's presidency?

We've had coups in the US before, but not one so overt as this would be.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

gulfgal98's picture

@Wally that Pelosi has used a measure that might slow walk impeachment in the House by farming it out to several committees rather than setting forth a single impeachment inquiry committee.

This investigation will come from the existing House committees, Pelosi said today, despite initial reports she planned to ask for the creation of a House select committee to focus on impeachment. (This came as a relief to some members, who were worried the creation of a special committee would take up time and bog things down unnecessarily.)

I disagree with the last sentence in the above quote. A single committee would be far more manageable than multiple committees if Pelosi is serious about moving forward with impeachment.

Impeaching Trump on Ukraine is, in my humble opinion, a losing proposition for the Democrats because it will expose a lot of their own dirty laundry. For example, the Democrats asked Ukraine for help in investigating Trump in 2016.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@gulfgal98 in the House definitely has to come before Xmas, otherwise Ds will lose political momentum and public interest will fade. This is ultimately a political process after all and the public has to continue to support the effort. So far the polls show a surprisingly strong level of support, suggesting the Ds are on the right track.

I might have preferred one single committee to consolidate information and make findings more visible to the public in one easy place to watch. But apparently the decision has been made not to do that so it's rather late to start a new process. The single committee should have been announced in Sept.

I also prefer a wider impeachment scope. But on U-gate, it doesn't seem a strong defense for DJT that the other side has done it too. Two wrongs ... And the "other side" consists maybe of one lowly DNC contractor -- a somewhat tenuous connection to top DNC officialdom.

I remain confident this process is the right thing to do and is working to taint Donald, especially as more info comes out daily about his wrongdoings.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


The problem is how it makes Joe Biden look--and how it makes the Democratic Congressmen and Senators who keep defending Hunter Biden's $50,000/year look.

Getting 50K/year for doing absolutely nothing, just because your dad is the Vice President, won't play well with the bottom 70% or so of the economic ladder. That fact continues to be visible regardless of whether they think he's as guilty as Trump, or something. It's the Democratic equivalent of Romney's "I like to fire people." And the more Democrats defend that behavior, the more the entire party will be damaged.

Of course, according to Gallup's latest numbers, only 31% of the nation considers itself Democratic anyway--and that's with Trump being an asshole and the entire media screaming about it nonstop.

Since Mar 2013, according to Gallup, the Democratic party has gone over 32% of the population once. And it only lasted a month. So what we're always talking about is what around a third of the nation thinks.

I guess it's too bad the general doesn't work the way the primaries do. Things would work much better for the Dems if only Democrats and Republicans could vote.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal Shouldn't that be $50K/MONTH? That's the number I've been seeing for H. Biden's pay.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


That's way worse than I thought.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal worked up over $50k/yr??? Dude ...

Even at the actual monthly amount, this is chump change compared to what the grifter Trump and his family have been raking in from taking advantage of being closely related to Donald. Huntergate could open up a fresh discussion of the Trump children and in-laws. Maybe including whether Melania got into this country legitimately.

But Biden is well on his way -- as I predicted here months ago -- to being yesterday's front-runner, probably a distant 2d or 3d in the polls by Tanksgiving. The media are now on to pumping for Mayor Pete and Amy the K, as well as some residual Liz promotion. Perhaps they were beginning to be embarrassed by the obviously mentally declining Biden and didn't want to continue carrying water for him.

And the public likely see favoritism and nepotism as just SOP in D.C. Arrangements are made for spouses and adult children of those in important positions to have cushy easy jobs somewhere -- or these spouses and adult children merely show up and give their names to the employer and suddenly a light goes on and doors open. We don't know yet how Hunter got his job, and whether by self-initiative, but this is likely going to turn out to be a minor issue at worst. And Biden's support was already eroding before Huntergate.

The BDS here is very overblown, though not yet at HDS levels.

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Alligator Ed's picture


I also prefer a wider impeachment scope. But on U-gate, it doesn't seem a strong defense for DJT that the other side has done it too. Two wrongs

Since when can a US President not ask for help with an international criminal investigation? Where is the quid pro quo. The hoax that the pro quo was military aid to Ukraine--but this has been denied by both parties, Trump and Zelensky. This is supported by for envoy to Ukraine grilled in a SCIF (medium rare please, Dems always overcook things). Even Volker wouldn't play the stupid game and he's reputedly not a Trump supporter. So, what's the "pro quo" that makes Trump's ask unseemly? More DS propaganda, tinged with TDS.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Alligator Ed

of the call was--asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Crowdstrike (on the Ukrainian side). Which is completely justified, IMO.

Asking him to look into the Bidens is, to use Aaron Mate's words, "unseemly" and "improper," but it's not something I'm particularly concerned about. Like being worried about an infected mosquito bite when you have cholera.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Alligator Ed for international crime fighting help (hah -- Trump the International Crime Fighter!!) -- he wanted the Ukes to help him get dirt on his expected 2020 opponent Biden. And Donnie's CoS, Mike Mulvaney, today admitted there was a quid pro quo involved -- Ukraine help with political dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden in return for Trump releasing the already congressionally-approved military aid.

Mulvaney admitted it, proudly, said this is how we do business. Later, so I hear, this admission was walked back by the WH. Heh heh. Mike got a little carried away telling the truth, committing what's called a gaffe, then someone a little more sober had to later correct him.

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earthling1's picture

"If you can't blind them with brilliance
Baffel 'em with bullshit."
Multible committees w/ multible viewpoints at multiple times w/ conflicting findings and dueling narratives ought to keep us proles distracted til November 2020.
And thats just the Democrats!

0 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

wendy davis's picture


razzle dazzle & they'll beg ya for more!


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until the election. Having it come to a vote would expose it as the scam it really is. That would be self (and Biden and potentially Obama) defeating.

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On to Biden since 1973

Wally's picture


I still think they will vote to impeach. If not by Thanksgiving like they seem to be promising, then before Christmas if only because they won't be able to get their act together.

Then I'd wager McC will do a quick vote in the Senate to put an end to it but it won't end because the Democratic elite and their hacks will always have an x-gate to yap about to avoid issues that voters really care about.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

...of Gabbard's strategy of picking her battles. Although, I would say that it goes much deeper than merely picking one's battles.

The German and American Nazis who have infested the Intelligence Community since the end of World War II, and who operate the IC at levels of the highest authority, have forcefully pushed their out-of-control Russia hate and Cold War lust to historic heights. Their unleashed anti-Russian, anti-communist obsession is their prime franchise and their sole reason for being. They have poisoned the minds of Americans with their brainwashing and propaganda. The existence of this evil and corrupt leadership in the Intelligence Community has pulled the US military into one humanitarian disaster after another over the past half century — and made a shambles of US foreign policy, which is truly reviled globally, if not openly. Case in Point: Like every other day in America, 23 soldiers formerly deployed in the current US global atrocities will kill himself. Usually by blowing his brains out. That's how sick US foreign policy is as a result of the deep state Nazi interference from the Intelligence Community. Tomorrow, another 23 soldiers will kill themselves, as they have done since the US attacked and invaded Afghanistan and began murdering the local inhabitants.

The Intelligence Community created and now fully owns the Nazi Republic of Ukraine. There is nothing to fight for, here. There is no one to rescue. It is a solid, immutable, Nazi marble deeply buried into the side of of Russia — an armed and dangerous threat to the entire world.

So, it is politically wise for Tulsi Gabbard to go with the flow of impeachment. It is smart to ignore Ukraine, which is the engine of the impeachment against Donald Trump or any President that the Intelligence community finds to be inconvenient. RussiaGate failed completely and was exposed as a cover-up by US IC for their criminal attempt to overthrow the 2016 US Presidential election.

The ongoing investigation into the Origins of the Mueller psyop investigation of Donald Trump for crimes he did not commit is now drawing to a conclusion, with the IC in the crosshairs. Meanwhile, Donald Trump mounted his own investigation into Ukraine, where the collusion psyop was born with an assist from CrowdStrike, a FBI/CIA asset. All roads that follow top-level US corruption eventually lead to the Ukraine Nazi encampment, which was born in State Department corruption and also serves as a money pump for the corrupt elite, like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. The IC attempted to push back on Trump and his evidence by inserting a fake whistleblower accusing Trump of corruption in Ukraine and demanding impeachment. Accuse your enemy of doing what you are doing. A bit obvious.

But we need not concern ourselves with Donald Trump. He's been ineffective as a disrupter and his presence is no longer useful. Fortunately for him, the vast preponderance of verifiable evidence surrounding criminal events in Ukraine (oo-krain-ne) give Trump a solid advantage in not only defending himself but in turning the table on the Democrats — if he desires to do so. However, I suspect that any lawyer who agrees to represent him with factual evidence faces annihilation.

As for Russia, any time they wish to meddle in a US election, they can rip it apart without lifting a finger. Vladimir Putin can merely endorse his least favorite candidate in the General ElectIon. Do you think that the Russians will hesitate to spring this trap that we stupidly set up for ourselves? We deserve no less. Although it won't change anything. as Putin correctly pointed out:

Presidents come and go, but the politics remain the same. As such, an individual, who may have genuine ideas, is elected into the White House only to satisfy the democratic process taking place. 'Men in dark suits', who remain anonymous to the voting public, continue to pursue the well-established interests of the elite with each incoming administration.

None of this is Tulsi's problem.

In areas where Gabbard has held firm, such as in Syria and other nations that are victims of the monstrous and illegal aggressions of the US — there are people to be rescued. There are future US atrocities to prevent. There is a chance to stop the wide-spread destruction by the US Nazis who run the Intelligence Communities who are behind this. Alongside Israel.

There is every reason to pick these battles. These are the battles that the American People would fight, if they could. The quality of American life is being decimated by our Nazi-style wars of aggression. Tulsi Gabbard is their only hope for a turn-around in the underlying cause of their half-century of social grief and economic despair. There's little wonder that Americans perk up so much when they hear what Tulsi has to say. There's little wonder that the Nazi Media has completely lost their composure and exposed themselves for the corrupt and depraved tools that they are.

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@Pluto's Republic
Today I’m with you 100%. I’m still wading through Kinzer’s “The Brothers” but already there’s little doubt In my mind that the Dulles brothers were more than a little sympathetic to the Nazi ethos, even right up until the US joined the allies in WWII. After hostilities ended Operation Paper Clip brought thousands of Nazi experts into the country, some of the more objectionable and notorious were “rinsed” in an intermediate country and given new, untraceable identities. John Foster went on to be Secretary of State and Alan, having served in the OSS in Europe during the war, eventually headed the spin-off covert intelligence organization that was to become our CIA.

The Dulles legacy continues to this day; regime change wars for resources and profits that primarily benefit a relatively small number of extremely rich and powerful as well as those compliant elected representatives who serve their interests rather than serving the needs of the people they supposedly represent.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Pluto's Republic's picture


...he has completely unmasked the Intelligence Community and their nefarious and criminal activities that have destroyed US democracy.

The idea of "conspiracy theories — a term invented and pushed by the CIA to cover up their crimes against the State during the period you are describing — means nothing to me. There is only truth and lies. There is only reality and propaganda. I follow the high road and it leads me to what is really going on.

My positions and observations haven't changed. What's changed is my willingness to express them in the company of intelligent thinkers. I'm part of a trend. Truth is breaking out everywhere.

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@Pluto's Republic @Pluto's Republic
on George Webb’s YouTube channel of “McDuff’s readings. It goes into the turf war now playing out between DIA and CIA over covert operations and substantial lack of executive oversight of the CIA.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Pluto's Republic

face, as they say in the wrestling business.

The CIA must be the good guys because they oppose Trump.

Hence the liberals rallying around John Brennan, cheering wildly. Apparently they've forgotten that they hated him back during the Bush years.

But then, we've always been at war with Eastasia.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Pluto's Republic

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

gulfgal98's picture

@Pluto's Republic Your comment reflects a depth of understanding that I am just beginning to scratch the surface of, myself. The more I learn of how much devastation the United States government has wrought upon the world, the more distressed I become that we may never root it out of our government.

While the oligarchs don't particularly like being challenged on domestic policy that benefits the majority of Americans, they see giving up a little ground in that area as a way to protect their most valuable property, the war machine.

Thank you for this terrific comment!

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

earthling1's picture

@Pluto's Republic

0 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Pluto's Republic Prescott Bush, W's granddaddy, was pro-Nazi.
Brown Brothers Harriman did business with Adolph und die tausend jähre Reich.
Henry Ford built trucks for the Wehrmacht openly until '39 and then under German control until the war ended.
Allen Dulles was a slowly-growing cancer on this country, and like the immortal HeLa cells lives on in our surveillance state--which is shared by multiple countries.
Reinhard Gehlen was chief Nazi talent procurer for Allen Dulles, operation glad and other doers of good deeds.
One of Dulles and Gehlen's co-productions included ODESSA. That this organization existed is denied by left-wing site Wikipedia, which supports the surveillance state by acquiescing to their editing and revisionism.

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wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

and to think your comment was extemporaneous! i doff my cap (even though i'm not sold on the key meme), but whoosh; i wish i could write comments with such verve, conviction, and wider geopolitical background.

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If Trump can wage a convincing campaign to middle America, and I assume that he can, then will convinced voters vote for a President Trump and then a Democrat for Congress, knowing that that Democrat will then try to impeach the president that they just voted for? Remember many Americans split their votes, especially in swing states. I personally am hoping that we are seeing first hand the destruction of a major modern political party. Is this how it happens? Pass the popcorn.

And, yeah, Tulsi can't fight every battle. But doesn't that depress you that there are so many battles where being on the obviously correct side gets you slammed by the pundits, and the political establishment. We are so far from reality as a country that I can see Pluto from my back yard. And yes, black holes exist -- I know because we have been swallowed up by one.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard show the public is coming along nicely on impeachment, a majority in support of the inquiry, increasing numbers for conviction and removal. And it's only been an official process for 3 weeks. How is that destroying the DemPty? Eau contrary, it will energize the D base as their leaders finally stand up for something important, and likely many indies will be similarly swayed.

But political party destroyed? Didn't happen to the Rs after Watergate (many in punditry at the time predicted the end of the GOP ...) nor in 1998 when the R-controlled Congress clearly abused their impeachment power going after a Dem president for his consensual WH fling. Some would argue that 1998 embarrassment for the country actually helped Rs in the 2000 presidential. Certainly Al Gore acted unnecessarily defensive about Bill's dalliance, a stupid political move.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wokkamile @wokkamile

Requiring, as it does, that they repeatedly talk about their frontrunning candidate's corruption.

Or maybe the American public is coming along nicely in understanding that nepotism and silver spoon treatment are OK if you're a Democrat.

Given that "elitist DC liberal" is the pre-eminent Republican character attack of the past 35 years, it doesn't seem like a good gamble.

On the other hand, it sets the pick for Warren nicely, so that's something.

Wow, I wouldn't run for office for the Democrats if you literally paid me.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Alligator Ed's picture


the public is coming along nicely on impeachment, a majority in support of the inquiry, increasing numbers for conviction and removal. And it's only been an official process for 3 weeks. How is that destroying the DemPty?

Another somnambulistic thought foray. There is no official impeachment inquiry. Nervous Nancy made this quite clear when she refused to bring an impeachment resolution to a floor vote. This discloses the sham of it all. The Executive Branch can reasonably withhold cooperation until the House at least goes through the motions of a real impeachment inquiry by voting on it.

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@Alligator Ed the Trump WH/GOP talking point on impeachment, which I'm sure you're aware of. All nonsense of course. Just distraction and a lame attempt at putting the pressure on the Ds. Sorry, but Donald is the one on the hot seat.

There is no constitutional requirement that there be an Impeachment Inquiry Vote held in the House in order to undertake an impeachment inquiry. The Constitution just says all matter of impeachment shall begin in the House. Up to House leaders to decide on the details. You can look it up.

Donald will be soon impeached by the House -- Xmas latest, maybe early Dec. That black mark is going to be placed against his name in the record books. This might upset some posters here.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

There are no lefties in favor of the "Tulsi loves Assad" or "Tulsi loves Modi" smears.

At least, I haven't seen any.

Lefties can sometimes be vulnerable to propaganda, even the rightist propaganda that is spewed by our corporate media, but so far I haven't seen anybody fall for this.

Plenty of liberals do, of course, but that's different.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

a radical leftist/socialist, and while i don't ballast anything so jejune as '#tulsi loves modi', her exceptionally past and present cozy relationship with genocidaire modi bother me a hella lot.

i consider him an evil man, as i've demonstrated in 10 or so posts about him in the last two years or so. he's not only making war on his own citizenry, but on kashmiris in outrageous numbers of disappeared and dead, but is now keeping 'indian water' from pakistan. ah, yes, Namaste Modi can kiss my grits. tulsi gabbard's relationship is a much longer conversation,, though.

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lotlizard's picture

are the very people who support total Gleichschaltung of the media and institutions, through the exclusion, shaming, silencing, and firing of anyone who doesn’t support the all-against-the-AfD party line.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@lotlizard Mr Google Translate renders that word as "phasing". Is the root actually meaning like-opinions or like-tenets?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Alligator Ed


The process of Nazification by which Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party successively established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of German society "from the economy and trade associations to the media, culture and education".

The apex of the Nazification of Germany was in the resolutions approved during the Nuremberg Rally of 1935, when the symbols of the Nazi Party and the State were fused.

On that note, I don't recognize the presence of the Republican or Democratic party in US foreign policy. At that level, we are ruled by (and spend most of our tax revenues on) a fused uniparty, since at least 1921. I do not recognize that uniparty as legitimate at all. It exists and rules US foreign policy as the result of a totalitarian coup by the global monied class in the early 20th century.

This goes a long way into explaining what really happened before and after World War II and how we landed in today's American nightmare.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Pluto's Republic Seems like my rendering, stripped of the Nazi contaminant, is linguistically fairly close. It is interesting that striving for ideological uniformity still rears its ugly head in Amerika. But not particularly surprising.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Alligator Ed

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fakenews's picture

IT'S ON!! Hillary accuses Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian "asset" - We knew it would come to this eventually, Hillard still owns the DNC and she is defending her "property". She also expressed fears that Tulsi would mount a third party candidacy and is scared to death of that possibility! Hardly wait for the Clinton / Gabbard steel cage match - it ought to be good!!


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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN