Welcome to Saturday ...

open thread.jpg

Imagine humans as fireflies synchronously lighting up to save the world.

The c99 bistro, Bar-c99, Jazzhall-c99, c99 b&b, any business may do; following another opportunity to establish a c99 retreat in Southern Italy.

An underpopulated region in southern Italy is offering newcomers €700 per month for three years to live in one of its villages.

There are a few catches, however: the village must have fewer than 2,000 residents, and the newcomer must pledge to open a business.

“If we had offered funding, it would have been yet another charity gesture,” Donato Toma, the president of Molise, told the Guardian. “We wanted to do more; we wanted people to invest here. They can open any sort of activity: a bread shop, a stationery shop, a restaurant, anything. It’s a way to breathe life into our towns while also increasing the population.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/11/underpopulated-italian-reg...

An extra €700 per month works for me, have cane will travel.

Neanderthal footprints found in France offer snapshot of their lives

Scientists have found hundreds of perfectly preserved footprints, providing evidence that Neanderthals walked the Normandy coast in France.

"The prints suggest a group of 10-13 individuals, mostly children and adolescents, were on the shoreline 80,000 years ago.
“It was incredible to observe these tracks, which represent moments in the lives of individuals, sometimes very young, who lived 80,000 years ago,” said Duveau, of the French National Museum of Natural History. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/sep/10/neanderthal-footprints-f...

Raúl Juliá: The World’s a Stage

THIRTEEN’s American Masters and Latino Public Broadcasting’s VOCES Present the First Documentary on Legendary and Influential Puerto Rican Actor Raúl Juliá
From award-winning director Ben DeJesus (Great Performances: John Leguizamo’s Road to Broadway, John Leguizamo: Tales from a Ghetto Klown), Raúl Juliá: The World’s a Stage is a warm and revealing portrait of the charismatic, groundbreaking actor’s journey from his native Puerto Rico to the creative hotbed of 1960s New York City, to prominence on Broadway and in Hollywood. Filled with passion, determination and joy, Juliá’s brilliant and daring career was tragically cut short by his untimely death 25 years ago, at age 54.

Told in his own voice through archival interviews and in the words of those who knew him best, the film traces Juliá’s personal and professional life while showcasing performances from his collaboration with Joseph Papp’s The Public Theater to his successful cinematic career. His best-known roles include the history-making productions of Titus Andronicus, Two Gentlemen of Verona with Clifton Davis, The Taming of the Shrew with Meryl Streep and The Threepenny Opera, the Broadway musical Nine, and films such as Kiss of the Spider Woman, Moon Over Parador, Romero, Presumed Innocent and The Addams Family.

Interviews with some of the most respected actors who worked alongside Juliá, including Anjelica Huston, Edward James Olmos, Rita Moreno, James Earl Jones, Sonia Braga, Rubén Blades and Esai Morales, illuminate his impact as an artist. In addition, actors John Leguizamo, Jimmy Smits, Andy Garcia and others share how they were profoundly influenced by Juliá and carry the torch of his legacy. Juliá’s personal side comes to life through never-before-seen family photos and home videos, along with reminiscences from his wife, Merel, his sons, relatives and friends, who share candid insights about his life away from the spotlight. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/raul-julia-the-worlds-a-stage-a...
Premiere date: September 13, 2019 | 1:23:32 | Video expires October 11, 2019

This week's new music to my ears to yours

Today's feature photo by Jim Magruder comes from Grandfather Mountain: "The discovery of a special type of firefly on Grandfather Mountain has experts aglow with excitement.

The nonprofit nature park in Linville, N.C., is officially home to Photinus carolinus, the only species of firefly in North America whose individuals can synchronize their lighting display, meaning they can flash in unison.

Photinus carolinus famously resides in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, where it is a major draw for visitors from late May through early June. During that time, hopeful spectators enter a lottery to win tickets to witness the phenomenon. And with only a limited number of tickets offered, the spectacle has grown ever more exclusive.

And now it’s grown a mile high."

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smiley7's picture

cooler this morning, thank goodness after enduring record breaking heat locally with Thursday setting an all-time high for September 12. Ugh, feels unnatural to be so hot this late.

Dreaming of southern Italy, why not?

The best news is about spies, always enjoy reading of spies, Snowden's a new book, and the Russian dude's gone missing from his new USA home near DC. Oops.

Quiet on main, no urgency i'm aware of, so, just sipping coffee and letting it be.

Hoping everyone has a wonderful day and weekend.

edited comment

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QMS's picture

qualify as a business? Maybe sell pasta on the side.
Oodles of noodles with Caucus sauce

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

smiley7's picture

'Stop on a dime mineral water instilled with conqueroo roots; produce plays and music events ...

Good day to you, QMS.

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Lookout's picture

...but can't handle 3 year commitment. My place would be a mess without tending for 3 years. Three weeks is doable. Nice dream anyway.

Thanks for the American Masters tip. There are many excellent shows in that series.

Caught a Snowden interview this week folks might enjoy...

Have a great weekend y'all!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

smiley7's picture


Not sure how i would handle Mom, don't know if Italy's facilities for Alzheimers take medicare/medicaid or if my medical needs could be addressed there? I, too could travel and spend a few weeks maybe a month or two at a time. Maybe, we could employ a local to manage our business and we could visit at will.

You could bring your band over for a vacation. Smile

Thanks for the Snowden video, read this one at the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2019/sep/13/edward-sn...

‘I was very much a person the most powerful government in the world wanted to go away’

Thanks for being here and have a great day.

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Order some cheap paper plates, napkins, fancy cardboard storage containers and other paper(ish) stuff from ebay or wherever; and, if anyone local does it, carry as well premium note papers, greeting cards and other paper goods hand made by local artists/artisans. (Does anyone still write on paper? Maybe if the notes and cards are lovely enough?) Maybe I'd even carry anything made by hand by a local, other than edibles. (Don't want insects, rodents, etc.) As to the handmade stuff, I might even think about filling mail orders, although that is already seeming like too much work.

As long as the terms of the agreement with the Italian officials don't require operating out of an expensive or large commercial space that I don't want to pay for or clean, a big inventory or turning a profit (not my strong suit), I'm good to go! I'll sit in my tiny "shop" all day and offer free espresso or juices to visitors, er, I mean, customers. Yeah, customers, that's the ticket! And, if no visitors customers show up, I'll spend the day on my computer, reading, or listen to music while I "rest my eyes." Maybe I'll even learn to make some things by hand myself.

Imma imagine people as good people, doing good things. I don't know about imagining people as fireflies, though. I grok your thinking, but imagining people as fireflies reminds me too much of horror stories and also of Bush the Elder's infamous "thousand points of light."

Of course, Daddy Warbucks Bush meant private donors and other volunteer addressing the needs of the needy instead of government's doing it. Eff him. Both have always co-existed here, as they should. Of course, Bill Clinton was the one to actually "end welfare as we know it" (as well as getting passed things that Bush wanted to get passed, but couldn't, because Democrats controlled Congress and Bush could not corral them. but Bubba could). So eff Bubba even more.

Which brings me to a somewhat off color linguistic/behavioral query: Why do we use words that mean things many people rather enjoy, like assorted private parts and such, so negatively?

Bush was in his lifetime a groper, something we learned only recently; and he might not mind having a posthumous go with some reader of this post; and we know Bill Clinton enjoys having almost anything done to him by almost anyone (though even he may draw the line at Biden's hair inhalation). However, I'd never recommend that readers of this board, of whom I am very fond, do anything physical with either of them. even shake hands. (EWWWW) So, why does the paragraph immediately preceding this one read as it does?

A facile response would be something relating to religion. For some reason, I know not what, I think something other than religion was originally involved with this linguistic tic, but I have no idea what that might be.

Anyway, thanks, as always for an open thread that puts me in a pleasant Saturday morning mood/mode. (I meant to check this thread hours ago, but got distracted, as is my wont.)

Great weekend, everyone!

(Does my ADD look fat in this post?)

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smiley7's picture

I guess humans don't fit easily in Mason Jars as fliefles did as a child. But as in canning, perhaps we could preserve the best of humanity.

Synchronicity is a beautiful word, i think. Recall those past occasions when we would all set our watches to the same time, doubt that's necessary today.

Thanks for being here and have a splendid day.

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You have a splendid day as well and you're welcome.

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smiley7's picture

warped my introductions to conversations into weird sexual connotations. This is an open thread, but, it's as if you're groping for a more venal experience. Is this ADD? You imply. Not me.

I don't know, henry.

Maybe you should write a diary and share what's on your mind.

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When I posted, I had no idea that anything about either canning or human fireflies is sexual and, now that you've brought it up, I still have no idea what you are talking about. I made a stab at humor, that's all.

I don't remember what I said last week, but I'm very sure that any warping was unintentional. As my posts to you should have shown long before now, I am a fan of yours because you come across as a good and very interesting person, as do a number of posters here. Nothing sexual is involved or intended. Good grief.

And yes, this is an open thread. So, let me clear for anyone who may misinterpret. To the best of my recollection, I have never sent you a private message.

As far as a venal, I am totally befuddled, but, no, I don't give or take or want bribes.

ETA: at one point, your posts were sounding quite down, so I replied even more nice things about you than I usually post. None of them were suggestive or sexual, though.

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smiley7's picture


i didn't say that very well, letting it fester from last week. Thanks for responding, you see i'm no angel, quite the opposite at times.

I've grossly misinterpreted your intent, i fear. And you've good reason to be angry and upset with me. I should have let this go.

I'm sorry.

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comment of yours a weird sexual connotation, unless, again, something about canning or human fireflies is sexual and I don't know it. So what should you have let go this week? That my feints at humor aren't funnier?

And you festered all last week because of this post of mine?

Went for a haircut yesterday. I mentioned that I would be welcoming someone important into my life later in the day and was not sure how to act. My Delilah, whom I 'd never met before, said that I was such a pure soul, all I had to do was be myself.

I have no idea what led her to such a flattering conclusion. However, I am not ashamed to acknowledge that you are obviously a far better person that I am. At least I am honest enough to recognize and acknowledge that. So much for my "pure soul." On the other hand, your goodness shines from every post you make (and every post you don't make).

I am very grateful for your Saturday open threads and I feel certain we all are.

I'd apologize, except I have no clue what I would be apologizing for. Being too flattering?

ETA: Last week I did post about Lewis Carroll's love of Alice, about which many scholars have written, but had been relatively recent news to me. So, when I saw his name, I did write about it. However, the only weirdness was that of Lewis Carroll and an inherently weird subject. My comments were very matter of fact. But how is that warping anything you said into a weird sexual connotation? Again, good grief.

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smiley7's picture

I'll try explain, i saw a ghost in the mirror misjudging your words thinking you were cleverly sending me up. i was wrong. This is all on me, you are guilty of nothing.

Again, I'm sorry and need to clear my head of my own haunting.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Sounds lovely. Although I can't quite decide if my store would be a gelateria, or a caffeteria. Either way, selling ice cream, or coffee, I'd want my store to have a cosy feel. Like you were at home.

Enjoyed the pictures and the stories today Smile

I'm off to do some cooking...

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

smiley7's picture

@Anja Geitz
Cooking as you do sounds like a fun afternoon. Just back from a little grocery shopping, given foods on hand, think i'll make tacos later.

Kinda quiet on c99 lately, must be a busy time for folks.

Thanks for being here and hugs to the critters; bon appétit.

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magiamma's picture

What a great idea. Not really possible for me but we can dream. It was 105 here yesterday on the eastside. Unheard of. Cooler today but still high for here. Just blogging along here with lots of breaks for mental health. The climate strike is coming up. Either it will be a sea change or it won't. I think the climate crisis is the key issue for the young ones and hope that a big change will come. Tripping is still in a chrysalis. There are two now and another just started hanging early today so there will be three soon. May Trippy will emerge soon. What a trip. The weather is really the news now days, no? heh. Have a good evening...

edit to add - Love the fireflies. Thanks for the ot.

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

smiley7's picture


Didn't take no for an answer as a young man, banking on our young people as well, going for it, making change. Happy to move old farts out of the way when possible. Smile

Firefly magic we understand, extraordinary genetic genius marveling before our eyes, senses, reminding all, we're here, in tune with moments. Fanfuckingtastic, imo.

Glad you are here. Have a delightful evening.

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magiamma's picture


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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

There used to be this coffee shop in Athens, Georgia (might still be, haven't been down that way in a long time) called Jittery Joe's that had the same kind of homestyle feel to it Anja describes upthread. They had a few regular cafe tables with dining chairs but otherwise couches and loveseats and low coffee tables, shelves filled with reading materials, and card & table games. They might even have had a little performance area for open mic acts, can't quite remember anymore. Great little joint in any case. Always thought the concept would make a fabulous bakery.

Ever since I learned to bake I've wanted to open a little cafe/bakery with the same kind of "feels like home" vibe. Breads, cupcakes, cookies, pastries, coffees, teas, sandwiches, soups, salads, you know? Maybe a little greenhouse out back with an herb garden and microgreens. My health and lack of business partner won't allow this, but the dream is a feelgood, and setting that dream in smalltown southern Italy kinda makes me want to cancel my week and go in search of a willing business partner, heh.

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