Break Glass incase of Emergency
It's amazing what can happen in a matter of a few weeks. I didn't think Bernie had it in him. I'm pretty sure that was the sound of breaking glass I heard last night. I copied my entry from 3/7/16 (see below) after watching Bernie last night on The Young Turks.
Did you think Bernie read this LOL:
I was wondering to myself the other day, if it would be possible for Bernie.. ( in the unfortunate case he loses the primary ) make the statement while ceding the contest to her, that he cannot in good faith & conscience tell all the people who have dug deep into their pocketbooks, purses & wallets on his behalf ( many of whom could least afford to) vote for a candidate who is clearly accepting financial donations from the very same institutions that have hobbled our country.............UNLESS Secretary Clinton agrees to be the standard bearer for some of Bernie's policies?
In the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson, "Buy the ticket...take the ride". Well.........many people bought those tickets, but if Hillary wins due to total name recognition combined with complete Bernie Sanders media blackouts & negative spin.......guess what??.......NO Bernie Sanders ride.
I am of the opinion that he is being completely railroaded in just about every mainstream media outlet available. Present company excluded. The fix was in a long time ago. "See dkos/msnbc/fox,cnn,abc.nbc...etc."
I understand fully that Bernie is an honorable man... and more than likely if he were to lose the primary... would say something along the lines of, "Well...we gave it one hell of a shot, didn't we?....we definitely got the attention of the establishment oligarchs though.......etc.etc.etc.........Now we need to line up behind Secretary Clinton because "Scary Republicans".
Hillary has accepted millions from the Wall Streeters, and continues to take their money today. To them she is an investment. She's a tax write-off if she loses. No problem, they'll just back the Republican front runner, hedge their bets....either way it's a win in their column. There's absolutely NO DIFFERENCE between a Democrat and a Republican to a fortune 500 company who needs the status -quo to stay intact. They simply buy off the competition. Not so much for all the poor and middle class folks who were the main engine behind Bernie's campaign, donating 27 dollars time and time again. Over 42 million in the month of February alone. Yours truly donates in 10 dollar increments. I've made so many I have lost count. This is why I would prefer Bernie standing up on that day ( Heaven forbid) and saying loud and proud, "You know what........all of my money came from the PEOPLE. My campaign only existed because of them. I had no super Pac. I accepted no money from big banks, major corporations and Wall Street. Therefore I cannot in good faith and conscience tell my supporters to blindly give their allegiance to Secretary Clinton UNLESS she willingly agrees to accept some of the policy positions that our side of the debate have chosen as sound economic ideas and principles".
Then he could just bullet point the topics. #1. Infrastructure spending........what's wrong with spending a Trillion dollars fixing up our own house? If it was a war? NO PROBLEM. Our country is falling apart, literally. See Flint as example #2 NO TPP or any other trade deal UNLESS it is debated WITH the general public being involved. What...are we a bunch of unruly children that CANNOT be involved in the discussion? TPP was done in complete secrecy. Total cloak and dagger stuff. Did I mention Hillary had a hand in drafting said agreement? See trust issues with Hillary. #3 Climate Change No more DRILL BABY DRILL. We need to begin the healing process for mother Earth. We've poked and prodded her enough. We need a moratorium on all fracking, period. Put plainly, "Do you enjoy a nice glass of clean drinking water from time to time? OR.......maybe you're a beer drinker? Think about slamming down a cold one that was brewed from the identical water from Flint, MI.? Can I interest anyone in a nice 6 pack of dumpster lights? How about taking a nice shower in that same "clean" water?
And while we're at it..........stop drilling off our coastlines....we're killing the oceans and along with it all forms of marine life. See Hillary taking money from Big Energy corporations.
I will stop with these 3 suggestions as I am sure by now you get my point. Unless Bernie demands these things, no way in hell she does them on her own. Just last week she began to break right on energy. She came out and contradicted herself on declaring a moratorium on day 1 of her presidency, a moratorium on drilling on public lands. She said she would do this ( the moratorium) before. Now, since she feels more confident about the direction the primary is going..........BOOM........back to drilling on public lands again. She simply CANNOT be trusted at her word. This is why I believe Bernie would be well within his rights to ask for these concessions, in exchange for his people's votes.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures. How bad does she want that presidential trophy sitting atop her mantelpiece of life's accomplishments? She's going to need Bernie's people if she wants that trophy. The question remains.............will he do it? If I were him.........I'd do it in a New York minute. Mind you.........I'm hoping for an all out Bernie win, in which case, go ahead and disregard everything I just said. But.........there is a very good chance she could best him,( the media is still twisting the race for Hillary...every single day...I've stopped watching politics on the television. Watched msnbc for years. Rachel Maddow was one of my favorites. Not any more.) and as Bernie people we must talk about it and prepare for it, NOW.
What do you think? Do you think Bernie would do it? Do you think it's a good idea? I came up with the 3 issues closest to my own heart for the concession speech wish list. Infrastructure spending...1 Trillion dollars...injected into our economy, fixing up our roads,bridges,dams,sewer systems, water lines... top to bottom. Let's face facts people.. if our country was a vehicle...we'd be a 1993 Dodge Dakota...completely rusted out, broken down and sitting on a used car lot somewhere in Hoboken New Jersey. Trade deals......keep the jobs here in America, PERIOD....and THE DANG Mother Earth & all of her precious animals too.
Without Hillary being tied down on these issues and given NO WIGGLE ROOM..........I do not see her doing any of these things. Once she is in the White House she will do what she damn well pleases. What her wealthy benefactors have paid her to do. That's what I believe. How bad does she want the presidency? Bad enough to consider doing something like this? Buy the ticket ...take the ride. We paid for the ticket. Our votes should not automatically transfer to the candidate who is bought and paid for by Wall Street. Sorry. You want my vote Secretary Clinton???'s going to cost you something. The cost of my vote is..... You picking up Bernie's infrastructure plan. You taking Bernie's stance on trade deals. You taking Bernie's plans on climate change. Then I would feel more confident voting for you. I'll go ahead and start holding my breathe now. Speak amongst yourselves. I'm interested to know what other Bernie people think of this idea. I know what Hillary people would call it..."Blackmail". Congress has a different name for it...."Compromise". To our collective success. Bob
...- See more at:

If Bernie were to lose the nomination...
he would have to be pretty convincing to get me to cast a vote for Hillary.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
there's NOTHING he could say to get me vote for her. There's nothing anyone could say. My revulsion of her is total and I see her as just evil, not the "lesser". I'll do a write in, vote green, or leave it blank, but under no circumstances, no matter what that two-faced, lying, corporate shill says, will I believe she's going to do anything that benefits any citizen of this country that can't pay her well for the vote/signature/speech.
I'm with you.
THere is absolutely nothing anyone can say that will make me vote for her. It's Bernie or no one. I"ll vote down ballot for dems that deserve it, though.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Before Bernie entered the race, I thought about Clinton and realized that, though a lifelong Democrat, I'd hit a wall. Could not vote for someone whose record and campaign (and campaign tactics) are antithetical to my values. To me, the '08 Obama ad captures her: "Hillary Clinton. She'll say anything and change nothing."
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Same here.
No can do. Not gonna happen.
I've been wondering, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination and declines to go indie, what a write-in campaign might look like? Has that been covered anywhere that I could refer to?
I'll likely write him in anyway, but it would be cool if there was an organized effort ...
a petition - for Sanders supporters who won't vote
for HRC, for anyone who's interested:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Not evah voting for a Clinton, not evah! I'd be more than disappointed if Bernie tried it, and have a feeling Jane would also speak forcefully against it too.
At best, think he will speak to respect for the wisdom of his supporters to make their own decisions.
Given how the DWS/DNC/DLC/Third Way/Clintons have treated Bernie - under the guise of 'well, it's politics'- just can't see Bernie folding.
NOT VOTING FOR THE CLINTONS. No matter who asks me.
Great writing, Bob.
I feel much the same way. Bernie has opened a door of political expectations for me, where I really don't feel like settling for someone with a "D".
I don't think I'm exaggerating here: Bernie has changed the Democratic Party in a major way, and they have two choices -- stay the course, and lose the younger TWO generations forever; or adjust and become a progressive, liberal force to be reckoned with. Sadly, I think it's obvious which choice they are making. They won't make it with me on board, however. Can't do it.
Thanks again!
Sanders has changed the narrative
He hasn't necessarily changed the Democratic Party. But one could argue that all real social change starts with a changed narrative.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
You're preparing for Bernie to lose?
That's premature to say the least.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I don't know
with the way our entire system is rigged? I put NOTHING past them to get HRC the Nomination, nothing. This IS Clinton Rules we're talking about here. Of course it won't be right, of course it won't be fair, what else is new?
Now that negativity spewed, I'm going to Safeco tonight. I still have hope, but I do think it is important to prepare ourselves. Just sayin'.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Going to Safeco!?!!
Lucky lucky lucky! Pleeeease, take pics and share??
I could/would have gone to the Big, YUGE Bernie rally in SLC, but I was nursing my dh through a really bad (doctor actually said the words 'life threatening ;-( ) case of pneumonia, so, although it was almost a toss up, my better angels made me stay home to make sure I still had a dh ;->
Have a great big wonderful exciting time, for me?!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
In a contest that had been fair from the start, no
But in the system we have, heavily rigged against any candidate of change and "throw the bums out," when so much of the process relies on electronic elements somewhere along the chain of results, yes. We see the obvious disenfranchisement and disinformation tactics and voter suppression. Too easy to manipulate what we don't see. To win in such a system, you need organizations that can prevent fraud and uncover fraud that exists, and massive numbers voting and caucusing for the candidate of change--numbers too large to be cheated away entirely.
Now, are those reasons to stop working and donating for Sanders? Absolutely not! They are reasons to question the "results" we've been presented with in places like IL, MO, and AZ and to consider that the support for what Sanders is calling for is greater than the reported votes suggest. Reasons to have hope for building a post-election coalition that might have staying power and positive impacts over time.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I just can't vote for her.
And I am not into talking about this while Bernie is still in the race.
I don't mean to be rude. I just think we need to be discussing how
we are going to get Bernie and Jane into the White House.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Hillary could promise ponies and candy canes
What makes anyone believe she'd deliver on anything? She's a habitual liar.
It would be the old Lucy/football gambit.
I could see myself writing in "Vlad the Impaler" with a clear conscience.
[edit] Besides, it's way too early to use the D-word.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Never, ever.
I will write him in if it does not happen.
If she won and chose him in some back room deal for VP, I would not vote for them.
There is nothing she could say or do that would ever get me to oval in with the black Sharpie marker beside her name.
As much as I support Sanders, she will never be part of that decision.
I have seen reports that nearly a third of Sanders voters will not vote for her. She is toast in the general, if she lies/cheats/steals her way that far.
Bernie may be a gentleman but he's also a scrapper
and as "they" have been moving the goal posts on him, he has been moving his. He's a tough guy and I don't think we're going to hear "Well we gave it a good try . . ." from him. He said he would support the Democratic ticket and I think he will - if he loses - but how will he do it.
He has said he wants a political revolution. And I believe him. I think he is going to support the ticket, not by fawning over the establishment but by telling his followers that he is now organizing the "progressive" or "FDR" - or whatever term he chooses - wing of the Democratic Party and as the loyal opposition within the party he is going to hold the candidates feet to the fire during the presidential campaign and after the election from the halls of congress.
Now, that's just my idea. But it's based on what I think I've seen in Bernie and certainly his record. This is not a man that gives up. He's not going to give up his following - he's worked too hard. And he's shown that that following is powerful. Bernie's people have counterbalanced the money from the establishment. From the Senate and with allies both in the Senate and the House, he can marshal activism the likes of which we haven't seen in decades. And that activism won't have to be as intense as the activism needed in the short term for an election. And don't we all know what's at stake? I'm 76 years old and I know what's at stake. I'm not going to lose interest.
I agree. Bernie has said
he feels he owes it to us, the movement agents of change, to carry the message forward. I just cannot reconcile the man, what I know of him and have seen and heard, with someone who would turn around and go all in for Hillary. Just.Can't.See.It.
However he does it, he'll remain steadfast and continue to speak truth to power and give the 99% a voice, his passion and his commitment.
He's already given us his heart.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
If you listen to him carefully, seems clear he's building a
movement and that has been his end game. He's in it to win it only because of the surprising (to him) amount of support his campaign has gotten despite the obstacles we all recognize. He still says any D is better than any R in this election and probably would repeat that. How much farther he'd go than that I, too, question.
He IS a fighter and a savvy and tough guy. This is the fight of his entire life, and he now has millions of comrades in arms. What could be more encouraging and energizing? I'd be astonished if he hadn't been strategizing for months with all sorts of lefties about how to harness his army into a long-term movement, and where to do that (within or outside the party, or both, as has been suggested in discussions here).
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
To me, it seems like
Bernie has been able to harness the energy and issues of movements that already existed, but just needed a standard bearer, someone to put a face and voice on the ideology of the 99%.
It was Occupy, and others, before it was Bernie. Those groups, I think, have joined with Bernie as maybe the best way right now to get the message the attention that was being drowned out.
Just my take on it. ymmv
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I agree; Sanders has a voice and provided a cause to much of
the left that has long been sidelined and silenced as the Dems moved right and the Republican right moved farther right to the edge of the cliff it's now falling off. But I think the Dems also have moved to the brink of their own precipice with the dynamics at play in this election.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Bernie has raised the bar for
Bernie has raised the bar for what as voters should demand and expect from our government. I for one am tired of having to settle for the mediocrity we have been shuffled with over the years.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Bernie or bust
I'm from Alabama where my general election vote will not matter. So I have no conflict about casting a vote for Jill Stein. I will not vote for the corrupt Clinton corporate/political machine. If I was in another state that normally votes democratic, I might reconsider - depending on the race.
I'm keeping a strong heart for Bernie...believing he can and will win, but able to cope if he doesn't. I'm with him till the last vote is counted and beyond.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Our Votes
should not be taken for granted,
They should be Earned!
there is noting, not. a. thing. the Clintons or the DNC/DLC/Third Way could say or do to "earn" my vote. My vote is not for sale. Not for barter. Not for anyone who has anything to do with the Clintons. NO.
Muchos gracias Jamess
For placing the Cenk/Bernie interview in here. I should have placed it in my diary,blog,letter,article or whatever you call what I did ..( I am a complete novice and do not know what I am doing )....I know how to turn my computer on tho. Anyway, had I placed it at the very beginning, people could have heard Bernie discuss the possibility of losing the primary, before voicing their thoughts on the matter. Thanks Jamess.
Amen. Never taken for granted. I look at Hillary and see Rahm.
...who denigrated us with the "professional left" and "where else are they gonna go"
And retards. Don't forget retards.
I teach special needs teenagers, I will never forget such hate for my kids and for me.
My conscience at war with my 'consciousness'
Because my conscience tells me that not voting for Hillary is a vote for the Rethugs, and real people will suffer terribly with a Cruz or Trump presidency, and we'll all be fucked.
My consciousness knows that if we do not draw a line in the sand and say NO! You cannot keep shoving 'lesser evil' at us, knowing what we all know, and expect us to 'fall in line' because we fear the greater evil, because, make no mistake, if we do fall in line, NOTHING WILL CHANGE, and we're still fucked, but maybe worse, in the long long run.
Because they'll know. They'll know we can be feared into, or guilted into voting for evil. For big corruption, big bankers, big Pharma, big regime change in third world countries, big unnecessary wars that never end.
They'll have won the big picture, the one that really matters, and the planet fails, our democracy is truly failed, and I don't see us coming back from that.
So at this point, although it will tear me apart, I can't see myself voting for all of that.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
We all know the guilt buttons that have been pushed for years
to keep us voting against the other guy. You've listed some of them. What I've been thinking about recently: If more of us (myself included) had not been guilted into voting for the lesser evil so often, we'd have reached a crisis point much sooner. Big change doesn't happen in baby steps over time; it happens cataclysmically.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Big change does often happen slowly
Albeit not always obviously. And when things approach tipping points, they oscillate at much higher wavelengths. And when they reach tipping points, there you have your cataclysm.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Where's angel d?
We need your logo! HRC=NEVER!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
NEVER. A lying, cheating, stealing, criminal, warmongering, one percenter, evil corrupt liar will never get my vote. NO wonder King Markos the screaming banning bafoon loves her.
Feels nice
Feels nice to be able to shout that freely without censorship, doesn't it?
I love our new home.
Because I believe they're working together.
Like professional wrestlers.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
There are NO circumstances whatsoever...
... under which I'd vote for HRC. None. Nada. Zilch. I see zero difference between Hillary and the average Rethuglicans. I don't for one nanosecond believe Hillary saying "Ooh, ooh, ooh, me too, me too, me too!" as she plagiarizes Bernie's talking points is a valid reason to vote "for" her since she'd never do those things anyway. HRC is a lying warmonger, I do not trust her, she will change her mind again on TPP, among other campaign positions she's taken while plagiarizing Bernie's talking points, and I Period!
I'm 70, done with voting "for" the lesser of two evils since that is still voting for evil. I'm voting my conscience this time, which means I'm voting for Bernie, either because he's on the ballot or I'm writing in his name. "Oh, but SCOTUS!" is not a scare tactic that works on me. If there's no difference between Hillary and the average Rethug, she would pick the same conservative corporate candidates anyway. Screw that!
Vote for a woman just because she's a woman. Really? Why? By that logic the Tundra Tramp would have been elected with McFartbrain if enough people had voted for those two. Think about that scary scenario that we avoided! [Yes, I'll wait until your shaking and cold flop sweat stop before proceeding.] No, that's now how this works. I look at the ISSUES, the position of the candidates on the issues..., then I choose who to vote for. Issues before gender.
"About time we had a woman president." Yes, of course it is. Just.not.Hillary. [Is there a female version of Bernie out there whom we could elect?]
"It's her turn because she lost to Obama." What? I'm supposed to give her a pity vote? Why? She was certainly asking for pity votes when she recently said she was not as good a campaigner as her husband! She's had 25+ years of campaigning in one way or another. She should be an expert at it now. She's had enough practice. Hasn't being first lady of AR, and of the US and SoS been enough prestige for her? Not that she has great taste in old SoS "friends" with Kissinger and Albright. With friends like that giving her advice, she doesn't need my vote.
How many ways can I say it before people stop saying "what if... will you vote for HRC?" Hillary = Oh, hell, NO! Stop preparing for an HRC win. The last state has not voted or held a caucus yet. There are many votes to be counted before it's time to make rash decisions. What if Hillary is indicted over this email server thing, in spite of her saying it'll never happen...? [Well, not that Moronic Media is reporting on the investigation which makes me think they're in cahoots with the Clinton campaign or the Clinton Foundation.] Will the Hillary supporters vote for Bernie?
My vote: Bernie = Yes!!!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Good reasons for "no" laid out by millennial mom here
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Also from Salon, an article by Camille Paglia
[Bold is mine.]
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
No, nay, never
No nay never, no more.
The musical version, for your listening pleasure :)
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thank you for writing this, Bob
Makes you think. BUT: nobody tells me how to vote. And as for Hillary: I will not...have political relations...with that woman.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
So agree!
you said-
and man, do I feel the same! And I suppose it was 100% predictable. Almost anyone with a voice from the left gets compromised. She is making (saw the break down somewhere, too lazy to look it up, but can google it) as much or more than Morning Joke now. (That's gotta stick in his craw! Ouch!!)
And unless Hillary (should she win) pens in her own blood, and Chelsea's(!) that she promises to adopt those and other Bernie positions, I don't think I could believe her. And maybe not even then! But good breakdown of the main issues that really are deal breakers.
Thanks for the post!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Okay, then....
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Thanks for the feedback
Boys-n-girls for Bernie! As I was reading through the comments it became crystal clear that most Berners, if not ALL, have zero trust in Shills. WOW. Understatement. I share your views. I am praying for a Bernie victory and I'm not even religious. But.....I am also a firm believer in always having a plan B.....because sometimes plan A just doesn't work out. We've all experinced that in our own lives, right? Of course! keeping with the plan B meme.....does it make more sense to write in Bernie's name on the ballot....or..... vote Jill Stein of the Green party? I read somewhere on the internets that if Jill Stein receives 5% of the vote that the green party gets federal election dollars....or some shit?? That being true... the Green Party would stand a chance to do battle with the ultra corrupt D & R parties. Now THAT has the potential to be KICK ASS .. right? Can someone please clarify that point for me? My hard drive bit the big one, and I'm stuck using my cell phone now. I'm not lazy, honest. But if this rings true, and there already exists quite a few people that could push Jill Stein to that 5% finish line....why not , "Say yes to Jill.....and NO to shill". Writing in Bernie is a show of solidarity,to be certain, but it won't help the movement gain any power. Couldn't the Green Party be the proverbial "river" that we all "gather at"? Sing along now...."Shall we gather at the riiiiiiveeeeeer.....the beautiful beautiful riiiiiveeeer". DISCAIMER: I AM NOT RELIGIOUS & I WANT BERNIE TO WIN IT ALL!!! I need to firm up my plan B is all.