Umm... ByeDone again
Submitted by snoopydawg on Sat, 08/24/2019 - 8:02pm
Joe Biden in Keene, New Hampshire: "I’ve been here a number of times...I love this place. Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?”
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 24, 2019
Nancy after Joe's first state of the union
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
More word salad from Nancy
Just wtf is she saying here? Unity is our power after Perez made sure that the millions who want a climate debate were told to shut up and sit down. That type of Unity, Nancy? How about when millions petitioned you to pass single payer and were call the retarded professional left? The only unity in the democratic party is their unity to do what their
mastersdonors want them to do.
Gee if only there was something written in the constitution to deal with an irrational leader who is abusing the power of his office? Okay another leader who is doing that.
You ain't fooling me one bit, Nancy. If there was Unity in the DP then you wouldn't be doing all you can to nullify Bernie's and Tulsi's candidacies. Jane Curtain once again comes to my mind.
Centrists are going to kill us. Literally. They’ll do it in two ways.
Sorry for going off topic, but is it really? The DNC is pushing ole Joe on us because he won't change much of what Trump is doing and because they would rather lose to Trump then let Bernie win. Even though they know that they could stymie him like they helped Obama do.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Jill and his son
should take responsibility and help him, instead of presenting him for the possibility of power and money, more money, still more money.
Who paid for his new face? Us?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This will perhaps be unkind of me
I am not comfortable with his new face
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I know, right?
I think so too.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Stories about
On the gaffes, I think it's only a matter of time until the MSM is forced by ongoing circumstances to address the mental decline issue. Other candidates, using their surrogates, may help force the media to consider the more serious question.
The hair plugs are real.
They do go back to the 80s, I think the 70s. There was much amused discussion among DE Young Democrats about the source of the plugs and whether the new follicles were curlier than the originals.
I don't know.
But I'm always up for a surprise.
It makes me kind of wonder
if the Biden team is using the same roving cosmetic/emergency/kabuki theater specialists that propped up Hillary's failed campaign.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
emperor's new clothes
They ignored Obama's "new clothes" for ten long years.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Except for his tan suit
This is the only scandal that came from his tenure according to those who are blind.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yeah, Bernie only shaves and gets his hair cut.
Where's the facelift, botox, diet, hair plugs and dye job that other older candidates go through before running for POTUS? Inquiring minds demand to know.
Obviously, Bernie doesn't really want to be President or he'd make the same kind of effort other older candidates do. And without a new face or a new spiel, he's just boring. Who needs a President whose campaign speeches don't differ from one decade to the next, one election to the next, even one speech to the next? It's almost as though he means what he says and doesn't just say whatever he thinks might help him get elected.
I agree with the Hillbots on one thing: He's not even a New Democrat. They change their words all the time, while giving excuses for serving nothing but alt neoliberalcon crap sandwiches: austerity and blue no matter what or who for you, wealth and power for them; more and more perpetual wars with a heaping side order of feints at gun control; and lots of lots of culture war lip service. YUM!
I watched Bernie on Joe Rogan
And I did think he’d had a face peel. But I don’t know.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Crap Sandwich? Naynaynay...
Why it's excrementé on ciabatta with aioli and arugula!
Until you get a taste. Then it's same-old-same-old shit on a bun with dandelions and mayo.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
He is leading in the polls?
I need to just leave.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
four more years
I wouldn't panic overmuch. If ByeDone gets the Dems' nomination to run in 2020, the man standing and taking the Presidential Oath of Office will -- repeat will -- be one Donald J. Trump.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Who is this malfunctioning robot pretending to be Joe Biden?
The gaffe dial is turned up to 11. Someone, quick! Ctrl+Alt+Del and reboot before the head starts spinning and actually explodes.
I'm sitting here with WTF flashing in neon in my mind, watching Joe Biden's disaster of a campaign so far. Who at the controls of the Democratic Party thought this candidacy could and would work? It's not quite the same, but it reminds me of the doomed attempt at a Hail Mary by Johm McCain to revive his campaign by choosing Sarah Palin as a running mate: loose cannon obviously not up to the job that ultimately didn't seal the deal.
I don't think Joe Biden
was ever the sharpest tack in the drawer. I remember him being mediocre back in the 1980s.
I assume that's why TPTB chose Bill Clinton to front the DLC aka Third Way Dems. You can say a lot of things about Bill Clinton's integrity (or lack thereof), but one thing he's not is mediocre.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Except that maybe
Well, back in his prime he did project as clean and articulate. A mouth that wouldn't stop motoring. And always that shining, toothy smile. And regardless of what happens, he can always proudly proclaim that he is the only Biden in a thousand generations to be elected to the senate and the vice presidency.
Biden is convinced he's the sure winner
That's the only reason he's running.
Most people simply don't and won't pay that much attention to his gaffes and his bumbling, much less his record.
He's still way ahead in the polls, and while he's been dropping somewhat, he hasn't nosedived like Kamala.
So what's your hypothetical preference for his VP (and given his front runner status, which is actually most likely?
On the one hand
On the other hand, I'm officially on record here as doubting JB's chances of making it to IA either as the frontrunner or at all, so it would be highly inconsistent of me, and a waste of precious bandwidth resources here, to engage in such unpleasant speculative matters.
Re the gaffes and bumbling, or what I refer to as signs of declining cognitive ability, the instances will continue to manifest* such that even the eyes-averting MSM will be forced to address the situation. It's inevitable at least one of the ambitious younger top 8 candidates, or their surrogates, will be bringing it up, on anonymous background basis, to members of our courageous MSM in the coming weeks/months.
Patience with the MSM telling the truth will be required. In his embarrassing 1988 run (youngsters out there who were born after that time will want to do a deep dive on google on that disaster of a campaign -- it will be worth it for the laughs), some members of the press were noting or being credibly informed for months that Biden was stealing and using lines in his campaigns speeches that were unattributed thefts from speeches by RFK and one or two other major figures from the past. The press, some of them, took note but said nothing.
I'm not sure of the exact chronology, but it may have taken Biden's absurd and bizarre and hilarious Neil Kinnock speech -- so wildly over-the-top in its self-aggrandizement and its colorful but foreign-sounding rhetoric -- before the media was forced to speak out. Was it the uber-cynical WaPo reporter (Paul Taylor) of the time who had memorably described the Dem field that cycle as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", who got the ball rolling? Or a snarky Maureen Down column? I can't remember.
* just consider the number of (cough cough) "gaffes" Biden has uttered in the last couple of weeks. This output trend will continue, possibly get more frequent the more his handlers may be forced to roll him out in public more frequently due to the worse backlash he would get from appearing to be hiding from public appearances.
Sensible assessment of Biden
I think Michael Tracey has been pretty spot on in hi appraisals of Biden.
Essentially, he's noted that aside from the twittersphere, most folks simply aren't paying attention to and care little about Biden's way of expressing himself. I suppose the corporate media might be more critical as the campaign intensifies, but it sure seems that he's their candidate so why should they even consider abandoning him?
As far a voters go, from my own perspective, the 30% or so who say they'll going to vote for him, I don't think it much matters. A much higher percentage supported Hillary and she sure talked some shit, in many ways more deplorable (hehe) than Biden's absentminded shtick. And Biden hasn't collapsed yet. Not even once.
And he simply doesn't get the hatred directed towards him that Hillary did and still does. The mere mention of her name bristles multitudes of people on the left, right and in between.
So, I hope you're not making too many bets on him not making it to Iowa.
Kamala has pretty much crapped out and might as well just limit her campaign to CA.
I don't think WARren is going anywhere; she's in it, whether she knows it or not, just to stymie Bernie and to set herself up in a position for the VP nod (maybe even from Bernie if he lucks out) or a cabinet position from Biden or maybe even everybody here's worst nightmare if the nightmare situation of a second ballot comes true.
And hHere's another analyis of Biden's chances from a Berner to consider:
MTracey, one of
As I helpfully and most cheerfully noted above, this MSM eye-averting is likely to change.
But in the rare event that I'm wrong, and the MSM continues to stay mute despite all the evidence before them, the DemPty PTB, currently favorably inclined towards the frontrunner, are not going to sit back and watch a train wreck develop for the general if the signs become ever clearer that Biden is well past his celery date.
There will be an intervention of sorts if the signs do indeed become apparent well before the convention that Biden needs to be put out to corporate pasture somewhere on a duly-incorporated corporate farm in Delaware. Arrangements will be made to begin talking down Joe through their well-placed media shills in terms of "increasing questions about his mental state", while talking up their Plan B favorite centrist who appears to have decent popularity, or alternatively to that they would reluctantly talk up their Plan C acceptable-enough pick liberal Liz.
On the Joe vs Hillary comparisons: yes to some of that. He's def not as despised as Hillary -- who is? Although a number of folks on some lefty boards I'm familiar with tried to make a huge deal, virtue signaling at a loud volume, out of Joe's groping tendencies. Notice how that hasn't caught on with the Dem Great Unwashed (or at least the elderly ones with landlines ...) and that issue is no longer eau currant. About as I suggested it would play out several months ago when this brief brewhahah broke out.
Not to worry though about my betting too much on Joe not making it to IA -- I've only put up my ex-wife's second best bed and one small volume of Neil Kinnock's Best Speeches.
A lot depends on if Obama is really supporting Biden
I suspect he is. Or Biden would not have run.
And if Obama is supporting him, he has enough pull with the MSM to make sure they don't don't go out of their way to sully Biden up that much.
And Biden, has some tricks up his sleeve, I'm sure, that will be revealed after the new year. At the very least, my guess is that Obama will become more active in showing his support.
And again, despite all his gaffes, and bumbling, and his crappy record, he hasn't gone down very far in the polls from his entry level peak.
We'll see.
Yes, his programming has a bug or two
Maybe a reboot might work, but if his programmers are anything like the ones I work with, then they have no idea what the end user sees, or is even supposed to see, so the end result is buggy and basically shit.
He reminds me of a cross between the following 2 scenes from 2 movies, except that I wonder who's under the mask (scene 2), if anyone.
And this one:
I'd pile on...
but it's really starting to feel like elder abuse.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Oh, just as an aside,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If the guy weren't supposedly in the lead for the Democratic
nomination for POTUS and also allegedly beating Trump in head to head polls, I'd call it gratuitous. (Not abuse, unless we assume Biden is reading this board and taking its posts to heart.)
Under the set of facts, though, I can't say that flagging either his dwindling mental capacity or his creepy groping is not important.
For his sake and that of Americans in general, He needs to bow out and his family needs to help him see that, rather than Jill telling us to swallow hard and vote for him, anyway. JMO--and maybe that of The Onion.
I hadn't thought of this in a long time.
Dementia typically becomes associated with age, and it might be a common ageist slur.
I tend to regard dementia as the thing I see in a person, or that has been diagnosed, with no preconceived notions that oh hell, they are just old and therefore crazy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
My Dad was mentally sharp and perfectly
fine when he was 91. And he didn't spout off stupid shit.
I have seen elder abuse of people in their '50's.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
When the half Governor of Alaska and former Mayor of its
meth capitol did something similar, Democrats in and out of the public eye could not stop mocking her. (I was one of them then, even though I defended Obama for his geography gaffe.)
Given the double standards/hypocrisy that have become the hallmark of Democrats (including me, once), I don't imagine they will slice and dice, "Say it Ain't So, Joe" the same way. But Geebus, by this point, shouldn't they be worried that he MIGHT become their nominee? Maybe even our President? Then again, Biden or Trump: The wealthy will make out well, either way. So, I guess they are not too worried.
After all, Reagan had Alzheimers and it all worked out well. Iran released the hostages practically before he finished taking his oath of office--that's how efficient effective he was. We glosnosted and Thatchered and somehow got away with both, (turned out Maggie was also on the road to The Long Goodbye.) The Berlin Wall came down. Reagan made the best leader Russia ever had, IMO, sure look like a shlub--and just by not wearing an overcoat on the steps of the White House! (I confess that I never did see the importance of this bragging point, but it must have been very meaningful, because media sold the hell out of Reagan with no overcoat.)
We invaded and quickly defeated Grenada in an exemplary fair fight, although I never figured out why. We must have ended America's need for most mental treatment and public housing, or so it would seem from their scarcity. Even the poorest public school kids got all the catsup they wanted for lunch.
Nancy always looked stylish while consulting their astrologer. (How many Governors of California got inaugurated at midnight? But, I'm sure astrology had nothing to do with that, although I cannot think of another explanation.) And, while President, Reagan somehow made it morning in America. I have no idea what that means, but it sure sounds good if I don't think about it for even ten seconds. (If only it gets to be meal time at some point!)
Good times!
And even Obama, the most popular Democratic President in a good while, confessed during his second term that he was a moderate Republican from the Reagan Era. Of course, he was being interviewed and felt a need to negate any inference that he was a (yuck) leftist, so we can only hope that he really meant it. I mean, who needs a left AND a right in this country, whether it's morning, noon or night In America? After all, two rights are better than one, amirite? (Please clap.) MAGA squared!
And now, we have an immoderate Republican and former Democrat from only God knows what era in the White House. Whodda thunk we could have gotten here in less than 35 years from the incorporation of the Democratic Leadership Council?
Pragmatic on, y'all.
P.S. Anyone of any age could make a mistake
about states while on the campaign trail, where candidates get so tired and move so fast that everything becomes a blur. However, New Hampshire, being the first state in a Presidential primary is so significant and sui generis for politicians that it's not the same as conflating, say Connecticut and Rhole Island (no offense to any state intended).
Something similar was true of conflating 1968, an iconic year for politicians, especially Democrats with the late Seventies and events that occurred when you were still single with events that occurred before you ever married with the time when you were well into your second marriage.
It isn't only that he is making mistakes anyone who is tired might make.
Well, at least Biden
got the general region right, New England.
But it can't be an excuse that he was over-tired from whirlwind campaigning -- it's been an open secret for weeks that his staff have him on a very light daily schedule.
However, again Joe scores some minor half-points for at least knowing who MLK and RFK were and that they were assassinated. And at this point Joe still seems to remember that he's out there, occasionally, running for the office of president. So not a complete mental collapse up to now.
Think Biden is bad then consider the alternative
This is what we're going to be told between now and the election over and over. You have to vote for ByeDone because Trump is worse. Nope. Trump is just a continuation of Obama. We know that. Others need to wake up and admit it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.