For my conspiracy-minded friends

For my conspiracy-minded friends, what if I told you that Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West was running a crash pad in the Haight Asbury during the Summer of Love in 1967? And that West was a frequent visitor to and had an office at the Haight Asbury Free Clinic where he had an office? And that the doctor who ran the clinic, along with the former federal parole officer of Charlie Manson, were both were working there on studies with LSD and meth to study the behavior of users of those drugs as well as the behavior of and within drug cults? And that West had graduate students "studying hippies who crashed there"? And that Manson and his Family were frequent visitors to the clinic? And that for all the parole violations and arrests that happened the year the Family lived in San Francisco they were always released? At that at one point a baby of Manson's was cared for by Manson's federal parole officer and his wife for two months? And that Manson had a fear of needles?

Just saying.

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(AT least at C99) about the endless BS this country has been up to since for who knows how long. Nothing surprises me any more and anytime I here CT it makes me want to find out more. Funny thing is the wife and I just went to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I don't want give away to much about the film but the main characters (Brad Pitt and Leo DiCaprio have an altercation with the Manson clan and in the movie and in Quentin Tarentino's mind they (Manson clan) never made it to the house where Sharon Tate and friends were staying.

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conspiracy type stuff dive in if you dare...

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They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

Deja's picture

@Johnny Q

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Bob In Portland's picture

All these revelations and more came out of the book CHAOS, by Tom O'Neill. West had been in the OSS in WWII, migrated to the CIA, was one of the first people hired by Sidney Gottlieb for MKULTRA, the CIA's secret mind control program. He elbowed his way into "examining" Jack Ruby after he killed Lee Harvey Oswaldom, after which Ruby had become incoherent and paranoid.

The goal of MKULTRA in large part was to create assassins who would not be able to remember why they did what they did and how it happened. In other words, a way to cover up a crime before it happened, at least in the assassin's mind.

During the Warren Commission hearings, Allen Dulles was the most active of all the members. Dulles was chief of the CIA when MKULTRA happened. The liaison between the CIA and the Warren Commission was Richard Helm, one of the few top CIA officials who knew about MKULTRA, and who later would become Director of the CIA and who destroyed the files on it.

The book in some ways is what Peter Dale Scott once called a negative-template. If you look at who blocked the author's investigation, or any investigation which touches on criminal behavior in government (which would include a lot of what the CIA does) an observer can build a ghostly network of the people who block the investigation.

Chief among the people who blocked O'Neill's investigation is Vince Bugliosi. If you've read anything that Bugliosi wrote, you can make a negative template of Bugliosi's career, covering up for the powers that be, much like you can create a negative template for Manafort's work before and during Russiagate. Bugliosi, like prosecutors in other famous criminal cases in LA like the RFK assassination and the OJ Simpson case, all have suborned perjury, quashed information valuable for the defense and otherwise worked very hard to conceal the truth.

Some here with no memory of some of these events may scoff, but even though most of the files of MKULTRA were destroyed, the how-to of mind control is still in the hands of the CIA. And once they get a powerful tool like mind control it uses it. For example, remember the absurd ex-military man who was driven around the Washington, DC area killing people through a hole in the trunk of his car? Remember all the paranoia that generated? Remember the destruction of the federal building in OKC? By another military man who gone to "special training"?

Anyway, it's an extraordinary book.

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k9disc's picture

documentary, the Minds of Men. It's long, but pretty interesting.

I've ran into the targeted individual and gang stalking communities commentary and media a few times too. Super creepy stuff that seems to fit the historical MO and current "lone wolf" zeitgeist.
@Bob In Portland

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu