a PSA in case you 'missed' Mueller's testilying

before the House Judiciary and Intel committees earlier today. Against my own advice to myself, I'd listened to some of the former live at Rt.com, and without giving some of the insanely partisan Qs and Mueller; As, I will say that most of it sounded like this to me, only a bit more allegro:


But the whole reason the following project had begun at all was that a woman that Mr. wd's been working for had been soooo distressed that since she had a doctor's appointment about 40 miles east of her place this morning, and wouldn't be able to watch the testimony of that 'O, so honorable man'...and has been blown away that Mr. wd thought the whole thing was not only cocked-up, but FUBAR, that he couldn't even pay attention to any of it... I dug up some of Mueller's er...seamier history of cover-ups, just in case he cared to have any ammo for in the future.

But I'd started emailing her the C-Span versions of both House Judiciary and Intel hearings page, which has the added benefit of short clips wit labels, plus some Tweeties on the side.

Ah hell, I'd thought, I give her the whole mess (as in: 'In for a Penny, in for a Pound'), including the VIPS at Consortium News (leaks, not hacks), 'Comey orders stand down' (no interviews with Assange), and this one from UK Ambassador Craig Murray, advising her that it was the best I could do in the time I had.

But thinking about Mueller's answers, maybe his testimony sounded more like this:


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snoopydawg's picture

They covered it from the beginning of Rob's testimony and hooboy, lots of the kids are very unhappy with him.

Lieu tried to pin him down on obstruction of justice charges and at first Mueller said that he would have charged him if he hadn't been hamstrung by the doj memo saying that the president cannot be charged while in office. Not too long after that he walked it back. Oops. And since the hearing was delayed for a week any momentum that democrats got from them will be popped because they are leaving town for 6 weeks. Gee..you'd think that was done intentionally if you were cynical enough.

ETA tweet


Rose colored glasses?

This is promoted content by Kambama. Kinda like when she had the t shirt of herself who was bussed as a kid for sell right after she went after ByeDone for his stance on busing..

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

karl pearson's picture

@snoopydawg It's amazing what some people will do for a buck. I know politicians have been raising $$ since the beginning of time, but it seems like Pres. Obama started this mass marketing fund raising when he ran in 2008. Now it's just a constant stream of begging for dollars from any occurrence, such as the Mueller testimony.

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wendy davis's picture


from the OLC (office of legal council or something?) someone had asked about? if so...he'd said no, but that Boss Tweet could still be charged once he's out of office.

i'll pass on the Daily Kos history, as i'm not entirely sure that mr. wd will be all that high about what i did send her. she's almost 80, but...a youthful 80, as they say. ; ) yeah, emptywheel has up 3 separate posts already: 2 from marcy, 1 from rayne.

guess i'd never really watched him, but he sure did remind me of one of my favorite jokes.

a horse walked into a saloon one day, and slowly clip-clopped up to the bar. the bartender said, "hey, buddy; why the long face?"

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

and bobby did walk it back today. Just what could he be charged with under the Russian interference investigation nonsense? War crimes and crimes against humanity he should definitely be charged with whether he's in office or not, but we don't do anything about that.

Here's more Marcy. I really have no idea what she is talking about. The Russian tower building was never serious and only Cohen was involved with it. But hey, people will believe what they want just so they don't have to admit that Hillary lost because she was a horrible candidate.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


seemed to be stoned on valium (an amnesiac, apparently: one experiences the pain, but doesn't quite remember it), so there's that. but here's my crap memory of the Q and A: it was supposed to have been trump, jr. who'd been the 'intermediary' on that. and it's only been 6, 8 hours ago. but it's allegedly one of the reasons Putin's people hacked the emails: because: Trump Tower, Moscow.

jeebus; will this ruse never end? clinton lost of her own accord, D team: get over it! wake me when it's over!

on edit: mueller used so many weasel words! 'this can't be ruled out'; i would say generally'.

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tell you that.

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snoopydawg's picture

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


same dude tweeted: @atrupar 1h1 hour ago

"Trump gets mad when a reporter asks him if he's concerned about getting indicted after he leaves office, says "WikiLeaks is a hoax just like everything else" and calls the reporter "fake news"

didn't watch the video, though...dunno why the one you brought of his didn't play the embedded video, though, miz bugler. ; )

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snoopydawg's picture

talking about the Mueller hearing. And he nails it here.

Pelosi just hamstrung the next president with her kicking the debt ceiling down the road. Probably just in case Bernie somehow wins. Aw Nancy, always looking out for the little guys. She doesn't think that McConnell will try to stifle the president's agenda just like he didn't Obama. Oh wait..

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


gjohnsit's thread on that, luckily it kinda turned into 'aiding and abetting by the Ds...in general. luckily teh Slimes is behind a paywall 4 me and every time i try to sign up for my 4, 6, whatever free clicks per month, i wait and wait....and then get: "sorry, busy; try again another day." oh, ya mean that cold day in hell we hear tell about?!?

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wendy davis's picture


of the Great Bi-Partisan lifting of the debt ceiling: Patrick Martin, 4 July 2019

"The Trump tweet declared, “I am pleased to announce that a deal has been struck with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy—on a two-year Budget and Debt Ceiling, with no poison pills … This was a real compromise in order to give another big victory to our Great Military and Vets!”
The reference to “no poison pills” points to one of the biggest Democratic cave-ins in the budget deal. Pelosi and Schumer have agreed that for the next two years they will not use budget or appropriations bills as a means of pushing Democratic political priorities such as lifting the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion, or prohibiting Trump from using Pentagon funds to build a wall on the US-Mexico border."
"The Democrats’ decision to make this agreement with the Trump administration—acceding to both its massive military build-up and key policy initiatives like the border wall—underscores the entirely hollow and phony character of their rhetorical condemnations of Trump for his attacks on four Democratic congresswomen, and his broader efforts to mobilize a fascistic movement on the basis of anti-immigrant bigotry and denunciations of socialism.

The basic framework of the deal is to provide an additional $320 billion in spending, equally divided between the military and domestic programs, over the next two years. This includes a record $738 billion for the military in Fiscal Year 2020, which begins October 1. That figure splits the difference between the $750 billion approved by the Senate and the $733 billion passed by the House.

Both Democrats and Republicans cited the need to provide the Pentagon with record resources and continuous funding over the full two-year period as the decisive element in the bipartisan deal. Whatever their differences on Trump’s bullying tactics and rejection of traditional diplomacy, both corporate-controlled parties support far-flung military operations to assert the global interests of American imperialism."
"The two top Democratic leaders, Pelosi and Schumer, issued a joint press release hailing “robust funding for critical domestic priorities,” while declaring the deal would “enhance our national security,” a reference to the military spending. In her letter to the House membership, Pelosi wrote, “We will now move swiftly to bring this legislation to the Floor, so that it can be sent to the President’s desk as soon as possible.”

The Trump administration agreed to drop its demands for hundreds of billions of additional cuts in social spending over the next two years and to accept instead an increase of roughly $160 billion."

ah, well, that's enough.

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wendy davis's picture

the only other democracy™ i've ever lived in is Israel's!

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Alligator Ed's picture

But whom, mon cheri? The Great Orange Hero or Bobby the Swan?--or Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff or Kamala Camel or...

Being a glutton--for punishment that is--I watched the hearing until my gastric acid pH had reached less than 1. First, Jerry is laughable. How can one hear anything that clown says without laughing? Integrity. WTF? The "honorable" Swan ducks and jives like Mohammed Ali. Sting like a butterfly? Is that it? wd--you can sting harder than the Swan. Integrity--there they go again. (Suppressed guffaw).

The Swan looked uncomfortable. A court ordered him to not claim that Russia colluded with hacking of information. The Swan almost got trapped by Doug Collins in contradicting his own report. (About 30 minutes in).

Bobby, Bobby. you are slipping. Time for retirement (and perhaps long-term residence at the Gray Bar Hotel, Cuban department).

Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) insists that Russia hacked the DNC. Under court order, the Swan made no reply. So Logren by simply saying there was a Russian Hack--a statement the Swan was precluded from endorsing.

Müller could not say that Trump was not proven innocent--a statement contradicting the legal presumption of innocent until proven guilty. There is no such DOJ policy condoning such a position of not being able to prove innocence.

Ratcliffe nailed Müller's webbed feet to the floor. There was neither declination or statement of president's culpability in obstruction of justice. This relates to Volume Two of the report.

Sheila Jackson Lee just repeated the possible areas of Trump's obstruction of justice, even though the Swan earlier in the hearing that there was no charge of obstruction of justice.

Sensenbrenner nailed Müller in claiming that Müller did not indict Trump because of DOJ policy against indicting a sitting president. But earlier, in a joint appearance of Müller and AG Barr, they stated that the DOJ policy was NOT a determinant of the non-indictment decision.

Steve "Finger Licking Good" Cohen concentrated on the role (more accurately non-role) of Sessions in being asked to unrecuse himself. This did not occur. So then what effect did the accusation play in restricting this kabuki investigation?

Rep. Chabot (R-OH) asked about Steele Dossier--the Swan dodged any acknowledgement of that dossier! By context, this dossier involved Fusion GPS but the Swan said in response when questioned "Outside of my purview".

In fact, Müller did not mention Fusion GPS at all in his report.

After 1 hour, 2 minutes, I threw in the proverbial towel.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

but see, now i'm at a loss, cuz so few of those names are even known to me, but whooosh: what a brilliant summation of the most notable...notables!

silly mon, i'd introduced the great pretender: 'But thinking about Mueller's answers, maybe his testimony sounded more like this:

but see, ya gonna speak froggie at me, it's 'ma chérie' on accountta last time i'd checked anyway, i'm a 'she', mon cher.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis What I do know is those critters taste mighty good.

So, with deep humility, I amend my greeting to you, dear wd:

ma cherie

Here, for you, is my musical homage: to my sweet Cherie Pie


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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

when i was a kid, but they were um...breaded and fried. cripes, i'd even tried some BBQ possum, yech.

love the homage to dickens; i left you something similar on another thread, but an oldie 'n moldie. but rolling on the floor laughing, and all that jazz. thank you, sir gator.

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Pricknick's picture

@Alligator Ed

like where did I park my car kinda lost

He's for sure dementia material.
I think his lawyers are prepping him for not guilty by mental defect.
Sorry for the wrong place of this post.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

of Mueller's testimony about Mifsud, along with Devin Nunes' opening statement summarizing the Russiagate scandal and Chris Wallace's description of Mueller's testimony as a disaster.

Rep. Devin Nunes’ full questioning of Robert Mueller; MIFSUD points at 3:34:

Rep. Jim Jordan’s full questioning of Robert Mueller; MIFSUD points throughout:

Chris Wallace describing Mueller's testimony as a disaster:

Devin Nunes statement on Russiagate saga:

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood and the Swan is rendered speechless. He could not defeat a single charge by Jordan. He looked lost, like where did I park my car kinda lost.

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@Alligator Ed

And I only searched out the strongest parts afterward on Youtube, once I knew it was over and I wouldn't have to see, or hear, Schiff or Nadler. I'm a coward. Or let's just say I have to watch my blood pressure.

But from the parts I saw, the entire 3 years has been an attempt to keep information about this crime of entrapment away from the public by saying "An Investigation's Going On." Therefore, we can't reveal. We can't comment. We can't substantiate. All we can do is insinuate.

And now, after the Investigation has been dumped in the trash, we can't comment on the lack of evidence because there are other investigations going on. As bad as Mueller's "performance" was today, he accomplished that assertion very well. In other words, stay tuned. There may be some evidence somewhere. But not here.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood You know, like res ipsi loquitur or carpe diem or some such legalese

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@Alligator Ed bart simpson says.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood


The gist

Misfud met with Papadopoulos and told him that the Russians had Hillary's emails and then Papadopoulos met with the Dutch Ambassador who told the FBI what Papadopoulos said. This is when the FBI got a warrant to tape Papa and by his connections to others in the Trump campaign.

Jordan asks Mueller why he didn't charge Misfud with lying since he charged to so many others? Jordan is saying that it was Misfud that started this whole sh*t show going and it's obvious that it was a setup from the beginning.

Jordan reminded the mute Mueller that the FBI, with the blessing of the Democratic Party, had pulled off a historic first when they spied on two members of the Trump campaign, Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. That brazen act of espionage should have been at the heart of Mueller’s probe, but strangely it went missing in action.

Here’s where things get really dark. In the course of the FBI’s undercover work, a mysterious Maltese professor by the name of Joseph Mifsud – who purportedly lied three times to investigators – passed along ‘secret information’ to Mr Papadopolous that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Papadopolous then informed a diplomat about the claim, which was then – thanks to the notoriously bad plumbing inside of the nation’s capital – leaked to the media. That single drop of fake news put into motion not only the bogus Steele dossier, complete with a bizarre reference to golden showers in Moscow, but the entire Russiagate hoax.

Watch it

edit spelling

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Carter Page was who they wiretapped and the FBI opened an investigation into Trump because of Misfud lying to Papa....

Jordan then tells Mueller that Barr is looking into how this started and then his whole dang 5 minutes were up. Mueller just kept saying he couln't get into it meaning he couldn't tell him why he didn't do his job. From what I've read people are wondering if Mueller even wrote any of the report or did any of the investigations because he didn't know what everyone was talking about.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Alligator Ed two or three, I keep seeing that scene from Matrix where Neo seems to be dead, full of bullets, but then comes back to life, only to be completely impervious to bullets.

And I keep seeing Trump in that role. And yet here is another bullet headed straight for Trump that falls without striking.

I think the dems may have hosed themselves well beyond anything I ever thought possible.

Or, maybe the dems will say that obviously, Mueller was not in charge of the investigation, so it needs to be done all over again.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@dfarrah Hamsters on a fucking wheel to nowhere, guided by nitwits, who don't realize that hamsters cannot control the wheel upon which they run. Herr Müller was not gruppenführer over the sham investigation, which is large parts playwriting, supplemented by parts of outright lying. But his name is on the report--in other words, he has skin in the game. Lots of skin. In fact, he might have an arm or leg in the game. Good Ol' Patriotic Bob

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@Alligator Ed Even saying that repubs and dems answer to the same PTB doesn't explain the dems' insanity/self destruction anymore.

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said that the hearing was some sort of indictment of the administration and shows the administration's "cover up".

She says this after Mueller was asked point blank if he had the access he needed, and he said yes.

Pelosi is simply crazy.

Then Lara Ingraham says that more dems now view the investigation as not fair - up by 14%.

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Pricknick's picture


Pelosi is simply crazy.

She's a vodka swilling, wall street whore.
Well past the pickling date.
If there were a hell.....

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Pluto's Republic's picture

Thanks, Wendy. Like your reading list. I warmed up with Aaron Mate's The MuellerGate Questions and the VIP's Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings.

I hadn't planned on watching, but I stumbled into it. Whoa, these people are screwballs! I've already lost interest in the election. It's futile. It was a littly early in the day, but I invented a drinking game.

'Sweeping and Systematic' — Drink!!!

It was clear the talking points went out last night to the Media Monopolies and to the Congressional Units because they all had the same war cry throughout the day. Whenever they stumbled over the swiss cheese narrative, they would suddenly blurt "Sweeping and Systematic Russian Interference" while expressing deep fear fear for the future of American democracy. DRINK! And then quake about the Russian threat going in to the commercial.

Clearly, they want Russia Fear and Loathing to be the People's only take away. The double-down mind wipe. Comey is the fool on the hill and everyone else walks.

Wow, there sure were a lot of Forbidden Topics. Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS. Roger Stone, Gene Simpson, Carter Page, Bruce and Nelli, etc. The cast of foreign villians that they think we don't know are CIA assets. The vast desert of strategic omissions. The pointedly ignored reality.

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wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

for your contributions and drinking game. but i'm done read out for the day, and pretty much pissed the whole day on this hoax, tending to the café, and answering a few more comments on my Ukraine diary.

and i done already swallowed two high CBD cannabis capsules, plus had a shot of cheap scotch with dinner. (mr. wd and i were both glad there were fried rice leftovers for dinner.)

sleep well, dream well if ya got em. in fact, i'll use the same closing song as i used on my ukraine post.


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wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

fear and loathing of julian assange, as well, although they call him 'Wikileaks'. i just checked the c-span stand alone clips, but none had either of those names.

but i'd included my list about what i'd sent mr. wd's employer, and included it in case others here not as familiar with all of this as you, snoopy, linda wood and others might want to check out some of the basics. a primer, as it were, which is about where i am on all this; i couldn't tell you the difference between a popadopulos, mifsud, or a strozk...or whatever.

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wendy davis's picture

at wsws.org this a.m.: ‘Mueller testimony: Another debacle for the Democrats’ anti-Russia campaign’, 25 July 2019 ( a few bits):

“The Democrats, with the encouragement and support of Mueller himself, have attempted to save face by declaring that his report “failed to exonerate” Trump for obstruction of justice, a point that was emphasized repeatedly in yesterday’s testimony. The aim of the concocted allegations of Russian “meddling” is to pressure Trump into adopting a more aggressive posture against Moscow and to blackguard political opposition as the work of a “hostile foreign power.”

The hearing came only one day after Democrats reached a budget deal that effectively grants Trump a free hand to carry out his policies for the rest of his term. It also comes weeks after congressional Democrats voted to spend billions on Trump’s militarization of the Mexican border and the administration’s incarceration of tens of thousands of immigrants in concentration camps, and days after they approved a record Pentagon budget well in excess of $700 billion.

The wall-to-wall coverage was out of all proportion to the content of Mueller’s testimony itself. No new information or allegations were presented, and Mueller declared at the outset that he would restrict his answers to statements already contained in his report. Mueller refused to answer more than 200 questions over the course of the two hearings.

In another exchange, Mueller suggested that political candidates who publicize leaked material could be held criminally liable. Democrat Jim Himes asked, “We have an election coming up in 2020, director. If a campaign receives an offer of dirt from a foreign individual or government, generally speaking, should that campaign report those contacts [to the police]?” Mueller responded laconically, “Should be [sic]. Can be, depending on the circumstances, a crime.

Mueller presented the danger of “Russian interference” as an ongoing threat to American democracy. “It wasn’t a single attempt,” he said. “They’re doing it as we sit here. And they expect to do it during the next campaign.” Mueller, who retired from the FBI six years ago, did not bother to explain how he could possibly know this.
This did not prevent his statement from being taken as the gospel truth by the pliant corporate press, with Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post declaring in a banner headline on its website: “Russian interference threatens 2020 election, Mueller warns.”

The right-wing basis of the Democrats’ opposition to Trump was underscored by their use of the hearing to promote the bipartisan witch hunt against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange."

i dunno, i looked at nancy pelosi's twitter acct.this a.m., and it's almost sad to witness. 'watch us on facebook', included.

double rope-a-dopey:

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were made in the Mueller hearing and are now in the Congressional Record.

One is at the very end of Devin Nunes' questioning, wherein Mueller declares the counsel did not indict Josef Mifsud, even though the Report states that Mifsud lied to investigators.

And the other is Tom McClintock’s establishment that, because the federal judge challenged the Mueller indictment's representation of the troll farm IRA as part of Russia's sweeping and systematic attack on our democracy without evidence, the Mueller team had to admit to the court that the Mueller Report provided no evidence of a connection between the IRA and the Russian government. At the very end of McClintock’s questioning he makes a memorable statement about the whole Russiagate story.

Rep. Devin Nunes’ full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony; MIFSUD points at 3:34:


Rep. Tom McClintock’s full questioning of Robert Mueller; IRA points at 2:24


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wendy davis's picture

@Linda Wood

sooo frustrating for mcClintontok in the second video. he's asking, in effect, for mueller to rationalize his report v the judge's ruling, i.e. there's no evidence of that. but that's the crux of the whole investigation!

deer in the headlights look: i can't talk about that, you'll find no better report than mine. i admired the doggedness and clarity of jim jordan you'd brought up yonder, and it's hard not to agree w/ chris wallace.

but did you Q so-and-so? i can't talk about that, either. a Q for you, though. admittedly i'd let some of the livestreams play as i did other things, but i'd have sworn one man had asked why the investigative team were almost all Dems. mueller mumbled, but then a D rep asked him: 'but did you ask them their party affiliation?'

"No, i did not." purdy hard for the head of the fbi to discover that one, eh? do you know the makeup of the team? as i've said, i'm a newbie on this 'investigation' witch hunt.

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adds to Tom McClintock's establishment to the Congressional Record that the Mueller Report provides no evidence, but only insinuates, that there was a connection between the IRA troll farm and the Russian government. This is at least HALF of the entire Russiagate premise.


These Questions for Mueller Show Why Russiagate Was Never the Answer
The former special counsel still has a lot he can clarify.
By Aaron Maté JULY 23, 2019

… 1. Why did you suggest that juvenile clickbait from a Russian troll farm was part of a “sweeping and systematic” Russian government interference effort?

The Mueller report begins by declaring that “[t]he Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” A few paragraphs later, Mueller tells us that Russian interference occurred “principally through two operations.” The first of these operations was “a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,” carried out by a Russian troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA).

The inference here is that the IRA was a part of the Russian government’s “sweeping and systematic” interference campaign. Yet Mueller’s team has been forced to admit in court that this was a false insinuation. Earlier this month, a federal judge rebuked Mueller and the Justice Department for having “improperly suggested a link” between IRA and the Kremlin. US District Judge Dabney Friedrich noted that Mueller’s February 2018 indictment of the IRA “does not link the [IRA] to the Russian government” and alleges “only private conduct by private actors.” Jonathan Kravis, a senior prosecutor on the Mueller team, acknowledged that this is the case. “[T]he report itself does not state anywhere that the Russian government was behind the Internet Research Agency activity,” Kravis told the court.

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