Monday OT: July 22 is Pi Approximation Day

July 22 is day 203 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Pungenday, Confusion 57, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count

Hokay, elsewhere 07-22-2019 (7/22) is written 22-07-2019 (22/7) and 22/7 is a classic early approximation of Pi that possibly even predated pie. Ergo, Pi Approximation Day.
7-22-1209 brought us the opening salvoes of the Albigensian Crusade (or Cathar genocide) in the form of the first military action of said crusade, the Massacre at Béziers. It seems that a bunch of European Christians were sufficiently scandalized by the corrupt and dissolute lifestyles so prevalent among the Catholic clergy in Languedoc that they began preaching and acting out heretical anti-materialist reformist doctrines. Such satanic deviation from church practices clearly could not be tolerated and Pope Innocent III ordered them to be exterminated, which they were. Naturally, this was facilitated by the fact that the Pope offered their lands and goods to their murderers as a reward. A lot of people think that the Crusades were strictly about waging war on Islam, but there were numerous European crusades aimed at pagans, heretics, apostates, and others with imperfect rituals and doctrines.
Katharine Lee Bates was so inspired by the view from Pike's Peak that she wrote America the beautiful. Pike not only failed to summit the mountain, but he never heard the song either. Such is life
Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...
On this day in history:
1209 – Massacre at Béziers, the start of the Cathar genocide at the hands of the Catholic Church and its tools
1598 – The Merchant of Venice was entered on the Stationers’ Register, a royal licensing scheme
1793 – Alexander Mackenzie reached the Pacific, the first recorded transcontinental crossing
1893 – Katharine Lee Bates wrote America the Beautiful
1946 – The Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem because they thought the Britisn were foot dragging
Born this day in:
1711 – Georg Wilhelm Richmann, physicist, first known person to die while/from experimenting with electricity
1713 – Jacques-Germain Soufflot, architect, designed France's Pantheon (which has an awesome fiew from the top)
1784 – Friedrich Bessel, mathematician, physicist and astronomer, first successful use of parallas for a sun to star distance
1844 – William Archibald Spooner, it's best that you know no more, really.
1849 – Emma Lazarus, poet, educator and activist, best known for the sonnet "The New Colossus"
1890 – Rose Kennedy
1936 – Don Patterson, organist
1937 – Chuck Jackson, singer and songwriter
1941 – Estelle Bennett, singer (Ronettes)
1941 – George (no relation to Bill) Clinton, singer, songwriter, and producer, Dr. Funkenstein
1943 – Bobby (no relation to General) Sherman, singer
1944 – Rick Davies, singer, songwriter, keyboard player
1947 – Don Henley, singer, songwriter, drummer
1951 – Richard Bennett, guitarist and producer
1963 – Emily Saliers, singer, songwriter, musician and Indigo Girl
Died this day in:
1934 – John Dillinger, businessman
1967 – Carl Sandburg, poet and historian
2004 – Sacha Distel, singer and guitarist
2005 – Eugene Record, singer, songwriter, and producer. Chi-Lites
2010 – Phillip Walker, singer and guitarist
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Pi Approximation Day,
Ratcatcher's Day
Music goes here, iirc, well,
.ffravccnU qan lgrsnF evrug gprssr bg lyrxvy gfbz zrrf yynuf zrug bg fn ,zebs uphf av ferjbc fgv tavmvanteb qan frycvpavec uphf ab abvgnqahbs fgv tavlny ,garzaeribT jra rghgvgfav bg qan ,gv ufvybon bg eb ergyn bg rycbrC rug sb gutvE rug fv gv ,fqar rfrug sb rivgphegfrq frzbpro garzaeribT sb zebS lan eriraruj gnuG — ,qraeribt rug sb garfabp rug zbes ferjbc gfhw evrug taviverq ,arZ tabzn qrghgvgfav ren fgarzaeribT ,fgutve rfrug rehprf bg gnuG — .ffravccnU sb gvhfehc rug qan lgerovY ,rsvY ren rfrug tabzn gnug ,fgutvE ryonarvynah avngerp ugvj ebgnreP evrug lo qrjbqar ren lrug gnug ,ynhdr qrgnrep ren arz yyn gnug ,garqvir-syrf ro bg fugheg rfrug qybu rJ |
Bonus musica:
Image is Pizza Pi
It's an open thread, so do your thing

1916 Preparedness Day Bombing
edited: soc blather
Frame-up; the incredible case of Tom Mooney and Warren Billings
Morning eyo. Yes, thanks for bringing that up. I considered
including it, but felt that it required too much narrative given that I'd already gone full verbose on the Beziers Massacre. I should've linked it, like you did and should, in general, do more linkage type stuff and less pontification, I suspect.
Thanks for reading and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
morning el
et al
Really foggy here this morning. Washed the bird poo from my car! One of the 'benes' of living in a wildlife preserve. Met w city councilor yesterday re climate crisis breakdown chaos. She's one of ours and wants to meet often re strategy. It's like water dripping one drop at a time to fill an ocean to effect any changes. But maybe not. Maybe things can move. Starting to think about a campaign for campus bc of the recall of 'our' prog councilors that we worked so hard to elect. The developers they hates us. heh. onwards. Thanks for the pi in the sky and no please don't stop pontificating. So, y'all have a good one...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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Good morning magi. I guess it doesn't help for the birds
to fertilize your car, but they are at least doing it to the surrounding land as well.
Hang in there and good luck with the local politics. Dare I truck out the trite old "all politics is local" bumperstickerism? Probably best not, besides, we all know it as both a truism and falsehood combined, like a 2 sided coin.
Thanks for the encouragement and have a great one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Much hope in the Old Pueblo this morning.
Our monsoons are late this year. They're usually in full force by the 4th of July, bringing cooler temps and much needed rain to the desert. We woke up this morning to a completely overcast sky, chance of rain pegged at 50%.
Also, who can ever forget the eminently forgettable prog-rock band Caravan and this album title.
[video: width:500 height:300]
Have a nice day.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Hola Az! Best wishes for some serious rain. Great turn of
phrase there:
and of course, the band's name reminds me of the eminently unforgettable song of the same name. Of all the greats and notables to have done it, I was going to go with the Cornells' version anyway, but I can't find it, so here's Chester and Lester:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I have to go with Melonius Thonk on that one.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Most excellent, thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
How about a
Interesting on the Crusades
Makes one wonder if colonialism of the Americas started out as Crusades. The Old World religions now dominate the land.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Not per se, but as a very closely related matter, read up
on the Treaty of Tordesillas and Discovery Doctrine. Roughly, Portugal and Spain got to divvy up the world for exploitation and run any lands in their respective sectors not ruled by christian rulers. They were, as part of their franchise, to teach and enforce the fact that the natives were, while secularly controlled by the respective colonizers, spiritually to be ruled by and be obedient to the Pope and the church. Meanwhile, as they got control, the various cultists of the non-latin formulary who started settling the eastern seaboard decided that they had either a holy mission to convert, or else slaughter, the heathen indians.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Corbyn and the BS smear
No surprise there. Thanks for posting that.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It's literally been months
since the British news media have said anything about Corbyn other than anti-semitism.
As if the leader of the opposition has done nothing worth mentioning for months but threaten the lives of Jews.
Except that there hasn't been a single incident of anti-semitism (or what can be spun as anti-semitism) by Corbyn in the last few months. So it's a daily rebooting of pro-Palestinian stuff that is years old. For months and months.
It's really a horrible case of journalism malpractice.
no Corbyn antisemitism
There has never been a credible instance of actual antisemitism arising from Jeremy Corbyn. Pro-Palestinian positions are categorically not antisemitism, and the transmogrification of one into the other really is a horrible case of journalism malpractice.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Obama moved to crush Occupy. Live dogs were crushed to death
For cryin' out loud, never knew
that shutting down Occupy included
That's hideous.
Yves is an animal lover of a sorts, I think.
Once she Retweeted one of my Tweets (from an Twitter account with a whopping 10 or 12 Followers
) about dogs being used as 'Drug Mules.'
Apparently, mostly larger breed dogs were used, and, once they reached the drug smugglers' intended destination(s)--their bellies were slit open to retrieve the bags of drugs (with them obviously left to die).
When I followed the RTs spawned off of hers, it became obvious that several million 'eyes' potentially read it. That's because a couple of Hollywood agents, and a British Commedian RT'd it. And, they had millions of Followers.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Really, who could imagine such a thing?
“Fascism” was here long before Trump.
The crushing of Occupy was apparently so horrible in toto that Yves just mentions this dog thing as one example — if it hadn’t been from as unimpeachable a firsthand witness as she is, I might not have believed it.
Totally agree. Thanks for sharing that anecdote. I remember
hearing that journalists were denied access while they were tearing down the various 'camps.'
(True) Democracy, here, died years ago--as evidenced by the take down of OWS.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
We have been to a Cathar castle (château fort) called Mauvezin.
There are a few more bits to the story: The Cathars were practicing Catholics in every way, but one belief - the ordinary person could pray or talk directly to G-d. They have been labeled proto-Protestants because of this.
This location is just a bit NW of Toulouse. Pope Innocent (there's an Orwellian name for this guy) said hey let's get together at your castle, with your believers to witness the agreement we are making.
Twenty thousand were killed that day and dumped in big ditches (moats?). Nasty business and trickery.
The cathedrals at Albi and Auch have the most elaborate screens in wood and limestone beyond which the lay people could not go. Only clergy and some special people got to see the services or even hear them from what we could tell.
Auch screen and choir
Added YouTube video of Mauvezin.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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Good afternoon, Dawn, thanks for the additional information.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --