Epstein's connections to child trafficking

Here is part one of Whitney Webb's article on Jeffrey Epstein and his pals

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case

Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.

Despite his “sweetheart” deal and having seemingly evaded justice, billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was arrested earlier this month on federal charges for sex trafficking minors. Epstein’s arrest has again brought increased media attention to many of his famous friends, the current president among them.

Many questions have since been asked about how much Epstein’s famous friends knew of his activities and exactly what Epstein was up to. The latter arguably received the most attention after it was reported that Alex Acosta — who arranged Epstein’s “sweetheart” deal in 2008 and who recently resigned as Donald Trump’s Labor Secretary following Epstein’s arrest — claimed that the mysterious billionaire had worked for “intelligence.”

Other investigations have made it increasingly clear that Epstein was running a blackmail operation, as he had bugged the venues — whether at his New York mansion or Caribbean island getaway — with microphones and cameras to record the salacious interactions that transpired between his guests and the underage girls that Epstein exploited. Epstein appeared to have stored much of that blackmail in a safe on his private island.

In the U.S. alone, the CIA operated numerous sexual blackmail operations throughout the country, employing prostitutes to target foreign diplomats in what the Washington Post once nicknamed the CIA’s “love traps.” If one goes even farther back into the U.S. historical record it becomes apparent that these tactics and their use against powerful political and influential figures significantly predate the CIA and even its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In fact, they were pioneered years earlier by none other than the American mafia.

In the course of this investigation, MintPress discovered that a handful of figures who were influential in American organized crime during and after Prohibition were directly engaged in sexual blackmail operations that they used for their own, often dark, purposes.

Whitney details the players of the mob during prohibition and their connections to powerful people and ending with lots of stuff about Roy Cohn who everyone knew had a penchant for young boys.

Rothstein told John DeCamp the following about Roy Cohn:

Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.”

Rothstein later told Paul David Collins, a former journalist turned researcher, that Cohn had also identified this sexual blackmail operation as being part of the anti-communist crusade of the time.

The fact that Cohn, per Rothstein’s recollection, stated that the child-sex blackmail ring was part of the government-sponsored anticommunist crusade suggests that elements of the government, including Hoover’s FBI, may have been connected at a much broader level than Hoover’s own personal involvement given that the FBI closely coordinated with McCarthy and Cohn for much of the red scare.

It is also worth noting that among Hoover’s many “secret” blackmail files was a sizeable dossier on Senator McCarthy, the contents of which strongly suggested that the Senator himself was interested in underage girls. According to journalist and author David Talbot, Hoover’s file on McCarthy was “filled with disturbing stories about McCarthy’s habit of drunkenly groping young girls’ breasts and buttocks. The stories were so widespread that they became ‘common knowledge’ in the capital, according to one FBI chronicler.”

Im looking forward to reading part two of this horrible saga.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Thank you for the fine foray into the lower levels of the Epstein Chronicles, which is really a fine compliment to you considering how deep--and how old-- this sexnetting is. The FBI has been corrupt ever since JE Hoover complied dossiers of dirt and Kompromat on top politicians of his day. No one wzas safe from JEH and his minions. The filth was just below the surface, unlike the situation today where the scum and feces/sperm/blood is rising to public consciousness.

This revelation of generational depravity in our "intelligence" services constitutes what Q calls the "Great Awakening". No one tainted by pedophilia will escape the public wrath which will utterly consume those dirty "players" and enablers in this evolving story.

"The Storm" is the inevitable avalanche (D5) of hate and, I shall say, righteousness vengeance of the suppressed lower 99%. As Q says :These people will be unable to walk the streets. One story, allegedly emanating from a viewer of Wiener's infamous laptop, shows HRC and Huma doing horrific things to a young girl. There is no supporting confirmation of this revolting act available to me, so I say no more--kinda like a movie trailer raising interest win the featured spectacle. If that story is true, Huma will be given a more appropriate name: Humane Abandonment.

For those of you thinking Q is merely a psy-op--which is partly true--when the full depravity of elements of the deep state becomes public, which it will, we will experience epic depths of revulsion. The DS, or those fellow DS travelers will have nowhere to hide--including New Zealand or Virgin Island hide-outs.

The FBI has been corrupt at higher levels since it's inception. I don't know the politics or morality of Wild Bill Donovan, founder of the O.S.S., but his co-founders, the Brothers Dulles, were evil, soulless creeps interested in self-enrichment as well as Empire.

Readers are admonished (in its original meaning, bereft of the notion of criticism--but of warning) to delve into the CIA's initial evolution. At first violent, seeking to overthrow the Nazis (and the Soviets--and perhaps the Japanese a little), corruption soon followed. This evolution involved the time-tested Darwinian winnowing of the less efficient, and therefore less effective, schemes to grab control of the U.S., its fortune, and expand its empire.

The following paragraph contains my views (mine, all mine I tell you, snoopy) about this Great Awakening. Pussy-grabbing POTUS is portrayed as a vile, emotionally-labile plutocratic con man--which he is. But even clouds have silver linings. Donald, though a womanizer of first caliber, is not a pervert when it comes to two things: one of which is enhancing the Glory of America the Beautiful (a wonderful fictional construct of more than 240 years' creation). Sexual perversity does not fit with Donald's vision of infamy, however he may personally conceive this.

Trump has already taken action against more pedophiles in his Russia-gate cursed administration as the Empty Suit's 8 years. Please, those who are interested in the factual background of this statement, please do the research. If I am incorrect about this statement regarding pedophile crackdown, I will issue a large, bold admission of my errant reasoning and evident stupidity--but first, disprove this statement about pedophile arrests.

I take Q seriously, at which point many of you may stop taking me seriously. But for those following Q, the Day of Judgement is upon us, led buy Sacrificial Lamb Jeffrey Epstein. Sexnets are spider-webby things which adhere to any within its bounds. Lots of many players are stuck, even if personal involvement may be minimal. "To get along, go along". That's the motto of sextet fellow travelers, who don't actually partake of these sick "pleasures". They are enablers, because their friends and/or family are involved deeply.

When was Amerika great? It was great as conceived by the Founding Fathers. A great concept, not surviving the light of reality once re-ified by our Constitution. Steps in the correct direction, such as universal suffrage (for all legal residents) and enhanced civil rights protections for citizens of color have occurred--and are still struggling to achieve realization--despite heavy opposition by Status Quo forces everywhere.

Amerika has the seeds of greatness within it, but the fruit has not been grown to maturation due to greed, hate, lust, greed, and did I say, greed. This is a statement which gives me hope.

HenryAWallace suggested something in a comment to me, that instead off saying "Love it or leave it" (which was never my position) but to "Love America's people or leave". Sincere thanks to Henry for his much better approach to the issue of exclusion / inclusion.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

She provided a lot of historical background information starting during prohibition and how the mob got so much power. Part two is going to tie Epstein's sordid history and his buddies that were involved with him. Lots of people are sweating big time and hoping that some lawyers will be able to keep those files sealed.

One story, allegedly emanating from a viewer of Wiener's infamous laptop, shows HRC and Huma doing horrific things to a young girl.

This goes back to when Comey had to tell congress that he found more of Hillary's emails on Weiner's laptop. The people working on Weiner's case were sickened by what they found on it. Lots of pictures of horrible things being done to kids. They wanted to go public with it, but Loretta Lynch's AG office came down on them and threatened them. If they went public the guy that killed Eric Garner would be prosecuted. Lo and behold he just found out that he wouldn't be.

I take Q seriously, at which point many of you may stop taking me seriously.

My mind is still open on Q. So many things were supposed to have happened already that haven't. Yet. Sessions was supposed to have done a lot of things, but he was gone before he did. But, well we'll see. It did lead me to some great information about things I didn't know before.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

How long have we been hearing whispers about pedophile trafficking rings? Pizzagate went nowhere, except to make anybody who thought it might have some truth in it were quickly dismissed as ct loons.
I do not trust the judge, or any judge, to make those documents public. Something will be filed, argued...and they will be sealed.
I hope I am wrong. That judge may want to be the person who starts the revolution. I just don't run across many judges with that kind of courage and commitment to justice.
As for Q, I have not followed Q, only know what I know about him from reading here. I have no opinion about him, but I hope his predictions are true.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp as all good advocates should be. There are proofs of Q, many times given to his/their acolytes, will become reality when fatal Epstein-derived shrapnel strikes many Deep Staters. JE is the first--the screw driver opening the can of scorpions, leeches, and snakes which comprise the Deep Staters.

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k9disc's picture

@Alligator Ed

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Then Epstein's suicide chances go way up.

The no. 3 threat is, obviously, the people he might “sing” about.

And that’s an litany of the world’s who’s who. No doubt the FBI may already have their IDs and photos and what-not, but why chance it when you can take down the -potential- crown witness?

Now, if we may believe just 10% of what George Webb talks about in the last video in this article, everybody who’s anybody in government, secret services et al in the whole wide world should feel threatened right now. But those 2,000 pages from 2015 that Judge Berman ordered to be unsealed are not yet public, and you can bet your donkey that the cream of the global lawyer and secret service crop are going over them as you read this.

Will we ever know what Epstein really did? The odds are not in favor of that. But let’s try and have a look anyway. See if we can -to an extent- make up our minds based on that.

(Video in article)

This is a Miami Herald video linked to Julie K. Brown’s series for the Miami Herald last fall on Epstein. It was posted to YouTube by the Miami Herald on Nov 30, 2018. It took another 8 months for him to be arrested. The 2,000 pages “supposed” to be unsealed soon stem from a case Roberts Giuffre brought in 2015.

Julie Brown deserves a Pulitzer for her series on Epstein and how he skated on justice. 18 months sentence, served 13 months and got to leave the prison every day for work and then his cell door was unlocked when he was there and he got to go to the lawyer's room to watch tv at night. Plus he got to have a masseuse come out to visit him even though that was how he entrapped so many girls. Once he gets out of prison he is welcomed back into the high social circles. Not this time. He won't see the light of day again.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg My concern is the judge. Not Q, not JE's suicide...it is the judges. His/her ruling will determine if this damn government continues or not. And that judge needs protection. Exactly from whom? The very government he/she is about to bring to its' knees?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

You probably know more about this than I do, but it's been noted that the same judges keep appearing in certain sagas. This might be because of where certain cases are tried, but it could also be from judge shopping.

John Kirakeu said that Chelsea is dealing with the same judge that he and others have dealt with. Is she the only 'hanging' judge in town or is she just the go to judge for certain circumstances?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg It is called "forum shopping" and is not allowed on the books, but especially at the federal level, is done daily.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Shahryar's picture

1. names will be about to be released, then won't be
2. if names are released many will be suppressed
3. if big names are released we'll hear that it's ok, the Bible says so

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lotlizard's picture

Then the deadline came and what happened? Obama reneged, kept everything hidden.

Scandals come and scandals go, and the figures the Deep State favors? Many times they wriggle free and go on to be lionized later as great men.


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From George Web whose earlier video was in this article.

For those who don’t know Dyncorp, as a govt contractor, they had really nasty history of going after those who reported child pedophillia on military bases overseas that they were supposedly overseeing.
They either turned a blind eye, and perhaps likely even worse,were involved.


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before Congress as Representative Cynthia McKinney questions him about DynCorps child sex trafficking, worst in the sense of his disingenuous response.


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lotlizard's picture

@Linda Wood  
It’s easy to pick up points by becoming a symbol of opposition to Trump & Co.

Cynthia McKinney took on harder challenges, which, I suspect, is the reason she was set up and sidelined.

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smiley7's picture

for death threats.

And armchair wizards throw stones.

Hum, hum hum.

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Of course everyone has heard the rumors about Bill and Hillary Clinton's relationship with Epstein, flying to his island on his plane, etc.

Just out of curiosity, has there been any rumor about Biden and Epstein. Biden has been around a long, long time and his predilection for rubbing girls and women's shoulders and sniffing their hair would seem to make him a possibility for this sort of thing.

But, I haven't heard any rumors regarding him.

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snoopydawg's picture


to Epstein or that any person has said that he sexually assaulted them. His creepy hands on young girls and women are all that I've heard. But even after people have told him that it's inappropriate he still does it. His apologies have never been real in my opinion because he then joked about it and then did it again anyway.

"I got permission to touch this boy." Not funny!

I do however think that Bill and Hillary should be losing sleep over what Epstein might say about them. Bill says only 4 times he flew on the plane, but people have shown screen shots of flight logs and it's 25-26 and he ditched his secret service for some of them. But are we really supposed to believe that he didn't know what Epstein was doing? Lolita express had a bed in it for sexual orgies in case people got bored flying to his island. Sure, Bill. You didn't know.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

WoodsDweller's picture

the Clintons in this regard, I'm more inclined to think that they were helping run the scam than victims of it. Part of the scam is to make the marks feel comfortable so that they let their guard down. This was all supposed to happen after Bill had left the White House. What's the point of blackmailing him then? OTOH, he could be convinced (by paying him or as a favor to intelligence for National Security) to fly on the plane and help legitimize the situation to the actual marks. He could even hit the marks up for contributions to the Clinton Foundation while he was at it. As to the SS detail, maybe he was advised to leave them behind on specific trips because they expected stuff to go down and the agents might feel they had to testify about what happened.
The Clintons are masters of not getting caught. Bill was briefed by spooks an hour every day for eight years. You think he didn't know this sort of thing was going on? Maybe not this specific operation, but things like this. You think they couldn't spot a setup?
This would still make them accessories to Epstein's crimes, but hey, National Security. They'll walk.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone