Aaron Mate's New Essay Highlights the Essential Fraudulence of Mueller's Claims Regarding "Russian Meddling"
I commend to your attention this new and really excellent overview of the fraudulence of Mueller's claims regarding "Russian interference".
And note that Fox News is already starting to cover it:
I think that Mate's observations could be usefully supplemented by the cyberanalytic discoveries of Forensicator, Adam Carter, and other astute analysts, most of which are archived on Adam's excellent website:
Mate notes quite properly that the indeterminacy of Mueller's claims regarding the timing of the exfiltration of the DNC documents indicates that the NSA did not provide concrete evidence for the alleged hacking - the report refers to this occurring "between approximately 25 May, 2016 and June 1, 2016". In fact, Forensicator's recent analysis shows that the document were exfiltrated in two tranches, on May 23 and May 25. So Mueller was even partially wrong on the time frame.
As regards the timeline of transfer, one could add that the claim that G2.0 transferred the purloined emails no sooner than a week prior to their publication on July 22 makes no sense whatever, inasmuch as Wikileaks needed to screen each email it published to insure its absolute authenticity. If it had published anything tainted with fraud, its reputation would have been in tatters. Which is why we had to wait a number of weeks for the Podesta emails to be released.
Crowdstrike's claim that Russian intelligence was behind the alleged DNC hack, if not based on hard data from the NSA, had to be based on the nature of the malware used. But this is a notoriously inaccurate way of ascribing blame for a hack, since malware that Russian intelligence may have used previously could be readily available to other hackers. Indeed, that appears to be the case for the malware which Crowdstrike claims was used.
Whether there actually was a hack in April 2016, as Crowdstrike claims, or whether Crowdstrike concocted the evidence for such a hack, so as to blame Russia for the Wikileaks releases, is an unresolved issue. It appears that much of the malware which Crowdstrike alleged to "find" on the DNC computer had been compiled AFTER the date on which Crowdstrike entered the DNC computers, as noted by cyberanalyst Stephen McIntyre.
Also notable is the fact that the exfiltrations of DNC emails occurred several weeks AFTER that date. So Crowdstrike was either grossly incompetent - or the exfiltrations reflected a LEAK.
In describing Bill Binney's discussion of transfer rate speeds, Mate makes a common error. Binney's data pertains to a transfer of DNC documents which Guccifer 2.0 made on July 5 - NOT the exfiltration of the DNC emails published by Wikileaks. The transfer rate was consistent with download to a thumbdrive, but too fast for transatlantic transmission at the time. Mate correctly notes the logical objection of Stone's prosecutors that the thumbdrive transfer in question might have occurred in Russia after the hack had occurred. But neither they nor Mate bring up Forensicator's brilliant deduction that the transfer occurred in the Eastern Time Zone. So the transfer might have occurred in Washington DC, or perhaps Peru - but certainly not Russia. Yet Guccifer 2.0 is alleged by Mueller to be a Russian intelligence operative who hacked the DNC - and suggested to be the source of the Wikileaks DNC emails. These findings are completely inconsistent with that theory - but completely consistent with the possibility that he was someone who had direct access to the DNC computers and downloaded their contents to a thumbdrive.
Forensicator has shown that other transfers by G2.0 occurred in the Central and Pacific Time Zones. Crowdstrike has offices in those time zones.
Adam Carter has adduced a number of additional reasons to believe that Guccifer 2.0 is NOT a Russian hacker, but rather an entity intentionally POSING as a Russian hacker. And, as Mate aptly notes, his grandstanding behavior would be completely inconsistent with that of professional Russian intelligence.
As regards the personnel of Crowdstrike, Mate notes that Shawn Henry, co-founder of the company, used to be Robert Mueller's deputy at the FBI. To be more specific, Henry was in charge of counterintelligence, in which capacity he utilized false computer personas in sting operations. Which is why, the day after G2.0 first appeared, a savvy person on the net concluded that Shawn Henry was G2.0's puppet master.
http://www.g-2.space/henrysabug2/; https://caucus99percent.com/content/shawn-henry-crowdstrike-was-fingered...
These points are simply intended to supplement Mate's excellent, insightful analysis. They further strengthen the conclusion that Mueller doesn't have a clue as to how Wikileaks obtained the DNC emails, and that his contention that Russian intelligence hacked the DNC in early 2016 isn't backed by hard, credible evidence. Moreover, as Mate compellingly demonstrates, Mueller's claims that the online activities of the Internet Research Agency represented a serious effort backed by the Russian government to sway American voters to support Trump, are a virtual joke.
You can bet that the only reason that Mueller didn't charge the Trump campaign with "collusion" was that he realized that ultimately he would need to prove his contentions in a court of law. Whereas, since "the Russians" he indicted would never see the inside of an American courtroom, he felt he could make up any fraudulent narrative he chose to back the Deep States' claims about "Russian meddling".
My own best guess is this: US intelligence, which had been monitoring Wikileaks carefully, detected that someone at the DNC was planning to leak DNC emails to Wikileaks. The DNC then huddled with their computer experts at Crowdstrike and came up with the strategem of claiming that the DNC had been hacked by "the Russians" who then gave their emails to Wikileaks. In that way, media attention could be diverted from the damning content of the emails to the vile Russkies and their stooge Assange; Hillary would be shielded, while the Deep State's bete noires Russia and Assange would be slammed - an ideal ruse! So Crowdstrike concocted evidence for a hack, and also created the persona Guccifer 2.0 to take credit for the hacking and the impending Wikileaks release, while intentionally leaving "Russian fingerprints" on his postings. Guccifer 2.0 subsequently made contacts with Assange that could be used as evidence by later investigators (i.e. Mueller) that G2.0 had indeed transferred the emails to Wikileaks.
But they knew that this plan could only work if the actually leaker was eliminated or otherwise silenced.
Here's why I conclude that the DNC was tipped off:
And here are my speculations about the leaker - an issue which, for the time being, Aaron is wise to avoid:

It was all a fictional shit show.
Well done vegan.
Make sure you tune in to the next bullshit narrative that is main stream media.
Tear their ass apart.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Aaron absolutely destroyed Mueller"s report
He lays out the timeline on when Wikileaks told us that he was going to be releasing information on Hillary and the DNC a month before CrowdStrike's report that the computers were hacked.
Did the NSA even show us anything that proved they were hacked? Not to my knowledge and neither the FBI or Mueller investigated the computers or saw the complete report on how they were hacked according to Roger Stone's lawyer.
Marcy Wheeler is still hanging on to her delusional thinking about Russia Russia Russia Russia.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg The image that
Mark F. McCarty
Not only malware
but as we now know the CIA uses its Vault 7 tools that let's them put markers in computers that say they come from a certain country. I'm not saying that the CIA was involved with this, just that it is so easy to do it and that's why Guccifer's code look like it came from Russia.
But yeah, the FBI and Mueller just took some of CrowdStrike's word for it that the computers were hacked instead of the info being leaked. And again why didn't Mueller talk to Assange or Comey about the deal that was reneged on or people from VIPS or whomever said that an ex intelligence person was involved? Shoddy reporting by Mueller and yet people just overlooked it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If you don't want to find something,
you don't look for it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
More will come out I am sure
Great essay. Thanks for all the links--defintely will check them out. What gave me a lot of perspective having followed Russiagate was the Mark Steyn interview of George Papadouplous on his experiences and book. After that events like the Trump Tower meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya made sense. Hillary droning on and on about Russia made sense. I think it is right tht G2 was in fact a US based creation.
What makes this all the more complex is that I think there were several independent black ops going on. There was no one group out of central casting working on defeating Trump in the election and others attempting a soft coupe after Trump was elected.
@MrWebster The Russiagate situation
Mark F. McCarty
And the lack of technical knowledge is critical for Russiagate.
Now I have worked in high tech all my life, and never worked networks, etc. But I think I have a sense of bullshit and try to investigate claims or think twice. Like an article in the The Intercept which claimed that the indictment of the GRU hackers showed how they worked. The article said the indictments claimed that the GRU was discovered because one of them forgot to login into their VPN account. No shit.
Funny, but many more experience IT people were saying the Russians must be dumbshits. And lo-and-behold, one of The Intercept's Russian conspiracists got ahold of Canadian intelligence that did in fact say the Russians were dumbshits.
And then we have the rise of what I call computational propagandists who look at tweets and use "stats" and find that Putin favored Bernie in the primaries. Holy shit.
At this point, Russiagate is very profitable for the pimps in the IT world who know better.
I posted this link in my essay
Moon of Alabama is discussing this and someone posted this link to Binney talking about how the Podesta emails were from spear fishing.
One person talks about how there was more than one power behind setting up Russia for this whole debacle.
This is good too. One of the worst things that came from this is censorship.
They are having a great discussion on Aaron's essay.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This comment at your link:
Doesn't name Dronebama (except for maybe a hint in the parentheses at the end), but should have due to the spying on the Trump campaign, that I believe had his blessing.
@snoopydawg I'll have to look
Mark F. McCarty