Tulsi Gabbard supporters: the new deplorables

You! Yes, you. You are a deplorable!
The Democratic Party establishment won't use that exact word, but if you support Tulsi Gabbard then there is something wrong with you.


U.S. Representative and presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard’s most successful internet fundraiser, political vlogger Niko House, has clapped back at the Huffington Post over a story labeling him “a conspiracy theorist” who believes the Las Vegas mass shooting was a set-up, that Bill Cosby was “framed,” and that “Pizzagate” was a thing.

Once a progressive firebrand, Gabbard has seen her star dim in recent years. Her unlikely support of using the phrase “radical Islam,” hawkish outlook on terrorism, and off-putting relationship with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad alienated early supporters—and that hasn’t been doing her any favors on the campaign trail. Of the 22 Democrats currently running for president, Gabbard is one of 11 with approximately 1 percent voter support, according to the Morning Consult.

But she’s also attracted a motley and fervent group of enthusiasts. (In an unfortunate turn of events, she had to reject the endorsement of former KKK grand wizard David Duke.) As the Huffington Post put it, “Gabbard, while struggling to register in most polls, has attracted a good deal of support from the fringe of both the left and right, especially online…The campaign has…embraced some of its lesser-hinged fans.” House among them, point being.

Having reviewed the dizzying array of videos linked in the article, it might be more fair to call House a “conflate-ist” than a conspiracy theorist. While he makes a reasonable, albeit rambling, case that Hillary Clinton and the DNC stole North Carolina from Bernie Sanders in 2016, he makes other cases as well. For instance, he doesn’t quite say that the Vegas murders were a Weinstein cover-up. Instead, he seems frustrated that many different things seem to happen all at once.

Well, that settles it for me.
After all, we can be absolutely certain that no one has ever endorsed an establishment candidate that didn't have a spotless record.
Do you know why I know that? Because the media only does reports like this for non-establishment candidates. Anyone who supports an anti-war candidate clearly is either crazy or a traitor.


Gabbard is one of her party’s more Russia-friendly voices in an era of deep Democratic suspicion of the country over its efforts to tip the 2016 election in favor of President Donald Trump. Her financial support from prominent pro-Russian voices in the U.S. is a small portion of the total she’s raised. But it still illustrates the degree to which she deviates from her party’s mainstream on such a contentious and high-profile issue.

Data on Gabbard’s financial supporters only covers the first three months of the year. In that time, her campaign received just over $1,000 from Cohen, arguably the nation’s leading intellectual apologist for Russian president Vladimir Putin.


It's funny how people that don't endorse the status quo candidate always have something wrong with them. Isn't that curious?
You would think that occasionally some normal, every day people might endorse a fringe candidate, but nope. Unless you endorse the status quo then you are hopelessly flawed, and it's the duty of the Democratic Party establishment to denounce you and virtue signal.
Because that worked so well in 2016.

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“What does it matter if we beat Donald Trump if we end up with someone who will perpetuate the very same crony capitalist policies, corporate policies and waging more of these costly wars?”
- candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

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thanatokephaloides's picture

(In an unfortunate turn of events, she had to reject the endorsement of former KKK grand wizard David Duke.)

David Duke is not stupid. (Evil, yes, but not stupid.) He knows damn good and well that his endorsement is deadly poison for any national Democratic candidate. So his endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard was for the exact opposite reason most endorsements are given: he wanted to shut Tulsi down. Just like the "journalists" who wrote those rancid articles.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

The media just spun it against Tulsi.
From a duckduckgo search. I didn't go to the site.

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QMS's picture

Even some of us deplorables can figure that one out. Doesn't seem to make the headlines when anyone is against the mideast wars.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

who profit from starving children to death and targeting school buses with smart bombs play dirty. I think one of the strengths of Gabbard's position is that she speaks from the perspective of military veterans who have experienced the carnage of our forever wars, and she's seen the carnage up close. So, as infuriating as the McCain-worship on women's morning television programs may be, as high-level horseshit as the accusations presented in this discussion are, they aren't going to shake her.

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Still bizarre Ana Kasparian's hit piece on Gabbard. It is okay to critique Tulsi, but Ana Kasparian was smearing and distorting Tulsi. Even did the guilt by association smear about endorsements by Duke or was it Irving? When I see stuff like this, I think there is some secret work as a political consultant (what Kos did early on) for one of the candidates not Tulsi.

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I don't know. Ana has some good points.

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Centaurea's picture

is engaged in a full-time audition to become a news anchor for MSNBC.

(I'm being serious. I think that's her objective.)

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

@Centaurea She was showing she could smear leftists and also have the right opinions when it came to getting rid of Alex Jones off the Internet. She is just as whacked out about the Russians as much as Maddow (Cenk is also). Instead of Morning Joe, there will be "Evening Ana" with like Maddow a seven figure salary. She will be the official progressive in the same way Colms was a foil to Hannity.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Centaurea I wonder what she is really selling.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Boys, which was a racist dog whistle, as well as Hillary's attempt to grab the vagina vote, Bernie Bros, and "deplorables." So, what is this now? Gabbard Guys?

I can't recall another Presidential hopeful's making a habit of attacking, not only his or her opponent, but also the supporters of the politician opponent. So, did Hillary start a self-defeating trend among politicians, or do I smell the hand of Hillary or her supporters or campaign strategists in this particular form of attack on Gabbard? If so, please, Hillary attack Gabbard directly: I would love to see Gabbard's numbers go up.

In any event, I'm certain that everyone who supported Hillary 2008-2016, was a perfect prince or perfect princess, including those who supported her over Obama only because she was white and the PUMAs, who voted for warmonger McCain because he was a woman (or whatever). /s

(And, yes, I know that Hillary is as big a warmonger as McCain was.)

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I heard they were throwing chairs. Biggrin

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

I saw it! They were throwing chairs at LGBTQXYZ black, muslim, women. And they were wearing swastika arm bands and t-shirts with Putin's face emblazoned on them, with the caption: "гудок, гудок"

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@ChezJfrey @ChezJfrey

Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


Instead, we had to rely upon Boxer and other Clintonites lying about it.

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@HenryAWallace Very true.

I can't recall another Presidential hopeful's making a habit of attacking, not only his or her opponent, but also the supporters of the politician opponent. So, did Hillary start a really bad trend among politicians, or do I smell the hand of Hillary or her supporters or campaign strategists in this particular form of attack on Gabbard?

Same here. After many an election I was surprised how the Hillary campaign and her media allies went after Bernie supporters. I had never seen this in a primary campaign before to such an extent--it seemed that act of political suicide as she would need them in then general. The lowest point may have been Gloria Steinem slut shaming young female supporters. (BTW--she and others who back stabbed Bernie during the primaries where the primary speakers at the first Women's March). And still Bernie supporters are being blamed for Her-ness losing the election.

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QMS's picture

Tulsi and Bernie are about as close to main stream opposition as we get this cycle. Elephant and donkey are not opposing each other. It is the individual candidates that choose to grow spines. Green is still way out there in left field, waiting for a fly ball.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

lotlizard's picture

“liberal” of the type who invests great effort in keeping others in line with smears and threats.


Mind you: The day will come when it will be time to gleefully and comprehensively trash people to be named later [i.e. Bernie supporters] for Guevarista fantasies about what their policies are likely to do. The day will come when it will be time to gleefully and comprehensively trash people to be named later for advocating Comintern-scale lying to voters about what our policies are like to do. And it will be important to do so then—because overpromising leads to bad policy decisions, and overpromising is bad long-run politics as well.

But that day is not now. That day will be mid-November.

Fortunately, HER did not win so “that day” of vengeance in HER name did not arrive the way Professor DeLong thought it would.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture


@HenryAWallace So, did Hillary start a self-defeating trend among politicians, or do I smell the hand of Hillary or her supporters or campaign strategists in this particular form of attack on Gabbard? If so, please, Hillary attack Gabbard directly: I would love to see Gabbard's numbers go up.

After watching Bernie's numbers rise every single time HillCo resorted to meangirl taunting in 2016, Podesta et al would have to be lithium delusional to try the same failed plays from the same outdated playbook on Tulsi in 2020.

Oh wait.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

I know he's a dick. I know how much some people hate giving him clicks, but Warren has an early lead like last time and that just can't be. If she wins, he'll be all over MtP saying Bernie is dead. So go vote please. He takes it down before CA has a chance to get home from work, so it won't be there long.


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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

since the TOP poll has been reported in the MSM.
They stopped talking about it the moment that Bernie started winning.

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skod's picture

@gjohnsit and now I'm going to go wash my hands for half an hour.

It just feels unclean, going back there. Didn't look at the comments, primarily because I'm not interested in also having to bleach my eyes.

Looks like Warren is the candidate that they've chosen to lose with, at least this week. Imagine my surprise.

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Looks like Warren is the candidate that they've chosen to lose with, at least this week.

But at least it's better than Harris.

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Wash my hands? I'm taking a hot shower with plenty of soap and shampoo!

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

WoodsDweller's picture

they would ignore her.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

@WoodsDweller @WoodsDweller how'd that turn out?


Maybe, just maybe, the GOS doesn't represent anyone and is irrelevant.

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Centaurea's picture

... she deviates from her party’s mainstream on such a contentious and high-profile issue [Russia].

Yep, she sure does. She deviates from the Dem establishment on a lot of things. Sounds great to me. I-m so happy

Of course, I'm a deplorable Bernie Bro and Gabbard Goon (hat tip to Dkmich upthread), so what do I know?

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone