Ed Butowsky’s Tale — Or, Why Won’t Aaron Rich Sign a Waiver Permitting Assange to Reveal the Involvement (or Lack Thereof) of Him and His Brother Seth in the Transmittal of DNC Emails to Wikileaks?

Originally published Apr 21 2019

On March 12 of this year, attorney Ty Clevenger filed a defamation lawsuit on behalf of plaintiff Ed Butowsky, who alleges that he has been subjected to libelous attacks by a wide range of defendants owing to allegedly true statements he has made regarding his interactions with Seth Rich’s family. Since Butowsky’s legal complaint is 36 pages long, I have extracted key portions of it that are most pertinent to the question of whether Seth and his brother Aaron were Wikileaks’ source for the DNC emails published just prior to the 2016 DNC convention. I have largely omitted the portions describing the frivolous lawsuits filed against Butowski, and the attacks on Butowsky leveled in the media — those interested in these issues can consult the full document:


Case 4:19-cv-00180 Document 1, Filed 03/12/19

Edward Butowsky, in his personal and professional capacities, Plaintiff,

v. Michael Gottlieb, Meryl Governski, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, Brad Bauman, The Pastorum Group, Leonard A. Gail, Eli J. Kay-Oliphant, Suyash Agrawal, Massey & Gail LLP, Arun Subramanian, Elisha Barron, Gloria Park, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., Anderson Cooper, Gary Tuchman, Oliver Darcy, Tom Kludt, The New York Times Company, Alan Feuer, Vox Media, Inc., Jane Coaston, and The Democratic National Committee,


6. As a result of the lies fabricated and perpetuated by the Defendants, Mr. Butowsky and his family received death threats, he lost one third of his business clients, rocks were thrown through the windows of his home, his automobiles were burglarized, his computers were hacked, he lost friendships, and he lost the opportunity to host a planned television program. Left-wing extremists even posted a clock on the internet counting down the time until Mr. Wigdor’s son would return for classes at Vanderbilt University, implying that Mr. Butowsky’s son would be harmed when he returned. As a result, Mr. Butowsky had to hire a bodyguard for his son. 7. The Defendants’ smear campaign never should have begun, and it has lasted for far too long. Now it’s time for the Defendants to answer for the lies that they spread and the harm that they caused.

36. Mr. Butowsky stumbled into the RCH [Russia collusion hoax] crosshairs after he was contacted by a third party who had recently met with Mr. Assange in London. According to that third party, Mr. Assange said Seth and his brother, Aaron, were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks. At the instigation of that third party, Mr. Butowsky contacted Joel and Mary Rich, the parents of Seth, and relayed the information. During that conversation, Mr. Rich told Mr. Butowsky that he already knew that his sons were involved in the DNC email leak. Mr. Rich said he did not have enough money to hire a private investigator, so Mr. Butowsky offered to pay for one. Mr. Rich accepted the offer and thanked Mr. Butowsky in an email.

37. Mr. Butowsky referred the Riches to Rod Wheeler, a Fox News contributor and former homicide detective with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. … Mr. Butowsky agreed to pay from Mr. Wheeler’s services, but he had no control over Mr. Wheeler’s work for the Rich family.

46. In early March of 2017, Joel Rich informed Mr. Butowsky that he had received a call from Defendant Bauman, and that Defendant Bauman said he had been “assigned” to the Rich family [by] Defendant DNC.

38. On May 16, 2017, FoxNews.com published a story by Malia Zimmerman which claimed that Seth Rich had been involved in the DNC email leak. The article undermined the official narrative of the Metropolitan Police Department that Seth Rich had been murdered in a “botched robbery,” and it likewise undermined the Russia Collusion Hoax. The story featured quotes from Mr. Wheeler regarding his investigation, as well as quotes from an unnamed federal official who claimed that federal investigators had copies of Seth Rich’s communications with Wikileaks. Shortly thereafter, the Rich family terminated Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Wheeler was subjected to withering scorn and criticism from anti-Trump media.

45. On March 13, 2018, Joel and Mary Rich sued Mr. Butowsky on the grounds of intentional infliction of emotional distress, alleging that Mr. Butowsky knowingly caused them harm by misrepresenting the circumstances of their son’s death. The frivolous lawsuit was dismissed on August 2, 2018, the same day that Mr. Wheeler’s frivolous lawsuit was dismissed.

54. Aaron Rich’s suspicious behavior continued after Mr. Wheeler was terminated. Mr. Rich claimed that he was only seeking the truth when he filed suit against Mr. Butowsky, but he refused to sign a waiver authorizing Wikileaks to reveal what it knows about Seth Rich’s involvement in the DNC email leaks. His attorneys subsequently claimed that they would issue their own subpoena for Wikileaks. They have since reneged, however, because they realized that Wikileaks would likely construe the subpoena as a waiver, in which case it would likely release records showing that Aaron Rich and Seth Rich were both responsible for leaking the DNC emails.

63. On May 30, 2018, Plaintiff’s Counsel asked Defendant Governski if her client, Aaron Rich, would authorize Wikileaks to reveal what it knew about whether he and his brother were involved in leaking emails. In an email sent at 3:14 p.m., he wrote:

I’ve attached a preservation letter that I sent to eBay and PayPal, and I have also attached a proposed waiver for your client. Julian Assange / Wikileaks likely will not cooperate unless your client consents to the release of information. Please let me know if he is willing to consent. Thanks.

Ms. Governski responded at 4:27 p.m.:

We believe the appropriate mechanism for obtaining information from third parties is to serve subpoenas to those third parties as contemplated under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Those rules do not require any advance waiver from any party in order to serve or enforce such a subpoena. If any third party has a request to make of our client as a result of a subpoena, we will address those requests directly with those third parties rather than through opposing counsel.

At 8:12 p.m. Plaintiff’s Counsel replied as follows:

Yes, but as a practical matter, Julian Assange, Kim Dotcom, and Wikileaks are beyond U.S. jurisdiction. Furthermore, Assange and Wikileaks have shown that they will not be coerced into revealing the identity of their sources. It is for that reason that I am asking your client to voluntarily waive any objections to the release of such information. If you are saying your client is unwilling to do that, I think the media (and the public) will find that very interesting.

Ms. Governski did not respond, so Plaintiff’s Counsel sent a letter via fax and email at 7:51 a.m. on June 1, 2018 to her, Mr. Gottlieb, and a third lawyer at the firm, Randall Jackson:

I write concerning your client’s pleadings in the case identified above. According to Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b), an attorney’s signature on the pleadings is certification that he or she has performed “an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances” to determine the accuracy and propriety of those pleadings.

As you know, Ms. Governski and I have exchanged emails about whether your client, Aaron Rich, is willing to voluntarily authorize Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and/or Kim Dotcom to discuss any relationship that they may have had with Mr. Rich or his brother, Seth Rich. Thus far, it appears that your client is unwilling to authorize such disclosures.

This is very telling. On the one hand, Mr. Rich boldly denies that he and/or his brother leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks. On the other, he refuses to authorize disclosures from the witnesses who are in the best position to know who leaked those emails. That begs a question: if your client has nothing to hide, why is he hiding it?

Under Rule 11(b), you have a duty to answer that question. Furthermore, you should ask your client some pointed questions about what funds may have been transferred to him or his brother through eBay accounts. And you should remind him that every trip to a safe deposit box is recorded on video and preserved. If the evidence leads where we expect it to lead, my client will aggressively seek sanctions against Mr. Rich and everyone else responsible for bringing meritless claims. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

64. In a bizarre and angry five-page letter sent on June 2, 2018 (a Saturday morning), Defendant Gottlieb offered the following rationale for refusing to authorize Wikileaks to disclose what it knew about the Riches involvement in email leaks:

[P]roviding such a waiver would create precisely the impression you claim we are seeking to avoid. Namely, the mere act of granting a waiver to disclose communications to these third parties could create an impression that there exist communications that could or should be disclosed, and that is especially so if you were to follow through on your threat of disclosing such information to the media.

Defendant Gottlieb nonetheless wrote that he would be issuing subpoenas to third parties such as Wikileaks. On June 22, 2018, Defendant Governski wrote in an email that subpoenas would need to be served on Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom via letters rogatory, and that she was working on that process. The subpoenas were not issued, however, so Plaintiff’s Counsel sent a news article to Defendant Governski on August 20, 2018 noting that a federal court had authorized service of a DNC lawsuit against Wikileaks via Twitter.

Defendant Gottlieb responded with baseless accusations that Plaintiff’s Counsel was practicing law in D.C. without a license.

65. Nearly ten months after the issue was first raised, and despite repeated inquiries from Plaintiff’s Counsel, no subpoenas have been issued to Wikileaks, Julian Assange, or Kim Dotcom by Defendants Governski or Gottlieb. Contrast that with the fact that Defendants Governski and Gottlieb issued a subpoena within a matter of hours for the private communications of Plaintiff’s Counsel. The reason for this disparity is straightforward: Defendants Governski and Gottlieb know that if Mr. Butowsky issues a subpoena to Wikileaks, the subpoena will be ignored pursuant to its policies for protecting sources. If, however, Defendants Governski and Gottlieb issue a subpoena to Wikileaks on behalf of Aaron Rich, Wikileaks will likely construe that as a waiver of confidentiality, in which case the damning emails would finally be released. That’s the last thing they want, so they have reneged on their earlier statements about issuing their own subpoenas.

After reading this complaint, I have several questions. Would Butowsky just have made up out of whole cloth his claim that an associate of Assange had informed him that Seth and Aaron Rich were the sources for the DNC emails published by Wikileaks, and that Joel Rich had initially confirmed to him that he was aware of this? If Butowsky had indeed quite outrageously invented this, why were the various lawsuits filed against him dropped — and why did Butowsky have the effrontery to counter-sue? Why did the Rich family claim that the purpose of Bukowsky’s lie had been to traumatize them? — this seems ridiculous on its face. And, most importantly, why won’t the Rich family lawyers follow through on Butowsky’s suggestion that they provide a legal waiver to Assange, or subpoena Assange in Aaron’s name, thereby enabling Assange to state whether or not Seth and Aaron were the sources of the DNC emails? If the Rich family is correct that the brothers were not involved, then Assange could state this and instantly confirm that Butowsky’s claims are rubbish — putting a stop to the alleged trauma that the Rich family claims they are subjected to by “conspiracy theorists”. And why did the DNC feel the need to send the Rich family Brad Bauman as a “crisis counselor” — when they hadn’t even bothered to offer a reward (as Wikileaks did) for the apprehension of Seth’s killer? It appears that the cooperation of the Rich family with Butowsky ended after the unsolicited appearance of Bauman.

And the failure of the Rich family to solicit input from Assange brings to mind the fact that, analogously, Robert Mueller, in his “investigation” of the “Russian hacking” alleged to be responsible for the Wikileaks DNC/Podesta releases, failed to subpoena or attempt to interview Assange, Craig Murray, or Kim Dotcom, all of whom either know or claim to know the sources responsible for these Wikileaks releases. Why didn’t Mueller do the proper investigation he was paid to do? Would a proper investigation run the risk of decimating the Russophobic myths that the Deep State is intent on spreading?

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SnappleBC's picture

I certainly agree the whole thing stinks to high heaven but I can't really prove anything about it other than the official investigation was highly irregular and the behavior of the family and the DNC was weird. I believe Clinton killed Rich, but not enough for me to propose a conspiracy theory about it.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

colossal jackass with a right-wing axe to grind. "left-wing extremists". puh-leez.

on the other hand, if this suit goes forward he might have the opportunity to depose aaron rich ... which could be pretty revealing.

i don't have much doubt that seth rich was the source of the DNC emails. whether or not that had anything to do with his murder is another question, and one i don't think will ever be answered. if it's true, there probably aren't more than 3 or 4 people who know (and i rather doubt the clintons themselves would have been in the loop).

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

snoopydawg's picture


Went to the hospital after being notified of Seth being shot. I find that just a little strange. Or maybe she and Seth were good friends?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

bar in a town I had lived in for 8 months, concluding 2 years before, and was visiting for the first time -- the first day, even -- since; and going up the stairs encountered an acquaintance coming down the other way who, seeing me, exclaimed my name, took me by the arm, reversed his course, and dragged me upstairs and over to a table, where he excitedly announced, "This is him! This is the guy I was just talking about!" It's not even nearly the most unlikely thing I've ever experienced, but it makes for quick telling. Rather curiously, the most unlikely thing I've ever experienced (other than my own conception, i suppose) occurred another 2 years later, in the same city. Gee, what are the odds of that? Oh, and the third-most unlikely thing I've ever experienced involved a friend of mine who I met because she spent 8 months in that same town at the same time for the same reason as I. Those odds are stacking up, aren't they?

I prefer not to draw conclusions from circumstantial evidence -- conclusions typically predicated on a professed failing of one's own imagination to produce any acceptable alternative explanation to the one that, coincidentally, best satisfies one's own prejudices. Though I admit that you didn't actually draw any conclusions. I mean, you didn't construct an actual narrative, connecting A to B to C to D, explicitly explaining the vaguely-though-not-startlingly mysterious appearance of Ms. Brazile at the hospital. You just said, "I find that strange." You didn't even say why you found it strange.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

snoopydawg's picture


I prefer not to draw conclusions from circumstantial evidence -- conclusions typically predicated on a professed failing of one's own imagination to produce any acceptable alternative explanation to the one that, coincidentally, best satisfies one's own prejudices.

I know what happened at the hospital and I have provided links that back that up in other essays here. Do you have proof that it didn't happen? Take your own advice and and stop replying to me.This will be the last time I reply to you. You think that only your opinion is what is true or not. Do you know how arrogant you seem?

0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

I'm tired of saying one thing, and then someone getting snitty at me for having said something I did not say. I never suggested that Brazile did not appear at the hospital, yet your entire response revolves around the implication that I unfairly challenged your assertion of that fact. To the contrary, my comment was based on my sincere expectation that you were entirely correct in that assertion. What I wondered was, why did you think that was strange? And I noted that even if I were to agree that it was strange, I wouldn't consider it safe to draw particular conclusions about the underlying narrative.

You are welcome to draw whatever conclusions it pleases you to draw, from whatever evidence you care to consider. For that matter, you are welcome to challenge me over any conclusions I draw, or decline to draw. I should hope that the converse would hold true. I will point out that in this particular case, I began by simply offering my opinion on the matters that were the subject of the original post. You chose to engage me. Unsurprisingly, I defended my position.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

I too believe Rich was Assange's source. He as much as said so. I do believe Seth Rich was killed because of what he did and knew. By who? I absolutely don't believe it was a robber or a lone gunman on a grassy knoll.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@dkmich @dkmich @dkmich

To: john.podesta@gmail.com
CC: jbenenson@bsgco.com
Date: 2015-02-22 21:20
Subject: Re: Wash Post story -- Sorry to write this on a Saturday night

I agree--when we have press staff, this will be MUCH easier.
And I would love an example being made.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 6:12 PM, John Podesta

> Agree. Happy to talk to the David's. Call me crazy, but I think if we can
> survive the next month, it will be possible, maybe even straightforward to
> get our arms around this once there is an actual campaign. I'm definitely
> for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real
> basis for it
> JP

> --Sent from my iPad--
> john.podesta@gmail.com
> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com
> On Feb 22, 2015, at 5:56 PM, Joel Benenson wrote:
> John,
> We are in massive agreement that we need a strategy and process now to
> enable and disable as you say and I think this is worth spending some time
> making it practicable. I would strongly recommend either one of you or
> both talking with Plouffe about he and Axe created that culture from the
> start in 07.
> Here are some thoughts but I realize this topic will take a dedicated
> conversation to figure out what will work.
> I do believe that this starts with alignment on our campaign culture and a
> paradigm shift in the old Clinton M.O. I know HRC believes the more
> people you talk to the better but it simply isn’t. Especially for her. We
> really need to tighten who she talks to and make sure that Huma/schedulers
> route most people through high level folks on the campaign so that they are
> being listened to.
> I think Robby rightly says that a lot of our leaks are coming through job
> searches we’re doing. I think every conversation has to either begin or
> end by telling people if you’re name appears in print as a result of the
> conversations the job is off the table.
> I think we have to make examples now of people who have violated the trust
> of HRC and the rest of the team. People going forward need to know there
> are stiff consequences for leaking, self-promotion, unauthorized talking
> with the press.
No one – literally no one talked to the press in either
> Obama campaign without clearing it with campaign brass.
> Joel
> *From:* John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com
> ]
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 22, 2015 10:47 AM
> *To:* Joel Benenson
> *Cc:* Robby Mook 2015 (robbymook2015@gmail.com)
> *Subject:* Re: Wash Post story -- Sorry to write this on a Saturday night
> Joel,
> I generally agree with the point, but we need a strategy on this that goes
> beyond internal discipline. This story could have been written without any
> of these big mouths blabbing. The mere involvement of Wendy gave them
> license to write this. The only thing in the story that indicated that
> someone on the inside was talking was the reference to the H, although one
> of Peter Sealey's big clients is Coke so we probably know where that came
> from. We can and should try to shut this down, but it is going to be tough
> until we get to a point where someone can actually talk on behalf of the
> campaign. One particular challenge is Spence. He's worked with them for 40
> years. He's like Harold Ickes-Reporters will think he's inside even if he's
> not. We need a strategy to enable people who are real and disable those
> that aren't.

> John
> JP
> --Sent from my iPad--
> john.podesta@gmail.com
> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com
> On Feb 21, 2015, at 10:12 PM, Joel Benenson wrote:
> But this is by far the most damaging story and most damaging type of
> story we can have.
> The press will love writing these. I did when I was a reporter.
> I think we need a paradigm shift in how this world operates we have to
> convince HRC and probably WJC that her meeting with 200 people doesn’t
> help her. Hiring corporate wizards has never been a successful strategy in
> campaigns. And anyone whose name is in the paper 48 hours after they meet
> with her needs to be cut off completely from her campaign. .
> Almost everyone on this team that has been assembled has been busting
> their tail to make this work and to work against this kind of stuff and
> it’s going to get demoralizing in a hurry.
> I’m open to all and any alternatives on how to truly solve this but I
> really feel that when she is back from CA we have to solve this.
> Thanks,
> Joel
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-making-of-hillary-50-marketin...

In February, Podesta was already tearing his hair out about campaign leaks and explicitly threatening retribution. One can only imagine what his attitude was by the time July rolled around and his very own emails were laid bare for the world to see.

Pretty solid evidence of motive if you asked me.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

snoopydawg's picture


Have you read this article on Seth? This link might have been posted here previously or I found it from a few tweets I followed today. This is really good and it makes the case for Seth being Wikileaks source.


Another article said that there was an DP insider that gave them some files. So two sources worked with Wikileaks to show how the DNC rigged the primary. In addition to the Wikileaks posts of the emails listed below we know that Mook and Podesta talked about blaming the leaks on Russia the day after we were told that Wikileaks was going to be releasing them. They did that so people wouldn't focus on their content and just talked about how Russia did the deed. This sure worked didn't it?

0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg of the whole Seth Rich unsolved murder.
We are solving 45 year old cases all the time...
Please remember he was talking, possibly lucid at the hospital, while federal agents or secret service was at his ICU door.
Then he died.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@dkmich @dkmich
have downloaded. No one ever backed up the DNC's clam of a hack versus a download, except the DNC's own contractor. Why would the DNC refuse the freakin' Hillary/Dem friendly FBI access?

I just keep thinking about the DNC's accusing the Sanders campaign of abusing access to the DNC computer system. My gut says the two things are connected in some way, but my brain doesn't know how. Of course, it could have been only the old trick of accusing your opponent of doing something you just did, especially since Sanders had hired someone who had worked for the DNC (not smart, IMO). But, I cannot help but wonder if they detected a download and concluded incorrectly that it must have been the Sanders camp, since the Hillary camp and the DNC were one.

Either way, I have no idea how dembots can continue to tolerate the stench of lies, including by Brazile in her self-serving alleged "come clean" book*, fixed primaries, violations of the DNC's charter, etc.

The defense is, in effect, "We're a private association: We're allowed to be corrupt as we care to be." And dembots cheer when a judge agrees!

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