Compelling -" Bernie Sanders Is Currently Winning the Democratic Primary Race and I'll Prove it to You"
This is a great read - Seth Abramson in Huffington Post -Bernie Sanders Is Currently Winning the Democratic Primary Race, and I’ll Prove It to You
This is notable in many aspects aside from the raw number crunching, but it also goes into the inside baseball of how reporting the early voting numbers is skewing the public's perception of how much of a lead Hillary Clinton actually has. We can add early voter reporting along with melding super delegates into pledged delegate totals to the Fake Election Returns being reported by the captured news media.
Abramson makes his case methodically
Consider: in Arizona yesterday, the election was called almost immediately by the media, with Clinton appearing to “win” the state by a margin of 61.5% to 36.1%. Of course, this was all early voting. CNN even wrongly reported that these early votes constituted the live vote in 41% of all Arizona precincts — rather than merely mail-in votes constituting a percentage of the total projected vote in the state — which allowed most Americans to go to bed believing both that Clinton had won Arizona by more than 25 points and that that margin was the result of nearly half of Arizona’s precincts reporting their live-voting results. Neither was true.
In fact, as of the time of that 61.5% to 36.1% “win,” not a single precinct in Arizona had reported its Election Day results.
Indeed, more than two and a half hours after polls closed in Arizona, officials there had counted only 54,000 of the estimated 431,000 Election Day ballots.
When final tallies and early voting are combined, the numbers change drastically from what were the initially reported margins of victory: the 25 point lead in Missouri was a tie, the 30 points in Illinois becomes a 1.8% margin and Ohio changes from 30 points to 13.8%
Abramson asserts that the national election is actually a race with a 5% margin, just squeaking outside margins of error. You'd never know it, would you, with all the calls from Democrats everywhere for Bernie Sanders to cede a race he still stands at least an outside chance of winning.
Say, has anyone mentioned that Bernie won two out of three primaries last night? Idaho was Bernie Sanders – 77%
Hillary Clinton – 23%, Utah was Bernie Sanders – 78%/Hillary Clinton – 21% and Arizona was Bernie Sanders – 40%
Hillary Clinton – 58% with lots of accounts of voter chaos.

Go Bernie!
It's pretty obvious he isn't out since they are trying so hard to convince everyone he is. You don't see Clinton sitting it out do you? No, she's busting ass because the 74 year-old Jewish guy aint dead yet.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Another good read, latest Reuters poll
shows Hillary loses to Trump, while Bernie trounces him.
(Latest poll results are linked in the article below)
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Sorry, meant this comment to be at
the bottom of the thread as a new comment, not a reply to kharma!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Important piece and data, thanks. nt
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
And that's before she has to face him
She would never be able to cope with him.
He's a dirty fighter
And she's already got a high profile reputation for hiding things. What could possibly go wrong?
Sure, she has access to a political machine to go after him. And he has enough money to buy enough of that machine to go after her. And all his talk about stopping helping other countries and reinvesting in the USA is going to look mighty appealing to a lot of people, though it's not clear to me that he understands how much the USA has gotten itself locked into foreign intervention, and what it would ultimately do to our economy if we stopped going around terrorizing other countries and they took to leaving us out of the economic loop. Still, the best thing the USA could do for other countries is to stop messing with them, it's all colonialist aggression. We invade and pretend it's for their own good and then bomb them when they take potshots at us.
One thing is clear to me, though, and that's that if we can conjecture how Trump could pick up indie voters in the general election, he likely can too.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Removed -- duplicate comment.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
The MSM ought to be ashamed
The MSM ought to be ashamed of themselves for calling the Arizona primary for Hillary while thousands of people were still in line waiting to vote.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I thought there had been an agreement forged a few
years ago to not report results while votes were still being cast. What happened to that? People could still be standing in line and getting results on their cell phones and leaving if they think a contest is decided. It not over until the last vote is counted.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
In Florida, before the panhandle had closed, MSNBC
Started showing results. Brian Williams said that because the state was posting returns that they couldn't not show the results.
Which of course is wrong. The state wasn't forcing any network to report results that early. They could sit on them.
It was quite different from Michigan. In Michigan they waited to start reporting results until the 4 counties in the central time zone voted. But then, Hillary wasn't winning in Michigan, was she?
Reminds me of the famous game between Harvard and Yale '68
For the first time since 1909, the football teams of Harvard and Yale were each undefeated with 6-0 records in their conference (8-0 overall) when they met for their season's final game on November 23, 1968 at Harvard Stadium. Led by their quarterback captain Brian "Rodham" Dowling, Yale was heavily favored to win and they quickly led the game 22–0. With two minutes remaining on the clock they still led 29–13. As the last seconds ticked down, Harvard, tied the game, scoring 16 points in the final 42 seconds. The Harvard Crimson declared victory with a famous headline
I added "Rodham" :).
Great story and perfect analogy!
It is a long shot, and it would be from coming very far behind, but it's not impossible. Bernie and his voters need to stay in the game until its officially over at the convention.
The Hillary campaign and the Dems should be grateful that Sanders is still in. She shouldn't want to want to turn the page to Trump. He's famous for waiting for incoming from his opponant before he goes all out with his personal carpet-bombing no restraint burn down the house response.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Stay in **and stay positive**
The sad truth is that some commentators do not want Bernie Voters to stay positive. That's why I have a problem with [Redacted]. Every time an article points out a positive for Bernie, the guardians of the status-quo post a yea-but comment. A never ending onslaught of "reality checks" that are not really grounded in reality is toxic.
Begging your pardon, it's not a long shot.
It's almost half-time and it's way too early to concede anything. The Establishment is trying to derail a popular movement. The DNC (and the RNC, on their part) are terrified of The People(tm)... as well they should be.
Bernie's catching up while playing against a loaded deck. And Hillary's bound to step on her dick anytime now. The People(tm) just aren't buying any more.
And besides, in most places it's still way too cold to riot yet.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Hey, I was there in the stands at that game!
The trip back to New Haven — talk about depressing bus rides.
They refused to call Michigan for Bernie
They refused to call Michigan for Bernie until 94 percent of the precincts reported. If Hillary was winning it would not have taken so long!
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
They were in denial until
denial would no longer stand up. He's upsetting the apple cart of their cushy jobs. He could come in and change everything. Or he could come in and change nothing. They want Bernie out, period.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Remember what Larry Summers told Elizabeth Warren about
being either an insider or an outsider? The rule that insiders must never criticize other insiders?
Bernie is regarded as a loose cannon, an outsider who, seeing an evil, can’t be completely counted on not to open his mouth and break the rule.
shares of stock feel no shame
It's all about discouraging Bernie voters.
I almost made a joke in another diary yesterday pretending to be the MSM and saying: "And the winner in Arizona is HRC!!! WHOOHOO - wait what? the polls are still open? Oh, sorry folks, we'll be back to this announcement in 30 minutes."
I fear I was prophetic. A sorry state of affairs in America. We must win in spite of all of them.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You have stated a most important observation.
If left coasters are discouraged, they may self-disenfranchise. I really thing this is the hope of many commenters working the "Diaries" at the [Redacted] site.
Absolutely, PriceRip.
Self-disenfranchisement could very well be the goal.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I guarantee it's a goal n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
It's especially disturbing
When they call it for the more conservative candidate, since older people as a demographic vote more conservatively, and are more likely to be retired and thus be able to get out to the polls earlier.
The obvious solution is to make election day a national holiday - hell, making it a national half-holiday would do it - but this country doesn't like obvious solutions. Or maybe it would break some rule about having more than one holiday per month, upon which the entire culture would clearly collapse.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Make Veteran's Day 11/11 National Election Day too....
After all, Veterans fought for and honored our Constitution and our Right to Vote with their sacrifices. What better way to honor them?
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I forgot about
Veteran's Day. I always remember Memorial Day/Remembrance Day, but for some reason Veteran's Day slips my mind.
It would juxtapose war and voting, which might not go over too well with everybody. I'm not sure we need a veteran's day so much as we need VA hospitals veterans can count on, and assurance that if being involved in a war made you so messed up that you couldn't tend to your life properly, you wouldn't wind up on the street. Not to mention more involvement in corps who address disasters nationally, and civilian corps to attend to various collapse. And no sending any of those people off to wars when they signed up to take care of their own country, here.
Yeah, I think if we could manage all of that, Veteran's Day could be replaced by National Election Day Holiday without any dissent.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Some progress
Well, we won big in Utah and Idaho. However we didn't do as well as we should have in AZ. Evidently all the primaries are run by the respective party and AZ democratic establishment put it in the bag for Hillary (similar to Bush beating Gore in FL in 2000).
There are many tales of voter suppression like this one:
There is a white house petition: asking for an investigation.
So what's the real outcome? We gain 6 more delegates on Hillary! With the democrats abroad that gives us a gain of 11 this week so far, and Sat holding the potential for big gains.
state HRC Bernie
AZ 41 22
ID 5 17
UT 5 18
-------- ------
51 57
Things look good for Sat with Alaska, Hawaii, Washington and their 142 delegates.
Bernie is going to be on TYT (The young Turks) tonight and Cenk is doing the interview. Ought to be fun. (BTW that's on youtube).
Here's a good monologue from Cenk It's a 10 minute rant.
Onward. We really won't know the outcome till June.
PS Are y'all aware of the big march on DC in April? together with
This will happen before the NY primary which will be key to a Sanders nomination.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
More delegates this weekend
I am hoping Bernie picks up about 30 or so this weekend- conservative estimate:
Alaska- +4
Hawaii- +5
Washington state- +21
Please note this anticipates winning each location with 60%+ of the vote. Could be more or less. I am hoping for a bigger pick up, but want to be safe with this guess.
Biggest delegate take is in WA
So my guess is that where the other candidate will focus.
Washington folks, I hope, can find multiple ways to be proactive regarding voter suppression/shenanigans etc.
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Caucusing in Washington state- anticipating problems
I anticipate problems (formal delays) on Saturday. What do I mean? I mean the Clinton folks will intentionally drag out of the process and try to out wait the new and inexperience caucus goers. Yesterday I read a piece that Hillary was in town and area (Seattle) to meet with her caucus and precinct captains. My guess is the message to them was "take your time and drag out the process" so we can outlast the Bernie people- they leave and her supporters stay thereby reducing the size of the results.
I will keep everyone posted of my experience.
But keep in mind being a Project Manager- I prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
We got ramrodded at county convention in TX this past weekend
Long story, but my county went for Bernie, but it's is full of lots of HRC supporters. They suspended to the rules on selecting delegates such that there will be many more of them at the state convention than Bernie supporters. It won't matter in terms of the number of delegates going to the national convention, but it does change the dynamics in terms of the voices heard on party platform issues for the coming legislative term here in TX.
I may write about it if my head clears on the topic, but I'm still rather overwhelmed at the ballsiness of the stunt they pulled and got away with.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Working the system
This is the problem with both parties- stealing victory from the jaws of defeat. Heck even the media is discussing how the Republicans might not nominate Trump as their candidate. Both parties are the exact same, they use a few issues (abortion, gun control, religion, gay marriage, etc.) to distract everyone and work to suppress outsiders so they can keep and retain the power. Until we step up and work together then the few will control the many.
I wish you would.
It may not do any good this round, but it's helpful to have this kind of thing documented somewhere, both as evidence of what happened and to allow us to think about how to be ready to counter it in future cases. Because if the planet survives, it's a safe bet that this won't be the last time we see this group of players go back to what's been a winning playbook for them.
Preempt It
"Hillary is going to try to make you leave. She wants to wait you out. The strategy is to go slow and depend on Bernie supporters to cave and leave.
There is no caving, and no leaving until the will of WA voters is established."
Or some such thing... Dare Bernie supporters to outlast the purposefully pokey process.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
If I were a poll worker in WA I would ask the Secretary of
State in advance what to do when Bill Clinton and his megaphone and entourage makes it impossible for people to cast their votes at polling stations.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Bernie actually picked up more than 6!
There are 75 pledged delegates at stake in AZ
There are 33 pledged delegates at stake in UT
There are 23 pledged delegates at stake in ID
Huff Post Shows - Updated
AZ: H 44 B 30 (which is only 74 out of 75)
UT: H 6 B 26 (which is only 32 out of 33)
ID: H 5 B 17 (which is only 22 out of 23)
Total: H 55 B 73 (Bernie +18, only 128 out of 131. 3 unallocated)
CNN shows - Updated
AZ: H 44 B 30 (which is only 74 out of 75)
UT: H 6 B 27 (which is only 33 out of 33)
ID: H 5 B 17 (which is 22 out of 23)
Total: H 55 B 74 (Bernie +19, only 129 out of 131. 2 unallocated)
Both Huff Post and CNN are incomplete.
The Green Papers Shows
AZ: H 46 B 29 (which is 75 out of 75)
UT: H 6 B 27 (which is 33 out of 33)
ID: H 5 B 18 (which is 23 out of 23)
Total: H 57 B 74 (Bernie +17, 131 out of 131)
Most likely will be closer to +17 than to +6!
Green Papers unchanged at +17
CNN changed to +19 with 2 unallocated
Huff Post changed to +18 with 3 unallocated
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Great post! Please keep us updated. nt
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Democrats Abroad Votes were announced this week as well.
It looks like Bernie won 67% of the international expat vote. I'm not sure what the delegate split is and there is another layer of delegate voting/assignment to come. But he really did win by a large majority. Bigger vote count than the last presidential race.
There aren't that many delegates, but...momentum.
Here's a link to the results:
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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9 to 4 delegate split
Bernie picked up some additional delegates from Democrats Aboard, plus this weekend he will get at least a few dozen net new ones as well.
This is worth its own diary so we can follow n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
How can anyone count AZ?
There were so many people denied their vote, who knows who really won that state? I think Bernie carries it all the way to the convention. If he get nowhere with the superdelegates, I want him to do a third party run. This isn't about parties, it is about our right to vote and saving the entire country from the Clintonistas and Trumps.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I have visions
of the general election going to Trump with a big chunk of both Sanders and Clinton voters, the latter of which will then devote the rest of their lives to blaming the Sanders voters for actually voting for the candidate they preferred. Hell, they'd probably do it even if Sanders got more votes than Clinton. Because Reasons.
On the other hand, such a scenario might vaguely resemble an honest election. Journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Rest Assured It WILL be the Hippie's Fault
I can see it now:
"Bernie and his Leftist hippies ruined it for all of us. THIS is why we can't have nice things like universal healthcare!"
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I'm slightly confused about your comment
At first I read it to say that you think a bunch of Sanders and Hillary voters will go Trump, and I wondered, why would they do that? But now I'm thinking you are saying Trump wins because the Dem votes split between Hillary and Bernie. In the second scenario you're right that if Hillary were the nominee that they would never never forgive Sanders people for voting their conscience.
Of course what they miss is a lot of Sanders voters were Democrats who were already disaffected going in and that Hillary represented a lot of the stuff they were already disgruntled about. Do I really care if a Democratic Party that despised and ignored my ilk and treated my vote like lunch money to be shaken out of me at lunchtime is mad I didn't vote for them? Not really. Plus, like you said we might finally get an election where we can really gauge the inclinations of the voting public.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
It's not surprising.
This morning on NPR (I know you guys say I shouldn't listen, but it's all I have in the morning on the drive in), they reported ALL results EXCEPT Utah and Idaho for Bernie. They said AZ to HRC and Drumpf and Utah to Cruz. End of story! My oh my! I'm sick of it, which makes me want to work that much harder for Bernie. We are in it to win it and I think we are still going to win!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The Guardian did the same thing! Jeb Lund article today.
It absolutely infuriates me!
We must win in spite of the ENTIRE establishment!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
NPR is just terrible.
It's the only 'news' radio station I can get on my kitchen radio after 6 in the evening. Last night as I was cooking I tried listening as the results were just starting and it made me so mad I turned it off.
They have really gone down hill.
I've been listening to them since the 70's and I'm so disgusted with them, too.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
And that's how they continue to chip away at their credibility
Do they think we don't notice?!
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
This is HUGELY valuable info. Thank you!
You're welcome.
We are being so manipulated by the in-the-bag media. We need to publish an alternative network of reliable news sources among ourselves and start using them.
I still watch Morning Joe, but only to watch the perambulations of what the Party talking points for each side are. You need to see the propaganda being catapulted in order to defend against it. One of the saddest things on this go round has been to watch Rachel Maddow sink her credibility. Wonder if she's bought a house on Martha's Vineyard near Chris Matthews?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
IMHO, Rachel Maddow is just trying to stay alive
on MSNBC. What does that entail? Selling out your convictions. It's the only way.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I used to watch Rachel daily.
I used to watch Rachel daily. She was my go to show for politics and the first thing I watched during the day. No more. First she became Drumpf central (along with GOS front page). Got so tired of it that I sent her staff a couple of messages. Finally she is giving Democratic Socialism a bad rap. I no longer tape her show or watch her.
Sad... it was one of the best political shows in MSNBC. (Totally miss Melissa Harris Perry).
Go Bernie !!

Same for me.
I knew I could always count on Rachel for the most honest news. No more. She's in the bag with the establishment. When you make a high salary, you're willing to do much to keep it.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Ditto for us
Chris Hayes is more reliably liberal (He's still on The Nation's masthead), but he's had his show pre-empted for Trump several times and seems to be really working to watch what he says. Since we no longer watch Maddow, we don't see O'Donnell, either. MSNBC seems to have become "Matthews Central." Ugh!
I gave up on Maddow when she gave Clinton her whole show
before the NH primary. She has officially joined the flying monkeys. But I like Chris Hayes, and O'Donnell isn't bad. He's willing to treat Bernie decently.
Twain Disciple
Add to this
AZ ran out of ballots. I think they only had 5000 ballots so people who were in loong lines to vote had to wait for hours until they printed? sent off for more. Thanks Phoebe. I went to bed depressed because the vote in AZ had Hillary up by 40 something %. Shah stayed up late working and woke me up to say it was not a disaster and it was a big mess in AZ. I have never seen such a blatantly rigged dirty election. The media is so obviously tipping the scales for Hillary. I just got up and so my comment might be wooky but thanks for this. going to go check out the results on the Guardian which is another major news site that's in the bag for Hillary.
Thom Hartmann video -"Listen Up Bernie Supporters - Get a
Grip" (8 minutes):
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I just don't know if I agree with Thom
Yes, a Revolution is going on, but I FEAR the media is going to make sure it dies. I don't have a lot of confidence that should Hillary win the nomination, voters won't back off and crawl to their safe places and leave the Revolution altogether. I know a number of Millennials and Independents (re-registered Dem) who have said that if Bernie doesn't win this nomination they don't believe the MSM will ever promote another Bernie Sanders in the future. Yes, Bernie has altered the Democratic Party voters in this campaign, but he has not altered the Democratic Party running our "movement" into the ground. I do despair. I fear voters for Bernie will say Eff It! and this movement will fizzle out.
Talk me up, because it seems to me Sanders supporters are trying very hard to trust that Bernie has made such an impact that the MSM and all in the Democratic establishment, Wall Street and Big Corp are going to somehow allow another Bernie-like candidate a chance "after Hillary," if Bernie doesn't get the nomination.
Maybe I'm wrong, I hope I am wrong. It just seems a dismal dream. I know how apathetic voters are generally after decades of hoping for the right candidate to come along and if Bernie loses the nomination after what we all that has come down on Bernie, this campaign experience could very well be a die cast by The Establishment that we cannot recover from, which is why so many have said this may very well be our very last chance with Bernie. Look at the huge turnout, yet even with all of the huge crowds amassing at Bernie rallies the MSM isn't reporting any of it except in spits, and even when he wins states by huge numbers, they black out Bernie. Still, with the large turnout for Bernie and high enthusiasm in social media, not all of the voters are getting to the polls. Sadly, some voted early for Hillary and have had buyer's remorse, or voters are disenfranchised as in Arizona when Latinos and many others could not vote, or voters are reported to have left long lines after standing for so very long.
Convince me otherwise, but if Hillary gets the nomination the MSM and the DNC/DWS and Congressionals, etc. etc. will say: YE$! THE ESTABLISHMENT WON!
I will do my part to ensure
the establishment does not win. I will vote for Bernie no matter what. If I have to write him in, my vote will be my voice about my choice.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Yes, me as well.
I will write him in. I cannot vote for Hillary, and this will be the first time in my long life that I have not voted for the nominee.
You have a lot of company
I cannot vote for HRC. If she's the nominee, Sanders gets my write-in vote. Am learning more about local races and will likely vote D for those, as I always have. But if Sanders is not the nominee, I won't vote D at top of the ticket, even if something derails Clinton and the DNC rushes to plug another establishment candidate into that slot. My party left me long ago; just took me this long to do something about it.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
The little voice in my head says:
I really hate the idea of the Republicans winning, so because it is safe for me to vote for Sanders, I will. If I need to write-in his name in November so be it: I am through tolerating a wishy-washy neoliberal Democratic Party.
AS far as I am concerned Bernie is the last gasp of the
Democratic Party for many. We KNOW what's in store for us with Hillary. I mentioned the other day that Joe Scarborough did a pretty impassioned bit on his show where he said Hillary was the best embodiment of Republican principles running, far better than either Trump or Cruz.
So when Hillary goes full centrist and fulfills the entire slate of Republican legislative goals under the banner of "getting things done", there will be the final mass exodus from the party of the liberals that the Party has been trying to expel since the days of the DLC. IMO the days of trying to remain as a loyal and ignored voting bloc are over.
Where do the displaced Liberals go? I think we/they should band together in a new 99%/Labor sort of Party. We make up about a fourth of the electorate. We're already pretty organized as the Bernie faction. After all the ratf**king that seems to have gone on in this election, I don't see why Bernie owes them a shred of loyalty. Let him be the titular head of a new Democratic Socialist Party and lets finally throw off the oppression of the Democratic Party once and for all.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
YES!, and it will be about time to rid of the corrupt Dem Party.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I agree but
with great sadness in my heart. My Party left me! This campaign period has opened my eyes to so much more than I already knew, even as I thought with Obama that we would move more to the left.
Anyhow, I remain a fighter!
Totally agree
There's something very final about the party snapping back to the right with the Clintons the second Obama leaves office. It all feels so pointless now. Why not vote for Bernie? Hillary's just another Republican.
Twain Disciple
And Bernie has exposed just how corrupt Hillary and the party both are. I like the idea of a Labor Party. I do not believe the Democratic party can be reformed. It must die and something new will arise from the ashes.
It is obvious that when the largest contingent of the electorate is Independent that both parties and our current electoral system need to be relegated to the dust bin of history.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If we make the long continuing fight for Justice only about
Bernie and the Democratic Party, then, yes, the movement is dead if Bernie loses the nomination, and all of our efforts will be neutralized by being funneled back into a Political Party with a nominee who serves the interest of the ruling class.
But if we focus on fighting for Justice, first and foremost, then we go where the fight for Justice is alive and well.
For me that will not be within a corrupt party, with a corrupt nominee, funded by and for the ruling class.
I will be switching my support to Jill Stein if Hillary is the nominee.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I think I will write in Bernie
I think its important that the Bernie voters maintain their own separate presence. My issue with the Greens is I can't understand why they have been so ineffective for so long with the exception of getting themselves onto ballots, which I applaud.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Yes a Write-In either that or
I don't go out to vote at all. I'll need to wait and see what the local races are and if they suit my style. I'm not sure all the Bernie write-in's will get much publicity - but the alternative to a Clinton white house, well it's not an alternative for me. Hillary NEVER gets a vote from me.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
My plan is to write in Bernie
I want my voice to be heard by the establishment even if they do not care.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This is just the beginning of a movement
The kids are listening to Bernie's message. They are connecting the dots. And they are the future. Sentir la Quemadura!
At my age
I'm praying the "kids" will carry on with the movement. I know quite a few Millennials who are fighting amongst each other about whether to vote for Hillary should she win the nomination, or write Bernie in. They feel such angst about a Hillary nomination (they can't stand her), but they are quite afraid of Trump. I understand their fears.
Sanders' amazing successes to date are in spite of the MSM
He's been ignored to an almost unprecedented degree. He's gotten to this point almost entirely because of the Internet and social media--that's a revolution in itself. What would get in the way of that continuing is Clinton's call to "tighten" the Internet. National security would be the excuse (they always need an excuse), but the real reason would be to control the power that's made Sanders a serious contender. The same power that can fuel revolutions, political and otherwise.
People are angry, and with reason. That anger's not going away, and, sorry to say, things will almost certainly get worse ( There's a real chance to create a coalition for change. Easy? No way. Change is already being fought with everything "they" have, as we can see. Everything but more overt force.
My thoughts: It doesn't matter what story the MSM spins. The people who commit to change aren't listening to those sources.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
That is my fear, that if
That is my fear, that if anyone but Sanders wins the presidency, the open internet is doomed. They're noir going to allow the hoi polloi to circumvent the propaganda machine they put in place so long ago, not again. And we all know that when Republicans and establishment Dems agree to"get something done" together, its always either something that will rob the peasants of their money, rights, and future or something that will disable the ability of the peasants too seek recourse to justice...peacefully, at least. The Repubs saw the power of the internet long ago and have been trying to shut it down to all but commerce for a while, but this time the Dems will agree with them wholeheartedly, the will of the people, much less the majority of Dems, will not matter any more than it ever doors.
My intention is
to re-register as unaffiliated and write the higher ups in the state and national Democratic Party to let them know why. They endorsed Hillary way before we had a chance to vote or caucus. They aren't representing their constituents. They should stay out of primaries and concentrate on issues that affect the everyone in the party and the country as a whole: easy voter registration, fair and efficient elections, end caucuses, early voting to accommodate people with issues related to getting to the polls, and better yet, mail in voting for both primaries and general elections. And finally, how about recruiting and supporting candidates who actually stand for the platform and show that by past actions and words. Hint, hint--no candidates who act the public opinion weathervanes.
More Hartmanns, more Caucus99s, TYT, etc...
That's what needs to happen, regardless of Bernie's 2016 electoral fate.
Win or lose, we need to create alternative media that is self funded and gives back to the community. I have several ideas on this front, and am hoping that we get some political vehicles together out of this place and the movement energy in general.
The corporate media has jumped the shark, they are un-believable. Surely smart people left of center, the disenfranchised in pay to play politics can capitalize on the sorry state of communication. We are now more tightly networked than Big Corporate with huge network flexibility. We can own them when it comes to believable media.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Once a number of years ago there was some movement
to create an international media entity publicly funded by individual contributions (sort of like Bernie's campaign) . They had a website, they had a lot of recognizable names tied to the effort and they were asking for contributions to get the thing up and running. I can't remember the name of it, but I did make a donation because I think the only way we can better our society and our politics is if we open up some better information sources. Well, it disappeared into the ether, unless it did become something I have no knowlege of. I had all the info on a computer long vanquished.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
A reminder from Mass Southpaw - working for the nomination
Can we focus here on what needs to be done to win the nomination? This means....
Learning how to phone bank if you need to:
Getting on the phones:
Making sure people are registered:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thanks for posting that. nt
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
IMHO this is going to go down to the wire
To the last state voting, and maybe all the way to the convention if neither Hillary nor Bernie hits the magic number.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Phonebanking: Hawaii, Washington, Alaska - for those who can
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
It's also about the 'optics'
It's going to look horrible when Bernie racks up a string of wins down the stretch.
It'll make super-dels look bad.
I want a Pony!
If Bernie were into enemies lists...
The MSM would have reason for serious concern.
Of course, he isn't. He's a better person than that, and actually wants what is best for America. He will forgive his enemies and work with them.
But I'm just a supporter. So I don't have to.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Can't wait to caucus on Saturday.
My wife and I and 4 friends are all caucusing at the same location on Saturday. I'm hoping that we get in and out quickly, but I'll stay as long as needed to make sure our ballots are counted properly. It's really sad with what happened in AZ last night. This is not democracy. I'm sure that the majority of people that didn't get to vote left the line seeing the early release of results. AZ's 'election' should be voided.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Different Responses
The response to Seth Abramson's analysis at the [Redacted] site is very different from the response here. Isn't that interesting.
Gee, what a surprise.
I'm sure it's filled with lots of people Demsplaining why he's off base.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Well I just took a look over there
and they're misreading the article as saying if you overlook the early vote, the Sanders is much closer to winning which is not the point of the article at all.
The point of the article was why the early vote skews as it does to Sanders disadvantage, the huge gaps that Bernie makes up by election day and how the margins are all universally much smaller than reported by the media which consciously over weights and promotes the early vote in their premature conclusions.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "