Trump is Right About the Illegal Spying that Targeted His Campaign

Originally published Jul 23, 2018

Yesterday, Trump tweeted the following:

“Looking more & more like the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon (surveillance) for the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Republicans must get tough now. An illegal Scam!”

Naturally, the MSM are pouring cold water on this assertion.

Yet the Page FISA applications quite clearly demonstrate that the FBI/DOJ defrauded the FISA court to gain permission to surveil Page and, by implication, virtually the whole Trump campaign. Trump’s concern is absolutely justified. Andy McCarthy’s analysis is compelling:

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier | National Review

Comey’s contention that he believed the claims of the Steele dossier because he had considered Steele’s past work as an intelligence agent to be reliable, is particularly ridiculous in light of some of the inherently absurd claims in the dossier — such as the prostitute urination episode and the claim that Putin had been grooming Trump as a Manchurian candidate for a number of years — claims which were not disclosed to the FISA court. Steele himself has testified in a British court that he obtained the info he included in the dossier from other unspecified sources — and never made any effort of his own to verify the accuracy of these claims. Evidently, Comey and staff never discussed the reliability of Steele’s info with Steele — or if they did, they are covering up. In any case, McCarthy makes it clear that what Comey believes should be irrelevant to the court — what matters is what can be proved.

The gross slander in the FISA application that Carter Page is a traitor, acting as an agent for Russia, is unsupported by any info other than unverifiable claims in the Steele dossier. Page worked in Russia about a decade ago as an energy consultant. In 2013, he was approached at a New York conference by a Russian — unbeknownst to Page, a Russian agent — who tried to recruit him for espionage. Page would not take the bait, and then collaborated with the FBI to bust a Russian spy ring. David Stockman, in describing the complaint issued against the Russian spies, notes:

In fact, the section of the document discussing Page never characterizes him as a conscious spy or security risk, instead framing him as a victim of Sporyshev and Podobnyy, who expressly denied that Page knew about their status as intelligence agents.

Page has never been charged with any crime, and apparently the FBI had no interest in accusing him of anything until they realized that targeting Page with a FISA warrant would enable them to surveil most of the Trump campaign (via the “two-hop” rule).

Furthermore, the assertion of the Nunes memo that FISA judges were not informed that the Clinton campaign and DNC were the ultimate source of Steele’s funding, has been confirmed — as have most of the other assertions of the Nunes memo.

Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein signed off on the Page FISA application to certify its veracity — and hence could become the targets of perjury indictments.

And the FISA warrant targeting Page was likely only about 10% of the fuckery that the Deep State pulled to spy on and entrap Trump’s associates. Hopefully we’ll be learning a good deal more in coming months. How is it that Mifsud, Goldstone, and Greenberg — all with ties to the US/UK Deep State or Fusion/GPS — all happened to offer Trump associates compromising material on Hillary, allegedly from Russia, at about the same time? Sheer coincidence? (LOL!!!)

And I would be willing to bet that GCHQ was legally surveiling (under British law) Trump associates — and then passed their findings on to the NSA — a backdoor way for the U.S. to do warrantless spying.

Then there are the legally dubious mass unmaskings of the communications of American citizens with foreigners under surveillance. Samantha Power alone requested over 260 of these in 2016 — though she claims that someone else, using her security clearance, was responsible for these.

Meanwhile, the operatives who were targeting the Trump campaign for wholly phony reasons were insuring that Hillary Clinton’s very real crimes went unprosecuted. And only recently, we have learned that the FBI covered up a finding by the Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough that the emails in Hillary’s SOS private server, including a number considered ultra-top secret, had all been hacked by a foreign power — not Russia, but likely the Chinese. If this had been revealed when this report was issued, Bernie Sanders very likely would have been nominated and would be our President today. So it had to be covered up. It’s clear that Comey and Strzok have about as much contempt for Bernie as they have for Trump.

But look what the Washington Post reported on July 5th, 2016:

“The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server found no evidence that her communications were hacked while she was secretary of state, but it made clear that “hostile actors” here and abroad could have done so.”

In other words, either the Washington Post lied to us to exonerate Hillary, or their Deep State sources lied to them. And this was prior to the Democratic National Convention.

Gosh, why am I not surprised?

And DOJ IG Michael Horowitz failed to return 4 phone calls from McCullough’s office intended to alert Horowitz to the hacking. Later, Horowitz criticized Comey for stating that Hillary’s server could have been hacked:

McCullough had become a “persona non grata” in the Obama administration for taking the security of Hillary’s server seriously. Indeed, it was made clear to him that he would be fired as soon as Hillary took office.

There is also credible reason to believe that, contrary to subsequent Deep State denials, the original Romanian Guccifer was telling the truth when he claimed that he had hacked Hillary’s private server — which is how he got the Bill Clinton presidential doodles that he published on-line. Not surprisingly, the MSM failed to follow this up.

Incredibly, our Deep State, which has accused Russia of serious “meddling” in our election — without presenting the hard evidence needed to sustain this charge –

is responsible for one of the most egregious episodes of election meddling in U.S. history.

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Wink's picture

Am i missing something?

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

travelerxxx's picture


C99 member veganmark was run off from Medium. His work went "poof." Gone. This essay might explain things for you: My E-Mail to Medium After Having My Entire Body of Work Suspended Without Explanation

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Wink's picture


Archive away.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Pluto's Republic's picture


...into our database. He is a skilled documentarian of this historic American betrayal we have just lived through. And it is by no means over. The repercussions and reckoning are just beginning. At c99p, we will have the complete notes of an alert witness to this history in our intellectual treasury.

There are many possible endings to this deception that broke America. The secrets of how this story will end can always be found in the details of the beginning.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Maybe JtC can make a sideboard for our Russia Gate essays. In addition to Mark's essays many others here have written some really great stuff.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


We could open several Reading Rooms, each with a curated index page. One could be Anatomy of a False Flag. Another might be the Death of Income Equality. Or, Illusions of Democracy Reading Room.

I don't know what failed principle of government describes the Russia Hoax because it's far too big and it is still playing out. It's a failure of the justice system, and parts of it are unconstitutional. It's a rogue government and a runaway war machine. it's a soft coup by the super-wealthy, and the security and surveillance state run amok. It's the death of diplomacy and democracy, and the dying empire. It's the abuse of power, the abuses of the weaponized media monopolies, and the criminal deregulation of the finance sector. It's the tyranny of the unelected government and the propaganda war on the American people. Most of all, it the systematic cover-up of all those things.

We can't see how big it is while we are living it, but we can that when we try to categorize it.

America has broken the trust.

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