Is Julian Assange being chemically tortured?

Karen Kwiatowski is making that case at Off-Guardian, May 9.

I find that I just need to get this out of my head and leave it here. You may find that I’m a truly paranoid nutbar, but as the old saw goes: just cuz you're paranoid it don't mean that they really ain’t out to get ya! Nor does Kwiatowski offer ‘proof’ save from unnamed source(s): (some snippets):

“The US appears to be a nation of laws, and yet, we absolutely are not. One of many lessons and perspectives we gain from the study of Julian Assange is just that. US political influence and debt-funded largesse resulted in Assange’s ejection from the Ecuadorian Embassy into the UK prison for terrorists in Belmarsh. US domestic corruption and misreading of the Constitution produced his indictment.

Furthermore, US government employees, from the DoD, FBI and the CIA have been interviewing Assange in Belmarsh Prison, prior to any extradition decision.
Interviewing is the wrong word. I’d like to say doctoring him, because it would be more accurate, except that word implies some care for a positive outcome. Chemical Gina has her hands in this one, and we are being told that Assange is being “treated” with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ. What BZ does, from the New Yorker:

“Exposed soldiers exhibited bizarre symptoms: rapid mumbling, or picking obsessively at bedclothes and other objects, real or imaginary. “…The drug’s effect lasted for days. At its peak, volunteers were totally cut off in their own minds, jolting from one fragmented existence to the next. They saw visions: Lilliputian baseball players competing on a tabletop diamond; animals or people or objects that materialized and vanished. ….

Soldiers on BZ could remember only fragments of the experience afterward. As the drug wore off, and the subjects had trouble discerning what was real, many experienced anxiety, aggression, even terror. Ketchum [Dr. James Ketchum, DoD Edgewood Arsenal, MD] built padded cells to prevent injuries, but at times the subjects couldn’t be contained. One escaped, running from imagined murderers. Another, on a drug similar to BZ, saw “bugs, worms, one snake, a monkey and numerous rats,” and thought his skin was covered in blood. “Subject broke a wooden chair and smashed a hole in the wall after tearing down a 4-by-7-ft panel of padding,” his chart noted. Ketchum and three assistants piled on top of the soldier to subdue him. “He was clearly terrified and convinced we were intending to kill him,” his chart said.

[the lengthy New Yorker link]

“It is difficult to know if the state is more sociopathic or more psychopathic. What US government employees and/or contractors are currently doing to Julian Assange, and those who may have used Wikileaks as a journalistic avenue, may indicate it is the latter. Torture, isolation, brutality, and the use of psychotropic drugs during interrogations and hiding this from the defendant’s own lawyers by denying them access — this is Lubyanka in the 1950s, not London and DC in 2019.

Allow me to get to the point. The latest word I have received from England is as follows:
“[Julian Assange] is presently under close observation in prison hospital because he has suffered ‘severe transient psychotic episodes.’ My source(s) indicate these episodes occurred after two sessions of coercive interrogation at the hands of UK and US officials. The source(s) stated the HUMINT interrogators used psychotropic drugs in the course of the sessions.”

There are no words. Nothing can be said. 2 plus 2 does equal 5. The FBI is our own special Cheka. The CIA Director’s hands are wet and her organization does not serve American values. Rather than choosing to stay secretive for national security, the modern CIA must stay secretive in order to survive, because it has become functionally illegal. Our president, who puts America first, is putting American values last, even as he tweets his concern for freedom of speech.
The agenda is to destroy Assange as a human being, and they may well succeed. In doing this evil deed, in all of our names, America herself – whether we put her first, last, or somewhere in the middle – will have dug her own grave.”

Now my initial quest to discover whether Julian were being tortured began on ‘VIPS: Extradition of Julian Assange Threatens Us All’, April 30, 2019,

“Reportedly, British and U.S. intelligence are interrogating Assange, possibly employing torture tactics, without access to legal counsel at a prison reserved for terrorists. U.S. officials apparently charged Assange as “a terrorist” in order to dodge the problem of the statute of limitations for conspiracy or computer intrusion by extending (via the Patriot Act and/or other terrorism laws) the normal statute of limitations from 5 to 8 years.”

Karen Kwiatowski is one of the VIPS. I’d hunted and hunted, and was glad to learn that Pam Anderson and Kristinn Hfransson were going to be allowed to enter Belmarsh UK Gitmo to see Assange on May 7, and when they came out they were interviewed while still in shock, of course:

Last night I’d clicked into WikiLeaks on Twitter May 9 and had found this brief statement from the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and inhumane treatment, indicating that doctors would be examining Julian for to more hours in the afternoon. There’s no update today.

Now in the comments under Kwiatowski’s piece is this:

Comment: Update from Pepe Escobar: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON POSSIBLE TORTURE OF JULIAN ASSANGE: This adds up to my previous post on Assange possibly being tortured in jail – according to retired USAF Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski.

My great friend Joe Lauria at Consortium News tell me, “Karin is backing away from her statements and has removed her tweet. She says she was just ‘speculating about this when asked a question a couple of weeks ago. Some people think she may have been set up by a source to have her report this and thereby discredit VIPS, of which she is a member.

The attempt to discredit VIPS – who are EXTREMELY professional and in fact unimpeachable – makes total sense. They have been relentless debunking the WHOLE Russiagate narrative. I found it strange that Pamela Anderson and Kristinn Hrafnsson from WikiLeaks visited Julian on Tuesday and did not say anything about his condition being like this.

Besides, the UN rapporteur on torture saw Julian yesterday. Joe tells me “he had a doctor with him who examined Julian, and he said nothing when he met with the press afterward.”
Anyway, here are the facts. But I STILL don’t put beyond Chemical Gina and his goons to “interfere” with Julian in jail. “

[Escobar on May 9 Facebook]

I did check, but her Tweet’s still up:

...and knowing that Anderson and Hrafnsson were coming, they may not have ‘interrogated’ him that day...and we don’t know what the Special Rapporteur might have learned from the afternoon examinations. But in any even, his visit was permitted announced beforehand, as well. I’d even tried to track down a few of the subtweeters calling ‘rubbish, lies’, but hadn’t found what had been implied, including the one on Stefania Maurizi’s account.

I'm fairly certain that it was BZ toxin that Sergei Lavrov had believed had incapacitated the disappeared Skripals, fwiw.

My plan was to wait until this morning to go onto last night's 29th vigil for assange and ask Joe Lauria about it. As it turns out, there are zero comments under it, and as comments often take a coon's age to get approved, it hardly seemed worth wait to ask, be answered if at all, and tra la la.

well, anyway...I'm sure you'll let me know...whether I'm crazy or not...(at least on this issue, not in general, if you don't mind.) ; )

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The Aspie Corner's picture

You know, "Non-Agression Principle" and what not. Meanwhile, the 'law' only applies to those with no money/no power.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

wendy davis's picture

@The Aspie Corner

the Q: is kwiatowsi a tool of the capitalist state??

from comrade x at the café:

Ponder this: Kwiatkowski is a “libertarian” “anarcho-capitalist” who claims sources (likely in intelligence) informing her somewise what the CIA is doing to Assange. What is the agenda of these sources? Are they yearning for a “libertarian” revolt? Are they terrorizing potential whistleblowers (who they pretend to be themselves?) Are they dissident agents in the metastasizing state?

How is it that a dissident in the usurped capitalist “super-power” state believes capitalist anarchy is the solution for it’s “bolshie” subversion? While her character garners respect, her vision does not.

i told him 'nice catch!' she also written on manning: 'she (sic)', inadvertently signaling that she's also a gender bigot; another obvious too of the capitalist cia tool tell...

yeah, it's hard to blame anyone who doesn't want to touch this diary with a ten-foot pole. ye gods and little fishes, yu shoul see some of the subtweets under the RT UK mini-interview w/ the UN special rapporteur on torture.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@wendy davis from the start. It was founded by two of the country's richest assholes, the Koch Bros. in the 70s and abandoned by them in the 80s when David Koch failed his bid for vice president under the LP's banner. They've been on quite a long shopping spree since then.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

wendy davis's picture

@The Aspie Corner

as i was just riffing off comrade x's comment. there seem to be any number of libertarian brands and flavors, though. one srsly anti-war one (iirc) i justin raimondo, who writes at might check in with him, in fact. ; )

but thanks for the history on david koch.

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snoopydawg's picture

And no one else seems to think that this is happening. Good gawd I hope it's not. But I wouldn't put anything past Gina the torturer or any one from the U.K. intelligence agencies. There is no information that they need to get from Julian so if this is happening it's just for cruel sport.

There is also no reason why Chelsea needs to return to prison either since she says she will never testify. If she is sent back it too is just for cruel sport.

F'ck every person involved in both cases! Sideways and with a very big item!

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


believe it, but even if it's happening, julian may not even be aware of it. i've kept looking for more from the UN special rapporteur on torture nils melzer: nothing, on RT UK on twitter.

chelsea's supposed to appear again on may 17, right? yep, 'just for sport' is exactly right. abject cruelty is fun for some.

and really, belief isn't far from 'hope' that it's not happening. but i do hear the 'discrediting the VIPS' argument, but among russia-gaters, who believes/credits them in any event, really?

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actually got to see Julian, is our first real news out of this UK maximum security prison, was saying he was bent but not broken.


What exactly does that statement mean?

They both looked shocked. Especially Anderson.

And they are both right. Why is Assange in a maximum security prison simply for not showing up for a bail hearing?

I’m afraid we all know the answer to that.
And it’s not good.

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wendy davis's picture


but it ain't good. i liked kristinn's answer: 'how would anyone be doing in belmarsh prison?'

52 weeks for jumping bail, then in this interview w/ kristinn:

"Hrafnsson: He almost got the maximum sentence of one year in jail for skipping bail, but the real battle is the extradition case. It can take two or three years. The U.S. government has been given two months, until June 12, to produce additional information supporting the extradition request.

DER SPIEGEL: The request is based on an indictment on a charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion that holds a maximum sentence of five years. Will that be the only charge?

Hrafnsson: It is obviously only the first step, and it would be extremely naive to try to maintain that other charges will not be added when he is on American soil. Letters were issued to individuals connected with WikiLeaks where they were offered immunity if they provided information pertaining to the investigation into what obviously was being described as the violation of the Espionage Act of 1917.

DER SPIEGEL: Do you think the government in Washington is trying to get Assange to the U.S. in the first place on the pretext of the relatively benign charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, so that it can then come up with additional charges that might lead to a life sentence or even the death penalty?

Hrafnsson: That’s an absolute certainty. That is the playbook."

but as the DOJ has offered immunity for several others including his arch-enemy daniel domseheit-berg to testify against him, my guess is he'll take them up on it, and the charges would increase to espionage/treason in a heartbeat.

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wendy davis's picture


i'd also imagine that they were both being a bit circumspect, knowing that mama and papa assange would be listening. and mama...oh, my, tweeted any number of lines of what they'd said. iirc, what was hardest for her was hearing that pamela anderson was sick to her stomach.

i listened again to the special rapporteur, and the timeline he'd spoken of was longer than i'd remembered: several days. although again, given that they know he's there to examine if julian's being tortured, they will no doubt be very careful. but he says he'll make his report to the authorities first, then the public.

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wendy davis's picture

subtweets beneath karen kwiatowskis was that i'd looked on setfani maurizi's account, and she'd said nothing of the kind. similarly for bella magani who'd only asked the questions about discrediting the VIPS; one was directed to ray mcgovern, and nothing on his twit acount, either.

but as to this: 'I'm sure you'll let me know...whether I'm crazy or not...(at least on this issue, not in general, if you don't mind.), let this be tonight's closing song:


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I cannot reveal my source, but I have full faith in the person and the access this individual has.

The people stating that this is untrue and fake news are not offering any substantiation, just mostly name-calling, while I have a source that I trust and who is well placed. I received a few emails from people [...] demanding to know my source. I think that’s what these critics are after, in addition to downplaying the current state tactics being applied to Assange.

I do wonder why anyone would doubt that what I am sharing is factual, or at least very likely, given the historical record from the 1960s to the present day in terms of how the US government handles extrajudicial interrogations of people charged with security and intelligence/terrorism related crimes.

This woman was a "speechwriter for the [NSA]'s director". The tone of this response is consistent with that position, it being biased and pretentious. She leaves counter-evidence unaddressed, expects doubters to "substantiate" their doubt, only addresses excessive critics (!! some who demand to know her source - ludicrous), and smears their motives, even implying that doubters are working for the torture of Assange!

One also wonders how she is protecting her source and why she is so confidant that they are protected. Furthermore, she advocates for a hysterical response.

Altogether a slimy representation, comrade. Perhaps she will develop a more circumspect manner ... HA!

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