julian assange and possible chemical torture

Is Julian Assange being chemically tortured?

Karen Kwiatowski is making that case at Off-Guardian, May 9.

I find that I just need to get this out of my head and leave it here. You may find that I’m a truly paranoid nutbar, but as the old saw goes: just cuz you're paranoid it don't mean that they really ain’t out to get ya! Nor does Kwiatowski offer ‘proof’ save from unnamed source(s): (some snippets):

“The US appears to be a nation of laws, and yet, we absolutely are not. One of many lessons and perspectives we gain from the study of Julian Assange is just that. US political influence and debt-funded largesse resulted in Assange’s ejection from the Ecuadorian Embassy into the UK prison for terrorists in Belmarsh. US domestic corruption and misreading of the Constitution produced his indictment.