Fox News Crowd CHEERING LOUDLY at Bernie's Town Hall, For Gov't-Run Healthcare, Taxing the Rich, Protecting SS, etc.
I ain't got much to say here. Just perusing Twitter and #BernieTownHall is trending, though obviously being overshadowed by the Notre Dame fire.
And while I don't believe much in electoral politics the message here, the evidence that the divide and conquer bullshit isn't as effective as we've been led to believe, the fact that when asked people on the Right do want many of the same things we want - are all something to behold.
We all know that here. But to actually witness that is always a good reminder, and goes a long way to dissolving the manufactured divisions that the corporate media manipulates.
And we all know what happened when he went to WV for a town hall that MSNBC hosted. Here's videos of coal miners thanking him for fighting for them, him consoling an overworked woman whose friends have died, converting propagandized folk into believers in socialist ideas.
Here's some clips and commentary about Bernie's Fox town hall tonight:
Should we raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Yes!
Should we rebuild our crumbling infrastructure? Yes!
Should we ensure veterans get health care they earned? Yes!
Should we protect Social Security and Medicare? Yes!A majority of the American people agree. #BernieTownHall
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 16, 2019
Raise your hand if you're sick and tired of your private health insurance company. We need Medicare for All. #BernieTownHall
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 15, 2019
Cheering wildly when he exposes Trump for being a fraud on taxes:
.@BernieSanders calls out Fox for not asking Trump what his tax rate is #BernieTownHall
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019
People. Fucking. Hate. Insurance. Companies.
That backfired... #BernieTownHall
— DSA for Medicare for All (@dsam4a) April 15, 2019
Democratic socialism is about creating a government and economy that work for all Americans, not just the top 1%. #BernieTownHall
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 15, 2019
.@BernieSanders closing statement at #BernieTownHall on @FoxNews
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019
If you think Bernie isn't doing WORK converting some right leaning fence sitters watching this Fox News town hall you're delusional. Even if it's just 5% of the audience at home it's worth it. This is why you engage instead of shame! #BernieTownHall
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) April 15, 2019
"It is not anti Semitic to be critical of a right-wing government in Israel." - @BernieSanders #BernieTownHall
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) April 15, 2019
.@BretBaier "Your plan calls for significant cuts in the military"
*audience cheers*#BernieTownHall
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019
.@BernieSanders "CHECK OUT WHO FUNDS THE THINK TANKS" #BernieTownHall
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019

Forgot that this was taking place tonight.
When propaganda spectacularly blows up in the face of the propagandists it is something hopeful, at the very least.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Please remind naysayers
. . . who emphasize Bernie has less than 30% of the votes in polls (less than the 50% + 1 delegate required to get the nomination) that delegates are awarded by states via primaries (different formulas), not by total US % vote. So, he can possibly even pull it off on the first ballot, before the superdelegates' votes kick in.
There really is a chance to pull it off this time! Especially if Bernie does well in the early primaries and on the newly early Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
And for those emphasizing that it's still early. . . the debates start in June, only about two months away.
Bernie's popularity and ability to draw people from across
a wide spectrum of political views is not in question, as far as I'm concerned. Neither (for the most part) are the soundness of his domestic policies, nor his plan to cut the "defense" budget.
My problems with Bernie don't have to do with whether or not he could succeed in a democracy, or even a republic. Hell, if he were in an actual republic, he might have a better foreign policy and human rights policy, for all I know. I don't really think he personally believes in endless war, the destruction of the rule of law both international and domestic, torture, the imprisonment of whistleblowers, etc.
In fact, I'll go farther; Bernie would be an excellent political leader in a republic. He's just no good at being a political leader in a fascist oligarchy. No shame in that, that's a tough job...very tough.
Well, it's tough if you're not a fascist yourself! Which he isn't.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
There is no way to respond to a non-falsifiable hypothesis
I haven't gotten to the black hole yet.
That's possibly coming March 3, 2020.
Niko House already has a thorough overview if you're interested
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Bret Baier's face!
Thank you for posting these, Mark!
I enjoyed these snippets, and particularly how Bret constantly looked like he was debating pulling a fire alarm to break up this cheerfest or to just run and leave the cohost to deal with it.
Heh...They're running scared.
Great description of the kind of panic I'm sure the network heads were feeling. Would love to hear the anxious chatter in the board rooms of how to disseminate it, how to selectively cut and edit clips for their own narrative, how to twist his words to tarnish him, etc (hope the Bernie folks only agreed under the direction that they'd get the whole video also).
This kind of thing blows their whole Us vs. Them cover. They'll probably not be doing this again.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
In that socialism clip:
Bret Baier: *internal screaming*
Cohost: I wonder how much of this I can blame on Bret?
Audience: *Googling where to donate to Bernie Sanders*
Fox Producer in the back room
"Someone interrupt the cheering, for Gawd Sakes! Change the subject! Cut to commercial! Anything!"
To be a fly on the wall
when the health insurance suits smarm up to the top floor for an emergency teleconference tomorrow morning. And I bet a few FOX producers are going to have a bad time tomorrow morning too.
And a new poll on the Fox web site
Sanders = 29%
Buttigieg = 9%
I just burst out laughing
I know that these polls aren't all that meaningful, but if I'm Kamala Harris and see those numbers and all that eyelash-batting and teehee-ing over that unknown PeBeto O'Rourigieg or whoever is the young, hip guy of pack du jour, I'd be yelling for someone to get me a vat of Cheetos and to turn off all the televisions.
Ah yes. Pete Buttigieg.
this piece in "New York" magazine:
FromSo what are Pete Buttigieg's proposed policies? I gather he's trying to get a toehold on the "surprise me" vote. Oh, and policy is "minutiae," not the life-or-death matter for millions which it in fact is.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
It's as though he isn't embarrassed to admit
that he doesn't stand for anything. Does he know that we know it's a greasy but transparent way to dodge accountability? It's such arrogance. He comes across as entitled to an audience... I believe it was in another thread that it was pointed out that he's stealing Barack Obama 2008 sound bytes. What's next: a book called "Dreams From My Dad," by Peterack OButtigieg.
I just had to
set the record straight with a friend who was falling in love with this handsome young contender! I mentioned that having policies SHOWS what your values are, so he doesn't really have any values at all! I was nice about it - in my own way, anyway.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
worth repeating
Or you could hand out a questionnaire.
a) Look nice
b) Talk pretty
c) Say stuff about "values"
d) Shepherd specific policies through Congress and act as Commander-In-Chief
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
I imagine the response is going to be
Edit: Went to TOP. They didn't disappoint....It was a bunch of Bernie supporters! Doesn't count.
Divide and Conquer is Fox's business model
It's too bad Bernie will probably never get live time on Fox again, and that the DNC idiots refused to have a debate on Fox. We all had stories of Republicans who liked Bernie in 2016, even those who would have voted for him over Trump. Democrats just cannot bring themselves to admit that the reason 2016 played out the way it did wasn't Vladimir Putin's fault, it was Hillary Clinton's.
Moron Beltway gasbags think that winning over Republican votes requires a conservative or a racist. No, it requires somebody with authenticity who wants to help average voters. Trump's scam has been played, and a lot of his 2016 voters won't fall for it again. As in 2016, Dems will lose if they run a milquetoast corporate poser. And as in 2016, they'll try their damnedest to do just that.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Hi Dallasdoc!
No comment except to say it's nice to see you!
Great to see you as well.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I don't mean to sound creepy
and you probably don't remember this, but you made a righteously angry comment either here or on TOP a couple of years ago that to this day cracks me up. It was something to do with Hillary Clinton suporters; you said that the cold splash of reality on Hillbots makes them shriek "I'm melting!" - or something to that effect - and it makes me laugh to tears to this day. In fact, I just cracked myself up remembering it (and it's saved somewhere on my phone). I have used that in many a diss since.
Heh, I remember that
I'd made a reference to Hillary's flying monkeys, IIRC, which caused the predictable dudgeon about my sexist self calling her a witch. I think that comment came out to dismiss one of them for bringing that up.
Please help support caucus99percent!
What I took away from that comment is
that if you Dallasdoc have nothing nice to say, come sit beside me because I want to hear it all.
Wow, so good to see you here! A good day indeed.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Nothing to add except it's great to hear from you again
Hello, my friend.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hugs and kisses!
Wonderful to run into you again too, old friend.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I am gonna wash my face!
Enormous hugs back atcha!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That was f*cking brilliant!
How could you not love that?
There is no question that Fox News hates Bernie Sanders. Without a doubt Fox News hates the idea of Medicare For All. So when Bernie has a Town Hall on Fox, you can bet that they wanted to make him look bad. If you read Fox's review of the Town Hall that is exactly what happened.
Except that isn't what happened.
What actually happened is that Fox moderator Bret Baier made the unforgivable mistake of asking the audience - a Fox News audience - what they thought of Medicare For All, and the reaction was poetry.
BTW, I found this article on
This is HUUUGE!
Medicare For All wouldn't just be great for the working class, it would probably be great for small businesses. Why haven't I heard more about this? It would immediately bump the approval rating for MFA by 10%-15%-20% in red states.
Unable to think outside their red/blue divide box
The majority is made-up of "have-nots" as opposed to the "haves."
These distinctions cross ideological boundaries, and Senator Sanders is unifying the "have-nots."
Nice job of reporting on this Mark.
Sounds like it was a rousing success. The poll results ought to shut that guy up.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
One more that I think compliments your report.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
But did he release his birth certificate?
Okay, that was my last snarky comment!
Those numbers make Bernie a pauper relative to other Congress people. I hope that this pulls on two threads - one is more pressure on Donald Trump to release his, and two, to make it more uncomfortable for the Nancy Pelosis to be so "independently wealthy."
Except for the book years, it roughly is
One vacation for Obama. One golf outing for Trump.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I think Obama gets $250,000 for a speech
Obama ain't that cheap
"Obama will speak at Cantor’s health care conference this September for a fee of $400,000 and has agreed to be the keynote speaker at a luncheon held on one day of the event.
"Obama making big-money speeches to Wall Street firms: report"
Former President Barack Obama is reportedly giving speeches on Wall Street for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Obama made approximately $400,000 speaking to clients of Northern Trust Corp. last month, Bloomberg reported Monday. He also spoke with Carlyle Group LP last week and is slated to be a keynote speaker at Cantor Fitzgerald LP’s conference on health care next week.
Obama received criticism earlier this year after it was reported that he would speak at Cantor Fitzgerald’s health conference for a fee of $400,000.
Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, told the news outlet that the since the end of his White House tenure, the former president has given speeches “true to his values.”
(Ain't that the truth)
I was gonna say, but another c99er beat me to it
That Obama fellow has pushed the “quid pro quo, but deferred, therefore clean” envelope up to $400,000.
Maybe this should be front-paged?
Unless we still want to be in the 100,000s on Alexa...
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Beat you to it...
within 100,000 of a second. I promoted it and as I came back to the CC page your comment was there.
Over on Reddit at the live thread commentary at WOTB,
which you can find here, I learned that the crowd was booing the Fox News host for some of their questions, one being a slimy insinuation that Bernie wanted to let felons vote because it would help him. They also chanted Bernie's name after his closing remarks (reminiscent of the NY debate).
Heh, remember this classic?
This one just gets better with time, doesn't it?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The DNC called it
Boy, all those centrist assholes were right, it was totally a bad move for Sanders to go on Fox News for a townhall. What an embarrassing look for him, right?
If Sanders can speak at Liberty U. and win people’s respect,
he can go on FOX and do the same.
I hope FOX seizes the opportunity to, at least in part, reinvent itself under the radar and appeal to a broader demographic. FOX could carve out a new market niche occupying pro-Bernie populist territory, where other networks fear to tread.
A lot of FOX viewers are probably economically hard-pressed. It ain’t a Bloomberg or CNBC audience we’re talking about here.
If nothing else, FOX made ratings
having Bernie do that town hall. Meanwhile, things at CNN are disgusting. The blatant anti-Bernie agenda is burning like a thousand suns over there. The bias is so obvious but it's so strange to watch unfold. I just watched FOX host Bernie Sanders, with a FOX-curated audience chanting BERNIE! BERNIE! while CNN trashes him. I'm not saying CNN is a bastion of fair coverage and a beacon of the left, but this is madness in real time.
Well CNN is giving
upcoming Town Hall (Mon, Apr 22, 9pm).
Bernie the prime middle slot in theirChris Cuomo to moderate.
Also featuring, in back-to-back appearances: Liz Warren, Pete Bootajudge, Kamala Harris, and everyone's early favorite, Amy Klobuchar.
Wat now?
The deplorables were chanting? Quick, to the fainting couch!
In all seriousness, I hope Hillary Clinton was sitting on a couch at home watching this, sucking a lemon.
Here's some commentary from Chapo Trap House
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I believe the Reddit term is "rekt"
Bernie rekt Bret Baier and FOX.
Bernie rekt the mainstream media.
Bernie rekt Donald Trump.
Bernie rekt private insurance companies.
Bernie rekt the 1%.
I'll show myself out
aah, thanks for that clip ... priceless ...
I've been watching that encouraging trend.
Last night I was writing about this huge swathe of people across the nation — the unrepresented and silenced Left — who are stepping out into the light once more to show their strength and support for humane and intelligent national policies that benefit all of the people equally. They are out there and they know what they want.
Outrageous criminal greed among the ruling class is what is fueling the rise of the American Left. The Intelligence Cartel thinks an intense round of anti-communist fear and propaganda blasted across the general population will shut the Left down. The think the brainwashed centrists and corporate media will chase them back into their marginalized existence. It's always worked before.
The Democrat leaders, standing the ruins of their shattered Hoax, are not so sure this time. That's why they pushed a crowd of Democratic contenders into the race to dilute the focus on inconvenient issues. Fifteen years ago, these new candidates would have all looked promising — but the betrayal of the neoliberals who screwed and exploited and abandoned the working class changed all that. Now, people want their share of government protection against the terrible economic downturns that the corruption of Wall Street and War Street have dumped on them — and their families. They want their human right to a safe and healthy life, for starters. They want food for their hungry children and a roof over their heads, no matter what.
That bell cannot be unrung.
I'm saying it again. AMEN! Bless you!
Not only the protection of economic downturns
This is why another Party is so necessary.
We are caught in a polarity trap between two quite corrupt private Parties that represent the nation's corporate quasi-monopolies — the Cartels.
What we need is something like a "public option" party, that represents the People — forcing the duopoly to compete. We need to bust that trust to take back the country.
With the Dims scheme to flood the Primaries
Picture the scenario, the stupid delegates give to Copmala Harris or Pete 'you gotta elect me to see what's in me' (credit to Pelosi) or anyone other than the obvious leader in Bernie and then all the other candidates start dropping out of the race having done the job of watering down support for Bernie. A lot of eyes will finally pop open.
Thatis where I think the appeal to a third Party will be bigger than ever before as no one should not, finally,see that the whole damn thing is kabuki theater brought to you by the coin operated members of both Parties.
I love this 'Mouseland' video put to (a true Canadian hero) Tommy Douglas' speech
particularly the part about elections where the mice tried electing a white Cat,then a Black Cat, Polka dotted Cat, and a Half white-half Black cat (Obama) all to no avail until they think electing a 'mouse'!
Mouseland is a treasure!
Thank you for sharing that.
The "bell" keeps ringing, thanks to the internet
The internet is THE Genie which cannot be replaced in the bottle. Wide dissemination on new channels will defeat "algorithms".
Crosstalk is essential. Don't count out the conservatives--Bernie rightly tries to include them in dialogue. We all know about the MSM's "inclusionary Policies", i.e., their sponsors' wishes.
Ed, you've listed the very critical pivots
...that have informed my view of how things are going to play out in the near term. You are so right about the Internet evolving out of their grasp. Nothing can stop the conversation the people are hungry to have with one another. Censorship is futile and self-sabotaging.
I have been watching conservative and Leftist waves lapping up on each other's shores, leaving behind tendrils of resonating ideas. I don't recall that ever happening before and don't know how to explain it. But we've all seen it in our own research. It's been disorienting and remarkable.
Crosstalk is exactly right, but the spooks have built barriers.
There are forbidden topics and omitted knowledge in the daily discourse, there is significant news and events and connections that are never reported and discussed. There are taboos against certain narratives about the past or future, which are suppressed for political reasons. Internet users have been immersed in a form of social eugenics.
Topics are curbed by conflating them with weaponized concepts of political incorrectness or discrimination — antisemitism, for example. Inquiries, investigations, and inconvenient realizations are denounced as conspiracy theories. There are ongoing coordinated efforts where agent/writers, news-media/agents, and participating think tanks are redefining the meanings of political or philosophical terms, leading to confusion, misunderstanding, and divisiveness. The range of permitted topics is steadily narrowed. Transgressions into forbidden topics are denounced with prejudice. Reporters and journalists are killed, and their stories die with them. Offending writers and artists are shunned and silenced. All the while, a steady stream of lies, even those that have been retracted, continue to pour forth.
The narrowing and suppression of public discussion and the weaponizing of topics that should be introduced and discussed is stifling the evolution and intellectual awareness of our culture. Game-changing ideas and concepts are meant to be triggered by semantics and incubated in crosstalk. Remarkable things can suddenly become possible, new realities appear, pathways open up — but none of this happens in this deliberately and maliciously divided nation.
Our education system has paved over the natural interludes in the learning processes for creative inspiration and individual exploration — only to be replaced by forced conformity and mindless acceptance. We need to break that system and allow epigenetic transformations to take root and evolve the people's thinking.
This is the doorway though which a cultural renaissance arrives.
The last time there was a Progressive Party in the US
it spun off from the Republican Party. Not the Democratic Party (although some disaffected Democrats undoubtedly joined it).
Remains to be seen if, and to what extent, history can repeat, or at least rhyme.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This comment should be its own essay.
It's an important topic. Let's elevate it.
Just wondering
Does anyone know if the situation with Julian Assange was brought up at the Town Hall ?
it wasn't, by anyone - moderators, audience, or Bernie.
He did make a comment, toward the end, that he's going up against the military-industrial complex. The audience cheered, which I'm sure stunned the Fox hosts.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I don't think Assange is a permitted topic an open forum in the national media.
One of the things that the establishment fears
and has grossly underestimated is Bernie's appeal across the political spectrum.
I have been saying for years that we need to forget the labels that we have allowed them to be put upon us because those labels keep us divided. Bernie is one of the few politicians who has embraced the label they slapped upon him while appealing to everyone with his policies because they make sense to the average American. And that terrifies the establishment because once we band together, the jig is up for them.
One more thing, I firmly believe that Occupy greatly helped open that door for Bernie and Tulsi and others like them whose policies are people based rather than corporate based.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good points on
He also did well in not running from the socialism tag, not that he has much choice. He will need to continue doing this as this country has been conditioned for decades to associate it with the hammer and sickle. Continued de-conditioning will be needed.
Also a positive was his feisty, fighting spirit in calling out some of the low-blow questions, esp the cheap shot from the female moderator about Bernie wanting rapists and murderers to be able to vote for him. My sense is this sort of tough, punch-back approach is going to resonate better with voters than the soft, polite, confrontation-averse types which the DP has so many of.
So overall a very good showing by the Bernmeister, a needed small victory for the D side, and for the moment that other issue, which didn't come up last night, is on the back burner.
Does this mean the 2020 contest won't be rigged?
This will likely be the last time Bernie will get on Fox. CNN is going to do lots of video distortion after his appearance. Likely, the MSM channels will not interview him.
A combative style is refreshing for formerly prostate Bernie promoting the criminal who cheated him out of his primary. Is he a sheep dog still? Controlled opposition?
Good questions of course. Empiricist answer: we shall see. n/t
No. It means it's very likely to be rigged.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I grew up in an area that is now Trump central
click on the down arrow, click on embed, copy the link, paste
If you have a problem, check to see if the link has emojis in it (flowers, etc.) If so delete them being careful not to delete surrounding code and hit submit again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks dkmich!
And it's amazing moments like this that keep me going:
What the craptions say
"different members of Congress, are they going to do that transition as hemorrhoids"
Also, even in the official fox video, they cannot spell that Butted name (that's actually how they spelled it).
And then Fox went back to whining about immigrants,
Muslims, poor people and others 'Muricans are required to hate. But hey, at least Bernie played his controlled opposition role well.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Awesome piece.
Thanks Mark.
There he is
There is the Bernie that I love.
I did not realize how much I needed to see that until I was watching it with tears running down my face.
I will admit that I was having serious doubts because of how he jumped in the Russiagate boat and how he seemed to be on the wrong side of the Venezuela issue.
I don't have those doubts anymore.
When talking about the MIC, more than once he said "we have to have a strong defense". I totally agree, but that's it - just defense. Cut that budget in half (or more) and there's still plenty for defense - just not enough to set up a base in every country that they are able to so.
When he mentioned the 12 year deadline is when the tears really started to flow. Have any of the other candidates even acknowledged that deadline?
I have never voted in my life. If Bernie is not cheated again and he gets on the ballot, I will register and I will cast my first vote ever. I bet I'm not the only one.
Bill McKibben on our window of opportunity
I don't know why he says 10 years. The IPCC report was issued in October 2018 and noted that the window of opportunity was 12 years. . . not that two years makes all that much difference. As far as elections go, it's now or never.
I trust Bernie; have done so for decades.
Thanks for this good news and diary.
David Brock speaks on Bernie
From the New York Times today: ‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum
Poor Brock ~
he's becoming irrelevant! HORRORS!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Who's more horrific? Brock or Markos?
If you had to spend a month on a deserted island with Brock or Markos, who would you choose and why?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Brock or Markos?
Not posed in any untoward context. Just a Survivor reality TV show type thing.
Do you think you could get out of there without winding up in jail either way?
I'd like to think I could, but I dunno. I can't think of too many modern day political operatives that I hold in deeper disdain.
I think I'd choose Brock if only because I'd like to know what makes him tick. I think I have Markos figured out, but who knows?
How big is the island? it would have to be very big
Either one would have to stay on the other side of the island and out of sight because otherwise in time what we call 'cabin fever' would set in, which is not a good thing for someone.
which one has more meat on him?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Newt is well marbled.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Well, really
who would want to be on that island with me? I’m no cup of tea either.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Golgotha Island
No matter, I think the real problem would be to avoid being contaminated by their evil.
Golgotha Island.
I think I have pitch for a hit reality tv show.
The second show would feature a choice between Kissinger or Hillary.
Oh, and I got more.
A friendly Fox crowd?? Wait, while I go outside to check.
Last time I heard of a miracle, there was a star in the East.
Compare this to how CNN stacked their Bernie Town Hall to attack Bernie. I think Fox messed up and got everyday people instead of obvious ringers.