"The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself."
What a great line and one that we have forgotten about over time. In light of the terrible terrorist’s attack today, we need to embrace this line and think about how “FEAR” is being used against us every day. To me when you let fear overwhelm you and limit your actions then “FEAR” has won. Life should not be feared and you need to embrace and live well every day.
The reason I bring up this topic is so we can remember this line and to prevent us from going down the rabbit hole and hiding or living in Fear. I want to give a shout out to Shahryar and thank him for reminding me that FEAR will be key factor during this election year. Fear of different people, Fear of uncertainty, Fear of the unknown, Fear of Knowledge, Fear of living well, Fear of “them”, Fear of on and on. The focus with be on FEAR not on what we need or can achieve.
The following is an article today that illustrates how Fear will be used by Trump to win voters and potentially the election.
Remember, in the words of a one of greatest president (FDR), “The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself”. Therefore, live well, use knowledge and positive thinking/actions as your weapon against the FEAR!
I really like this, Borkrom,
I've had some physical problems that I have let scare me. Sometimes paralyze me.
Needed this today.
Thank you
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
You are welcome
Glad it was of value. I try to live well (not letting the FEAR get to me) but it is not always easy. So I try to remind myself and others, we are truly blessed and we need to always consider the good stuff and maybe not shut up out but at least not dwell on the bad stuff.
Hillary's Middle East Policy will be as bad as we feared
George Bush The Third foreign policy