Tuesday open thread ~ open trust

Trust, once earned, is a very strong bond. Trust once lost, is nearly impossible to regain.


Good day and welcome. Today is probably some culture's celebration of something very important to that groups' past/present/future well being, or something. Too shy to goggle that stuff, so cheers to the envelope that guides your ship.



The editorial board decided the CHANGE from the previous installment didn't have the pizzaz required to enhance the topic. So, we decided to dive a bit deeper and present TRUST as a worthy subject. It had to go all the way to the supremacist council for approval. Much gnashing of virtual teeth. The usual abstainers and wind socks.


So here we are. For the more cynical among this audience -- In dog (or cat) we trust. All others pay cash. HA For the more optimistic -- building trust within our communal well being may bear (or tiger) fruits.

What's the tiger going to do with the snake tail?

Trusting your sources is important. We value our social intercourse to the degree that we allow ourselves to be open to interpretation. In these times of mass mental manipulation, one is to wonder, what is driving this push to trust the source of whatever idea, opinion, or context is being presented. Are we being told by the mass manipulators that such and such is the way to consider this situation or that? Perhaps. Obama allowed psy-ops to be directed at us. As well as their other enemies? You betcha!

Just trying to express one of the healthy awakenings that comes with the awareness of our constitutional right to question authority. If we are unable to trust the judges that allow criminal activity, we are just left to trust our own judgements. How to sue the judges after all?

Found a similar discussion on one our sister sites (NC), although it was focused more on trans-generational distrust learned by abusive govt. policies. The thread that followed produced some interesting perspectives. I choose to stay on the trustiness side of the teeter-totter against mistrust.
Some of the money quotes follow the tiger below (tie into the disney tiger above, almostly).



distrust is not as socially destabilizing as this research implies. It may well be a counterbalance to further abuse.

And as Fukuyama’s (actually rather good) book points out, it takes a very long time to create trust, but a very short time to destroy it.

How does one trust anyone when the govt protects the crooks, when the govt isn’t on the side of the good guys?

Is it because being trustworthy in system that cannot be trusted is simply a waste of personal resources?

The lost of trust in an untrustworthy authority in a situation in which one has little control made a deep impression.

in a high-trust society, you can do a lot of business based on a handshake

Betrayal is the most unforgivable sin

a series of expert algorithms generating a consensus model based on weighted averages

the zen of mental maintenance entrusting communal values


Painting is Pine Dusk from Vesna Antic via fineartamerica.com
Graphite turbo dog by Columbian Mateo Pizzarrro via Colossal surreal section
Video clip by dangerous disney jungle book
Golden Tiger Naked Capitalism


Float your ideas as may seem fitting or otherwise. Make 'em earn your trust. It don't come easy.

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mimi's picture

and being enlightened by the Jungle Book video clip, all I can come up with right now, is, what do you do, if you can't even trust yourself fully?

I have a lot of trust in mother-child and parent-child trust. If that one gets betrayed, it's like the beginning of the end, right?

Well, I have a lot of trust that the c99percenters choose good essays and analysis to lose your mind over.
I just lost my mind asking myself what about Tina Turner would have asked: "What's trust got to do with it?

Don't shoot me. I am innocent. My answer would be: a lot!
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QMS's picture

Are an important dynamic lasting decades. Sometimes strengthening. at others eroding. Knowing you're trusted is comforting in itself.

Tiger by the tail.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

QMS's picture

Thank you! With your help, we met and exceeded our fundraising goal for the FEC filing deadline last night, pulling in a record total of 5,000 individual donations in one day.

Since launching Tulsi’s campaign for president, we’ve already received 70,000 donations.

With aloha

I trust the the propaganda based punditry will not be reporting this.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS right on she made it to the pool of how many now? Trust the D party randomly, or not at all.

Each debate will feature randomized lineups drawn from a maximum of 20 qualifying candidates, according to the DNC. A total of 12 presidential primary debates are planned during the 2020 cycle.

Hah! I picked a random site from the search return, have no idea who wxyz dot com is, no idea at all. copy pasta

No one in their right mind would watch twelve primary debates, that's what I think. random reruns
Odds are, the peace talker will be randomly placed in a not-so-popular time slot. wanna bet Don't forget, The House always wins.

good luck

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janis b's picture

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." --Ernest Hemingway


Goodnight from me, and good morning to you.

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QMS's picture

@janis b
Sings up a potential path.
Thanks for the reggae!

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

janis b's picture


and thank you too.

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TOP linkage trigger alert below... giddyup

The incident sparked a significant amount of discussion around cyberbullying and harassment issues especially around the issue of weblogs not allowing hostile environments to arise in their comment sections.

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas infamously dismissed Sierra and the threats made against her.

The ensuing discussion prompted Chris Clarke's post How Not To Be An Asshole: A Guide For Men.

Before that when I worked at the co-op, was very chuffed with my fine lesbian identity, home owner, good job, "married", with cats etc.. Happy go lucky. Then a new guy came on the bread line, fresh out of prison he was fine and nice and everything was cool. Then he found out I was "married " to my gf and he totally lost his shit and wanted to kill us. srsly He found out where we lived, and parked on the street, and spewed all kinds of hatred in the communication book at work. Got fired, went back to prison. fuck

When fb ipo'd I was all "r u kidding!" Virtual personalities Liking and Following? hell no DON'T STALK ME BRO

Is today's topic a funny coincidence? I don't know. I'm wearing the Systems Software shirt Mickey Mantle gave me and remembering his sage advice, "Lower your expectations." In other words: Don't expect anything to fit. Also, don't expect equal pay for equal work. Don't expect anything, just do as your told. daddy nose

If I had the capacity to have taken that advice, perhaps I would be remembering a happy life right now. no such thing
buddha fail

Recently I lost trust in cops and banks, the last bastion of my orphan sanity. Now I only trust what's in front of my face... mostly homeless people. huh
I think like a poor person now because I am one. simple
mental case
The main reason I hesitate to give my address to people I never met, is then I can't talk out loud about feelings that make some folks wanna call the cops. 5150 If that happens I'm dead, ironically. help not help

good day

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QMS's picture

stalking stuffers

gospel song for doubters in the rain


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS thanks, that was great. See more say more. heh I don't just see homeless. In fact my neighbor likes to walk in the pouring rain down by the river it's a blast. Yesterday was partly sunny so more dawgs and people were at the creek bridge, and we saw another bigly steelhead trout thrashing its way upstream. The guy with the Blue dawg was there and got really excited about our "rare" sighting, at the same time a couple others with Ruby puppy and Tennis Ball dawg were crossing and stopped to watch. trust nature Turns out those two were our neighbors within proximity too. huh

Should I trust a referral for shock therapy? No, I can't. It is a bridge too far right now.
Shock Therapy - The Simpsons

boycott youtube advertisers

I wish they had studied the USA and the American Dream, instead of the Cultural Revolution over there in that article and discussion at NC. whataboutism The psychology of becoming poor while experts agree, everything is fine... falling out of the middle back to the working and finally the useless eater class. What's the point bzzt! bzzt! bzzzzzt! holy grail bell

"I'd rather have a frontal lobotomy, than a bottle in front of me." maybe i forget

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Bare Necessities

Maslow's Jungle

I am still wondering about edible books from yesterday. Who ever heard of such a thing? not me

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QMS's picture

Kept a journal of the meandering journey set upon to discover. Many years worth of descriptive prose. One day, the golden lab upstairs found it and tore it to shreds. Smithereens. Not sure if he was helping or hurting the effort, so ran him hard around the block. Made us both feel better.

Talk about eating your words. At least with a cookbook you can taste the pictures Wink

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Anja Geitz's picture



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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

QMS's picture

@Anja Geitz
all of my best earlier work was eaten by a dog. Not quite ready for human consumption, I guess. Can say tho, the doggie had excellent taste in contemporary literature. HA

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS and the backup was corrupted, incomplete. I still feel deep regret and it is hard to make light after losing a lifework. But I will anyway if you don't mind, humor being good medicine and all. Your "hard round the block" dog walk reminded me of another long ago Simpson episode. spanky

Helooooo Mr. Bush! (The Simpsons)

Where my mind first drifted on edible books was to Rocky & Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha.

Jet Fuel Formula (23 & 24)

The Andalusia crashes into Rocky and Bullwinkle's lifeboat, but Bullwinkle ends up hanging from the anchor from his antler. Once back on board, Capt. Peachfuzz starts steering the ship in various directions all at once. Rocky and Bullwinkle find themselves along the shores of Netherlands, then Antarctica. Our heroes then find out the ship has run out of food. They're so hungry, they're even eating pictures of food out of magazines. Boris gets an instruction to pick the mooseberries off of the bush, only to find out that they are very explosive. All of the sudden, their bowl of Mooseberries slides out of their cabin where Bullwinkle begins to snack on them. He then gets deadly hiccups, when Boris decides to scare him with a false rumor about Rocky falling overboard.

Thanks, add this to signals I did not receive before today: The Marijuana Subtext of Rocky & Bullwinkle

By the 9th episode Rocky and Bullwinkle have given up on retrieving the Mooseberry bush from Boris & Natasha and set out for Pottsylvania, the only other place in the world Mooseberry bushes grow. Meanwhile, Boris & Natasha smuggle their Mooseberry bush aboard an ocean liner, which happens to be the same boat Rocky and Bullwinkle board to get them to Pottsylvania. When it becomes apparent the Mooseberry bush is going to die on the ocean liner, Boris & Natasha harvest the berries, which eventually land in Bullwinkle’s lap. Bullwinkle eats the Mooseberries and Natasha says, “Well darling, there goes 14 episodes of effort up in smoke.”


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Then, I trusted that I could not be fooled by politicians again, but I was wrong about that, too.

No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up.

Lily Tomlin

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detroitmechworks's picture

Especially considering that the slur is trotted out by con artists who want you to stop asking so many damn QUESTIONS! Just trust them already!

I mean, anybody who's ever argued with a child knows how annoying the tactic of questioning EVERYTHING is, especially if it makes you confront your own underlying assumptions... and it gets even MORE annoying when they point out stuff that you hoped they wouldn't notice...

So, yeah, I totally get why faith based folks really HATE Cynics. Maybe they'd like to explore why they are so upset by questions? I think they can make some good progress by thinking about that. What's that? Even asking questions is offensive and indicative of my hatred?

Interesting. Why do they feel that way?


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

QMS's picture

will bother some


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

health officer
Timing is everything. LOL help me please. Who is this person from FL gonna run the health departments now?

As state surgeon general and secretary of health for nearly three years, Philip was in charge of more than 13,000 employees and a $3 billion budget. In the staff report to supervisors, local health officials said Philip had extensive “knowledge of disease surveillance and health promotion.”

She led Florida’s response to the Zika virus outbreak several years ago, oversaw the state health department response to hurricanes Irma and Michael and paved a legislative path, with funding, for emerging HIV prevention strategies, according to the staff report.

Philip, who is board-certified in preventive and family medicine, holds a doctorate of medicine degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine and a master’s degree in public health from Loma Linda University School of Public Health. If approved, she officially begins work April 9.

A Seventh-day Adventist Organization
? wait wut

Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only source of our beliefs. We consider our movement to be the result of the Protestant conviction Sola Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.

Currently, Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six categories—the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life and last day events. In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.

separation anxiety

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QMS's picture

Thought he rested on the seventh?

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

it seems like most, some, a few, Americans are loosing faith in our institutions. This may be a good development though, it may at least help us see more clearly.
Thanks for the OT and the music. More Chris Smither with some good advice, "don't bet the farm".

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Anja Geitz's picture

Shere Khan or Humans?


Good question...

But remember, at least with Shere Khan, he's not going to lie to you.

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

This was not cool. I am not a fan of Ana, but really...

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

enhydra lutris's picture

anti-Tulsi propaganda and talking points? If so, that might explain it.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris

If she can't handle Ana, well, enough said.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

enhydra lutris's picture

not, but, if they are, then they had a chance to conduct an interview and there is no need to waste any more time on them since they have no intrest in what the candidate has to say about anything or where the canidate stands on anything or what they stand for. It isn't a question of "hanling" somebody so muh as it is of haing an interview as opposed to an "interview" and of having something vaguely resembling an intelligent discussion.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@dkmich @dkmich @dkmich

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Anja Geitz's picture


Is take your cue from the look on the girls face. She knew, instinctively, uncle joes "touch" felt very very wrong. And if that young girl had any pre-pubescent development then Joe Biden is not only a "creep", but a child molester as well.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@dkmich thanks, I was fully expecting to disagree with Ana (nerve grator) but now I see she wants to ask about Tulsi's support for the War of Terror. Gabbard believes in it, totally. military mindset I don't. civilian mindset

Personally, I'd rather not have another hothead for precedent, jumping in to Iraq warfare with both feet does not show good decider instincts if you ask me. She is still in the military, reserves or whatever.

To end the cycles of violence, stop being violent. Explain how the War of Terror stops violence... kill them all or convert them? not rational Like wasabi or whatever that religion she's against. saud house That is not national defense, that is inhuman offense in my view. war crimes Blow back does not just arise from regime change, economic sanctions are fully weaponized and deployed everywhere now. meh

After all that, Bernie will probably put her on his "short list" if he stays in it to win it. could be worse


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Are you saying running away from her critics is the way to go? If she can't handle Ana, who else can't she handle? The bigger question is why did TYT agree to it? I would have told Tulsi to take a hike and made her demands for a safe space or else a big story on the show.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

@dkmich no, not at all. Which means I should probably stop talking now and go on a walk or something. I was trying to be kind and not rip too hard. LOL oh well, have a good day. It is raining here again, cold stunting my seedlings for a few more days. boring

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mimi's picture

@eyo @eyo
that you don't fight terrorism by making violent unjust wars. If you are willing to listen carefully what she said on this video to the very end. around TC 7.08 especially, it would be hard to ignore what she said about wars, violence and fighting terrorism.


jumping in to Iraq warfare with both feet does not show good decider instincts if you ask me. She is still in the military, reserves or whatever.

So, basically being a member of the US reserve as major makes you a violent lusty war hawk with bad decider instincts and a hothead?

I do believe that she did not "jump on the occasion to making war in Iraq with both feet", just because she didn't avoid to do her service tour, when the Iraq war was already in his third year? Avoiding her service tour deployment would have been much worse than doing it. That has nothing to do with 'jumping in and being war hawkish', imo. If she had circumvented her deployment, she would have been accused of being a privileged daughter of a well-known politician father and abusing her status as that, leaving the dirty work of getting sent into a war zone, which was very much NOT good for fighting terrorism (as she clearly understood) to the poor other soldiers, who had to do it.

Biden was another case. He was very proudly abusing his son's deployment into war for his own political career. That I found way more appalling than those hands on the wrong places. But your mileage may vary.


Are you saying running away from her critics is the way to go? If she can't handle Ana, who else can't she handle?

She did nor run away, she handled it the way she thought the interviewer deserved to be handled. She has that right. Just because someone thinks she is a super duper interviewing talking host, doesn't make her one. I am glad Gabbard handled that interviewer fighting back in her own way.

May be I mixed things up. But if a person didn't run away, then it was Gabbard.

I guess I agree on disagreeing with you both. But basically I wonder where you got your opinion about her from? Any factual base and sources for your opinions you mentioned? Links that show her as lusting to be some violence loving war hawk or a running away coward?

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@mimi I'm sorry if my comment hurt you or your family, I did not mean any disrespect. None of my family volunteered for any war after WWII, after my dad got PTSD committing war crimes in the naval reserves. Same diagnosis on my own chart coincidentally. triggers galore, for reasons

So I guess my factual basis is from family too, just like you and yours? I grew up in a political household protesting war, constantly. hugs If we can disagree and still love each other, that is pretty good I think. go in peace

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mimi's picture

don't like if anyone who happens to be enlisted in the US military is personally made responsible for the wars the US engages in. Those decisions to invade Iraq, or fight in Syria, or engage in Afghanistan or Yemen militarily, however directly or indirectly, are made by politicians and the MIC, not individuals in the military.

In my family? Well, my father was German. So, in the big war of wwII he happened to be on the wrong side as all Germans were. When he was eighteen, he was drafted into wwII directly after highschool and ended up being bombarded somewhere in Romania by US AirForce and lost his arm, then was captured by Russian and ended up in Russia as POW for 3 1/2 years, came back and learned the real truth about the extend of Hitler's Holocaust and KZ Gas chambers after returning by reading.

My father had lifelong nightmares, I guess one would call that today PTSD, one didn't categorize those things in Germany as any kind of syndrome back then. I clearly had two teachers in my high school, who had severe trauma or PTSD and we witnessed those effects during our classes. It was something you wouldn't forget as a child. But unfortunately we were on the wrong side. The rare times my father voiced an opinion, he just said that they (young drafted German teenagers or young men drafted into wwII war) were all betrayed.

My father was not an enthusiastic Nazi, but he was a racist without him or us ever realizing it until decades later ... well, ok, it became obvious let's say to me. He still was a responsible and loving father and suffered under his own feeling more than I first understood.

My son unfortunately was recruited into the US Air Force a couple of weeks before GWBush became President. I was not earning much by myself in the US, he felt he needed some kind of financial support to be able to pay for college. Voila, my son accepted to be recruited and I had no clue what that really meant.

I had no clue who GWBush was either. Unfortunately 9/11 happened a couple of month later and from the next month on, the Airmen were trained for the upcoming war in Iraq. I learned meanwhile who GWBush was. It didn't help to be opposed to the war in Iraq as a soldier, because you can't get out of your contract. My son participated in the invasion into Iraq on convoys to support the troops and got into combat situation in Nasiriyah and I think Baghdad and Kirkut. (He just once said he knows how many he killed. Less than two hand fulls, but those were two hands full too many. It were these combat situations that made him break and fall apart for good)

He spent one year in South Korea serving in vicinity of the DMZ zone on a daily basis. His years-long long distance girl friend dropped him and he had the first open signs of PTSD. He didn't finish his contract of six years and left the Air Force short of five month before the end of it. Honorably released, but they made him pay back his whole bonus he got when enlisting. It took him a long time (at least six years or so and a lot of reductions from his tax returns to pay that back. Which tells you something about the greed of the MIC.

My son still gets angry when they categorize him as 'someone with PTSD'. In his mind his anger about the war he was forced into is justified and morally right. He had voiced his opposition to it, before being deployed. Not everyone was so blinded to not understand that the Iraq war was a war crime and not every soldier just jumps on to the occasion to go out play a hero and shoot innocent civilians.

So, yes, I wished the US would have reacted differently to the terror attack of 9/11 and not invaded Iraq or engaged in regime-change intended wars outside their own territory. And Tulsi Gabbard understands the difference between fighting terrorism inside your own country and engaging in regime change wars in foreign countries, that are unconstitutional and violate the UN Charter, quite well.

24.03.2016 · The charter listed three categories of crime: (1) crimes against peace, which involved the preparation and initiation of a war of aggression, (2) war crimes (or “conventional war crimes”), which included murder, ill treatment, and deportation, and (3) crimes against humanity, which included political, racial, and religious persecution of civilians.

The US has basically more or less violated all those categories listed in the UN Charter in the recent wars of the last 17 years.

On top of that the Germans took away my son's German citizenship, because he has accepted the US citizenship without asking the German authorities first, to remain German citizen when accepting the US citizenship as the second one.

If you join the foreign country's military, the Germans say, you lose the German citizenship. We didn't know that. So, what do you want? My son is a war hawk jumping on the occasion to fight in wars which constitutes war crimes and being proud of it? Diablo

What the heck. Sorry that it still rubs me the wrong way. Tulsi Gabbard ran away? Oh, that's a plonk statement in my books too. So, there you have it. Make out of it what you want.

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mimi's picture

do you think Gabbard has not the right to refuse to talk to a specific interviewer? Why wouldn't she have that right the same way as apparently the interviewer has the right to ask any question she wants to when she interviewed Gabbard before?

Did I misunderstand the situation or you?

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enhydra lutris's picture

trust them to be or do. You can trust politicians to act in their own interest. You can trust cops to make the situatin worse. You can trust corporstions to base all decisions on cost=benefit analysis. Trust is the flip side of cui bono. Find out who benefits (or suffers) and how and why they do so, and you will know what to expect of them, but allow for the gullibility of the actors involved. The capitalist precept that people act in their best interests presumes that they know them, that all are buddha. This is demonstrably false.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris
in your ability to trust. Question more the validity of those now requesting your trust. Is it earned by reason or learned by programming? Seem to have a lot of the latter, day saints trying to shorten the process. To redefine ancestral knowledge for the oft repeated new version of truth. Trust not.

Will put it to the board. Perhaps we can hammer-out the truth aspect next episode.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

I left out about dawn for trade day...and walked out in an unexpected shower. Back in to trade coats for a rain jacket...and off again. Drizzled on me till arrival, and then gradually cleared off into a cool clear morning. Sometimes trusting that things will be fine works out just right.

Bought some nice avocados, golden mangoes, and FL strawberries (from a friendly Hispanic family I've come to know)... and a shovel...and spent less than $20. I like visiting with the locals and the vendors.

Is it truth that changes or is it our perspective? Either way Truth is a moving target. My thought is trust is best practiced with tolerance and not an absolute black and white attitude...I trust that I will find what truth I can and hold it as long as it is true to me.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

I follow my ‘yeses’.

If it’s a no, it’s not a yes. If it’s a maybe, it’s not a yes. If it’s a I don’t know, it’s definitely not a yes. If it’s a probably, it’s not quite a yes. If it’s a yeah okay, it’s still not a yes.

If and only if, it is an irrevocable full-on YES, it is a *!! YES !!*

I trust ‘em...

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

QMS's picture

Seems not to get any clearer than that -- outside.

Sorry, had to run out to be the wizard of oz.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare