Cross Your Fingers

Good morning, all!
I felt that after last week's bombshell I owed you all an update rather than eerily returning to my ordinary OTs like nothing had happened (I hate it when people do that, don't you?).
My mother's husband has been accepted to an assisted living facility with a locked-down memory care unit. This facility has been actively pursuing my mom to get her to put her husband there, but not (I think) in a creepy way. For instance, my mom was having trouble transporting him somewhere (I think a doctor's appointment) and the contact person at this facility commandeered the facility's bus to take him there. I'm usually distrustful of anyone trying to sell me this hard, but so far, things look good. They also have an affiliated companion service, a company that works almost entirely for them, meaning that my mother doesn't have to find a companion service and be their primary contact person. I don't know if that means they're going to provide companions 24/7, or just 12 hours a day, as it was at the last facility.
Now again, I should point out that all this costs, and costs plenty (you might be surprised how much). It would not be available to working-class people, nor, of course, the poor; it might not even be available to middle-class people less well-off or more encumbered with debt than we are. I try never to take my eyes off that fact. There are any number of intellectual pitfalls and moral bogs into which one can stray, particularly as an American, if you take your eyes off that fact even for an instant. Nevertheless, I'm glad that there is a facility that we can afford that looks like it might work.
At the hospital, they increased his dosage of anti-psychotic medication, something I feel should have been done long before, and I don't understand why his own doctor didn't do it. He's been hallucinating, speaking gibberish, and hasn't been recognizing, for instance, a human foot as something he shouldn't pick up in his hand. Also, he thought the kitchen counter was trying to kill him. At any rate, it's been done now. Initially, things looked like they were going well on the newly-adjusted medication, but then he didn't sleep at all night before last, so I don't think they consider him stabilized. However, the doctor at the assisted living facility is going to be tinkering with his medications anyway, so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Cross your fingers; I really hope this works. I'm not sure what the next step would be.
To all of you who have sent me messages of support; thank you so much. I'm going to get back to you personally; it's just that, in the midst of all this, I've also had to manage a long-distance land sale that required my mother's notarized signature, and it was very difficult to extract her from the business of dealing with her husband to get that signature. It was really important that we sell this land (which I had acquired years ago in an ill-advised attempt to start an ecovillage, but that's another story). We would have lost the deal if I didn't get the signed, notarized documents back to the real estate agents in Tennessee yesterday, so as you can imagine, my stress was through the roof. In the midst of this stress, knowing that you all care about me has been a mental oasis. I will be touching base with you soon.
How are you all today?

Hey CStMS,
Hang in there. Sorry to hear that you're having a rough patch. Good luck.
Thanks, crb
I think we're gonna be out your way (more or less) today--my mom has a day off (they don't want family visiting in the first couple of days of adjusting to a new place) and she wants to go to Cedar Key. I think you're sort of out that way, yes?
I haven't been to Cedar Key for a while. Wonder if they ever rebuilt my favorite restaurant, which got decimated in one of the big hurricanes.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Cedar Key
Is that the one that got wrecked during the storm?
If so, I loved it, and it looks like they're not rebuilding.
I went to Tony's and got chowder. Quite good!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Sounds like an improvement...
Glad to hear of the new facility/program. Hope they can help him find some peace in his last days.
Congrats on the land sale. They are always stressful...and usually operate at a glacial pace.
Best of luck finding yourself back on a normal life path focused on your home and immediate family!
Neil's dad died with dementia...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's undeveloped farmland in a remote area, so
there weren't a lot of offers. Actually, this is the first one I took seriously. Thankfully, it looks like everything is going to go through.
The land's biggest selling point for me was the quality of water around there. Hope the new owner doesn't do anything to screw it up.
There's an old ramshackle house on the property that honeybees took over as a hive. You could hear the humming when you leaned against the wall. I always wondered how much honey was in there!
Pretty good land, but I can't handle it; I certainly am in no position to start an ecovillage at this point (also I know a lot more now). I wish I'd read Diana Leaf Christian's book Creating a Life Together before I tried the first time. She says absolutely not to buy land first, but to try and hammer out a mission statement and legal documents...which will force you to learn to work together AND winnow the people who don't really share a vision away from each other. Really good advice; wish I'd come across it before I made such a big mistake.
But it's done now, thankfully.
Are you coming down to the Florida Folk Festival this year?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
yes I'll be at the FFF
...will you?
I love Cedar Key...still old time FL. Have a great trip!
I'm with the first nations folks when it comes to land ownership. However, the economics of it is totally another thing. We were fortunate to find property for about $300/acre. Alabama has challenges, but rural land is affordable. There's an old cemetery on our place...the first settlers graveyard started sometime between 1790 and 1810. I think it is the land that owns us. One day I will become a part of it in that old cemetery.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You all did a very smart thing at a good time to do it.
Wish I could say the same.
I agree about land ownership, of course, but unfortunately, we live in the society we live in. One thing Christian doesn't really address in full honesty is how problematic capitalism makes the process of founding these sustainable villages.
The thing is, no matter what one says, if one person has purchased the land, everybody remembers it, and it puts the purchaser in a mommy/daddy or king/queen position, depending on their personality. On the other hand, when land is expensive, those who can buy it are the ones who must buy it...if anything is to be built at all.
It's all very well to talk about sweat equity, but it's a hell of a thing to counter the cultural assumptions that have been put into your brain since birth (or maybe before, depending on what you believe about fetuses hearing things in utero). Anybody who's ever watched Americans who aren't Quakers or certain tribes of indigenous people trying to use the consensus method to decide something knows what I mean.
I would like to come up to the festival at least for a day, like I did before. I need to think about whether I want to do more and I guess think quickly, because it's snuck up on me again.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal I don't think it's
Pressing my thumbs, acquiring more heavy duty tin foil
Thanks, I looked up crossed fingers in the wiki and found pressed thumbs, learned something again. Good thoughts going out, hope. Feels like flying a jet pack. go sky
It's good to hear how system parts are working I think, for all or not. My local veggie farmer is not growing for market this year because elder care takes precedence. me wah She has pretty good VA doctors, and my farmers are her 24 hour live-in assistants now, not unexpected. Every one needs assisted living eventually. or not
Yonder donned a tin foil hat:
Rare bee species makes a comeback in San Francisco's Presidio
Right on, and don't mention the homeless human beings or sidewalk shit patrols. Those things will disappear soon enough from the streets of San Francisco, am I right Pelosi? DiFi? Harris? Bueller? Incremental D-Value goal achieved. Yay, sand bees are back and so are tent cities. WTF Lyft IPO
"Too Many People" By Paul McCartney
signal received
In CantStopWorld
you can restore the habitat and the bees and get people into decent housing at the same time. But nobody asks me (or anybody here).
The thing is, it's no longer guaranteed that even the top end of the middle class can buy their way out of the failures of the system. I guess you have to be upper middle class to have that security at this point. I have a feeling that won't last either; keep thinking the upper middles are going to get a rude surprise sometime soon, but it's none of my business, really.
I love the album Ram, by the way.
As for finger-crossing, what you found is really interesting; I find it intriguing that the crossed fingers are also (and more universally) a sign of undoing one's given word than a sign of bringing luck. Funny.
I also think it's funny that "pinky swearing" or linking pinkies to indicate friendship/loyalty, also comes from the crossing fingers tradition!
I should have made that part of the open thread; who knew how intricate the tradition is. Not me, cause i didn't look it up.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
classless society
skidmore right on. astronaut thirst
There is some cool art over there I think. downstairs opinion

Installation of Capitalism Works For Me! True/False, 2011, by Steve Lambert, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Transient taxes are the bomb if you're invested in the hospitality industry I guess. airbnb next IPO oops

I don't know who to cite for that photo, it's a screenshot with no meta inside. Not new, it's old... I think? time warp
I'm glad your step-dad is getting better care Can't Stop, and I hope it gets better for you and family too. May all beings feel love and kindness. go sky
Good morning CStMS
I'm so relieved to hear you and your Mom were able to find a place that will accommodate his needs. I will send you my best thoughts that the doctors will find the right dosage for his medication, and that he and your Mom can find the peace they most certainly deserve. Please don't forget to take some down time for yourself and find something to do that pleases you or makes you laugh. Getting those endorphins percolating will make a world of difference in your stress levels.
Speaking of which, my Sister and I took our first painting class yesterday and it was SO much fun! Met some lovely people, had a bit of champagne, listened to some R&B, and played around with colors on a canvas. Loved it! Would definitely recommend it! Great stress reliever for sure. Here's a couple of pics of the "art" (lol) and the champagne that I enjoyed capturing.
Good to hear from've been on my mind.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I've got to go now--my mom will be here in about 20 minutes
Sorry to duck out early, but I'm pretty much giving my mom whatever she wants right now.
See y'all later!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Good morning, CSTMS. Sorry to hear of the family travaile and
glad to hear of the improvement in the situation. Have had extremely erratic connectivity, mostly none, for the past few days. Htting the road again in a half hour or so (as soon as we can) and starting to head back north.
Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --