Tulsi Gabbard on TYT--Being Real
Tulsi Gabbard was on The Young Turks (TYT) yesterday with Cenk Uygur and it was an interesting 30 minute interview.
Now, keep in mind that Cenk and TYT do not like Tulsi. TYT has pretty much gone mainstream media with regard to Democrats, and Cenk's interview with her was entirely unlike, for example, his interview with Elizabeth Warren, who got softball questions. He was actively trying to trip Tulsi up. But even then, since Cenk knows what real progressives like (he used to be one), I think he really ended up holding her feet to the fire more than others, and it was actually rather insightful.
Tulsi did great and definitely held her own. It was a useful interview that really gets into details about *why* she voted certain ways on certain bills.
Whenever supporting someone, you need to realize nobody will mirror your beliefs and views exactly. Everyone has flaws. I think this interview of Tulsi showed some of her flaws. I do not think these are show stopping. I actually think they are good in some ways. But, it did reveal her personal views that in some ways counter my own.
First, her response to the loaded question she was asked about her stance on Islamic terrorism. Cenk (and others) have tried to make this an issue that "Islamic" is unfair, because there are Hindu terrorists, and Bhuddist terrorists, etc. They showed a very old clip where Tulsi is hitting against something Kerry said as Sec State that we should give them money and the problem would go away (as she seemed to characterize it).
Nothing she says in that conversation is untrue--I agree with it all. She correctly calls out Saudi Arabia's culpability here, and that is something nobody else seems to be doing (you go girl!!!). She is correct that not enough attention is paid to the Wahhabist views of Islam and the problems it is creating. But I think she misses Kerry's point that this Wahhabist view is largely a result of the shitty economic situation in much of the Muslim world, and that makes it easy for Wahhabism to thrive, and (although Kerry did not say it) that much of the rise of Wahhabism resulted from the way the US acted in these areas in the past. The fact that she does not raise these points seems to indicate a missing focus on her part.
Having said that, the fact that she is focusing most of her energy on getting out of Syria, Yemen, Iran, etc., indicates she does actually know these facts. She's just not highlighting them with regard to terrorist organizations. While I personally think this is a mistake, and am a bit troubled by the way she frames things because of this omission, I do realize she is doing MORE THAN ANY OTHER CANDIDATE OUT THERE to promote solutions for these foreign policy problems for real and address the situation.
Two other interview questions included one with regard to online gambling and one for the CFPP regarding loans to people of color being charged higher interest rates. Her responses came down to representing her constituency, which I think should be in general the job of a politician. She answers the questions well and honestly, but this was the first time I've felt a *politician vibe* coming from her. I just wanted to highlight that she will support her constituents, even if what they are asking for is not progressive. Decide from that what you will.
The final issue is Israel and Palestine (minefield!). It was evident she was doing her best not to piss either side off--it really is a no win situation for a politician. But I disagree with her view that it is up to both sides to work things out. It has gone beyond that, unfortunately.
To me this is similar to saying back when South Africa was apartheid that it was up to both sides to work things out in that case. The Palestinians have almost no power and in Gaza are living essentially in an open air prison. We need to hold the Israeli government and military and settlers accountable, period. I disagree with her fully here.
Do not put your entire faith in any single person. Tulsi is not a messiah. I do believe--because she has shown the ability to in the past--that presented with strong arguments, Tulsi could evolve on all these issues in the future as she continues to adopt more progressive views (every year she seems to come around on more, and her voting record shows that). From what I've seen, Bernie holds many similar views on foreign policy.
It's good to be a realist. Don't be blinded. Tulsi is great, and this interview was a total hit job. But even she isn't perfect. Keep that in mind so that you don't take it personally when she is attacked.
I'm still fully behind Tulsi. But, I'm not a fanboi or going in drinking the Kool Aid. Be a realist. Keep to the issues--not the champions themselves.
LATE UPDATE: Pennsylvania primary polling shows Gabbard at 3%, beating out Gillibrand, Yang, Castro, Klobuchar, Hickenlooper, and Inslee, while only 1-3 percentage points behind Booker, Harris, O'Rourke, and Buttigieg. Biden (39%), Sanders (20%), and Warren (11%) top the list in that order.
Tulsi has only stopped in the state once. This is the first time I've seen her poll above 1%. Three percent means she got around 11 votes out of the 359 cast for the poll.
SECOND UPDATE: Tulsi posted last night that she now has 54,092 unique donors and gained "more than 2,000 yesterday". Quite a nice jump from her Jimmy Dore, TYT, Niko House, and Kim Iversen interviews, not to mention her Los Angeles Town Hall yesterday.
That leaves her with 10,908 left to get, which works out to 243 new donors per day through May 14.

Final Comment
Those seem to be all the negatives they could find on Tulsi.
Pretty weak sauce. Much fewer negatives than other candidates, in my humble opinion.
Still there are some negatives. Be aware of them.
Tulsi did an interview with Jimmy Dore yesterday also,
live from his garage in Pasadena. It's not up yet on Dore's YouTube channel but you might want to watch for it, it was really good.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Jimmy Dore lives in Pasadena?
I live adjacent to Pasadena and never knew this. Huh. Whaddya know about that.
Edit: aargh! Damned auto correct. Changed Dore to adore.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I like him
But let's not get carried away
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
another nice interview...
where they asked some tough questions. I thought she did well.
...as well as an interesting analysis of the dims by Medea and Code Pink...
(20 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
So her strength is peace....
Riding the fence on her #1 issue is like riding the fence on Medicare for All. Trying to make everyone happy and avoiding the issue is not my idea of a straight shooter. Tulsi can't even get 65K original donors in 4 months making me questions what she can possibly accomplish besides siphoning votes off Bernie and making a second round trip to the superdelegates more likely. Bernie Twitter people are out there beating the bushes to get her to the stage. I questioned their wisdom and got a ton of push back.
Dore wouldn't know. I'm sure he softballed her just like Nikko and the others. Dore thinks she's different.
In any event, thank you for the honest analysis. I know you favor her, so I truly appreciate the honesty.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The reason we're trying to get her in the debates
I've donated to the Tulsi campaign for this reason.
I thought this was a great interview btw, and I'd be thrilled to see her do well.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I think she's different
Nobody else--including Bernie--is out there pounding the message that we should be out of regime-change wars. Just one example, Tulsi thinks we should not interfere at all in Venezuela, while Bernie's initial messages on that were along the lines of "Well, Maduro is a ruthless dictator, but maybe we should stay out." Perhaps Bernie has progressed (haven't noticed), but Tulsi is superior in this instance.
I see your point about being the champion for peace but not taking a realistic stance in the case of Israel and Palestine. But, I find her strategy--consistently--is this: don't alienate anybody. Not Assad. Not Kim-Jong-Un. Nobody. That way, you can actually talk and not make war. I, personally, think in the case of Israel and Netanyahu it is waaay beyond that point, but I do see her as being consistent in that regard. There is something to admire there, and something to be found lacking at the same time, at least in certain situations.
If she would become president, she would (assuming she stuck to her statements) piss off Israel. Saudi Arabia is quite a regional ally for Israel, and coming down on them makes Israel's plans more difficult. Withdrawing troops from Syria and not going to war with Iran go directly against Israeli ambitions.
And I want her in the debates because it is a chance to have a lot of people see her and reconsider. Yes, the DNC and news networks will try to smear her and give her little airtime--but you never know. Surprises do happen. I want her to be president.
Flip a Coin
I think my official position on her is going to be to neither support or detract. Whether she will help or hurt remains to be seen, and the only way to know is to wait and see. I hope all of you are right, and I am wrong. The Dems would rather poke out their eyes than let Bernie win, and I worry she will take his votes. Nikko House endorsed her - no big deal really; but here's another progressive and 2016 Bernie supporter that will be raising money for her and not Bernie.
Wait and see is really all I can do. It is one thing if the Dems and Hillbamabots take Bernie down. It is totally another if the so-called left/progressive community does it for them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bernie has only himself to blame
for my lack of enthusiasm.
Tulsi is the only peace candidate who believes in diplomacy.
Good enough for me.
the LA rally hosted by Jimmy,
with good speeches by Niko and others...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Update to the original essay above
A new poll for the Pennsylvania primary. Tulsi at 3%, breaking 1% for the first time to my knowledge.
Apparently some people think one has to apologize
to support Tulsi Gabbard. Why? Because she can't win? Great attitude ... You have my respect ... You have no point of view? Neither for nor against her? Bravo. Wait and see? Great, aren't we all?
I have listened to her on TYT for twenty something minutes now. I think she is doing very well.
And Cenk should learn some manners. Does he address any political candidate on his show by first name? Liz? Bernie? What a smug, vain peacock he is. (ok, no, I won't apologize).
It's eye-opening to witness how difficult it is for people to have an opinion of her.
Go on, apenultimate, posting her interviews. No matter what. Especially because she gets down to earth with regards to US foreign policies and how to fight terrorism of any kind. I like her because she is precise and not budging with no reason.
As for her constituency? Who is her constituency in Hawaii?
Hawaiʻi's 2nd Congressional District: Hawaiʻi's 2nd Congressional District encompasses rural and suburban Oʻahu as well as all of Maui County, Hawaiʻi County, and Kauaʻi County.
see here:
Hawaii's 2nd congressional district
Also look at this link and the comments, if you can stomach it.
Hawaii has highest homeless per capita rate in nation
Hawaii 4th in millionaire households per capita
oh, just dig for yourself if you are interested.
I guess HI is an ideal location for the homeless. You can't freeze to death. So, there is that. And homeless veterans are smart. So, HI for the homeless veterans! Their numbers have risen according to eye-witnesses who live there. So, Tulsi Gabbard, knows a thing or two about her constituents, and so far has not betrayed them.
Second New Update Above
Tulsi has reached 54,092 unique donors, gaining "more than 2,000 yesterday". She now needs 10,908 more new donors, and has to gain an average of 243 per day through May 14 to qualify for the Democratic debates.