Democrats' Stalingrad: Total defeat. The Counter-coup begins
I have been trying to stay current on the political situation but for the blizzard of information being released daily pertinent to many matters political, but most pointedly on the Müller investigation, aka Witch Hunt (WH).
Many who read this board know that my analyses of Trump politically, as opposed to policy, have been quite appreciative of his genius (scoff, you disbelievers if you will) in maneuvering through a full-blooded Deep State (DS) attack, which actually began at MI-6 in late 2015. Then came tracking the fixing, both locally and nationally by the Dems (e.g., Brenda Snipes of Broward County FL). Future criminal indictments will be forthcoming following Stalingrad*, which occurred today.
To acquaint those who are unfamiliar with WW2, the Battle of Stalingrad was the most lethal battle of WW2. Two things occurred with that defeat: the Wehrmacht was permanently weakened and after that battle, except for the subsequent tank battle at Kursk, the Germans began a never-ending retreat until Berlin was obliterated.
Stalingrad thus is emblematic for a huge battle of any opposing group of interests, people, nations, and money, after which the loser is decisively and irreparably damaged, not to survive the contest.
Briefly re-stated Russiagate was, in the words of Peter Strzok, an insurance policy in the unlikely chance that Trump won the presidency. This is not to overlook the electronic eavesdropping of Trump's personal and business offices, as well as those of his close associates, which is a separate matter from spying. One key element in this debilitate/eliminate Trump plot was the insertion of multiple stooges and patsies by Stefan Halper, a never Trumper who was in the White House until Trump learned about Halper's insertion of Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and George Papadopolous into the campaign. They were used to serve as FISA warrant triggers, despite flimsy reasons, so they could hippity hop two jumps, like a king in a checkers game, to surveil somebody with likely no conceivable connection to anything or anybody.
Müller's credibility has now sunk to lower than Trump's (Trump 30% vs. Müller 28%). His special counsellors are departing the ship, even last week, including the insufferable Andrew "I'm so Proud of You" Weissmann.
Barr, today received the Müller report as final from the SC. Barr will likely rewrite the whole thing, then submit parts to congress, the whole to Trump but possibly none to the public. Fear not, the contents of the WH report will leak steadily to the last drop. Be patient.
Over two years wasted? Yes and No.
Yes, for which most progressives should be thankful. The legislative roadblock has prevented bad legislation (and it's all bad) to pass lots of it (most of which profits the peasants and alligators naught).
No: whether one believes in the DS, one, who cares about these matters that is, or not, we have an intelligence-surveillance-politice-fascist state peopled by a variety of unelected and/or rich people, which ensures that the status quo remains static. This is how the ruling elite perpetuate their greed-beloved position of powers and authority.
Trump, for some reason, unknown to me, the establishment, define it as you may, has incited virulently, rabidly, psychotically hostility to him. No, it's not about wealth. Trump isn't after more money in a substantial way for himself (but family and friends perhaps).
Those who have identified Trump as a juvenile, disorganized, impulsive, sociopathic ne'er do well have grossly underestimated him. Those who have adopted this view have fallen into a 2500 year old trap identified by Sun Tzu: Let your enemy think you are insane, then strike hard when they unpreparedly come to smash you.
Trump has most of America, including those who still believe in Russiagate, attuned to the crimes of Clinton & Co., through his tweets, which, laugh though you may, he uses superbly for his base--don't believe this? Go to most conservative channels and you will find core support is not dwindling, but slowly growing. Don't shoot the messenger folks. That's the evil truth.
Dems have used up every bit of congressional obstruction, as well as State and DOJ obstructions to completely stop Trump. They have held endless committee hearings, both public and secret, about Russiagate. Stasi-like FBI raid on 70 year old Manafort with guns. Mass FBI arresting force against Roger Stone, conveniently televised by CNN, arriving one hour earlier. Multiple Trump associates questioned, requestioned. Lots of Dem noise, getting louder and shriller -- until TODAY.
This is the Democrat Stalingrad
Almost all Dem ammunition has been exhausted, though an insignificant bit may yet remain. These were expended not only in lawsuits, congressional, DOS, DOJ, CIA resistance efforts. I am not unmindful of numerous false flags, such as the recent episode in Christchurch, NZ. But actions such as those previously would have interrupted the news cycle, slowing the Trumpian counter-attack, the counter coup, successfully less well with each iteration.
The funerals of No Name McCain and GHWB did slow the "great awakening" for several days. Both of these traitors and war criminals were given state funerals. What monumental hypocrisy!
Now the Dems are in a fighting retreat, with Schiffty Schiff fighting a lonely battle to protect, temporarily, the evacuating troops. Adam, what goes around, comes around. From this point on, Republicans will charge the Gates of the Clinton Crime Family. They will not stop.
You should listen to this segment from Sean Hannity today.
Here your campaign plan laid out in broad terms politically, by Hannity. Don't doubt that he and Trump personally communicate. This segment reveals simultaneously a justification for the counter-coup as well as a list of target issues and people. This will go all the way to BHO, but what happens to him is unclear.
In order to make the counter-coup palatable to the citizens, one prong of the response, already in the action phase, is the crusade against pedophilia and child trafficking. These two issues are loathed by 98% of people, regardless of political persuasion. Exposing these grave crimes against children will leave the Dems absolutely defenseless. The perversity attempted by those with such sociopathies to "normalize" their perverted behavior have failed, will fail, and will certainly enrage numerous people.
Simultaneously with the anti-trafficking business, Trump's team is going cull Congress, especially Dems but also Never Trumpers, perhaps like Mittens. He has got stuff on everybody, and they know it. Ambassadors, holdovers from BHO, are soon to be removed. The Dem infrastructure will be substantially damaged. Barr IS Trump's man and he is moving as rapidly as circumstances permit. Example in chief: getting Müller to end his commission.
Trump shrewdly allowed the Dems to do the worst they could throw at him in an illegally originated and unethically staffed, rapid anti-Trumpers like AW. "15 Angry Democrats".
Trump got rid of Paul Ryan, anti-Trumper, by holding several weapons over his head, one of which was PR's secretly aiding the dissemination of the Steele Dossier to other Reps, etc. But the deal ensured the Rethug subpoenas from the various involved House oversight committees would be issued, a job the Speaker controls. So the Repugs got their witnesses, even though the questioning was never as incisive as elicited by Gowdy from the rest of them.
How can anybody, except AS, complain about prejudice or obstruction, during the entirety of the WH. Trump patiently waited, until the committee concluded its seemingly rabbit hole-ridden work.
No valid complaint can be wielded by Dems against this.
The Press: Trump is clearly winning the battle against the MSM, whose readership and viewership are steadily dwindling. Despite ongoing purges from many alternate media/social media sites, conservative subscribers are accruing at a greater rate than Dem channels. Despite daily bashings from Clinton News Network, MS-DNC, etc., Trump's using tweet jiu jitsu against a flat-footed dying industry and winning. Watch out Twitter, Facebook (aka LifeLog), Google.
I repeat a statement previously made: if one fails to appreciate an opponent's strength, that confidence contributes to his victory.
To all Hillbots and Democrats, I present for your admonition: Who's Sorry Now?

Yes, I still suspect
There is no doubt about evidentiary destruction
Oh yeah,
So, I guess the US can charge Mueller and Rosenstein with obstruction of justice when the HRC team is investigated.
Russia gate was a WH but I do not believe for a minute that
Corruption is not deeply embedded in all institutions of the government by both parties simply for the sole purpose of fleecing the wealth from we the sheeples. If there were an individual courageous enough, selfless enough, and smart enough to take this shitshow down, now would be a great time to get in the game. If Bernie or Tulsie is that person its time to go all in. Including calling out the Clinton mob.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Trump is completely aligned with deep state
in his firing up the war machine against Iran. Period. Everything else is circus. That is what is on their (and Bibi's) agenda. And the Republican machine has his back against the Dem/deep state faction. He's a damned idiot and criminal, just a different variety from the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama. I wouldn't follow him across the street. Just look at our defense budget and tell me the deep state is against him. LOL!
The deep state tried to
And they are still working on it. Just because Trump throws some money at the military - which every president has done since the beginning of time - does not mean that there wasn't/isn't some faction working to replace him somehow.
If you don't mind, dfarrah, if I plagiarize your comment?
Even within smaller criminal organizations, like the Mafia, there are factions which always emerge, but which are some how fluid in their members' combinations. USG is large criminal organization.
Of course you can.
Let's not forget
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yes, I forgot about that too. nt
I beg to differ
the D's Stalingrad was by empty suit
the retreat was then led by her heinous
the surrender has been orchestrated by Chuckie/Pelosi
none of the above know it though
the right has won, the D's are finished
and we amerikans all pay the price as we
enter further into a rabid racist oligarchy
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The Clintons are still, as far as I know, buddies with
the Bushes. Has that changed?
Until it does, a large portion of Republican forces will not, repeat not, attack the Clintons or their political party (and yes, it is theirs). The only Republicans who will attack the Clintons in any real way, by which I mean not just excoriating them in a speech, which the Republicans have been doing since the early 90s, but actually doing something which would inconvenience them, will be the non-Bush-faction Republicans. If you want a reasonable measure of how that breaks down within the Republican party, look at how many Republican politicians and media figures supported Hillary last time. The ones who did are Bush faction. The ones who didn't, probably not.
Unless the alliance between the Clintons and the Bushes has fractured, don't expect the Bush Republicans to do anything new.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
And Jebbie has
Couldn't GWB run again?
I'm not sure Trump is a genius.
It may just be that he's mad as a hatter, and the various forces arrayed against him simply do not how to attack such an opponent. They keep doing things that should destroy him, but he just acts like it's not a problem ... and it turns out that, hey presto, It's not a problem, because at the end of the day he's still the president, no matter how outraged the press or the public get.
Until and unless the Republicans in the Senate are willing to get on board with an impeachment conviction, the dude doesn't need to give a fuck about public opinion -- the constitution is on his side.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Trump still
Alligator Ed,
this is a keeper, one of the best essays I've read here, and the comments are brilliant. I read as far and wide as I can on this subject, but I haven't read anyone saying what you did:
Each of those persons has intelligence connections in their backgrounds, especially Carter Page, an openly identified FBI informant. So I'm hoping the untangling of all of this brings down not only the Democrats and the Republicans but the Deep State.
Also, your statement here says so much:
What we need is news media that publish photography and film of what we do to children in war. That would put war out of business.
raw footage, unedited that is .../nt
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Not exactly
Sun Tzu didn't actually put it that way.
It was more like "Appear weak to your enemy when you are strong."
Trump is guilty of all those things you list.
His genius was recognizing that modern politics was all kayfabe and was exactly like Reality TV.
Don't forget heavyweight wrestling
Trump has taken a lot of his cues from Rowdy Roddy Piper and the like:
Here's Tucker Carlson
last night.
Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News 3/22/19[FULL] - Tucker Carlson Fox News on March 22, 2019
Tucker's prediction of increased Dem rage
How could they
People are so completely and emotionally invested in Trump's demise that I think they really need some psychological/psychiatric help.
So, if the Dems are the Germans...
and the Goopers are the Soviets, does that makes Progressives the Americans?
Biding our time and letting the other two armies exhaust themselves fighting it out before launching D-Day?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I like your equation
May your waters always be warm, Ed.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?