Hmmm: Mueller got search warrants for Cohen almost immediately; Update: Rosenstein sticking around a bit longer
So client/attorney privilege rears it’s head again. So much of what Booby has done seems totally over the line to me. But this secret back door investigation into Trump through his attorney is really unsettling.
Hmmm: Mueller got search warrants for Cohen almost immediately; Update: Rosenstein sticking around a bit longer
Robert Mueller’s team of investigators raided Michael Cohen’s office and residence in April of last year, but that was hardly the beginning of his interest in Donald Trump’s fixer. Redacted warrants released today as part of a FOIA demand shows that Mueller got search warrants for Cohen’s communications almost a full year earlier. That might revive some discussion about attorney-client privilege and the special counsel’s investigation — as well as speculation as to why redactions conceal allegations of campaign-finance violations:
After Cohen became a reluctant cooperator, that issue largely dropped off the radar screen, but one has to wonder whether it will re-emerge now. Privilege attaches to the client, not the attorney, and anything captured by prosecutors before the raid might well have been privileged. In fact, it’s almost a certainty. Did they hold all of that material for the special master? Was it also vetted — and if so, how, and to what standard?
Update: Worth noting, but only barely:
Rosenstein extending his DOJ tenure indefinitely
— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) March 19, 2019
(Posted the Rosenstein tweet because it was mentioned in the title of this OP.)
I hope this does revive the questions regarding attorney/client privilege. Booby has trampled all over the rights of everybody he’s accused of acting in a criminal matter. He needs to be investigated himself. Can you imagine the things we would find out then????

What rule of law?
I thought the first office raid was sketchy unless there was definite proof that Trump or Cohen broke the law, but to hear that he was targeted much earlier really raises suspicion.
Hopefully our resident lawyer will weigh in on this.
Glad that you brought this here. I saw it earlier but skipped over it.
But the bottom line is Herheinous still skates on everything she has done. Blehh!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I've been reading people's narratives
... memories, and analysis of the 2016 election in hindsight. It definitely appears that when Hillary got sick during the the campaign (and started wearing clothes made out of pot holders) the Families decided to dump her and go with Trump. The Deep State was already occupying Trump's campaign — and now they hold every key position in the White House and in the Cabinet. It looks like it was Hillary's Big Donors who pulled her under on election day. Russia is an excellent cover.
Perhaps. But once you throw out the distracting Russian Hoax, it pretty clear that her campaign was a controlled demolition. They messed with numbers for sure on election night, but not in the way they promised Hillary they would. With her share of the popular vote so high, it's statistically impossible that she lost. (I've read some remarkable and convincing statistical analysis on that.)
Of course, with endless elections to match the endless wars, this Potempkin democracy will unravel only so far. Beyond a certain point, it will start to get dangerous to push it.
"Statistically impossible"? So was Bush the Lesser (2000)
and Benjamin Harrison (1888) and especially Rutherford B. Hayes (1876).
In 1876 the LOSER (Samuel J. Tilden) got the MAJORITY (not just a plurality) of the popular vote, but political horse-trading screwed him and the entire Black South.
Statistics can only tell you so much, and they may not give you the whole story.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
No. The other cases were statistically logical.
You have an astonishing array of knowledge, especially in American history. Have you been on Jeopardy?
Okay, I going to drop this in in hope that you might find it entertaining. What follows is an excerpt taken from a much longer PDF sent to me. It was written by a physicist whose work I am familiar with. Smart guy, and not really political. This was written about a month after the 2016 election. He was waiting for all the numbers to come in. He was unaware of the Russia Hoax until a month later. The final addendum refers to that.
His statistical approach has more situational probability befitting a complex system, I think. It is unorthodox, but this and other related discussions I've read, strike me as persuasive. I'm starting to see the contextual variables that are missing from much [easily manipulated] statistical analysis [and polling]. We can do better with the Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Entanglement added to the mix. He wrote The following addendum when he got wind of the Russia Hoax in late January 2017.
Since he has no idea of the things we on this site have discovered and the evidentiary distance we have traveled, I find his first impressions informative. He has, since, begun to pay attention to the political charade unfolding. He began investigating and including his discoveries in his work. He has also started having problems with his server, his emails, and his access.
She sure does
I'm amazed at the things she knows about and I once messaged her to see why that was. Love the facts from way back when that she brings here.
This is a darn good question isn't it? Trump himself has been one big distraction after another, but what else could be in the planning process? The stage is set for martial law here by previous president's executive orders so might it be another economic crisis and then the bank bail ins? Having banks keeping people's money sure would create a lot of havoc. War with Iran would just be the continuation of the war of terror so I don't think that's it. Don't forget that every department of the government has bought lots and lots of bullets. Think that the social security office or NASA needs lots of bullets? The CDC? FDA? Anyone else want to take a guess at what could be in the pipeline?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one thinking like this
I thought about it this morning while reading some article about something that Trump is doing that in no way would Hillary have been able to get it done. As the other maven points out the Florida election was looking like it went to Gore, but then "something happened" and Bush got in.
Bingo. Tax cuts, rolling back regulations, more deregulation of the banks and the other stuff that has sailed through the Trump presidency. One of the worst things coming from him is the number of right wing judges that Schumer and lots of democrats are pushing through after McConnell held them up during Obama's tenure. Think that democrats couldn't have forced McConnell to give them their chance? Or for him to put Garland up for a vote? There were many procedures that democrats could have done to stop congress in its track until McConnell played ball.
But why do the democrats want those right wing judges on federal courts? Because they are rolling back lots of legislation that was passed decades ago that made worker's lives better. Abortion is most probably going to be illegal again because the PTB needs under educated and under paid workers and military grunts.
And again Nancy is not going to do anything to get Trump out of office because she likes what he's doing just like she did during the Bush years. Remember this: "put us in power and we will roll back the Bush abuses"? And we know what she did after that. The powder will stay dry.
Heh.."wearing suits made out of pot holders". I wonder if I still have the picture of her wearing that gawd awful suit.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Politics can affect your mental health
Case in point:
I think we both got a little bit of brain damage from seeing that, which I will mercifully not post here.
In general, I thought she dressed well. But there were some serious fashion mistakes made:
Thanks, Pluto. But we do need to show that glorious pot holder pant suit. Didn't she have slippers that matched?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
During the campaign, someone hooked her up
...with a designer with a penchant for pockets that looked like pot-holders. That probably didn't help her numbers. Here's the dress/thing that gave us both ptsd:
Is she wearing pajama bottoms with that housecoat? Kudos to her if she is.
She was at a fund raiser, no less. Looking pretty needy.
Fashion thief
Now I know where she got it....
I still do not understand the raid
...on Roger Stone, with Mueller tipping off CNN and then having a swat team drag Stone and his wife outside in handcuffs in the middle of the night and parading them in their nightwear before the CNN News team. Who does shit like that? Mueller must have taken leave of his senses. It was clear months earlier that there was no connection between Stone and Assange; no Russian connection, nada. No evidence of anything that hadn't been completely resolved, in writing and sworn statements.
The collusion investigation has been over for months (years, actually). The case (there really is no case) against Stone will evaporate. Even the judges are pissed at the way they are being used, knowing full well that this sort of corruption was the price of admission that got them on the bench in the first place. I guess there is a lower limit to the judicial slime after all.
Anyhow, why would Mueller stoop that low? What was the point? I guess that's part of his MO, since every case he touches is a cover-up and it turns to shit in the end. You've all seen the data.
Agree about that Stone raid
The reason given was that they didn't want him to destroy evidence. BS! Is there such a thing as malicious arrest? Maybe Stone should sue and see if it goes anywhere?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Good thing Stone and wife were white and rich
so they weren't "shot resisting" like too many other unfortunate victims of brutal surprise-smash raids.
There need to be laws against unjustified SWAT attacks, and they need to have some real teeth.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I’ve often wondered what it is about Stone
that bothers Mueller so much. The guys been a weak political hack for years. His heyday was back when he “swift boated” Kerry. At least IMO. Now he’s a desperate old man wandering around saying stupid shit and pretending to be relevant.
This mess is BASED on corrupt acts committed by ‘The Left’ to obtain the wiretaps against Trump and his campaign. If we were to start will illegal acts, that’s #1. That allowed them to put the ‘insurance policy’ into payoff mode.
There’s so much ‘collusion’ between the Clinton Creature’s Campaign, the DNC, Obama, an ex-British spy, our intelligence community, and who knows that even I could whip up a dandy case under the RICO statutes against these people. And yet, they’re all still free and trying to influence the next election and morons like Stone are going to jail. For ‘lying’. Something that the Dims have been doing since June or July 2016. Stone is a putz. Of all the cast mates in this bad drama, he’s actually irrelevant. Because this guy had nothing to do with Assange and Wikileaks.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
But he's
a loose cannon, and he says crazy stuff especially when rattled, kind of like Trump. What the sleazoid Deep State media combine has is POWER, which they flaunt and flail away with hoping to shake someone into saying something self-incriminating just in reaction to the flagrant abuse of power thrown at them.
What troubles me that it was such a Nazi thing to do. It sets an example.
Of course, that horse has probably left the barn some time ago....
Here's another article on this.
It sounds like Mueller was allowed to go fishing for things that he thought Cohen might have done. Thought and might being the operative words here. But what gave him the suspicion that something might have happened? Maybe something from the illegal wiretapping that the British did before the FBI got their FISA warrants? Still looking like fruit of the poisonous tree.
Will we ever hear anything about what Tony Podesta was doing when he was working with Manafort? Ever?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Tony Podesta and Imran Awan
....must have been working for the right people. There are quite a few that screwed the pooch and walked away — Susan Rice and James Comey come to mind. Three of them have the goods to blackmail most of the elected government.