Kamala Harris has a small problem

This is Harris in South Carolina a few days ago.

And this is Harris in Iowa recently.

Maybe her big money donors can do something about this.

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...screw job. Sheesh! What's wrong with 'em?

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Deja's picture

Or they can just spin it and say that these paltry showings are the only non sexist, non racist people in both of these states. Ugh.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Deja My thought exactly! Biggrin

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

SnappleBC's picture


Come on! We should all remember this from 2016. The official line is that massive differences in crowd size don't mean anything in terms of a candidate's support. All the old people love Harris and they're too old to get off their butts and go to some stupid rally. They just cast their votes. So don't worry. Kamala has great electability and those crowd sizes mean nothing (unless, of course, she starts drawing in huge crowds in which case they will demonstrate how loved she is as a candidate).

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

travelerxxx's picture

Compare to Sanders doing SRO in the middle of a blizzard:

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GreatLakeSailor's picture


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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

Steven D's picture

@GreatLakeSailor I love that guy.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Follow the link lotlizard left this morning in last night's EB. lol thanks!

“I understand you are delinquent on your troll toll payments?” she asked.
Oh yeah, what's your favorite color, blue? never mind

Monty Python- Holy Grail Cow-tapult

Who's next?

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Shahryar's picture

but then....haha!

I believe I've been unfriended on Facebook by a woman who's been an actual friend for 15 years. She posted that she loved Kamala and wanted her to be President. I asked "why?". That's all, didn't say anything negative, just asked for some sort of reason. Now I see my friend's posts only when she replies to some other friend.

Too bad but if that's all it takes then oh well!

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Steven D's picture

@Shahryar to a large extent.

Too many people behave badly, flipping to anger so fast it's insane.

It's just not a conducive to an intelligent discussion.

All too often it's just a rage fest.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

@Shahryar @Shahryar When I was active, I was actually proud (even though I don't like pride) of the county dems and the way we handled primaries. Everyone would be wearing their candidate t-shirts, but would all be working together running a county function of some sort.

(edited run to running)

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Anja Geitz's picture


When they're expected to step out of the comfort and safety of their delusion bubble.

Same thing happened to me in 2016 where I lost friends (really former co-workers) who were supporting Hillary and objected to my posts about her record. On. my. Own. Wall. The tipping point came after WikiLeaks published the "Pied Piper" strategy memo and I posted daily rants about the hypocrisy of Hillarys campaign warning of the dire threat Trumps presidency would be after they ensured his nomination. Apparently it was too much for them and they "un-friended" me.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Shahryar's picture

@Anja Geitz

the night before Hillary's nomination I wrote that the Dems were making an unwise choice because she was a terrible candidate. (Which is true. She had a 40 point lead over Obama and lost the '08 nomination. She had a 40 point lead over Bernie and nearly lost that. She had a double digit lead over Trump.)

A good friend replied that he thought I was "smarter than that" and added what he liked about her. It was unfortunate wording. I think he just got ticked off at me. But when subsequent events proved me right he didn't apologize. We just don't talk about it.

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Anja Geitz's picture


You really have to work hard at not taking it personal and keep to your point. The merits of your argument stand on their own in cases like that. But yeah, frustrating.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier


Besides posting c99 to its FB page, I spend less and less time on FB. Twitter more, but still less than before.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Shahryar's picture


and crazy people doing stupid things at extreme heights. Where else can you get that?

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travelerxxx's picture


Yes, there is the immense value of the sundry cat and squirrel-slingshot videos, but have you forgotten the tremendous advantage of having personalized advertising? I mean, c'mon ... how else are you going to know what you need to purchase?

Are you anti-American, or what?


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Shahryar's picture


it's down now so I haven't seen an ad for a guitar pedal in hours.

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travelerxxx's picture


Don't feel badly about the effects - they're relatively cheap. Consider my case - *somebody* thinks I need a brand new sunburst Gibby J-15. Walnut burst, please.....

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for the lesser known candidates to pull big crowds right now?

I guess we will get Biden forced on us. Really, they could get behind Hickenlooper if they want a good establishment candidate. Biden seems so creaky these days.

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Wally's picture

@dfarrah @dfarrah I wouldn't go so far as "forced." Nobody is being forced to vote for Biden. I don't think anybody is being threatened to vote for him. TPTB will certainly be aligned behind him with their big money. But we can still vote. Some folks believe our votes will be hijacked and not counted. I believe that will be true to some extent but probably not enough if we stop nitpicking and vote for Bernie. The alternative, I'm very afraid, will be to ensure either the victory of neoliberalism or the con games of Trump. In either case, we can be pretty damn sure the nuclear annihilation clock will be ratcheted up, there will be more regime change wars and people will greatly suffer,and oh yea we won't be able to get in under the 12 year window to prevent catastrophic climate change. So cheers. You see another viable option, go for it.

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snoopydawg's picture


And what they said when they got called on it? Basically that they could go into back rooms and pick the candidate. How do you know that won't happen again this time?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Wally's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg Maybe TPTB will even let Bernie get the nomination and then make sure he loses.

Nah, they'll never let that happen. They hate him more than they hate Trump despite all their bs drama shows.

But if you (pl.) really despise both Trump and TPTB, and if they both really hate Bernie (I don't see how anybody can realistically draw any other conclusion), then why not bend a little? Just one lousy more time? Will it kill yas? Will it set the revolution you want back? Or might it help push it forward?

Y'all can do whatever you want. I'm not one to blame you for all the world's ills if you disagree with me. I know who the class enemy is. You ain't it. I'm pretty sure of that. You(sg) and everyone else, have a groovy and far out evening!

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@Wally isn't Trump's invention, as much as I would LOVE and still do tend to blame the "right" for all of that mess it just isn't so, although I do hold some of the voters accountable for that, you know, the ones who live off of government while voting TO cut that same thing for others, but that's not even the true problem.

The neo-liberalism will not stop by removing Trump. It won't stop by building a fucking wall either. And Bernie will not stop it, as much as he'd like us to believe he really CAN stop it. Yeah, I guess I am a "negative nabob" or whatever the current label is but I refuse to be lulled into some false sense of security by thinking we will be allowed to truly change anything by electing anyone, from either "party." These people basically show us what they are every day, from Trump and his open ugliness to Democrats and their identity politics soaked lies and yes, even Bernie who will not disavow the wars which are eating this country from within and killing the globe. They show us but we refuse to believe them and think somehow what they say is what they'll do. Yes, my full cynicism and anger is showing here but I really find it harder every day to hide it.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

WaterLily's picture


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Wally's picture

@lizzyh7 I think I understand your cynicism and where it is coming from.

If a cynic is a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons, will you admit you are motivated purely by self-interest?

That seems to be a big flaw in the ideology of cynicism, no?

Or if you do admit it, what are your interests? What is your vision of a better world and how do you think it can be attained? Would you have a role in making it happen, or is it something that falls from the sky into our laps?

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WaterLily's picture

@Wally @Wally Many of us believe there's no "making it happen" within the current system.

Neither do we expect that positive change is going to hurl itself from the heavens directly into our laps. But, for myriad reasons outlined so eloquently in the annals of this site, it's a monumental task to shape the system into something that works for us all. The proverbial decks are stacked. Hence, our cynicism occasionally bursts into the conversation.

You're teetering pretty close to "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" here -- which, again to many of us, is the reason we're in the pickle we're in (hello, "incrementalism.") I do envy your optimism about Bernie, an optimism I shared back in 2015-2016. I respect your opinion about it, too. In return, I hope you'll respect those of us for whom the curtain is permanently rent.

[EDIT: typo]

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Wally's picture

@WaterLily So given that we're in the "current system," how does a new system come into being?

I suppose I could do a research project into the "annals" of this site to find "the answers," but I figure I'm pretty well read already and prefer to ask you directly with anyone welcome to chime in. I enjoyed a discussion I had with arendt the past coupla of days where we agreed about much and disagreed about a lot, too. It was very amicable and respectful, I wanna think.

I don't know where you get the idea I'm optimistic about Bernie winning. I'm actually one of the most pessimistic old farts around. But as politics go, I think supporting Bernie gives us the best bet we have for moving forward and I simply don't see any other option in the face of imminent catastrophe, not only for "the people" whose struggles I think you and I identify most with in the US, but especially other peoples who are confronted by our country's corporate greed in other countries.

What do you mean by "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" mindset you reference? Ive never been a big advocate of incrementalism but I'm even more skeptical of some big bang revolution theory. To me it seems that sometimes it's necessary to win one battle before the war can be won.

Finally I gotta wonder if "the curtain is permanently rent, why even bother posting here aside from a mutual support endeavor, which is absolutely legit in my mind.

I mean I was pretty out of it in 2016. I found myself playing that old(?) Chumbawumba song over and over to get out of my funk. It didn't really work. But I figure now that if an old fart like Bernie (I think I can say that coz I'm not that much younger than him) can pull himself up one more time and face really shitty odds, so can I not just for him but for my own selfish and maybe altruistic reasons -- and coz I have young adult kids who aren't finding it easy getting jobs so I owe it to them to keep fighting, it's simply my obligation. I don't know what else I can do to encourage you or if there's anything I can do to achieve that I don't blame you or other folks who say fuck it.

As I've tried to point out, I know who my class enemy is. And the thing is, I am not anticipating any major US economic collapse. I know from my discussion with arendt that's what s/he(?) anticipates. I don't think s/he gives enough attention to the internal pressures and problems within Russia and China. So I don't think they can effectively counterbalance or challenge US hegemony. I think Clinton and her neocon friends the Kagens were very much aware of this, too. So I didn't vote Dem and didn't vote for the consumate conman - who knows what's going on in Rowdy Roddy Trump's brain? I considered not voting, but wound up voting Green (in a Dem-locked state). I don't know what I would have done if I had to make the choice between what you guys seem fixed on calling the "duopoly."

Oh and since it seemed to be freaking someone out at one point, I was skull and crossbone banned from DKos in 2016 for asking a question in an inappropriate diary(?) about Clinton's position on something (which I actually didn't know about for sure at the time). Oh yea, I was aslo then accused of trying to "hijack the thread." I honestly didn't have a clue at the time what the fuck they were talking about when I tried to appeal my ban which they continued. This year, they emailed me to come back, and I threw some nasty invectives their way.

So this is as personal as I'm ever gonna get around here. There's no reason for anyone to believe my personal schtick anyway. I prefer just to make my arguments and respond to counterarguments. I'm not gonna bite anyone's face off. I like to think I'm a pretty peaceful old fart who doesn't relish in hurting anybody. Well, I spoze I might experience some shadenfruede when it comes to the class enemy.

Anyway, whatever. You go your way, and I'll go mine, I suppose. I long ago disabused myself of the notion that I have much influence no matter what I do or say. It's just a matter of keep on keepin' on because it seems like the only thing to do.

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WaterLily's picture

@Wally Lots to respond to which, thanks to big deadlines today, I'm unable to do at the moment. Likely we'll bump into each other in other threads where we can continue the conversation, and of course there will be no biting-off of heads. Smile

Have a good one!

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Wally's picture

@lizzyh7 I replied to "the Eagle guy" below, I think (I get lost scrolling up and down here), and it's probably a response to your reply, too. If you wanna look at it, I hope it suffices for now and touches at least some of the concerns you raised. I'm kinda drained right now but I'll be happy to respond manana if I see there's been some more discussion subsequently raised. Have a good evening.

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snoopydawg's picture

Harris is everything that the "left" used to be against. For profit prisons being one of the biggest. But that was okay when Killary took money from the for profit prison groups. They sure wouldn't recognize their younger selves anymore. The same people also used to want what Bernie is offering with his domestic policies. I remember the huge letdown when the democrats puked out the ACA. Now they deride Bernie for trying to offer better health care. Not better health care insurance.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg How much would be truly different today had she taken the presidency?

As much as I like Bernie, I can't imagine foaming at the mouth like the HRC supporters if Trump had prevailed over Bernie in 2016. And I can't imagine the same if Trump wins over any candidate in 2020. (or if Trump has a heart attack or something and the repub wins in 2020).

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snoopydawg's picture


I'm not sure I'm the one you should be asking this question. I refused to vote for her or Trump or anyone in this farce of a democracy since congress only listens to their donors. I sure didn't see much difference between Bush and Obama. Lily Ledbetter, but I have no idea what that really entails. But how would things be different if she was president? But here are some things I can come up with.

- I don't think we would have seen the massive tax cuts.

- We wouldn't be seeing the war on the environment with the EPA and the other agencies rolling back the protections put in place.

- The individual mandate would still be in effect.

- We wouldn't be seeing the number of unqualified and right wing judges being nominated for the federal courts.

-We wouldn't have Kavanaugh sitting on the Supreme Court.

I'm sure I can come up with other things that would be differently regarding domestic policies if I give it more thought, but I don't think we'd see any difference regarding foreign policies. Except Bolton, Pompeo and Abrams wouldn't have been appointed, but that isn't really saying much is it? We might have the Kagan duo appointed to the state department. Robert wrote the project for a new American century, PNAC and Victoria Nuland who did the Ukraine deal. Most of the people involved with PNAC backed her presidency over Trump because they didn't think he was a big enough warmonger. Surprise...

But as lizzy stated as well as many others here, there really is no stopping our marching to global hegemony.

Possibly a no fly zone over Syria would be in place making the war more dangerous. Venezuela would probably still be happening since it was Obama's executive order that ramped up sanctions on them.

Your turn....

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


With the power of hindsight, I've been working on a piece looking back at what would have happened if the Democratic Bosses (and the subversive powers behind them) hadn't forced Hillary upon the nation. There was tremendous resistance to her long before she entered the race. And if the DNC hadn't rigged the primaries, campaign analysts pretty much agree that Sanders would have easily won. He would have taken many Trump voters, who were desperately seeking an Outsider for the Presidency — someone who would listen to the People for a change.

So much would be different, although there is only so much a President can do. Nonetheless, Bernie was experienced in all the ways Presidents can get what they need. And he was particularly skilled in taking it to the People and tying it to the long-term benefit of society and the nation.

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@snoopydawg Good points.

But I am glad that the individual mandate was rescinded, I'm glad that I pay less taxes, and I'm glad that some of the tax changes were actually progressive (where wealthy property owners can't deduct as much mortgage interest and property taxes as they could in the past) and I find it amusing that wealthy people in blue states have been hit by this change. Isn't that what progressives have been about - progressive taxation?

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snoopydawg's picture


but there are a lot of people who didn't get the same results you did. Lots of people living on the edge are paying now instead of getting refunds like they are used to getting. And it's not just because they didn't withhold the right amount from their pay checks. Lots of deductions were taken away from them, but the bigger problem is that corporations and rich people aren't paying anything. Banks made billions more in profits and Amazon made $11.2 billion in profits, but not only did not pay any taxes on it they got millions in refunds. This is why the tax bill was not a good idea. Plus they gave republicans one more excuse to gut social programs. It's a huge transfer of wealth from the working class to the rich. This needs fixing and the tax cuts for you sunset while they are permanent for the corporations and rich people.

Curious on your thoughts about the other things I mentioned. How do you think Trump is better than Her? Friendly discussion.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Wally's picture


. . . and just read it this morning and flipped a bit coz it seems we both mentioned the Kagens in our posts not far apart in time from one another. They are actually more than a duo, y'know? Robert has a sister who's a big wig in some affiliated war party think-tank and there may even be more of them. And y'know how close Victoria Nuland Kagen was/is to Hillary, yes? If you are on top of or are interested exploring about them, I'd love to read an essay about them. I seem to remember your moniker from long ago back in DKos daze. I only lasted there for about a week and definitely less than a dozen comments before I got the skull and crossbones ban. And I was innocent, I tell ya!

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snoopydawg's picture

My favorite so far is;

Oi, where's your hand?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

WaterLily's picture

@snoopydawg I like, "Is he copping a feel, or feeling a cop?"

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travelerxxx's picture


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GreatLakeSailor's picture


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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

Lookout's picture

...that fits well in this essay...

I bet someone does a similar one of Beto and Obummer soon.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

travelerxxx's picture


I bet someone does a similar one of Beto and Obummer soon.

I hope so, because it would be quite accurate. Plus, it would save 1,000 words.

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