Oh Nancy. Now this?
Welcome to Boehnerville.
The Beat keeps on a comin
AOC "draws a bigger audience than any Democrat 2020 hopeful"
After Omar schooled you a day or so ago, "Hope and Change was a mirage", now outa Brooklyn comes:
It is Austin y'all, so there's that.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drew massive crowds at SXSW
The ballroom and overflow rooms were packed to the gills to hear her
She spent much of her talk decrying the treatment of minorities
'This idea of like 10 percent better than garbage shouldn't be something we settle for,' said the freshman Democratic congresswoman from New York
And there was a surprise during the Q&A session when Bill Nye the Science Guy came up to ask her a question, which earned a roar of delight from the crowd
But her bigger message was one of hope, inclusion and equality, particularly for blacks and latinos.
She slammed the treatment of minorities throughout recent American history from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal, which she claimed was racist, to Ronald Reagan's treatment of them.
She decried the idea of incrementalism, a belief in change via small steps, and said it took big sweeping ideas to make a difference.
'This idea of like 10 percent better than garbage shouldn't be something we settle for,' she said.
The crowd cheered her on.
Nancy, Steny, James, Chuckie, Durbin, et al. She and her cohorts are killing your myths. About time.
Time to retire?

"Which she claimed was racist"?
As originally designed and implemented, Social Security and other New Deal programs were de jure and de facto both racist and sexist. That's historical fact, one which has been the subject of much discussion over the years. It's not a surprising fact, either, given the social milieu of the 1930s.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
You know that. I know that.
And the last time you heard an elected Democratic Representative say that in public over the past decades (regardless of the then social milieu) was, when?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
They haven't said anything
Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar are like a breath of fresh air. I think it's also why Bernie Sanders has resonated with so many people. Tulsi Gabbard is right there, too. The more they speak, the more the crazy-making fog disperses. More power to them.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
"They haven't said anything about
anything important."?
You're confusing me.
That's okay, I've been married for 38 years, I can deal with this...
Blog on.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Let me rephrase that
The Dem establishment politicians haven't said anything of importance about anything that's important to the American people.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Wow! That's a really dismissive statement.
So who's (of these four people: Sanders, Gabbard, AOC, Ilhan Omar) an "establishment politician?"
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Yes, it was dismissive
...but I also think warranted.
Reading @Centaurea dialog with @EdMass, the entire phrasing was that the establishment Dems haven't said/addressed anything important to actual American people. @Centaurea also added, "Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar are like a breath of fresh air. I think it's also why Bernie Sanders has resonated with so many people. Tulsi Gabbard is right there, too. The more they speak, the more the crazy-making fog disperses. More power to them."
This to me shows @Centaurea is distinguishing those particular candidates as "not establishment" and are presenting dialog that IS important.
Actually, this was my bad...
I misread the comment. But, thanks for pointing that out to me.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Thanks, @ChezJfrey
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I sometimes dreamt of a mandatory retirement age
for our representatives. Why not? Imagine how that would energize the voters.
Age isn't the problem. A lifetime "career" is more the issue. One or two terms is enough for House members; one for Senate (although I'd just as soon eliminate the Senate entirely).
@travelerxxx screw that. Democracy
That's like giving a cancer patient cartons of cigarettes.
Corruption, yes. Exactly.
Until the corrupting influence of money is addressed in a manor that puts a stop to its anti-democratic influences, I wouldn't consider limiting the number of terms foolish. Rather more as a bit of a short-term fix, but considering the un-likelihood of curtailment to the US buy-your-own-congress methods, one that will somewhat serve a similar purpose.
I realize there are drawbacks. Ideally we wouldn't need even consider term limits. My view of it is as a check - albeit a small one - on the power of massive capitalist corporation influence purchasing. Yes, I know it can cut two ways. Still....
Getting the money out of American politics is about as likely as the imposition of term limits for congress. I seriously doubt I'll see either in my lifetime.
I don't trust her. I will watch and wait.
And then there is this...
No comparison in the treatment each got from the media....
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Boo Ya!
Firke has been nailing it since he arrived after his experience with poverty and other life's hardships. AOC flubbed the question on Venezuela by not answering at first and then after she formed a committee to decide how she felt about it. And again here. She does seem to filibuster a lot of questions and she is timid when she answers them.
Omar saying that Barry was a 'smiling murderer' was incredible! Her experience living in a war torn country has shaped who she is. Loved how she went after Abrams for his crimes against humanity. He looked like a kid who got caught doing something and he kept saying it wasn't fair that she was saying those things about him. Next time he testifies before congress he should ask for a smaller chair.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I truly love this guy's writing. I agree with so much of it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Slamming FDR's New Deal is a loser
Where do you go from there? More IP?
Come on
You have more to say. Let er rip.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I Agree. I Was Surprised to Only See Your Comment Here
in this vein.
I know the New Deal was designed and implemented with preferential treatment for white people, but what wasn't in America? The New Deal was no more racist than America at the time, the American Military, Local and State Governments.
To call it a "racist deal" is to completely miss the point and to sully the idea of government doing New Deal type things for ALL Americans... And there it is... the dog whistle, amirite or what?
As a leftist, you don't shit on the New Deal as racist. It's a class/race short circuit argument. I find that to be rather troubling coming from "the left". I'm sensing lots of market based solutions coming out of AOC. And don't forget the public private partnerships...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Just for kicks went to Drudge
Oh well thanks for the historical accuracy, I guess.
It's Just a Stupid Argument. Game It Out. It Leads Nowhere and
damages both the idea and sincerity of a government social safety net. Why? So we can tear each other down. Wind up in an argument about who ALL Matter... Essentially, it's a Pie Fight™, on a national scale with the piñata being Social Security.
Not at all surprised that Drudge would run with it. It's "true", of course, in a truthy sort of way, the New Deal was also Sexist, in the same truthy manner. But what does it gain you as a Democratic Socialist representative? It gives you a fucking pie fight is what it gives you, and nothing more.
And what the hell is up with Bernie having to stake a position on Reperations? Does the DNC have a position on Reperations? Hillary? Kamala? Biden? I want Biden to speak out on Reperations. Wonder if he has any empathy for it?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I wonder if she was reacting to right wing attacks on GND
But it was a political mistake to bring up FDR.
Right. And the Argument of Social Security and Public Sector
I have little doubt she's trying to get some Establishment creds on this topic and head off opposition, but you don't shit on your best dish and serve it to the public to do that.
"The New Deal changed America. It built up the middle class and set the stage for social stability so all boats could lift with the American tide. Yup, it started without the inclusion of people of color - just like voting and American citizenship. How long was it until people of color were included?"
Same message, but I didn't shit in my best meal and try to serve it to you to placate people who are paid 7 figures to shut me up.
dKos used to make the same argument "What will the media think if we allow that to be said on our site?" We won't be "respectable" because our policy harms corporate hegemony.
AOC as she talked in the recent past and currently will NEVER be acceptable to them. The only way she gets acceptable is to shit on the people who got her there and toe the corporate line.
Not sure which way she's gonna bolt. I've got a bad feeling about her.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Tack This on Too.
"The New Deal worked well. People of color were brought on board. Elderly persons, orphans and widows were not thrown to the wolves. Americans stood together protecting 3 generations of Americans from family tragedy and random acts of life.
Then corporate pulled out of America. They bought politicians, sponsored elections and debates, and hijacked the US Government. They threw all Americans out on their ear - No Safety Net for you - as they fired people, off-shored, and outsourced their way to unimaginable wealth and power. These people hate me and I welcome their hatred. They hate what I stand for.
I stand for you, the American Citizen, and I will work to restore the dignity, and political power of the American Citizen."
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I don't get purpose of statement on FDR and the New Deal.
CNN: Bernie. AOC has said social security is racist. Why are you asking for expanision of a racist program?
Her exact words
It was surprisingly difficult to find. I finally located it in an article in the NY Post, although it doesn't show the context in which the statement was made:
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Give her a ten dollar bill, & she'll bitch it wasn't two $5s.
Best answer to her FDR bashing and the ongoing demand for reparations.
Which is exactly what Bernie said.
At some point, they either need to divorce the sob or forgive him for fathering a child with another woman 50 years ago. If he's still screwing around, then go for that.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The link is to the Daily Mail
Not the best of sources. The Austin Chronicle gave a more measured and detailed report:
"As Gray [her interviewer] pointed out, liberal government programs don’t always result in inclusion, especially for people of color. Ocasio-Cortez agreed, reminding the audience the New Deal amounted to racist economic policy for some, as it led to redlining black and brown communities and accelerated many parts of the racial wealth gap. She stressed the importance of intersectionality and inclusion in crafting policies like the Green New Deal. It aims “to fix the pipes in Flint, the air in the Bronx, the electric grids in Puerto Rico, and fund the pensions of coal miners in West Virginia,” she said. It’s a matter of realizing our prosperity is “inextricably linked.”
Here is the link:
She wasn't singling out the New Deal for criticism, as much as agreeing that there have been racist aspects of liberal legislation and giving specific, factually correct examples. But the overall message is one of inclusion, unlike IDPol which is essentially divisive.
Tulsi on Omar
It was great seeing Tulsi's response after watching the two women below.
Bernie got a lot of crap because some women said that they been sexually harassed and he has stated that people on his campaign will go through some training. This is still not good enough for some people. Like Armando. But lookie here.
Tulsi like Omar is saying things that have long needed to said. AOC is hit and miss.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Must not have had enough money for taller curtains. Or for a place that doesn't look like this is being held in someone's garage.
Why do some tweets look like this? Is there a way to make them bigger? Kinda ruins the effects at times.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've had bigger.
No pictures, but a local band damned near burned my barn down.
Police responded by joining the revelry.
Yes you kam.
Knott I.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Castro takes a swing at Bernie's reparations ideas
This and Bernie's taxes is the long form birth certificate. Warren and Harris have basically said the same things about this that Bernie has, but no one is listening to him. Bernie's idea is to help all people who are financially challenged which would be a way to help poor blacks. How would anyone be able to decide who is related to someone who was brought here centuries ago? How much would that cost just to find out?
Julian Castro Takes a Swipe at Bernie Sanders Over Reparations
Remember Castro during his tenure as head of HUD? Yep. He's that guy.
Remember Obama's ideas for reparations? Remember how his tenure helped blacks in general? They actually became worse off during his presidency. But Bernie is supposed to fix everything that is wrong in this country. Before he becomes president. As dkmich states up thread Obama promised so much and delivered so little.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I all honesty
obummer never promised anything.
Except for hope, change and looking forward.......to the same ole shit.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Yeah, it looks like he did
Was just texting a former co-worker when I read this and happened to mention it to him. Now, this guy is pretty much a right-winger, fairly sophisticated in things right-ward. He immediately sent me to various sites with massive lists of promises Obama made, but never kept. I did my own search and found that there must be a thousand websites with "list of Obama promises not kept" out there.
Frankly, I recognized a lot of what they listed.
Interesting. I'd like to see some of them.
I'm sure there's a lot that is valid (do they provide footnotes?)
That being the case, the websites dedicated to Trump's promises and lies could be the thing that actually causes the whole internet to overload and burn down.
I'm reminded more than ever, this season perhaps, as it applies to Bernie's supporters intrinsically understanding the absolute necessity of being citizen watchdogs who document everything from media malfeasance to voting shenanigans, etc.
The value and importance of alternative bloggers and online media shows doing their own investigative journalism, with a mind on creating compendiums of such topics that the MSM refuses to touch (i.e. the string of disparaging stories the WaPo ran on Bernie in 24hrs, etc), can not be understated if you expect your candidate to have a chance.
I'm already starting to loathe this whole American electoral process all over again. Ugh.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Any search will do it
Oh, I didn't save any of them. No problem, though. Simply do a search (as I did) with the terms "list of Obama promises not kept" - in quotes. I can't tell you how many hits there were. Plenty. Obviously, most of these were right-leaning. Some were probably full of malarkey, but it didn't take much more that a casual scan of them to see that they had many valid points.
Before the 2008 primary ended, I was posting on
a board where all parts of the political spectrum were theoretically welcome to post. The owner of the board had started out as a Republican, until Reagan turned her off. She claimed to have voted for Jesse Jackson and she oh, so definitely voted for Bubba. in 2008, she was a Hillary supporter in spades.
She said Obama reminded her of Reagan, the reason she had changed Parties in the first place. She began keeping a record of Obama's promises during the primary, convinced that he'd break them. When Hillary lost, she went full PUMA and then some. I could not even mock little Georgie Bush anymore. I left there and went to an all Dem board. First, we couldn't criticize Obama's policies freely. Then Sanders not only ran, but ran against the anointed one.
Now, I'm here.
He promised a strong public option. He promised to
recognize the genocide of Armenians by the Turks, as, believe it or not, a rerun of the Kardashians reminded me recently. They did not mention Obama or his promise, but they were in Armenia, speaking of the genocide that had brought their father's ancestors to the US. And that reminded me of another broken promise.
He promised to get us out of Iraq.
He promised to close Gitmo.
He promised to reverse the so-called Bush tax cuts.
He promised to make public education on reservations equal to public education anywhere in the country. (Giess his Secretary of Education, Arne "Lurch" Duncan was too busy trying to privatize public education everywhere in the country to worry about improving public education on "the res."
While not a promise, he blabbed about all of us being "in this" together.
About two weeks before his inauguration, he promised WAPO he'd "reform" "entitlements", but he didn't do that, either. He sure tried harder and longer on that one than the rest of his promises and did end up with the sequester, multiple cuts to SNAP and cuts to fuel subsidies for the poor. So, he did better on the promise he never ran on than the ones that got him elected
The sequestion was supposed to be a bitter pill for the left because of cuts to federal programs--as if most of the Republican rank and file hate Social Security and Medicare, for example. However, it was also supposed to be a bitter pill for the right because of cutting defense spending, too.
Raise your hand if you believe defense spending got cut.
Tulsi has already taken action on reparations
Julian Castro says if he becomes POTUS he'll appoint a commission to study how to do reparations.
Whereas Tulsi Gabbard has already taken action to do exactly that. She was one of 35 co-sponsors of Rep. Conyers' House Resolution (H.R. 40 in the 115th Congress, 2017-18), to appoint a committee to study reparations. The bill has been re-introduced by Rep Sheila Jackson Lee in the 116th Congress. Tulsi has signed onto that bill, as well.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
For a while, Dembots were trying to sell Castro as a running
mate for Hillary.
I believe that is why Obama made him Secretary of HUD, to give him some national cred, just in case Hillary went that way. She may have gotten more votes if she had chosen Castro over Kaine. I never did understand what she thought Kaine added to her ticket.
Yep. Castro was another swell Obama appointee
and did a great job protecting the banks while he was head of HUD. Less people forget Obama also appointed Pai who gutted net neutrality. Geitner. Rahm. Her. Holder. Etc.... which one of them helped us the most? Or at all?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In fairness to that heinous group of asps, they were not chosen
to help us; and they did spectacularly at what they were chosen to do.
During the Obama administration, wealth traveled to the wealthiest at the fastest rate in human history. No one has done anywhere near that well at pointing wealth at the neediest. Than again, not many have tried.
Social Security was racist compared to what?
Compared to no Social Security? Welfare was racist, compared to what? Equal opportunity starvation and homelessness? Bread lines?
I am not defending FDR here. I am over that. But the programs?
As far as the Green New Deal, it is not AOC's The concept is that of Green Party member and frequent candidate in New York, Howie Hawkins. AOC has few to no specifics. And, as we all know from Obamacare, if Democrats ever get serious about passing it, instead of using it to make headlines, it will be some lengthy mess whose complexity will obfuscate how watered down it is and how little it actually changes or accomplishes.