First it was CNN. Now it's MSNBC
A pattern is forming.
First it was CNN who used at least four establishment plants with deep roots in the D.C. lobby and Democratic Party at Bernie's Town Hall.
MSNBC must have thought that CNN's strategy was so awesome that they had to get some of that unethical behaviour for themselves.
After Sanders’ speech, MSNBC immediately asked its panel for its reaction. The first person they turned to was Zerlina Maxwell, who the host identified only as an “MSNBC analyst.” What the host omitted, but which Maxwell herself acknowledged, was that she was a paid official for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign against Sanders: that, revealingly, is the first person MSNBC had opine on Sanders’ speech.After the host noted that Maxwell was making gestures of disapproval throughout Sanders’ speech and asked her what the cause was, Maxwell proceeded to state demonstrable lies about that speech. She said:
To be very serious about it, I clocked it. He did not mention race or gender until 23 minutes into the speech. And just for point of comparison, I went back and looked at Elizabeth Warren’s opening speech, for example. She mentions race and discrimination in the first paragraph. So that’s a big difference.
...For good measure, Maxwell repeated the same lie she told on MSNBC in a tweet that she posted:
False. Both @ninaturner and @shaunking spoke about race before Bernie even took the stage and Bernie began discussing race at the 5 minute mark after spending the first 4 minutes thanking everyone. Why the false criticism? #BernieInBrooklyn
— Joan Turri (@JoanTurri) March 2, 2019
There's no need to wonder why they are telling this lie.
It's just a continuation of the Bernie Bros Lie.
Yesterday CNN brought out Hillary Clinton operative Bakari Sellers to push this false narrative again.
“[Sanders is] also emphasizing his commitment to the civil rights movement way back in the ’60s when he was at the University of Chicago,” Tapper said. “He was criticized last time for not connecting effectively with the African-American community. Is this part of what he needs to do to get the nomination?”“I think that Bernie Sanders has a long way to go,” Sellers said, then added “There’s a certain part of me that believes that ship has already sailed.”
CNN had no one there to challenge Sellers' bullsh*t.
No one ever mentions the numbers/facts which disproves these liars.
Which shows that CNN learned from last time when Cornel West absolutely mopped the floor with him.
My favorite comment to this video was this:
West was already killing it but then he listed those names including Sellers' own daddy and the kid's face went from "I can handle this, only 20 secs left" to (I hope) a reflective "OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING!?!!". He couldn't even attempt to speak as he was caught on live TV in the wrong. He may need a couple of doctors after that emotional knockout.

Oh God!
That interview is so wonderful-- "Dr. West! Dr. West! Paging Dr. West!" Has the wonderful Dr. West been back much since then? lol I suppose we really shouldn't be surprised at all-- I told a mutual Bernie supporter a month ago to get ready, the fiercest opposition to Bernie, the real enemy, will be centrist dems, crazed Hillbots still dazed from the abortive Coronation, corporate MSN types, and the 'liberal' media (WaPo, NYT, MSN, MSNBC, etc). Once Bernie secures the nomination (a big IF-- I put nothing past the DNC) he will kick drumpf's ass-- if the latter even runs (I'm not so sure he will). The last thing Comcast wants is to pay taxes on their mega-profits (they will pay none this year) and Bernie is salivating (as we all should be) to get at them and the 1%. They must be called out at every turn, so thanks for this diary, I earlier shared Greenwald's piece on my Facebook. A pox, I say!
Semper ubi sub ubi
You're absolutely correct about the ravaging Hillbots
I just left a Twitter thread by Armando who says that there is no way that Bernie can bring the party back together after he said mean things about Herheinous and many people agreed with him. Their hatred for him is boundless and they refuse to vote for him. One person said he thinks that Bernie is deliberately trying to destroy the DP. I said that it must be because Bernie is working with Vlad to do that. Another person went after Bernie's plans for health care. I asked how many used to be for universal health care before Hillary said that it "would never, ever happen"?
Lots of people are tweeting photos of his rally yesterday that only shows white people at it and saying that Bernie won't get the black vote. . I'm having fun on Twitter.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Armando hates Sanders, he also hated me
so the enemy of my friend is not my friend. Simple as that.
The DP has a death wish or they wouldn’t abuse
progressives. Well it’s a death wish or a delusion. Either way they are doing it to themselves.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
They are Bucking for an Article V.
It's the only way to put the neoliberal humpty dumpty back together again. It's been a theory of mine since 2014. Larry Wilkerson recently suggested the same:
The Left ain't coming back into the fold and the Drumpfenfolk are off the reservation... then there are the Q people... heh. There is no trust in the corporate media. This gig has ended.
Article V is the fast track to benevolent corporate public asset management. A Corporate federation been the replacement for the "failed experiment of Democracy" that's been all over the financial press for the last 10 years.
Looking at it as if the Democrats are actually trying to benefit their patrons and sponsors sure makes the narrative a bit easier to follow, doesn't it?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Bernie is sexist because he doesn't support women
What were you saying about those Bernie Bro's, Gloria?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So what?
The pigs have already chosen their candidate (And we know it ain't Sanders or Tulsi). Why bother exhausting bandwidth over this?
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Because it matters
And sometimes they don't win
They win no matter what, so long as 'Murica remains
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Don't ask me to embrace despair
that's for you, not me
You can only be lied to so many times.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Oh yeah? Well Sarah Palin has an opinion on Bernie
Say it ain't so!
Anyone who takes Caribou Barbie seriously should be shot.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I could see Senator Sanders using that in his campaign!
I'm not sure why the author of that piece
Decided to use quotation marks around the word rigging? It's as if he's implying that the fraudulent electoral process committed by the DNC at the Clinton's behest during the 2016 primary is a minor quibble. It's a rather tone deaf approach to take for someone trying to make a persuasive argument to their intended audience, which are the very people who do believe that those controlling our corrupt electoral system will commit the same fraud in 2020.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
CNN and MSNBC will do what they do, But...
What happens in this election is only up to them in some small part.
The stew of what constitutes success in presidential contests changed in 2016. I believe it will change again this time.
In 2016, Donald Trump changed the blueprint in several ways. For one thing, he didn't rely on paid TV ads. There were little/no direct mail campaigns. Campaign offices? I don't think so.
Trump won because the media covered his every burp and belch. 24/7 night and day. Like him or dislike him, it was exciting.
It is also true that Hillary lost because she barely campaigned in important states, lounged around Beverley Hills and Manhattan offices, and insufficient numbers of voters liked her enough to vote for her. (In Michigan, 177,000 voted, but NOT for president.)
I think Bernie Sanders is re-writing the blueprint as I'm typing this.
The sour comments on cable TV, whose audience is made up of the oldest voters, will not be enough to overcome the energy already on view.
$6 million in mostly small donations the first day of the campaign.
$10 million the first week.
$600,000 in recurring monthly donations.
One million volunteers signed up.
There is Bernie campaign apparatus in all the states.
The first week saw giant rallies in Brooklyn and Chicago. Thursday Friday and Saturday, there will be 3 rallies in Iowa. 3 rallies in Iowa? Who does that. At this early stage, intimate living room chats like the ones Kirsten Gillibrand did recently are the norm.
The $600,000 monthly pledges allow Bernie's campaign team to plan rallies, rent venues, pay for travel, staff, etc.
Maybe I'm dreaming, but I think that the 2020 presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders will break many molds and upturn election politics in the USA.
I saw zero coverage of yesterday's rally
Giant rally? Was it? I only have your word that it happened. Yes, I had an e-mail invitation. Yes, I would have loved to attend. I checked the weather forecast for that day. Bone-chilling cold at the lake front. That Navy Pier rally would have been my last. I was there for a Howard Dean rally. I think it was in June. At least Spring. I remember it was warm, uncomfortably warm but not scorching. I spent yesterday inside shivering from the drafts.
So, a total news blackout. WGN had sports news and weather. Not surprising for a Tribune Media station. WMAQ (NBC) had some sort of game, ice hockey I think, instead of the news. So, Bernie probably energized the faithful, but any speech might as well have occured on Alpha Centauri.
Getting ready to vote Green or Libertarian or Mickey Mouse in November 2020. Democratic Party boss, Toni Preckwinkle will be Mayor. I will not leave the ballot blank for them to fill in Harris, Biden or whatever corporate shill they install.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It was indoors
There is a full recording of the event on YouTube from the local ABC affiliate:
Good speakers Destiny (local activist), Ben Cohen, Ro Khanna, Nina Turner -- Senator Sanders begins around half-way through the 2-hour recording.
Thanks very much!
If I had known, I might have gone. Still, I would have had to get from Union Station to Navy Pier.
I much appreciate the link and am passing it on to my daughter in Alabama.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
For who?
Watching paint dry seemed like stellar entertainment comparatively .
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Propaganda Arm of the US MIC...
Is hard at work to ensure that everything stays business as usual.
All I can say is it feels like we're coming up on a point where the media is going to lose ALL legitimacy. Personal experience is dismissed because "We have PROOF that isn't real", and nothing you can say will shake the convictions of the faithful.
It really is almost becoming a religious war, and I'm sure that many historians will call it such in the future.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"With the heat of a thousand suns" is how Taibbi described the
dislike inside the Democratic Party for Bernie.
And here we go again, with just one more in too many examples already to count:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut