Bernie tweet idea, please help
I hope I have some fellow soccer fans here that remember the world cup chant "i believe that we will win!"
I'm also hoping that I can reach people who know how twitter and posting videos work cuz I'm clueless.
I'm not sure if the video I found will be in here. And I know there's better out there so I'll explain.....
So there are videos of this kick ass chant with people wearing flags and painted in red, white and blue, full blown America Pride.
"I" crowd repeats "i"
"I believe!" Crowd follows "I believe!"
"I believe that!" Crowd repeats. "I believe that!"
"I believe that we!" Repeating "I believe that we!"
"I believe that we will!" Again, "I believe that we will!" And the the explosion of everyone "I believe that we will win, I believe that we will win, I believe that we will win!" Then usually followed with USA! USA!
So. Can we hook this kinda video to #wewillnotyield or #stillsanders or something better you can think of? We need a huge push of excitement before tuesday and I know this will do it for the young and soccer fans of all ages. We need to build a whole lot of American pride.
Can someone please help if you think this is a good idea?
First essay, hope this works.

How about a Facebook page....
If I I understand correctly, you are asking some of the folks here to start a twitter social media campaign to jin up support and excitement for Bernie prior to AZ primary. Since this site really isn't set up for that, what about a fb page that you can invite people to for the purpose of coordinating this. What about the big, big Bernie group on Reddit? I would imagine they are working on something. Or, is there a Twitter group out there you could work with on this? What about Guerrilla Socialists @GuerrillaDems?
I follow Guerilla Democrats, and they are very active for Bernie. Take a look. Send them a private message and see what they are up to.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks. I don't have a twitter or FB account
So I was trying to see if anyone who does, and can edit video, would be interested in picking it up. I'll try reddit.
I know, you can't believe there are people who don't have those accounts. I don't have the internet but through my phone, and until the election I hadn't used it much. I have a lot to learn.
Open one - they are free.
For what you are trying to do Twitter and FB are the place to be. Everything in the world you could possibly want, including videos, to promote Bernie on social media is there. Instead of starting a group, join a group.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You need to read today's Meta, issues
Please read...
this essay.
hello mr. the issues...
here are two really big clues:
please avail yourself of these clues.
Thanks Joe
Pointing him in the right direction is what I am trying to do. He's got a lot of enthusiasm and would be a valuable member of the proper group in the proper place. Thanks for helping.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You are trying to recruit c99ers
To front for you, in a technology you claim is not accessible to you in order to create an advocacy action for a candidate based out of this site.
I find it odd that you doing the same kind of thing that you and your buddy 'the poorly educated' tried to do the other day. The Mods visited that post.
The mods have visited this post, too, and have given you info on where such advocacy can be done.
Please tell any people or socks you know who are thinking of trying this again not to waste their time here, and tell them where they can go.
Well I was wrong about this place
I'm not with anyone (or socks whatever that is) and I'm sorry that I tried to reach out. I received the information above (I guess from mods whatever that is) and just tried to explain my ignorance, said I'll try reddit and left it there.
I actually, truly can't afford the internet, haven't been able to for years, and therefore I don't have accounts (also because originally I never felt the need to tell everyone everything about my life. And now that I'm disabled I only have one friend as I don't leave my apartment, and due to the depression from the accident I isolated myself. So no, I don't have any "people". I joined this site to seek out people to talk to about issues I care about but I don't have "friends" or "buddies" here). Nor do i know how twitter and FB work.
Because of the election I joined kos but when we got kicked out I clicked on a link to this place and was told this was a bernie place. That's the extent of my Internet activity which is through my phone.
I did like the idea of trying to spread good news about bernie but I lost track of that post and wasn't aware of what happened with it. Sorry that I've offended you with what I thought was a good idea of spreading American pride to get people to vote and asking for help.
No need to reply, I've learned all I need to know about this place and you. Sorry, can't pass on to anyone since I don't know anyone here but please be an asshole to someone else who makes a mistake, they might be able to.
It's a newish site, and we are all trying to get our bearings, including yourself. I thought people were quite helpful and polite, and still are. So you made a mistake of enthusiasm, learn from it and move on. If your intentions were truly honest, which I am assuming they were, I think you do belong here. Don't let this episode dissuade you or your enthusiasm, and don't let it block you off from this community.
Progressive to the bone.