Crucified on a Cross of Benjamins
One can only be gobsmacked by the Orwellian tactic of claiming that a quotidian phrase, uttered by millions for decades, has suddenly become an anti-Semitic insult. ("Its all about the Benjamin's, baby.") This is weaponized sophistry, aka casuistry. If we go down this road, saying "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole." is going to be construed as anti-Polish. The metaphor of the boiling frog will be taken as an insult to French mentality.
The obvious (to me) response to the fabricated and orchestrated outrage about Representative Ilhan Omar's remark is to send her a $100 bill. If she is going to be crucified on a cross of Benjamins, she might as well have some of them.
If you can't afford $100 by yourself, get ten people together and collectively buy one bill. If CIA Markos can send Pelosi roses, we can send Omar Benjamins.
If interrogated, you can cover your ass by saying you are "mocking" her statement, that you are really "insulting" her. You can say that sending her piles of money makes her "look corrupt". Those claims are about as true as the Jesuitical shitstorm that has been unleashed on this truth teller. Its just another artillery barrage in the long war to destroy political speech by anyone without billions.
In the age of identity politics, its no accident that TPTB decide to pull this ham-fisted stunt on a naturalized, Moslem citizen. Representative Omar is not to be known by her politics, but only by her "anti-Semitism", her gender, her religion, and the "otherness" of her foreign birth.[NOTE] The fake liberals who defend so many corporate-friendly women politicos, like Hillary, as victims and agitate for open borders are nowhere to be found. In fact, they have joined in the attack on Representative Omar. If you needed any evidence that IdPol is nothing more than selective outrage, the response in this case is it.
I have watched, over a half a century, as the rightwing politicians in Israel (a political entity, not a religious or ethnic group) have moved the goalposts on what are acceptable topics and what is acceptable speech all over the world. This tactic was even used on Jewish opposition, who became "self-loathing Jews" - a diagnosis worthy of Soviet psychologists. The word "anti-Semitism" has become nothing more than an excuse to attack anyone criticizing the policies of a nation state.
Its use is akin to the equally abused "right to protect" that the US invokes in the name of some nebulous "victims" so that it can bomb the shit out of some country that didn't bow to our demands. Clearly Israel's lobbying bribery is different than all the other countries and companies bribing the US government and not an acceptable topic - because - even more than the US - Israel is an exceptional nation. That's why the first bill passed by the Senate this year was to criminalize BDS. They want to tear up our Constitution (free speech) and our history (Boston Tea Party) to appease the theocratic right in Israel.
The attack on Representative Omar represents an attempt by Israel, via AIPAC, to nail the coffin lid shut and bury forever anyone's right - even a seated member of Congress - to criticize Israel on the basis of facts acknowledged to be true by everyone, even Israel. To wit, that Washington, DC is a corrupt sewer where "money talks and bullshit walks", and it has been one long before that phrase was coined in the late 1970s.
When propagandists vaporize the meaning of words and airbrush history with nonsense like "the Benjamins", the possibility of rational debate is destroyed. There can only be "pick a side and fight". You can see these tactics of victimhood on display in the ongoing attempt of Netanyahu to get the US to do his dirty work and save his political ass by starting a war with Iran:
"What is important about this meeting - and it is not in secret because there are many of those - is that this is an open meeting with representatives of leading Arab countries, that are sitting down together with Israel in order to advance the common interest of war with Iran."
- Benjamin Netanyahu
It doesn't look like the AIPAC propagandists and other Israel-firsters are going to de-escalate their delusional and dangerous rhetoric, so I'm pretty much down to picking a side. And its not going to be the side of propagandists covering for a murderous apartheid regime and selling out my freedom of speech in the process. To be fair, there is a substantial segment of the US Jewish community that is anti-Netanyahu and increasingly disgusted with the hard-right and openly racist tilt of Israeli politics. I'm with them.
Now I will sit back and wait for the accusations of anti-Semitism. I can't be self-loathing because I'm not Jewish.
NOTE: Using a scary "other" is a standard tactic when TPTB want to steal more of our rights. For example, they picked the Latino criminal Jose Padilla when they effectively destroyed our right to Habeus Corpus. Habeus corpus is very relevant today, as Trump's declaration of emergency would allow him to suspend that foundation of our jurisprudence for everyone, not just so called enemy combatants.

What did she say? I'm lost.
Sorry. Added it to first para.
That was a tweet she made in response to something about Israeli influence in DC.
That's all. Seven words. I dont have the context, but to hate on the woman for a common expression just says "the state which shall not be mentioned negatively" wants her disappeared.
Thank you.
She was actually quoting
It reminds me of microaggressions
It requires you to assume the worst about the person speaking.
It's a f'd up way to living.
Microagressions - that really ties it to IdPol-ness
Taking away freedom of speech because victims.
it reminds me of the flap over "niggardly"
a few years back, when people who didn't know what it meant or where it came from (Old English and Norse) decided it was a slur against a group of people because it sounded similar to a common slur. It is also similar to the recent instance of a "journalist" using the term "toady" to smear someone and when called on it they proved to have no idea what the term meant.
Sometimes words are actually important.
I liked the pun
Israel is run by power hungry rightwingers. It is all about Benjamin Netanyahu and his ilk.
They're right, it's not all about the Benjamins
Some of it is just the usual craven cowardice we've come to expect from our elected reps. Some of it is "leadership" threatening the ranks and file. Some of it is about the US Grants trolled through the house and senate, because they can buy legislators pretty cheap.
In the end it's what you first pointed out, bought and paid for government propaganda, Radio Free America. It doesn't need to make sense. It just needs to drown out everything else.
WSJ has a tweet up telling everyone how much money
AIPAC spends lobbying Washington. Talk about getting a well-deserved ration back...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The reaction to the "Benjamins" tweet
by the Democrats (and the GOP... same thing) was a perfect example of the arrival of blasphemy laws in the US. It was only a matter of time. I saw it happening on DKos, only they had a much long list of blasphemies.
I was VERY glad to see Bernie Sanders make an effort to support Ilhan Omar publicly. He'll no doubt suffer for that one... except I think most Americans would agree with him.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Blasphemy Laws - thanks, I had forgotten that one.
We are ruled by fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians in the US. Fundamentalist Sunni Moslems in KSA. Fundamentalist Jews in Israel.
It is as natural as the sun rising that a fundamentalist would cry "blasphemy".
I think we also have political fundamentalists...
those who would work to stifle opinion because it doesn't fit their particular political narrative. This is what I started seeing on DKos for the last couple of years before I left. Plus the DNC runs a good game of political fundamentalism, and that is what Nancy Pelosi applied to Ilhan Omar.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
AIPAC = all Jews
What's so hard to understand?
Why am I NOT shocked to see this crap
She has a history of anti-Semitic tweets and associates and does NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.
This whole issue represents a bigger issue.
A bigot is a bigot, UNLESS they agree with me politically.
Also it is amazing that it is unacceptable for a white person to tell a POC what is racially offensive or not, but many non-Jewish people think they actually DESERVE to tell us what is or isn't offensive
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
You dodged the question. You labeled her.
The issue is whether this particular tweet justified the measures taken. The issue is whether it is allowed to in any way cross AIPAC and the Israeli lobby.
You are demanding that she be blacklisted for this particular tweet. Define anti-semitic. Prove this tweet is anti-semitic by your definition or all you have is talking points.
All you have are labels. She's anti-semitic. She's a bigot. How about proving your accusations? You know, with facts and stuff.
Exactly on cue: IdPol whining about your specialness vs POC specialness. Not playing the IdPol "my victimhood is bigger than your victimhood" game of divisiveness. Speak to her tweet, don't deflect it into a victimhood contest.
History showing where she has been engaged in the past and hasn't made any progreess
Associates with anti-Semites:
As to your last point, can't stand to be called out on your hypocrisy can you?!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Careful RejectingThe3rdWay ...
we have a very low tolerance for personal insults here.
I was just pointing out hypocrisy.
But I do wonder, in a BDS thread someone questioned my heritage.
Where does that fall?
There is a huge double-standard when it comes to my people especially when we stand up for ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Israel.
I hope there is no double standards here and will be treated equally.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
How long have you hated Thomas Friedman for this?
The fierceness of the attacks on Omar is indicative of the panic of Zionists of all stripes (yes, there is a broad spectrum) over the fact that we now have courageous incoming politicians who denounce the Israel Lobby, and are determined to center, and end, Palestinian suffering. Ilhan Omar was not taken to task, “reprimanded” (what an offensive term) because of a poor choice of words. She is being hounded for the cause she embraces. No eloquence, no refined terminology, would make Palestine palatable to Zionists. They are coming after her, just as they came after every public intellectual, every activist, every organizer, who ascended to a public podium and advocated justice for Palestine. And her being a black, Muslim, immigrant woman puts her under increased scrutiny.
Sadly, the debate ensuing within progressive circles is once again proving to derail the critical issue: Palestinian suffering. .."
(All highlights are mine and your links are weak tea at the best)
You source mondoweiss and even DKOS noted it was anti-Semitic until it chased off every last Pro-Israeli supporter off their site. Yes I know who runs it, a KAPO
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
In case you haven't noticed. The membership here despises KOS.
Its also no surprise that the pro-Israel propagandists hate the MondoWeiss site. He's Jewish and he finds fault with the government of Israel. Therefore, he must be a self-loathing Jew.
So, basically, you are once again name-calling instead of addressing the issue, i.e. AIPAC. And you expect a board full of people kicked out by KOS to think that what he says matters?
Valid DKOS point, but note I said UNTIL, meaning they consider mondoweiss acceptable now.
As such by thinking mondoweiss is valid, you agree with the newer Hillary-centric DKOS
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
That sort of bullying will get you absolutely nowhere here.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Here's the quote straight from Friedman's mouth
That removes the name calling about Mondo Weiss. So, tell me, do you object to what Thomas Friedman, long time supporter of Israel had to say? If not, what is your beef with Rep. Omar?
Thomas Friedman was citing one specific event. I disagree with him on that.
However, while Thomas Friedman cited a specific event, Rep Omar made a vast generalization that was basically stero-typing. There is a huge difference.
Also Rep Omar associates with known anti-Semitic people and PACs like CAIR and as such lost any credibility she had on the issue.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Friedman had an entire column. Omar had 140 characters.
It is the nature of tweets to be broad, but that doesn't enter into your attempt to inflate one quip in a conversation into some major manifesto.
Once again, you overplay your hand.
Hey the Friedman comment was from the NY Times
Lastly, I will not engage with you any further because it is obviously pointless based what I've seen on this thread.
But here is one last word for you to chew on "apartheid", which is certainly under which the Palestinians struggle to survive, especially when Israel feels like "mowing the grass" again in the largest open air prison earth.
Definition of KAPO
I looked it up because I didn't know what it meant. From wikipedia:
I guess he could have said no, and been made an example of. Or, maybe he was the one assigned after an example was made of the one before him. I don't know, but I won't dismiss what he says simply because he did what he had to in order to survive.
I caution all in this thread...
to tread lightly.
Just to let you know, threadjacking is frowned upon here too. I'll stop short of calling it that, but it's getting close.
You keep deflecting from the issue.
What she said to Jewish leaders in the past is not relevant to the simple seven word tweet.
Objecting to who she associates with is classic McCarthyism. The DHS has been busy dragnetting anyone who walked down the same street with a Russian. Association is not guilt. You continue to smear her instead of addressing the issue of AIPAC.
I not only think the comment is appropriate
But I have to ask you if Jews are the only people in the world that a) you can't mention money to? and b) are all directly linked to a superPAC, so that if you insult the superPAC then you insult all Jewish people?
I'm curious, because this would explain a lot.
a) As to the money issue, it should be handled with great care due to the historic connotations that have been used against the Jewish people.
b) When people point out the terrorist ties to CAIR and the people who receive money from that PAC including Ilhan, many people scream islamophobia. So my question is which is it? If it is islamophobia to call out CAIR then it is anti-Semitic to call out AIPAC which is not even actually a PAC unlike CAIR
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
I get it
That means "No, don't talk about money. And if you do talk about it, and I don't like what you say, even if its true, then you are an anti-semite."
At least you are being honest anyway. I'll give you credit for that.
Yeh, don't care of whataboutism.
My question about AIPAC. Why is an insult of AIPAC equal to an insult of all Jewish people?
What other lobbying group in the world is that true for?
Personally I feel that anyone who thinks this way is endangering Jews around the world.
When you say you don't care about whataboutism, what you really mean is
You don't have an answer for the double standards that you have set in place and don't want to face why you apply different standards to different groups of people.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
And you still avoided addressing AIPAC
Every response you make here that doesn't address my question, and is the topic of this essay, I will respond in exactly this way.
Either address AIPAC or don't respond. It's your choice.
The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel.
What is wrong with that? To protect US and an ally. If you don't like that I guess you don't like NATO
AIPAC empowers pro-Israel activists across all ages, religions, races and political parties to be politically engaged and build relationships with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to promote the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Other minority groups in the US do the same thing and also support another country (like CAIR and the fictional country of palestine, immigration groups and their ties to latin American countries)
You just don't like AIPAC because of who they go to bat for
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
IMHO you have those goals in the wrong order
That's in words, In actions it's clearly
"in ways that enhance the security of
(and the united states)
Which would not be so outrageous if they would just be honest and open about it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That's not how it is
In that case they're failing, because they've done nothing but hurt the security of the U.S.
That's B.S. too.
AIPAC is a Likud-GOP lobby. Nothing more.
AIPAC and Likud don't even represent a majority of American Jews. I wrote about this extensively here.
But only two lobbying groups, AIPAC and the Saudi lobbying group bribe our politicians with enough money that we send American boys off to fight and die in their wars.
Yes, I don't like the GOP and Likud running America's foreign policy. You got one thing right.
". . . the fictional country of palestine . . ."
That's not what Jewish orgs in thought in WWI. I know you threw the word "country" in there, but it doesn't matter. "Palestine" is part of world history whether you like it or not. A war was going on, and these orgs were taking donations for the "restoration" of, and promoting travel to, a "fictional" land they called "Palestine".
I forgot to put the url to the one I already posted because after a FireFox update, and my attempt to set duckduckgo as my default over shitty google, my browser took a crap and closed everything on me. Lots of interesting posters on this site.
Katie Halper speaks for me
a.) money, historic connotations, & double standards
You mean like this? WWI war propaganda poster.
It literally says, "Open your Jewish hearts and pour out your gold . . ."
Paid for and distributed by the Jewish War Relief Committee.
Double standard, indeed!
VOA declares it anti-semitic
The VOA, stepchild of the CIA. I'm so impressed. Not.
Its my guess that you are just posting this as a statement about the issue, and not agreeing with it. Please let me know if I have guessed correctly.
Over the past two centuries, Jews have been accused of everything under the sun. Does that make Israel in 2019 (after 50 years of increasingly outrageous behavior) immune to any criticism at all? My point here is that the accusation is against AIPAC, an arm of the Israeli government whose purpose is to dispense money, not the handy "Jewish people" misdirection that Israel hides behind.
How is saying that an organization whose purpose is to spend money to influence politics is doing exactly that "antisemitic"?
Stupid fucking shit and Some people fall for it. Just proves Stupidity is Bipartisan.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
@Tall Bald and Ugly
Because AIPAC is an AMERICAN group, not an Israeli group. Yes it supports Israel but is AMERICAN BASED!
But I guess all Jewish groups should register with the government to make you feel better.
After all I don't see anyone clamoring to make islamic groups file as foreign agents!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
More whataboutism
And even American-based groups that debunk the current Red Scare ARE being pressured to register as "foreign agents". (Yeah I suppose that's "whataboutism" too, but it shows that the rules are not being applied equally or fairly.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You’re SHIting me?
They ain’t My Friends.
If THATS anti-Semitic then Bite Me!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Lee Camp
and the cast of Redacted Tonight are part of an organization forced to register as foreign agents under the influence of Russia.
If you want to read Chris Hedges, once a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist working for the NYT, you have to go to RT. Hedges is still Hedges. The NYT has changed.
Abbey Martin went to Venezuela and demonstrated inaccuracies in mainstream media reporting. She was told by our allies, the freedom fighters, that they'd burn her to death if she didn't get out. Apparently, she's a Russian agent too.
The all about the benjamans stated NOTHING about AIPAC in the tweet.
As such it can't be argued that was her intent.
Her intent was meant as a slur plain and simple!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
You should read more
her immediate comment that followed said simply "AIPAC".
There is no confusion here, unless you want to take her out of context.
... we clearly have an AIPAC troll here,
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Being pro-Israel is being an AIPAC troll?
So what is pro-palestinian? (I better not answer with the truth, lies will be eagerly filled in here by others)
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
I asked jwa13 to please keep it cool. I will ask you the same.
And, shifting to a demand for someone else to define pro-Palestinian is yet another deflection from my original demand to you to define anti-Semitism.
And there's a big difference, because anti-semitism is a hate crime, whereas pro-Palestinian is merely a call for some respect for a people who have been caged like animals and shot at for forty years.
Please don't go there. "troll" is name calling, even if true.
I'm doing my level best to keep this thread from going critical. Please rephrase that.
"Troll is name calling even if true"
I need to look up civility again in the dictionary
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
See my comment below...
You have disrupted this thread enough.
Am I being anti Christian when I criticize the USA
for its war crimes and crimes against humanity? After all we are constantly being told that this is a Christian nation.
When I criticize Israel it's for its treatment of Palestinians and when I criticize AIPAC it's because of the power that it holds over our government. The 4 part video that Al Jazeera made goes into detail about how anyone who doesn't support Israel is not allowed in congress and if they screw up they are bounced out.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
LOL, no. The USA isn't based on being a Christian nation (per legal documents, not what the RWNJs state)
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Al Jazera? That is who you source for material?!
Nothing short of the total destruction of Israel would please them.
They are a theocratic run news agency!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Will you stop name calling and insulting people?
You don't answer, you only accuse people of using "bad" sources.
You are extremely tiresome. You contribute nothing positive to this thread.
OK, RejectingThe3rdWay ...
It seems you're not going to take the hint. Here are your options:
Walk away from this threadjacking right now and live to fight another day.
Continue and get shown the door.
The ball is in your court.
'If you want to know who controls you, look to see who you cannot criticize.'
Control? Seriously?!
Are you going to start with ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government)tropes now?!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
You only address AIPAC as if talking about it is CT
This is really insulting to bygorry, who made no such accusation. He quotes Voltaire and you accuse him of CT? You really need to get a grip and tone it down.
And you need to allow discussion of AIPAC, instead of spouting their standard talking points about how "American" they are.
But the otherization of organizations that support a minority group has happened for ages.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Before anyone starts screaming about the headline
(and I'm sure they will, since there's so much paranoia rampant nowadays), it's actually a paraphrase of William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech from the old "Free Silver" days (Bryan was a "Free Silver" man and could see how much the Gold-Only standard was hurting the common people).
(Nowadays, of course, the standard is "Government Say-So", and it is proving to be no better for the common people.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thanks for mentioning that
I had thought that (at least the title of that) Bryant speech was about as well known to Americans as Lincoln's Gettysburg address.
You would have to be quite a pretzel maker to turn the title into anti-semitism.
But, these days, who knows.
Willful, determined ignorance is a much-favored
tactic amongst certain types of political actors. It is very useful, especially for exploiting the casual and indifferent ignorance of a large segment of the audience.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
You might enjoy this
article on Pence'
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Thanks for contributing this to the thread
I had read this, but could not fit it into the flow of rebutting Mr. Rejecting's smear job.
If we could throw any light on the subject, the mutual contempt that the Christian and Jewish fundamentalists have for each other would gie us plenty of ammunition to use against them both. Too bad the corporate media keeps this topic in a bank vault. Takes a Chris Floyd to bring it up.
I live in Omar's district.
A. Twitter doesn't allow for much nuance, so she might want to forgo that for a while.
B. Her district contains Minneapolis' historic Jewish suburb, so I think some conversations might be useful all round.
from a reasonably stable genius.
That fact of the district Omar represents
makes her even more fearless sounding. Yes, this is an opportunity for a useful conversation.
Came late to this thread
And I'm sorry to see it was overrun by someone who apparently has impulse control issues with people he disagrees with.
It's a shame because the subject matter is politically relevant if for no other reason than the purpose it serves to collectively push back against those who feel discussing Israel in any other way but positively is somehow the third rail equivalent of rabid anti-semitism.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
i wouldn't have said the poster had impulse control
issues. i think the poster has a very clear agenda, and is carrying out a well-controlled rhetorical assault on behalf of that agenda.
the poster certainly has a problem, but i won't let him off the hook by labeling it as a general behavioral quirk.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I was being polite
I felt implying something more, was, er, indelicate, so I gave them the benefit of doubt. Consider it my contribution to the site by demonstrating more tolerance to other posters and not making JtC's head explode in a thread where he already had enough to contend with.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
this may or may not be of value on this thread:
‘On Jonathan Cook’s ‘Naomi Wolf and Anti-semitism’s Mystification’, 5/30/2018
the discussion got rather contentious, in any event. very dicey subject.