Guess who's the victim now

Russiagate has jumped a lot of sharks, but this latest shark is the size of a whale.

Speaking at an event Friday in Miami, CBS4 News asked Wasserman Schultz what she thought about Friday’s indictment of Roger Stone in a criminal case that revealed senior members of the Trump campaign sought to benefit from the release of hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton.
The documents included notes in which then DNC chair Wasserman Schultz insults staffers from the Bernie Sanders campaign and messages that suggest the organization was favoring Hillary Clinton rather than remaining neutral.

Wasserman Schultz resigned in the aftermath of the leak.

I certainly was a victim of that, as well as my staff, and the people of the United States of America,” said Wasserman Schultz.

When Debbie Fuckin' Wasserman Shultz is the VICTIM, we have indeed gone through the looking glass.

BTW, it's worth noting that this article, nor any others that I've seen, mention that the DNC helped rig the primaries, and was wholly owned and operated as an extension of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

One last thing, we haven't seen the last of Debbie.

Despite the pushback, Wasserman Schultz said she planned to work with the chairman of the House oversight committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-M.D.), to find answers.

I want to know what questions she's finding answers for.

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Pricknick's picture

of reasons to never forget demexit.
Down with duopoly.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

QMS's picture

It is from her own complicity. Laughable she tries to have us believe she has suffered at the hands of Russia / Trump collusion. Do these people feel no shame? What will it take to make them come clean? Not sure a firehose has the strength.

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question everything

EdMass's picture

DNC emails were phished not hacked - big difference. Podesta was culpably stupid, responsible and apparently held innocent by the Dems and MSM.

Also, the veracity of the content of the emails has never been disputed, only conveniently ignored.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

WikiLeaks didn't give them shit and that there is no proof they were even "hacked" let alone by Russia. All of that is inferred and left to stand.

sought to benefit from the release of hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


there is no proof they were even "hacked" let alone by Russia.

Does Russia = Putin?
Does Russia = Kremlin?

Or is possible that Russia has a bunch of independent and sometimes criminal hackers, just like in the U.S.?
Even if there was indisputable proof that it was a Russian that released the DNC emails, that means nothing about whether the Russian government was involved.

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@gjohnsit @gjohnsit @gjohnsit @gjohnsit
Have you seen any evidence that those screaming this unsupported allegation would EVER be able to make that distinction if it were indeed at the hands of an individual, unaffiliated, freelance, Russian individual?

If it is U.S. citizen = "rogue criminal at behest of Trump, at behest of Russian State" = "Putin"
If it is Russian citizen = "Russian State" = "Putin"

Always and forever.

ETA: I mean jeebus...we had Maddow telling everyone Trump meets Kim for diplomacy because NK borders Russia, ergo it's Putin's evil plot.

ETA #2: I hope by now that when people see my several comments that have started with, "You're so silly..." we all recognize I'm doing that tongue-in-cheek, that I'm subtly mocking the futility of even "trying" with these people. Not that I really think you're just some silly dunderhead...just employing dramatic effect and hopefully some halfhearted levity in recognition of the hopelessness of reason Smile

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