Some people, yes those dreaded "some" people, we all know some, anyway some people (I'm really making this up entirely because I haven't asked anyone at all) got discouraged and despondent after Tuesday the 15th, for electoral reasons among others.
I started feeling strangely right after the Miracle of Michigan. It was as though comprehending a win caused my mind to lose focus and then I felt lost.
Not the first time I've been scattered during Bernie Sanders' campaign.
There have been many times, almost weekly if I were to guess, where I just get lost in it all. I either get distracted by the corporate media or get too serious about my so called values and lose all my humor.
Things change so rapidly after experiencing those eternal moments where everything is clear. Odd.
Senator Sanders is gathering crowds of tens of thousands when he appears to speak out West. This causes cognitive dissonance in me because I'm being told he's just chasing unicorns or something.
It would be so much easier to comprehend if Senator Sanders had not decided to run for President.
We'd still all know that the game was rigged but we could still distract ourselves from that inconvenient reality.
Then Senator Sanders ripped the veil away and millions of us saw the reality of what corruption has done to our government in a way that even the strongest distractions no longer work.
In other words, I find I can still be distracted, but then that gets too painful and I find myself compelled to return to what I saw when Senator Sanders tore away that veil.
I keep stressing "Senator" because I find it easy to forget that Bernie Sanders is a sitting U.S. Senator. That means something even in a meaningless bought and paid for government.
It's painful to experience the powers arrayed against Senator Sanders and we the people. Each political moment reveals more of those powers. Some are frankly illegal but no one cares. Some are corrupt and still no one cares. Some are sideshows like Donald Trump and no one cares. Media, party machine, shadowy big money donors - one of the more recent distasteful experiences I had was over the meme that President Obama said something to the effect that it was time for Dems to unify around Hillary.
That President Obama was reported to have said that (later his "people" walked it back) wasn't what upset me.
It was that this was said to a closed door meeting with a group of donors.
Seriously. And that's just fine for the corporate media to report as though there were nothing at all wrong with that. That the President of the United States has to confer with big money donors over how a political party representing citizens should be run in order to stay in power. Not to come to the people, but to come to the donors. Ech.
Before this Primary campaign I wouldn't have been as nauseated by that fact.
But Senator Sanders' campaign has changed me in inherent ways. Certainly changed the way I view corruption.
Another creepy moment was when kos weighed in on the fabulous satire diary about the Hobbits and Gandalf, etc., banning the diarist, and in his explanation he compared Hillary to another LOTR character and outright admitted that character was corrupt.
Because that's ok. It's ok to be corrupt. That's the way it is. You can choose corruption with no consequence to your life and well being.
There have been a tsunami of these moments. It's not that it's new at all, this pack of lies. It's just that because of the Sanders campaign, I'm seeing it far more clearly, and that really sucks.
Then I think, well Senator Sanders has seen this for years and he seems to be ok, so there must be some way of confronting this unpleasant reality without going mad with grief and other negative feelings.
So I follow what happens in Senator Sanders' campaign. I get scattered a lot but really, it's too late for me to turn back now.

things will not be the same
I've been reading so much lately, I don't know where this came from but the opinion that Bernie is the candidate Occupy Wall Street was looking for makes perfect sense to me. I know the term 'revolution' is scary, but in a way we are at that point in the cycle. I am hopeful it will be more a revolution of ideas and allegiances than one with pitchforks and fodder for those private prisons we've been funding lately.
Just contributed a hundred bucks.
To Bernie's campaign, that is.
I had the same compulsion when Occupy began - they also ripped the veil away and I couldn't unsee what I saw. The big military machine against the Occupiers was one thing, but the powers behind that - well that veil got ripped away by Bernie.
I know there are more veils to be ripped away and frankly I'm not looking forward to that, lol. But again, too late for regrets.
Beat in the USA.
It isn't too late, Nightprowlkitty,
If you stick with c99%, you can leave the negativity behind, speak freely, and still learn whatever you need or want to.
I hope you hang out with us, or find your way to feel better. I can identify with everything you wrote.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Hello NPK
Nice to see you here. The ups and downs of the primary campaign are hard to take sometimes, aren't they? I've always been pretty fatalistic about Sen. Sanders' chance to win the nomination, though I've contributed regularly and phonebanked for him. But he's already done the most important thing he could have done. He's invented a new Left politics in this country, recruited a lot of people to it, and given it an agenda and a platform. Those things aren't going to go away, even if the Democratic establishment and the media fend him off in this contest. Conservadems are a dying brand. The Democratic party is going to have to go Left or go away.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Thanks, Doc.
I was fortunate in a way to have missed the 2008 primary battles as I didn't feel strongly for either Obama or Clinton.
This time of course is different, lol.
I am still very much in the electoral moment and can't extricate myself from it. I don't really see past the primaries because what's happening right now is so compelling. It's almost like a giant national Democracy laboratory in real time and I'm part of it so there really is no area of objectivity I can inhabit.
This Old Kitty is certainly learning some new tricks. Ups and downs indeed! You are master of the understatement!
Beat in the USA.
OT, but...
... may I just say how happy I am to see you here, Dallasdoc? I think I have recc'd every one of your comments (and too rare diaries) in the last five years, and it's nice knowing I still can.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
I see it much the same way
I've donated my money and, insofar as I could do it, time to help him win but it was always a dark horse bet. If he fails to win the nomination and/or general though, I'm much heartened by what he's done. Honestly, before Sanders I would not have believed that people like me, donating in dribs and drabs could possibly challenge the big money interests. Before Sanders, I wouldn't have been so positive that social media could undo the 24/7 propaganda of MSM. And before Sanders, I had no real clear view of just how deep and systemic the corruption actually was but now I do.... and whether or not he wins he has certainly managed to put up a credible fight in the face of all that.
It doesn't end with a Bernie loss. We the people just need to take our key learning and start strategizing for the next time. Things like the need to somehow crowd-source a replacement for VAN. The need for a replacement for GOS. With more time, planning, and awareness of the opposition we will do well.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Bernie's campaign has already been a great
victory. I know it hurts. I got my hopes up for Nevada and last Tuesday. Saw Bernie last Sunday in St. Louis.
Bernie and we have done so much. He won several states! My God, I never expected that. He is reaching young people. They are a left future. He exposed the MSM and Clintons. Even Daily Kos resorted to repression of speech to protect Hillary.
I got to hear a candidate tell the truth and vote for him.
This is a great victory we can build on for the future.
More interesting that repression of speech over at GOS
was the suppression of reality. It doesn't matter if your argument is well documented and easily verifiable reality. If it hurts Hillary then you shouldn't post it. That turns the site into nothing more than yet another propaganda rag.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Something is different this time. I am used to supporting
losing candidates. This time, though the road is rough and steep I, an old woman, keep donating and phone banking and I have promised the Kids organizing GOTR (Registration to vote) via Reddit that I'd help w that also. There's just something different this time. It really isn't about him, but about us. He loves his country and wants us to learn how to help save it. He's showing us the way. He really is a leader, even if he doesn't get there.... he's already accomplished something momentous.
Don't believe everything you think.
me too.
me too.
been wondering where you were, Kitty, good to see you.
metaphors... went a-googling this morning "tsunami" and still have the tab open to this piece here. And you know how I love metaphors!
when it gets too overwhelming I try to remember its as much about the journey as it is the destination.
The big picture
is this.
While it is not what I really want, it is still a Yuuuuge deal in the big picture. And so, regardless of what happens, I take solace from that.
Please do not despair, NPK. This is not over by a long shot.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
the good fight
It's a long struggle, but we're at a high point in the movement. Bernie has given me hope that we can get back on the path and keep crossing bridges.
Bernie is the FDR and MLK of our time. Savor this opportunity. At least it feels real to me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Greetings, NPK!
I'm in it as long as Sanders is. If he doesn't quite win the nom but has substantial support, that increases the chances TPTB will be listening to the left a little more closely.
And I still hope he wins the nom. They've been telling us since the beginning that he cannot win. What's a few early primaries? We still have a long way to go.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
yes, but only because it has also been so uplifting. In the world of the left spectrum, having Bernie doing what he is doing, is a huge leap for progressives-pinko-socialist- commies like ourselves. After so many disappointments, lies, betrayals, sell-outs, fear and losses, I see our message finally exploding. Someone is saying things we all have been saying for decades, and saying it openly and proudly in a Democratic primary... and it is pulling nearly half of the voters. Three months ago, and I'm being 100% honest here, I would have told you were probably smoking some great shit if you laid out this scenario. Maybe my cynicism has rooted itself too deep. No longer.
We now have a favorable map, and Bernie seems like he doesn't give a shit and keeps pounding away on message, with an opponent who has image problems thinking she has already won, and yes he may lose or we may be in for hell of a ride, but coast to coast Democrats are being reawakened to pretty much every idea the "far-left" has dreamed about, and that elates me to no end. If Hillary wins the primary, she may be the last establishment Democrat to do so. Such a statement seemed impossible but three months ago... that to me is also huge progress.
Progressive to the bone.
Just the fact
That there are such popular independents running for both parties' nominations, says so much. Where would Clinton be if she didn't have such name recognition?
The Republicans voters are increasingly sick of their party, Democrats are increasingly sick of theirs. There appears to be a sense that Clinton is somehow owed this one, as if she is next in some sort of succession. The Republican Party thought they'd be able to run Bush III. This is no way to run a democracy, especially with an electorate that increasingly looks for populists.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
This is a morning of surprises.
Look. It's Miep. How splendid to see Miep.
Hello Pluto
I took the long way around. Good to see you here too, and so many other familiar names.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Good to see you here! Running into so many good folks whose voices I have missed. I look forward to the future here.
I always hoped somebody would come up with an alternative to Daily Kos that wasn't all about not being Daily Kos. Anger eats up so much energy.
These are times of destabilization and transition. We can bring forward what we have learned from our histories, shared and unshared, and make something new, something good. It won't be easy, the old conflicts will dog our heels if we let them. But the Internet was really only getting started 25 years ago. By now, we've had some time to learn from our mistakes.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Evening Nightprowlkitty,
You echo many of my current sentiments.
Because I don’t have TV and I don’t watch MSM online, I am happily dependent on other sources of information. The information that I receive from the MSM is during my annual visit to my family. I was visiting last August-September and all I heard on TV regarding the budding primary campaign was coverage of Trump. At the same time I was reading DKos where I read of the crowds, in the tens of thousands at Bernie’s rallies that were not being reported on the MSM. Those crowds convinced me that there was a chance of a successful Sanders campaign. It reawakened in me a sense of optimism for the future that I am unwilling to abandon despite the future results.
I don’t want to turn back either.