American People Still Don't Get the Democratic Party

Imagine being in a desert -- barely alive and scorched. Imagine that there are hundred people with you all crawling through the desert floor trying to find water. And you do. You find an oasis with clear, shimmering water. You happily drink to your heart's content. You wonder where the other hundred people are.

Standing next to the oasis are two vendors with water bottles, one with a red sign the other blue.
Everyone groans and moans as they stand in line waiting to buy an overpriced water bottle.
One man steps up to the red sign and the man behind the counter says, "$100 dollars."
Aghast at the price, the man looks over at the woman behind the blue sign and asks her what her price is, "$99.99."

The people start to give her mean glares and she only replies "Well, the man who owns the red store told me this is how it has to be."

So the people grumble and moan as they fish out their wallets, all the while ignoring the oasis a mere few feet away from them.

When you are done drinking your fill at the oasis you run up to the people.

"Why are you paying these monsters $100 when you can just do over here and drink water?"

Both the red owner and blue owner reply in unison, "You can't, that's unicorn, pie-in-the-sky talk."
And somehow, everyone nods their heads and agreement and stand in line. Not only do they stand in line, but they look at you with scorn and hate because you dare object to the orthodoxy of the land.

Through this long story that is only partially related to the point at hand, I continue to sit in a depressed state at american people who continue to spew the same lines over and over again:

"Trump happened because the Democrats are so weak."
"Why is the Democratic Party so weak?"
"Why aren't the Democrats listening to us?"
"Why aren't the Democrats opposing Trump?"

It still amazes me how far too many people in American society continue to not understand the point of the Democratic Party.

The Democratic party isn't weak; they are strong.

The problem is that people still don't get what the goal of the Democratic party is -- to completely and utterly annihilate leftists movements and consciousness in America.

And for that, they are strong.

No matter who is in power - Democrats or Republicans - the same policies get passed. Now, we should take that is a sign that they are the same. But, people continue to latch onto basic, irrational tribalism, refusing to actually see the oasis a few feet away from them.

The Democratic Party isn't weak.
Chuck Schumer isn't weak.
Nancy Pelosi isn't weak.
Obama isn't pragmatic.

They all hate you and have no zero problem with you suffering and dying. They only care about the rich and powerful. They only care about making that system stay.

The Democratic Party is far more insidious and evil than the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is filled with various sheepdogs meant to corral the poor back to their veal pens where they are to be slaughtered. The new sparkle-pony AOC is doing her job wonderfully considering all the airtime that corporate, capitalist media is giving her.

Here's another gem folks - if American media is giving you tons of attention, probably should be wary about that person.

Because, look at what AOC talks about. She talks about being a smiley-faced capitalist all the while lying about being a "socialist". She is not a socialist, far from it. Just another insidious, mendacious sheepdog meant to neuter and ultimately kill leftist actions.

But every few years the Dems craft another sheepdog from the factory: Obama, Sanders, now AOC. And it works, every time.


The Democratic Party will never change, it can never change.
The Democratic Party is a capitalist, imperialist organization whose sole function is to destroy left consciousness and action.

And for that, they are horrendously strong.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

Are there any politicians that you actually approve of?

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Strife Delivery's picture

@Roy Blakeley American politicians? Small amounts really.

From my understanding of Kshama Sawant for instance, I think she's OK.

From across the pond, from my understanding, Corbyn is also OK and Melenchon might have been decent.

That's about what I got.

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@Strife Delivery
to pass a bill into law at any level of government.

Nobody made Bernie Sanders or AOC dictator for life, or even dictator for an afternoon. When you accept a measure of responsibility for the lives of real people you have a responsibility to do more than mouth pious platitudes that increasingly seem to be the test of integrity on this blog.

Progressives elected to congress get their hands dirty and cast votes that make them uncomfortable to make tiny improvements in the lives of working class people. Anyone convinced he or she can do better should start gathering signatures on nominating petitions now.

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Anja Geitz's picture

@Roy Blakeley

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

what's your point?
I mean, there's a Bunch of folks here who Know all. . . That already: the split seems to fall along whether to reForm the demon-craptic party, or Burn the Whole Mutha DOWN! ! !
My take is fuck the System that's been fuckin' US for so very long.
Otherwise known as OptionDeux above.


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Strife Delivery's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly The point I guess is the language often used.

That, the party is weak or for some reason isn't listening to the people. That the party just doesn't get it, that the party hasn't learned from 2016.

My point is that it is the people themselves who haven't learned. The Democratic Party isn't fighting for them -- it fights against them.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Strife Delivery

the legislation that he really wanted to pass." That people believe this is just ridiculous.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Daenerys's picture

Sparkle-pony, heh. That reminded me of Chris Kluwe's book Beautifully Unique Sparkleponies.

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This shit is bananas.

snoopydawg's picture


I love me some beans.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg just ignore the smell.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.