a Trump/Putin #TreasonSummit Helsinki 2.0 Trifecta

Explaining the first Tweeted interview featuring Eliot Engel with Kate Boulduan: ‘Fixated on collusion, Dems seeking (again) to subpoena interpreter present at Trump-Putin meeting’,  14 January, 2019, RT

Stir in as well:

‘F.B.I. Opened [counterintelligence] Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia’, nytimes.com, Jan.9, 2019

“The criminal and counterintelligence elements were coupled together into one investigation, former law enforcement officials said in interviews in recent weeks, because if Mr. Trump had ousted the head of the F.B.I. to impede or even end the Russia investigation, that was both a possible crime and a national security concern. The F.B.I.’s counterintelligence division handles national security matters.
If the president had fired Mr. Comey to stop the Russia investigation, the action would have been a national security issue because it naturally would have hurt the bureau’s effort to learn how Moscow interfered in the 2016 election…”

Because it’s now been reified as fact for Democrats that Russians hacked the DNC emails, gave them to WikiLeaks, as a favor to Trump and to make sure he was elected rather than the female Clinton.
The Mueller investigation has its own reasons for being, but not for nothin’, it was also the D Team that shrieked the loudest over Trump’s June 2018 meeting attempting nuclear  rapprochement with Kim Jong Un of the DPRK, wasn’t it?

And from July 19, 2018, ‘Who Heard What Trump Said to Putin? Only One Other American’, NYTimes as well, although with a bit different focus.

‘Absolutely not’: GOP says questioning Trump’s translator would end presidential diplomacy’, 19 July, 2018, RT

Heard on CNN & MSNDC:
‘Are you now or have you ever worked for the Russians, Mister President?’
“That’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever been asked”.
“But he didn’t say ‘NO’, did he?”
“We haven’t heard from Moscow yet about this issue, but hoom, hoom, we will!”

My guess is that Lavrov and Vlad would chuckle while their eyes twinkled.

“The Russian foreign minister offered an unexpected response to a reporter’s question about Moscow’s alleged attempts to “lure” farmers from South Africa to come to Russia.
Speaking to reporters at a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Friday, Lavrov was asked a question by a journalist from South Africa about Moscow’s plans vis-à-vis the minority white South African farmers amid fears of land expropriation without compensation.
At this time, we are busy with meddling with Catalonia’s elections,” Lavrov replied, keeping a straight face, leading to an outburst of laughter in the room.”

As to ‘why again?’ for all of this, your guesses might be better than mine, but I reckon that if the Mueller investigations were indeed winding down, these items will surely crank them up again.

#TreasonSummit on Twitter, and yes, it’s still booming,  ‘Putin’s Puppet and more.  How many reasons are there to loathe the man, and yet: this rubbish?

(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

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why did the investigation into that issue begin only after Comey was fired. And if there were no indication before Comey's firing that Trump worked for Russia, why did the FBI begin investigating that subject upon Comey's firing? Am I misunderstanding something?

Then again, Democrats have been trying to pretend that Putin's decision to plop himself down at the speakers' table, then leave without saying a word, means Stein is a Russian tool. So, why should I ask questions trying to make sense of any of it?

Thanks, Wendy.

ETA: Has everyone in Washington, D.C. gone starkers? Nothing should or will end Presidential diplomacy:

Article II, Section 2

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

And Congressional Democrats should eat their peas and mind their ps and qs. Diplomacy with foreign nations is a Presidential power, not a Congressional power. Just because impeachment is politically unpopular, Democrats have no business trying to create a Constitutional crisis. And Republicans need to give us a break on the hyperbolic threats.

Simma down now, all of you asshats.

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is a big difference between "Making policy decisions that aid the interests of the current government of ..." and "Working for ...".

If Trump has been "working for" Russia, then every US President since Johnson has been "working for" Israel and all the rest of our client states, as well as any non-client state that we've ever done a deal with. It's just bizarre that all of a sudden we care so very much about such things.

The biggest problem I have with the idea of Trump as Russian stooge is this: Why the hell would he want to? What is his motivation supposed to be? Providing an ROI on the Russian investment in his election? As has been pointed out many times, any/all "Russian" (private/public/whatever) financial investment in Trump's election was penny ante compared to the American financial investment in Trump's election.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.


and business interests with individual oligarchs who are citizens of Russia. The same could probably be said of many nations in the world. And one hand washes the other, as Lady MacBeth was wont to observe (j/k Shakespeare never wrote that.) That's how business people operate, if they want to succeed.

However, all America knew that Trump was a real-estate business person when they voted for him for President. All the above is a long way from working for Russia.

This has nothing to do with impeachment. Democrats are not going to attempt that, no matter what Mueller's investigation uncovers. They are going to throw stuff out there continually and milk it to elect more Democrats, that's all. And undermine a Republican President while they are at it. They are a cynical lot.

Disclaimer: Neither the alt right nor Putin had a thing to do with this post and I don't think anyone like Trump (or Hillary) should ever have been elected President.

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wendy davis's picture


and so the confusion between the interpreters' notes engel (in the cnN interview) wants to subpoena and the notes from the meet-up in hamburg in 2017 had gotten confused for me, but from other reports. i apologize to all for getting them muddled. but yes, the counterintelligence investigation was opened after comey was fired.

once i'd finally twigged to my errors on dates and meetings, seeking news on the hamburg meeting, i found this from the sun.uk dated jan. 13, 2019, not 2017:

"DONALD Trump reportedly swiped the notes from his interpreter after meeting with Vladimir Putin - in order to hide details of their conversation from his own officials. It was one in a series of incidences in which the President went to apparently extreme lengths to conceal what transpired between him and his Russian counterpart, according to the Washington Post (jan. 13).

Trump took possession of the interpreter's notes at his face-to-face with Putin in Hamburg in 2017, the paper reports. Then-US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was also in attendance at the meeting and later provided a short summary of what was discussed.

Trump took possession of the interpreter's notes at his face-to-face with Putin in Hamburg in 2017, the paper reports. Then-US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was also in attendance at the meeting and later provided a short summary of what was discussed.

But US officials only learned of the President's behaviour after they requested more details about the meeting from the interpreter, the report claims. The President's alleged actions have meant that there is no detailed record - even in classified files - of the five face-to-face discussions Trump and Putin have had, the Post says.

Former government officials have said the President's behaviour goes against the known practices of previous administrations.

Strobe Talbott, a former Deputy Secretary of State, told the Post that Trump’s secrecy surrounding Putin “is not only unusual by historical standards, it is outrageous." He added: "It handicaps the U.S. government — the experts and advisers and Cabinet officers who are there to serve [the President] — and it certainly gives Putin much more scope to manipulate Trump."

They characterised the foreign policy of President Obama as "a flawed ‘reset’ policy that sought engagement for the sake of engagement.”

And the spokesman added that Tillerson "gave a fulsome readout of the meeting" to officials and the Press.

White House official spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said the report, which cited unnamed current and former US officials, was "so outrageously inaccurate it doesn't even warrant a response. "The liberal media has wasted two years trying to manufacture a fake collusion scandal instead of reporting the fact that unlike President Obama, who let Russia and other foreign adversaries push America around, President Trump has actually been tough on Russia."

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wendy davis's picture


bernhard at MoA ha to say in his ‘Putin Asks And Trump Delivers - Here Is A List Of All The Good Things Trump Did For Russiatoday:

"The Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported Sunday that President Donald Trump’s confiscation of the translator’s notes from a one-on-one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017 was “unusual.” This is incorrect. It was unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the annals of presidential history.

Not really. Other U.S. leaders held long private meetings with their counterparts without notes being taken. When Richard Nixon met Leonid Brezhnev he did not even bring his own interpreter:

George Szamuely @GeorgeSzamuely - 20:57 utc - 14 Jan 2019
Nixon would meet Brezhnev alone, the only other person in attendance being Viktor Sukhodrev, the Soviet interpreter. "Our first meeting in the Oval Office was private, except for Viktor Sukhodrev, who, as in 1972, acted as translator." Nixon on Brezhnev's 1973 visit. RN, p.878 . Therefore, the only "notes" that would exist would be those of the Soviet interpreter. Not sure he would have time to make notes and translate and, even if he did so, whether those notes would be housed in any US archive.

Nixon's White House office was bugged. There are probably tape recordings of the talks. There might also be recordings of the Trump-Putin talks. (and other examples)
Only that Trump is controlled by Putin can explain why the FBI opened a counter-intelligence investigation against Trump (see section three).

That the FBI agents involved in the decision were avid haters of Russia and of Trump has surely nothing to do with it. That the opening of a counter-intelligence investigation gave them the legal ability under Obama's EO12333 to use NSA signal intelligence against Trump is surely irrelevant.

What the FBI people really were concerned about is Trump's public record of favoring Russia at each and every corner. Trump obviously wants better diplomatic relations with Russia. He is reluctant to counter its military might. He is doing his best to make it richer. Just consider the headlines below. With all those good things Trump did for Putin, intense suspicions of Russian influence over him is surely justified."

and a long list of DT's anti-russian invective.

but as to jill stein, i know she gets a lot of mileage for being called a russian stooge for being at the table at some RT event, whatever it was, but to my mind...she actually was an anti-russian stooge. she raised boatloads of bucks for recounts in three states, remember, meaning: sheepdogging for hillary, all based on 'russian interference in our elections', that she later changed to 'foreign interference'. she did all that rubbish even though the green steering committee objected, as did her running mate ajamu baracka.
phooey on stein.

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journalism in alternative media pointing out the total failure of Deep State policy in Syria may explain the desperate move by the Deep State to focus attention on Vlad again:


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wendy davis's picture

@Linda Wood

i had read, and perhaps had even included elijah's assessment in a syria diary i'd written, and i'm glad to see that consortium news brought back lazare's piece (folks had been asking why they'd deleted it on some comment thread or other), and i do hope i find time to read it.

i can see why you believe all of this is related to 'deep state syria' (even as there are competing 'deep states', imo) but to me this has a hella lot to do with steps toward impeaching and removing this president. as does, according to queen of the mueller investigation, marcy wheeler, believe that DT's wobbling about letting mueller publish the results of his investigation© potentiate an impeachable charge of obstruction of justice if he blocks the publication. sigh.

‏@emptywheel 54m54 minutes ago

"Kamala: PRA, Trump taking possession of interpreters notes. Does it violate PRA.

Barr: Not familiar with it now."

egad;; what's the PRA?

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wendy davis's picture

@Linda Wood

3 parts of your homework assignment. ; )

a few outtakes from lazare:

“Consequently, the [james rubin] memo argues that the U.S. should topple the Assad regime so as to weaken Iran and allay the fears of Israel, which has long regarded the Islamic republic as its primary enemy. As the memo puts it:

“Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.”

“But the memo illustrates much else besides: a recklessness, lack of realism and an almost mystical belief that everything will fall neatly into place once the United States flexes its muscle. Overthrowing Assad would be nothing less than “transformative,” the memo says.
“…Iran would be strategically isolated, unable to exert its influence in the Middle East. The resulting regime in Syria will see the United States as a friend, not an enemy.

Washington would gain substantial recognition as fighting for the people in the Arab world, not the corrupt regimes. For Israel, the rationale for a bolt from the blue attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be eased. And a new Syrian regime might well be open to early action on the frozen peace talks with Israel. Hezbollah in Lebanon would be cut off from its Iranian sponsor since Syria would no longer be a transit point for Iranian training, assistance and missiles.”

but DT's fealty to bibi and the clown prince haven't wavered, which must be why he'd taken the US out of the iranian nuclear accords and the INF (or did he give iran 'one last chance'?

“A cockeyed memo thus helped unleash a real-life catastrophe that refuses to go away. It’s a nightmare from which Trump is struggling to escape by trying to withdraw U.S. troops in his confused and deluded way. And it’s a nightmare that warmongers from arch-neocon John Bolton, Trump’s national security adviser, to “liberal” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to Hillary Clinton are determined to keep going. “

boilerplate neocon and neocon clinton:

“Actions have consequences, and whether we’re in Syria or not, the people who want to harm us are there & at war,” Clinton tweeted in response to Trump. “Isolationism is weakness. Empowering ISIS is dangerous. Playing into Russia & Iran’s hands is foolish. This President is putting our national security at grave risk.”

so no, i don't see the focus on vlad nor russia, myself. although i liked his brief section re: her (and sarkozy's) abject delusions on libya, and spent more time reading ellen brown at CP on libya from the comments section (although i disagree that 'rebels' created an alt central bank).

alistair crookie monster outtakes, yes, the realignments happening were well configured afaik, thought i still don't see turkey w/ iran, russia, syria, but:

“And finally, it is this repeating pattern of statements being made by the US President on foreign policy that are then almost casually contradicted, or ‘conditioned’, by some or other part of the US bureaucracy, that poses to the region (and beyond) the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. The pattern clearly is one of an isolated President, with officials emptying his statements of executive authority (until subsequently endorsed, or denied, by the US bureaucracy). It is making Trump almost irrelevant (in terms of the setting of foreign policy).

Is this then a stealth process – knowingly contrived – incrementally to remove Trump from power? A hollowing out of his Presidential prerogatives (leaving him only as a disruptive Twitterer) – achieved, without all the disruption and mess, of formally removing him from office? We shall see."

then who is trying to remove him from power? as in: which iteration of 'the deep state'? he doesn't specify.

now you elijah magnier essay was a bit dated; newer is (the title won't copy paste for me):

"Secret negotiations are ongoing in Moscow and Damascus between representatives of the Syrian Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Russian officials concerning the fate of Kurdish militants in Syria. The Kurdish delegation is hoping that Russia – and not the US – will adopt the role of guarantor of their safety and is trying to gain a few more concessions to reduce their losses when the Syrian government forces regains complete control of al-Hasaka province in Northeast Syria.", etc., jan. 10

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with the Pee Tape, and that British guy. When the tape didn't surface then Wikileaks and Russian bots floated to the surface. Right now it's whatever sticks to the wall.

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wendy davis's picture


irrc. from 'Integrity Initiative: A Look Into the Deep State?', by Mike Robinson, 2nd December 2018, ukcolumn.org

the UK cluster of the Integrity Initiative:

"Three names jump out from the others:

Andy Pryce, the Foreign Office Head of Counter Disinformation and Media Development, who we met at the beginning of this article
Ben Bradshaw MP, who has been promoting an anti-Russian outlook, including claiming that Russia “interfered” with the Brexit referendum, and
Sir Andrew Wood, former British ambassador to Russia, and one of the founders of Orbis Business Intelligence, the privatised British intelligence operation which features Christopher Steele, the author of the Trump 'dodgy dossier'.'

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wendy davis's picture


at consortium news: ‘Russia-gate Evidence, Please, jan. 15, 2019

i'll only paste in a few dates as this is a dead thread:

‘Was former FBI Director James Comey pulling a Hoover on Trump to keep him in line? asks Ray McGovern.’ (the steele dossier) CNN, NYT rantings, etc., acting at the behest of russians, but no ‘public evidence’ of such, etc. brennan ‘doesn’t do evidence’, oh please, just anon russians and intel officials, closed door congressional testimony...

Comey v. Trump Goes Back to Jan. 6, 2017

The Times and CNN, however unintentionally, have shed light on what ensued after Trump finally fired Comey. Apparently, it finally dawned on Trump that, on Jan. 6, 2017, Comey had treated him to the time-honored initiation-rite-for-presidents-elect — with rubrics designed by former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (DT thought cmey was only trying to use it as leverage, as he'd asked everyone else in the oval to get out. but buzzfeed (NotProp) published the 'dossier' on jan. 10, 2017

On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014.

Starting on Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, WikiLeaks released over 2 publications 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee

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snoopydawg's picture

it was because Vlad told him to. When Trump fired Tillerson it was because Vlad told him to.

This is a good article from last year about Russia Gate and there is a link to another article in that's a good read. This bullcrap has been going on for so long I've forgotten half of the details about how crooked people who are involved in it are.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg Actually, I've been doing some research on whether he has actually talked to Bolton and/or Pompeo during the time he's been their supervisor. From what I've come up with so far, he's never said a word to either one of them, other than "hello" when he first gave in to the pressure and hired them, which proves all the theories that Trump really just wants what is best for Amerika but can't do it because the deep state won't let him. The Deep State won't even let him supervise his two top positions that are supposed to report directly to him. I find that amazing because I was once a supervisor and I did actually talk to and supervise those I was supposed to supervise.

I can see why Trump is so fucked up, he's got Putin on one line and the deep state on another while he's trying to tweet America back to being great again.

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@Big Al
Tweet America Great Again!

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

wendy davis's picture


i'm out for the night; closing song is:


and while i'm not quite so sanguine, the wheels do keep on rolling...and rolling. yeah, there's a better world somewhere, but amerika won't be bringing it, imo. we keep searching for 'better democrats' who'll right the ship of state, wth? jeebus.

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wendy davis's picture


the accursed zero hedge 4 me, at pcr's site: no hyperlinks, footnotes, but i dug it out of michael hudson's archives, with a total of 3 footnotes, lol.

"This is where the crime lies. The Obama regime and DNC were using these agencies for domestic political use, KGB style.

The Obama/Clinton cover story is now falling to pieces. That explains the desperation in the attack byAdam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, on Committee Chairman Devin Nunes to stop the exposure. Russiagate is not a Trump/Putin collusion but a domestic spy job carried out by Democrats.

Law requires Trump to arrest those responsible and to put them on trial for treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States. If Trump fears to prosecute the Obama operatives within the Deep State, they will try all the harder to attack him to the point of forcing his removal, or at least discrediting him and his fellow Republicans to pave the way for the 2018 elections."

but here's whitney's much longer original piece. i will say someone brought his exposé on the killing of seth rich to the café, and i followed him to the Black Sheriff in Cowboy Hat, and decided he was being sold a bill of goods. i'm reading it...

the missing but key piece from hudson/PCS methinks:

" That’s not to say that their weren’t any connections between the 2016 political campaigns and Russia. There sure were, but the connections were all on Hillary’s side. As Robert Parry reports in his latest piece at Consortium News:

“An irony of the escalating hysteria about the Trump camp’s contacts with Russians is that one presidential campaign in 2016 did exploit political dirt that supposedly came from the Kremlin and other Russian sources. Friends of that political campaign paid for this anonymous hearsay material, shared it with American journalists and urged them to publish it to gain an electoral advantage. But this campaign was not Donald Trump’s; it was Hillary Clinton’s….

Indeed, you have the words of Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, in his opening statement at last week’s public hearing on so-called “Russia-gate.”

Schiff’s seamless 15-minute narrative of the Trump campaign’s alleged collaboration with Russia followed the script prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who was hired as an opposition researcher last June to dig up derogatory information on Donald Trump.

Steele, who had worked for Britain’s MI-6 in Russia, said he tapped into ex-colleagues and unnamed sources inside Russia, including leadership figures in the Kremlin, to piece together a series of sensational reports that became the basis of the current congressional and FBI investigations into Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow…

Since he was not able to go to Russia himself, Steele based his reports mostly on multiple hearsay from anonymous Russians who claim to have heard some information from their government contacts before passing it on to Steele’s associates who then gave it to Steele who compiled this mix of rumors and alleged inside dope into “raw” intelligence reports….” (“The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate”, Consortium News)"

wouldn't it be lovely if they'd known that steele is a big presence in the Integrity Initiative? and here's robert parry's piece. i'll have to read it later, 3 loaves of bread day here and i'm behind schedule. ; )

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snoopydawg's picture

I can see why Trump is so fucked up, he's got Putin on one line and the deep state on another while he's trying to tweet America back to being great again.

I doubted hiring Bolton was his own idea. Or Pompeo. But what I said about Tillerson is true. Whenever something bad happens anymore it's Vlad's fault because Trump is his puppet. The number of people who have bought into this propaganda shows how effective it is. People I once thought smart and sane believe everything about it. Even when it doesn't make sense. Massive psyops that will be studied in the future if there is one.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

wendy davis's picture

here, don't they? guess there's another presidential election coming up in a couple years to consider... sigh.

anyway, for posterity, i found this by happenstance in my drop-down menu suggestions on firefox: bernie sanders on #TreasonSummit Helsinki. the way of the bern::

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wendy davis's picture

‘US media intensify pretext for ousting Trump’ RT, finian cunningham assessment is that all this waPo, NYT, FBI counterintelligence investigation, etc. amounts to a call for a coup. he brings in more NYT pieces as well a couple of them:

“Over the past couple of weeks, the supposed media bastions have been full of it against Trump. An op-ed in the New York Times on January 5 by David Leonhardt could not have made more plain the absolute disdain. “He is demonstrably unfit for office. What are we waiting for?”

“The Times reported on January 14 about deep “concerns” among Pentagon officials over Trump’s repeated threats to withdraw the US from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The reporting portrays Trump as incompetent, ignorant of policy details and habitually rude to American allies. His capricious temper tantrums could result in the US walking away from NATO at any time, the newspaper contends.
Such a move would collapse the transatlantic partnership between the US and Europe which has “deterred Soviet and Russian aggression for 70 years,” claimed the Times.”

(anonymous pentagon aides)

“When the Washington Post editorial board urges a state of emergency to be invoked because of “Russian meddling in US elections”, then the national mood is being fomented to accept a coup against Trump. The media’s fawning over the Pentagon and state intelligence agencies as some kind of virtuous bastion of democracy is a sinister signal for a military-police state.”

good night, nurse. this might have seemed funnier were it not for the current D team zeigeist, but at least it's about the shutdown:

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