Some of my favorite "holiday"/seasonal tunes (with a little narrative)...
Like many members of this online community, I'm somehwat of a music freak. I've worked in the media (ad, p.r., journalism, etc.; corporate, political, non-profits/community org's, etc.) and tech-related sectors my entire life; but a significant portion of the work that I've done in those fields, as far as the music/entertainment industry is concerned, has been for little or no compensation (although there were more than just a few exceptions to this last statement).
First, something I just stumbled upon at YouTube: Herbie Hancock's "River: The Joni Letters," (a tribute to Joni Mitchell). It is only the second jazz album in Grammy history to win the "Record of the Year" award (in 2008). Herbie's and Joni's working relationship spans many decades.
And, here are a few "seasonal" tunes from just a few of the folks whom I've met along the way...
Jean Luc Ponty, "Rhythms of Hope":
Gil Scott Heron, "Winter In America"
One of the most exceptional arrangers/composers/producers/musicians in America, today (and you probably don't even know his name): Rob Mathes. (Click on that link to the left!) And, his holiday/seasonal music shows are considered to be among the best anywhere...
Silent Night, featuring Michael McDonald and David Sanborn
Baby It's Cold Outside, featuring Rob Mathes and Vanessa Williams
And, last but not least, a song that has special meaning to me, especially since I'm finally tying the knot in coming days with the woman who's put up with me over the past 30 years...
Bruce Hornsby and Chakha Khan, "Love You Still":
Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
P.S.: So, not long after posting this, we were invited out with some friends to see a Christmas Eve showing of the movie, "Vice," at a nearby theater. Just returned. All I can say is: DO NOT MISS THIS FLICK! Christian Bale is a shoo-in for an Oscar nom. He's pretty freakin' amazing in this. Now, on to the comments...

Great selection of work
By many talented muscians. Thanks!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
@QMS Glad you liked it!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Best wishes to you
and your future wife.
@dfarrah Thank you! (But, truth be
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Tonight is the bicentennial of "Silent Night"
First performed Christmas Eve 1818.
The church organ had broken down, so Gruber wrote something to play on guitar.
Now, I _hate_ xms carols, but I like this little paean to silence: simple, sparse; an improvised response to a major problem.
An old German nun taught us to sing this in the original Deutsch in grade school.
Bobswern, thank you much for the Joni and the GSH.
For those inclined to patronize googletube, I suggest you look over the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society's many "scary solstice" productions. Some very good visuals with some, especially "Carol Of The Old Ones".
edit: nice wiki about the song
And since I'm thinking wiki and Joni, I'll be making another comment shortly.
My favorite Silent Night
Best wishes, bobswern!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"we wish you a marijuana, we wish you a marijuana..."
Beautiful and uplifting. n/t
@snoopydawg Thanks snoop! Looking
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
But on a different take of "Silent Night",
The radio played the Simon and Garfunkel "Silent Night/7 oclock news" version the other day. Chilling, and still so very true. War, protests, mass killings...
@pindar's revenge GSH--while recognized by
And, I love the historical input you've provided on Silent Night. Very cool! Thank you. "A Merry and a Happy" to you, as well.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
I don't know as much about GSH as I'd like
But "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" was life-changing for me. Not long after that, I stopped watching tv.
There was some good material about his late-life activity in NY on googletube a while back. You're right, he's deeply under-appreciated.
Keep his memory alive.
edit: I know people think of him as rap-daddy, but I differ.
His spoken word work was flexible, emotive and lyrical; rap tends to be just somewhat clever rhymes, the lines forced into a basic rhyming scheme. Handy for improvising, but not poetry like GSH.
@pindar's revenge Check this out..
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Happy holidays!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
@divineorder Same to you, DO!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Happy Holidays Bob...
and all fine folks here at the 99.
RIP Sharon
Thanks Johnny Cakes
All the same to you and your tribe of monkeys ; ).
@JtC Same to you, JtC!!! i had
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Enjoying the music very much,
on another very rainy day.
Wishing everyone warmth and tenderness over the holidays.
Back at ya Janis B
There's life in those raindrops!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Several inches worth, daily!
I'm glad I don't have to go out today. I imagine for some who aren't already where they wanted to be for Christmas today, they may be stuck because of flooding.
All my best to you and yours QMS.
We got several inches today
so we're going to have a white Xmas after all. I was sitting at my computer this morning and saw the guys across the street use the 4 wheeler to push the snow down the driveway and hollered over and asked if they'd do mine. Long and steep and my blower is broken. Gotta sure thing ma'am and 4 sweeps and done. Hey. When they moved in one of them said that if I ever needed something ...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hi snoopy, it sounds like you found holiday warmth!
The kindness of strangers, don't you just love it. Only now they won't be strangers, they'll be neighbours. I hope most of your encounters this season will be as bright.
I spent Christmas eve with my closest friend and family. It was a wonderful time of good humour and warmth, great food and wine, and games. Merry Christmas, snoopy.
Isn't that lovely?
Have you listened to much of their music? A friend introduced me to them in the 80's on his incredible sound system where I could hear the wind chimes and thunder. Fresh Aire motivator has most of their best music. You can find all of their albums on YouTube.
Here's one of my favorites. I got to see them in concert and wow! In this song you can hear the mini grand piano.
Midnight on a Full Moon
Glad to hear that you had a good time with your friend and family today
I'm having Xmas brunch with my aunt and uncle tomorrow. Every day my aunt is still with us is special.
Here's their full Xmas album.
Merry Christmas back atcha!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I remember
some interest in Fresh Air., but it didn't last long. I really like the sound of the bells at the end of the full moon piece that you posted. I'll listen to more again.
I think I remember once seeing a photo of your aunt(s) over a meal. Enjoy your brunch.
Enjoying the MS Christmas album,
especially the bell section while I prepare dinner. Sleep tight snoopy.
I forgot to put this out this year
It's so cute when set up.
Sorry for the quality. I'll have it setup next year and take better photos of it, but wanted you to see how snoop is dressed. And lil Woodstock in the manger.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's not too late ; )
... but shouldn't snoopy be on the roof of the manger ; ). n/t
Heh :-)
Probably he should. It's hard to see but he's dressed as a sheep. And in case you're wondering I do have the Charlie Brown Xmas tree.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Well than maybe he should be chomping on some of the hay ... n/
One of the
Glad to hear you have Good Neighbors, snoop!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
@janis b Exceptionally cool, Janis
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Jazz is exceptionally cool.
Always nice to meet in a jazz club, the only one I ever belonged to.
Here's one of my all time favourite jazz musicians ...
merry christmas bob
thanks for the tunes and songs.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The music is very magical,
and so is the image, thank you lookout. Enjoy a satisfying and peaceful time on your land with family and friends
@Lookout My Bonnie is a Celtic
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Joni's wiki
A little bit OT, but since I was thinking of Joni and wikipedia:
I came across this section of Joni's wiki page:
Whew. This is not the Joni who sang "They paved paradise and put up a nuclear plant" at the big Three Mile Island demo in DC. Nor the Joni who performed at the founding benefit for Greenpeace. Nor the Joni who wrote "Woodstock". Etc.
This is another troll salvo in the generational-warfare campaign, and it's atrociously bad, with statements like "she did not align herself with the Baby Boom era's protest movements ", and full of undocumented "quotes" like "I was not a part of the anti-war movement". The alt-right goes alt-low.
Someone who knows how to diddle wikipedia needs to challenge this section. It's a disgusting insult to a hero who's off her feet. Anyone here experienced with editing wikipedia?
edit: can we upload sound files here? A while ago I wrote a short instrumental I called "For Joni".
It appears that Joni did make those comments,
but as always context helps.
Who can anyway, confidently interpret the sentiments of one with a very enigmatic and artistic nature like Joni Mitchell. In that way I think she has a lot in common with Dylan.
@janis b I don't know about your
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Ooh, not a Dylan fan ; (
This, one of my favourite Dylan songs for its originality and humour will probably not convince you then …
Bob Dylan
Well my heart's in The Highlands, gentle and fair
Honeysuckle blooming in the wildwood air
Bluebells blazing where the Aberdeen waters flow
Well my heart's in The Highlands
I'm gonna go there when I feel good enough to go
Windows were shaking all night in my dreams
Everything was exactly the way that it seems
Woke up this mornin' and I looked at the same old page
Same old rat race, life in the same old cage
I don't want nothin' from anyone, ain't that much to take
Wouldn't know the difference between a real blonde and a fake
Feel like a prisoner in a world of mystery
I wish someone'd come and push back the clock for me
Well my heart's in The Highlands wherever I roam
That's where I'll be when I get called home
The wind it whispers to the buckeye trees of rhyme
Well, my heart's in The Highlands
I can only get there one step at a time
I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound
Someone's always yellin' "Turn it down"
Feel like I'm driftin', driftin' from scene to scene
I'm wonderin' what in the devil could it all possibly mean
Insanity is smashin' up against my soul
You could say I was on anything but a roll
If I had a conscience, well I just might blow my top
What would I do with it anyway, maybe take it to the pawn shop?
My heart's in The Highlands at the break of dawn
By the beautiful lake of the Black Swan
Big white clouds like chariots that swing down low
Well my heart's in The Highlands, only place left to go
I'm in Boston town in some restaurant
I got no idea what I want
Or maybe I do but I'm just really not sure
Waitress comes over, nobody in the place but me and her
Well it must be a holiday, there's nobody around
She studies me closely as I sit down
She got a pretty face and long white shiny legs
I said "Tell me what I want"
She say "You probably want hard boiled eggs"
I said "That's right, bring me some"
She says "We ain't got any, you picked the wrong time to come"
Then she says "I know you're an artist, draw a picture of me"
I said "I would if I could but
I don't do sketches from memory"
Well she's there, she says "I'm right here in front of you
Or haven't you looked?"
I say "All right, I know but I don't have my drawin' book"
She gives me a napkin, she say "You can do it on that"
I say "Yes I could but I don't know where my pencil is at"
She pulls one out from behind her ear
She says "Alright now go ahead draw me I'm stayin' right here"
I make a few lines and I show it for her to see
Well she takes the napkin and throws it back and says
"That don't look a thing like me"
I said "Oh kind miss, it most certainly does"
She say "You must be joking", I said "I wish I was"
She says "You don't read women authors do ya?"
At least that's what I think I hear her say
Well I say "How would you know, and what would it matter anyway?"
Well she says "Ya just don't seem like ya do"
I said "You're way wrong"
She says "Which ones have you read then?", I say "Read Erica Jong"
She goes away for a minute, and I slide out, out of my chair
I step outside back to the busy street, but nobody's goin' anywhere
Well my heart's in The Highlands with the horses and hounds
Way up in the border country far from the towns
With the twang of the arrow and the snap of the bow
My heart's in The Highlands, can't see any other way to go
Every day is the same thing, out the door
Feel further away than ever before
Some things in life it just gets too late to learn
Well I'm lost somewhere, I must have made a few bad turns
I see people in the park, forgettin' their troubles and woes
They're drinkin' and dancin', wearin' bright colored clothes
All the young men with the young women lookin' so good
Well, I'd trade places with any of 'em, in a minute if I could
I'm crossin' the street to get away from a mangy dog
Talkin' to myself in a monologue
I think what I need might be a full-length leather coat
Somebody just asked me if I'm registered to vote
The sun is beginnin' to shine on me
But it's not like the sun that used to be
The party's over and there's less and less to say
I got new eyes, everything looks far away
Well my heart's in The Highlands at the break of day
Over the hills and far away
There's a way to get there, and I'll figure it out somehow
Well I'm already there in my mind and that's good enough for now
Songwriters: Bob Dylan
Highlands lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
well, you're wrong.
and so's joni.
she's a talented poet and musician, but she's also an egomaniac, filled with a weird and unjustified bitterness. interviews with her invariably leave me disgusted. the essence of every one of them is that Joni Mitchell is Better Than Everyone Else -- more moral, more talented, more creative, more original, more more more.
whether you like Dylan or not is not what is at issue -- de gustibus non disputatum -- what is at issue is whether he was "creative" or "original", and there's simply no reasonably denying that he made music and wrote lyrics that were like nothing that had come before. Go ahead and show me the direct antecedents of Subterranean Homesick Blues, Tambourine Man, All Along the Watchtower, and so on. Sure, he drew on hundreds of years of western literature and folk music -- but that is inevitable. No man is an island, nobody arrives fully formed, unshaped by cultural influences. JM only fantasizes that she was some sort of complete original. It's just her own hippie-dippie new age version of that most odious of libertarian myths, the Self-made Tycoon. BLECH.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
@UntimelyRippd There was a "thing"
THIS piece, from about a year ago--an article over at Rolling Stone, on her recent biography. I think it'll help clarify some of this conversation.
There was a "thing" (somewhat of a feud) that went between Carly Simon and Joni Mitchell, years ago, with David Geffen siding with Joni. It brought about a lot of shade for them both, overall. There are a lot of "rock 'n rollers" (and former/bigtime music execs) living near me, up here in Westchester. (I live in one of the few--if not the only--real middle class neighborhoods in the area...mostly teachers and civil servants as neighbors, etc....for at least 10 miles in every direction.) Geffen just funded a new performance and movie theater in nearby Bedford, which they've named after him. One of Joni's former p.r. people (I forget which label she worked for...I think it was Asylum...a subsidiary of Warner, if I recall), who spent a lot of time with her, told me Joni hated the press, and it was my acquaintance's "job" to keep them away from her. So, there's that...and, then there's"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
hmm, can't say it clarified anything for me, though it
might for someone else. the bottoms line is that she's a really, really nasty piece of work, and that short review shines the light briefly but brightly on her nastiness. have you seen the bits of her blather that they put into that documentary about jaco pastorius? every thing she has to say is about her, even when she seems to be talking about JP. she's just an ugly, ugly person. Carly Simon? JM has feuded with LOTS of showbizzers, mainly, it seems, because she just can't help saying bad things about them.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thanks for that
Good one. GSH was one of our great treasures. Gave a lot and a humble man.
edit: Sorry, somehow I bollixed the "Reply" and stuck this in the wrong place.
Dylan had his high points
Like A Rolling Stone, Tambourine Man, Rolling Thunder Review, but the stardom and hero-worship got him. Holy FSM, he put out a Christmas album! His train moved on a long time ago, but it's all he knows, so he keeps doing it.
The Band was smart for leaving the party in style.
I liked JM's characterization of Dylan as putting on a mask, like when he was very young and wanted to be Woody Guthrie -- I remember reading some stuff about that way back. This midwestern jewish kid developing an Okie twang? All part of the performance.
JM had/has a fantastic swooping expressive voice which is/was all her own. She developed unique guitar style using what, hundreds, of tunings, to the point where she used custom electronics to simulate alternate tunings. So I give her points for art. And for surviving, and developing her art.
Good source, thanks, but
I really can't see where that interview (good one) supports at all that wiki paragraph. I see where the wiki-ist drew some of their lines, but they weren't all direct quotes, more like interpretation.
Ever since the "Death of Hippie, Son Of Media" funeral in SF '67, the hippest thing to do was to rag on hippies. Look at Zappa. By '69 the word was "freak" or "freek", ala Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Or else "head". In the sound-bite shorthand which constitutes what we call history, "hippie" is the only surviving word of that period. I see elements of that interview you linked (thanks!) as being mature, well-developed hip hippie-ragging, with good analysis of Western post-war social transition.
That said, the period gave us a lot: environmentalism, antiwar, etc., etc. But the bullshit, contradictions, and exploitations were thick and deep. A lot of the best didn't survive. The exploiters sharpened their skills then, so we have both Earth Day and expert greenwashing today, for example.
So yeah, Joni ragged on hippies -- easy to do, and it was a popular pastime in the "hippie" era, but not only were those "quotes" taken out of context and outright misquoted, they missed the whole point. Look at the page organization. The editor of that one paragraph gave it a heading level equal to the whole other massive article; (s)he's using Joni as a bludgeon in this generational warfare thing, which strikes me as foul treatment of her. So my question: what do you think of that wiki section? Doesn't it need work and bias removal?
My answer is yes,
the bias is obvious in the selectively chosen parts of the interview quoted. It is very subjectively interpreted and should be addressed, but I wouldn’t know how.
Funny you should mention the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. My very favourite NZ Reggae group took their name from the cat in the comic strip - Fat Freddy’s Drop.
@janis b Awesome music!!!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
I thought you would enjoy that,
and I'm glad you did. You won't be disappointed in any of their music. They tour, and are even better live. Keep an eye out over there.
If you're not allergic,
you can check out a short introduction to the group I diaried at DKos, way back.
I'm curious about your perception
of the Mideastern influence.
Actually, listening to this track of 'Blackbird'
on a playlist of FFD, I could here a Mideastern drift. Power of suggestion?
encore ...
Forgive me for my enthusiasm for Fat Freddy's Drop ; ).
evening bobswern...
great music, thanks!
have a great christmas and congratulations on finally talking the gal into marrying you.
@joe shikspack Thanks Joe! Looking
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Wedding Bells
Oh wow, bobswern, Congratulations!! I saw your comment about common law, but still, a momentous occasion! Very happy for you! Would love to see pics!
Thanks for the music. I've heard several times lately that Baby It's Cold Outside is abusive - in this MeToo time. She wants to go. He won't let her. She even says "no"! I don't care! I won't let them ruin it for me. (I do see it, however.) Love that song.
Thanks for posting the Mathes-Williams rendition which I hadn't heard before.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
@OLinda OLinda, thanks for the
Here's the Wikipedia LINK for it.
Here's an interesting/relevant excerpt from that Wiki page...
So, even in its original performance, it WAS presented in a fairly "politically correct" manner.
It's still a favorite during the holidays, having been sung over the past couple of decades by a lengthy list of famous singing duos and soloists. Here are just a few of the many examples listed on the Wiki page: James Taylor and Natalie Cole, Willie Nelson and Norah Jones, Rita Coolidge, CeeLo Green and Christina Aguilera, Jimmy Fallon and Cecily Strong (SNL), Lady Gaga and Joseph Gordon-Leavitt, Darius Rucker and Sheryl Crow, and countless others (in recent years).
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson