The Weekly Watch

Oh Holy MEss, Stuck in the Mud, and Grateful for Gifts

Today, I would like to look at the Middle East Melee and Israel's undue influence on US policy. This week I had two trucks get stuck in the mud on my place and I think it is a good analogy for our situation. Then I want to end on a more upbeat note of recognizing and making use of our gifts. My partner of 40 years was a teacher of the gifted. Our teaching careers both confirmed everyone is gifted. The trick is in recognizing and using those gifts.

cat gift.jpg

Let's start with Israel's purchase and control of our representatives...Senators Cardin and Portman are trying to sneak a last-minute amendment into the budget bill to make BDS illegal – violating free speech – 26 states are also moving to make boycotts of Israel illegal. IPS’s Phyllis Bennis discusses the anti-BDS efforts in the US (video or text)

The pro-Israeli laws are already having effect...

A children’s speech pathologist who has worked for the last nine years with developmentally disabled, autistic, and speech-impaired elementary school students in Austin, Texas, has been told that she can no longer work with the public school district, after she refused to sign an oath vowing that she “does not” and “will not” engage in a boycott of Israel or “otherwise tak[e] any action that is intended to inflict economic harm” on that foreign nation.
Palestinian-American teacher in Austin, Texas, Bahia Amawi tells her story (video or text)
Glenn Greenwald discusses state anti-BDS policies that are already costing people their jobs (video or text)

Fortunately, news of the free speech conflict is drawing attention...

Chris Hedges discusses the anti-BDS laws (6 min)

If you missed the film(s) about Israel's influence on campuses and our political system here's all four episodes of the banned film Lobby USA (with descriptive text)

It isn't just the US either. The first investigation was about Israel's influence in the UK. All four episodes are here -

You can be fired if you defend Palestine...Just one day after his UN speech, CNN dropped Marc Lamont as a commentator, after conservatives and pro-Israel groups, such as the Anti-Defamation League, condemned his comments, calling them anti-Semitic. Temple University’s Board of Trustees also criticized Lamont Hill’s remarks, but the university has said his speech was protected by the First Amendment and that he will remain a professor. (video or text)
His entire speech is available here (21 min)

Another Friday and Israel shoots more protesters with essentially no news coverage in the US...

Three other Palestinians, including a 16-year-old, were killed on Friday by Israeli fire during protests and clashes along the Gaza border, according to the ministry. The Israeli army said around 8,000 Palestinians had gathered at spots along the frontier, burning tyres and launching an incendiary device at soldiers that did not reach the troops. More than 40 Palestinians -- including two journalists and four first aid responders -- were wounded, Qudra said. At least 239 Palestinians have been killed since the protests by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip began on March 30, mostly by Israeli fire during border clashes but also by air and tank strikes. Two Israeli soldiers have been killed over the same period, one by a Palestinian sniper and another during an aborted special forces operation inside Gaza.

The conflict spreads from Gaza to the West Bank...

A pro-Israel activist group, the Alliance for Israel Advocacy, is quietly pushing lawmakers on Capitol Hill and key officials in the White House to embrace a plan that would entail paying Palestinian residents in the West Bank to move abroad. The plan will redirect U.S. funds once dedicated to the United Nations for Palestinian humanitarian assistance into a voucher program administered by the Israeli government.


Although it is obvious Israel is the country with undue influence on our elections and politicians, the bulk of the media continues to focus on Russia. (3 min)

The probable purpose of Russiagate is to perpetuate our endless wars and military budget ....keeping an existential threat alive. (As well as distracting from the fact that the dims cheated Bernie who should have been the nominee). Jimmy and the gang have been debunking Russiagate for years now including these clips from this week.
They start out on a NYT hit piece that truly illustrates the poor press we have. (22 min)
and yet another NYT article (9.3 min)
Even Nate Silver is adding his dismay about Russiagate. (6 min)

The media is driving force of misinformation (6 min)

John Pilger provides insight on the a new cold war at a time when there is little to no real journalism. (28 min)

John reports on his visit to Julian in the embassy this week (21 min)

Noam speaks about betrayal and actions at an interview during last week's COP (17 min)

Will we give peace a chance? Not a chance.

Love Trump or hate him, his decision on Syria is neither "impulsive," "irresponsible," or unacceptably "dangerous."

Max Blumenthal discusses the withdrawal of troops from Syria and Afghanistan (5 min)

Jimmy takes on the war hawks... on Syria (15 min)
on Afghanistan (8 min)
and the Mattis resignation (4 min)
Jimmy and the gang analyze the press coverage of the de-escalation of war (19 min)

As Chris writes this week, T-rump is confidence man - how do you believe such a dishonest person? You don't...

The hawks can't stand it and the media misses the point....We are throwing our allies the Kurds under the bus. Patrick Cockburn, a veteran foreign correspondent who has reported from the Middle East for decades explains (video or text)

Phyllis Bennis is back to suggest the US will not stop the bombing and aggression in Syria despite the troop draw down. (video or text)

Fight Militarism!

Is the New Green Deal dead? It needs improving and revitalizing. CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin calls on advocates of the Green New Deal to fight both the fossil fuel economy and the war economy (video or text)

Edited to add this excellent interview with Medea about Saudi Arabia (video or text)

Stuck in the Mud?

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Stick in the mud'?
A narrow-minded or unprogressive person; one who lacks initiative

Santa came early this year arriving in a dump truck with a full load of composted horse manure...just the thing for the garden. Problem was after he dumped his load, the truck was to light to drive away. Luckily my tractor (a 1964 Ford 4000) was able to pull him far enough to gain traction and get to the gravel road. Just a little extra momentum was all it took.

On the other hand, after an afternoon of tunes and cookie baking with friend and their grand kids, we drove home through the fog and misty rain to find something lit up like a spaceship in the gourd field below the barn. Driving directly to the yellow and white flashing lights I found the propane truck up to its belly in the field. It was so foggy he ran off our road so he decided to turn around. He went from bad to worse, and ended up bogged down in a serious way. He had a wrecker on the way. There was no way my tractor could help him. Even the wrecker had trouble but they pulled and snatched and manged to get him back on the road and headed for home.

So my thought after both of these events is that we all get stuck in the mud. Sometimes like the dump truck of horse shit, only needing a little assistance. But other times mired to the hilt unable to move without major assistance. I think our situation is like that of the propane truck...requiring major assistance.

Though our challenges are steep, there are solutions. Yet somehow we've got no traction. I suggest it is the propaganda machine we call social and mass media that is providing most of the muck that keeps progressive policies from moving forward. Most people in the country want out of these insane wars, prefer medicare for all, would like to invest in a green new deal, but we face a political system devoted to just the opposite and a propaganda machine design to mislead, ignore, and distract.

So I'm putting my faith in the young folks, and I'll help as I can. Many of you are disappointed with Alexandria (AOC). When she takes office on January 3, 2019, at the age of 29, Ocasio-Cortez will be the youngest woman to serve in Congress in the history of the United States. I suspect like us all, she will be both good and bad. Like Bernie. (Here he is talking about the shut down- 9 min ) I'm not hanging a star on any one person or group, but I'm a willing ally of those who try to address our needs. No doubt the Green New Deal could be better. I like Medea's addition of an anti-war plank to the deal. But we need politicians who promote medicare for all, $15/hour, and a green new deal. I trust young folks because those I know are maturing well.

So how about the Gifts? Isn't that the reason for the season?

I wanted to wrap up this edition with a gift of music from young folks I've watched mature. Perhaps they too will give you faith in the power of youth and growth. But first you might want to understand the way in which I've come to know these folks. Like many of you, I'm an old hippie, so you might wonder why I play old-time country music instead of rock and roll. I could make the argument that old-time music is rock and roll, but if you've got the time (1.3 hours), I'll encourage you watch a story of the Highwoods String Band to understand the community these young folks experienced as kids. (1.3 hours)

These two sisters are daughters of some of our music buddies. I love how they have merged the traditional and the modern (4 min and the second is 6 min)

I've known Rachel her entire life. She now lives and plays music in Nashville with her husband, Matt. They continue the traditional music and style (3 min)

Kelli Jones is the daughter of a musical friend. She can play both traditional music and more modern material too. The first traditional cut is 2 min and the second is 4 min


Many young folks are ready to live life on their terms. Consider this European engineer turned gardener (6 min)

I understand music and gardening isn't the same as politics, but these young people help me to think there is hope. People have gifts and abilities. Last week we looked at many of the efforts around the world from yellow vests to sunrise to extinction rebellion. I think most people understand we must quickly change the system. I'm not waiting. I'm going to add Santa's load of compost on the garden, raise a bumper crop, and soak up some carbon. Recognizing your gift is the trick. I hope you realize and use your gifts!

I look forward to your comments below...

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Lookout's picture fact I lost all the edit options normally found above the body of a developing essay. I'm unsure if I've done something or if there is a bug.

No matter, the ideas are presented for thought and comment. The holiday season is well underway, and I wish you all a rewarding season with family and friends. I'm glad I was able to send JtC a little appreciation for his work this year. Those of you who are able might want to as well.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

I am impressed that you know Leah and Chloe of Rising Appalachia! I was lucky to see them several years ago when they played at the White Squirrel Festival in Brevard, NC. I have seen a lot of groups play there, some of whom are very well known, but I will never forget Rising Appalachia because they were so unique. At the time I saw them, they had a percussionist who played with them. They are amazing muscicians who cannot be categorized into any genre.

The anti boycott movement of Israel is a direct assault on our freedom of speech rights. If you want to talk about a foreign government meddling in US affairs, we need to look no further than Israel through AIPAC. It almost appears that the US is a vassal state of a foreign nation with the amount of influence Israel has over both foreign and domestic US policy. It is amazing what is and is not free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Raggedy Ann's picture

I find people recoil at the thought that Israel is behind so many of our democracy-ending situations in the US. Oh, noes! Not Israel! Is it because folks are so afraid of being labeled anti-Semitic? If so, it's doing tremendous damage to us - all of us - and it's global.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

Consider Corbyn. He's being smeared as anti-Semitic for calling out Israels violence against the Palestinians.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture

@Lookout our culture that our local and national leaders are eager to betray and denounce our fellows who express misgivings about their violent totalitarian colony in North Africa — I believe we must accept the fact that this fearsome foreign entity successfully replaced most of our leaders a long time ago. Our politicians are Manchurian candidates. I cannot name even one elected official who would speak truth to our overlords. Can you?

Thus, the future of this nation/empire has already been narrated. It is immaterial whether or not the Texas anti-BDS law stands or falls, it is an accurate snapshot from the diorama of where we came from and where we are going. As for Ocasio-Cortez, I have decided to pause all judgement until after she returns from her all-expense paid trip to Israel. As for Donald Trump, it is enough to say that his son=in-law sleeps in his tent.

My comment would like to reflect and respect the sentiment expressed in Lookout's open thread. Trusting the people, one by one, to find the way in spite of our leaders. Because they each carry a gift that lights the way.

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Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

is corrupt by nature. It is a global corporate cabal.

All we can do is look to the individual...flawed creatures that we are one and all. I remember how in my youth I found the older generation naysayers of peace, free love, rock and roll, and so on. I hope our generation will encourage those who follow to do what they can to survive and prosper. We can act as individuals.

Glad to "see" you. I appreciate your insights.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


They too are now retired, but dad was an art prof and mom an flight attendant. Yes those young women are talented...and have a message. So glad you're familiar with them. Most of their touring is in Europe. They danced with us from the time they were 6 or 7, so I've known them awhile.

As to Israel, they have a major effect on us...and no one seems to call it out. Perhaps their influence extends to US media? You bet. Thanks for coming by this AM. It's raining here yet again. Looks like 2018 will be the second wettest year on record in our area.

I hope you have a lovely holiday surrounded by family and friends!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

@gulfgal98 , and thoroughly enjoy Rising Appalachia. I too am awed that you know them. Pretty amazing musicians...that's all I know about them. I will put that 1.3 hour movie on my list for today.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Lookout's picture


The Highwoods and Red Clay Ramblers were big influences on us. Tommy Thompson taught philosophy at UAB (univ AL B'ham) as the ramblers got going so we benefited from their approach too.

I largely recall songs and tunes based on who I learn them from. Those who come before us shape us in ways we do not see.

Great day to you!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

@Lookout , but I finally got to see it all. Very entertaining, and educational. I'm sorry to say that I had barely heard of the Highwoods String Band...even though I think I knew of every other musician in the film! And I have even (briefly) met Walt Koken. Well, you can teach a banjo player new things. Gid Tanner and the Skillet Lickers are very familiar to me, and my idea of what Old Time Music is all I am surprised I didn't know there was a band that followed in that same vein.

My inspiration to play the banjo came largely from a "mountain" band at a campground in the hills east of San Diego. We started going to that campground in '72, and went every weekend for more than two years, and they played every Saturday night. I was just a kid, and never paid attention to their name, but I always sat in front of the stage and stared intently at the banjo player throughout the show. It's obvious now that they were following in the footsteps of the Highlands. Same kind of wild energy in their music, same corny jokes, same sense of fun. When I FINALLY got a banjo, decades later, all the instruction was geared to didn't take me long to figure out that was not my thing. I found some Old Time players by accident...and that took care of the problem.

Unfortunately (!) I have a full time job, so music doesn't get near as much time as I would like, but it sure is fun, and even more fun when I get to go to a camp with friends, and play for a few days solid. I need to do a lot more of that. I did end up as the second banjo in a "mountain music" band north of Santa Cruz, for a while, several years ago. The other banjo player played bluegrass style, and I gave it an Old Time twist, and it just worked, That was so much fun while it lasted, every Thursday night (after work!) We generally got paid in Jameson Whiskey...which didn't really help my playing any.

I really do need to give it some more time. Thanks for (again) inspiring me to do so.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Lookout's picture


...making and playing music. I taught for most of the 25 years I played with the band (and now draw a pension so it was a good idea to work).
I like the skillet licker skit about what they do for a living. From memory...Gid says something like I play the fiddle and grow cotton corn and taters too. Riley says he just plays the guitar. Fate Norris (who is buried in nearby Trion GA) says I'm a drunkard by trade, but my bossman's out of material. They had the same spirit as the Highwoods. Phil Tanner Gid's grandson still fiddles and has a family band.

Old time music...better than it sounds. Plus you can make tens of dollars!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture


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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Raggedy Ann's picture

I can't wait to dive into today's Watch! We're traveling to my daughter's for the holiday - 5 hour drive - so I'll be able to listen and watch to my heart's content. Thanks, as always for your great effort in putting this together for us.

I often find myself stuck in my own mud. I'm working diligently to avoid those traps. Sometimes, though, while I'm praising myself for avoiding this pitfall, I turn to move ahead and fall squarely into another. That's the goal - be aware of your surroundings and your reaction to them!

I hope everyone is able to enjoy the holiday season as it inspires you.
Kindness matters.
Give love freely.

Have a beautiful day, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

I appreciate your visit today since you are busy heading out. I always enjoy your upbeat attitude. As humans we all get stuck in the mud at times. Learning to persevere is a gift.

Have a great visit with your family and friends and be careful on the road!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The Aspie Corner's picture

Why? Well...


Seriously, has this 'non-partisan' site not learned a god damned thing in the past 2 years?

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Lookout's picture

@The Aspie Corner

AOC isn't the end all nor be all, but who else in DC is standing up pushing for Medicare for all, a living wage, a move away from fossil fuels? Bernie...and who else?

The minute AOC was elected, many here started complaining about her selling out. Compare her to the corporatist she defeated. Who do you prefer?

Politics will not be an answer. The gov't has been purchased perhaps since its inception, but those who work for issues I support will be my allies. Even Ron Paul who is so bad on the domestic side but much better on foreign policy.

Perfection doesn't exist in the human species, we all have good and bad qualities. To expect this 29 yo kid to be a political guru is unrealistic. And yes I know she voted for payola pelosi as speaker. We have to hope she will mature into a more savvy and effective politician overtime.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The Aspie Corner's picture

@Lookout and look what happened. So why do we keep doing this to ourselves? It's almost like we enjoy being in abusive, neglectful relationships.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Lookout's picture

@The Aspie Corner

the problem is getting there...hence the theme "stuck in the mud"

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

@The Aspie Corner
We can't all be as smart as you are.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

magiamma's picture

Thanks for the news list. I would like to understand how we got so far under the control of Isreal. Maybe your links will enlighten me.

Sometimes pics won’t post for me too. I then go to the Friday photo thread and post the pic there, copy the link and paste it into my essay. Kludge but works. Must be a bug in the picture posting code.

This video came out just after I posted and is wonderful. Speaking of gifted and young people.


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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

Lookout's picture


I included it last week, but it is easy for links to be missed when there's a long list of them. Very similar to her COP speech. As I stated in this essay, young folks give me hope....they are our hope. Perhaps there is still time, but the sand is quickly falling...

Thanks for dropping by!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

@magiamma . Many 'evangelicals' have come to completely believe that their quickest ticket to Heaven is to get the Jews involved in WWIII to fulfill some prophecies in the book of Revelations. Their support for Israel is thus completely self-serving, and cynically parasitic and opportunist. To accomplish their ends, they have established a large presence in the military, including the well as Congress.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

magiamma's picture

Looking for play by play how-did-we-get-here info. Like a who dun it. Any pointers. Playlist. Org chart. Time line. Etc. Lol

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

Lookout's picture


A short take 4 min

A view with a focus on Syria
Ray McGovern (ex-CIA and VIPS member)- 33 min

Something to listen to while cooking dinner or some other household task perhaps?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

very much. just thinking that I hardly have time to really digest all the climate breakdown info bc I have to search and destroy. not a complaint, just the dance i'm doing right now - but why not mix it up a bit. lol...

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

Azazello's picture

The Real News, YouTube, Part 1,( 9 min.) and Part 2 (11 min.)
A couple short essays, Al Jazeera: How Britain stole $45 trillion from India and David Stockman at, The Donald’s 60% Gone – But No Cigar for CNN
Have a nice day.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture

@Azazello @Azazello

I caught the first piece, and will look forward to the second part. Thanks for the articles too.

I hope you have a nice day and fun holiday season in your part of the SW!

edit to add -
The Stockman piece was excellent, and the UK/India colonial piece was good - but not so surprising. Thanks again.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Just getting around to today's news and found this story -

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

to allowing Israel to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, to their espionage activities in the US, and the sale of US secrets to foreign countries, and their meddling in US elections, why do we consider Israel a friend and ally?

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Lookout's picture


which has deep ties to deep state. Interesting how the Sauds threw Palestine under the bus to become buddy buddy with Israel ain't it?

Russia has dumped its US bonds. China and Japan are dumping theirs now. Saudi and Brazil are the primary buyers. What a wicked web the oligarchy do weave.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

so to speak. Don't you think she looks like a new version of Rosa Luxemburg?
Wagenknecht appears in a yellow vest in front of the Chancellery – and calls for protests

And here the real Rosa Luxemburg.

Socialist Appeal
Published on Oct 26, 2018
Speaking at the opening rally of the recent Revolution Festival, Marie Frederiksen and Rob Sewell discuss their new books about Rosa Luxemburg and the German Revolution.

100 years ago, the workers and soldiers of Germany rose up and mutinied, bringing an end to the First World War. This was the beginning of the 1918 German Revolution.

Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were the leaders of the German Communists. They called for a government of workers' councils to be formed on the back of the revolution, based on the model of Soviets in Russia. But Luxemburg and Liebknecht were murdered in January 1919 on the orders of the Social Democratic government.

The failure of the German Revolution was a huge blow to the working class; a pivotal moment in world history. It paved the way, on the one hand, for the rise of fascism in Europe; and, on the other, for the isolation and degeneration of the Russian Revolution into Stalinism.

Marie and Rob discuss the lessons of the 1918 German Revolution and pay tribute to the heroic figures who played an important role in this inspiring movement.

I don't know anything of the sites from which I took the videos and stories. When I was a student in Berlin I lived right near the bridge from which she was dumped into the Landwehr canal. So, that's why I post this. Smile

A little revolutionary talk is quite uplifting, no?

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Lookout's picture


I'll look forward to learning more about Rosa Luxemburg...thanks for the links.

Hope all is well and wishing you a happy holiday!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

in the future and I hope you survive the mud and weather and will not get in trouble again. May you continue to enlighten us with your collection of links in the coming year. Happy holidays, even if it might be hard to be happy in the mud.

I am sorry I had no idea you hadn't heard about Luxemburg. I forgot it's German history. So, the communist and socialist talk might have frightened you? No worries. Those times are long bygone. These days we have only liars. A German headline on T-online said that Trump has been in the office for 700 days in which he lied 7546 times. Oh that's mean anti-Americanism. Even if American lies are first (class), they are better than second class mass lying German anti-Americanistas. /oh shute...

It's hard to be a migrating continent hopper. You don't know where you belong. But I know from your comment that you have the roots on your land and you feel that's were you belong. I think that alone is worth to be very happy about.

Very merry and jolly holidays for you, Mr. Lookout. See, that's me looking out for you. From our garden to yours. Happy holidays. Smile


I saw you !!! Yippie.

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lotlizard's picture


But Luxemburg and Liebknecht were murdered in January 1919 on the orders of the Social Democratic government.

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Lookout's picture

@lotlizard @mimi

where we end up no body knows. At least we can all agree it is round and round the sun. And here's hoping your trip is lots of fun!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I have no comment on any of the content of your marvelous thread starter, other than to say much of it was disheartening.

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Lookout's picture


Meant to leave you with the hope of youth. The yule has turned and janus looks forward toward the my yearly as well as life cycle. Not rushing for the exit but keeping my focus on the next generation. Habits from teaching I guess.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Thanks LO

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”