Groan .....

This Tweet is back in the news after Debra Messenger re-Tweeted it.

Russia Russia Russia!

Don’t Laugh — It’s Giving Putin What He Wants

This brings back such fond memories

In case you missed these videos.

The Nancy, Schumer, Trump and The Rock show.

Democrats are the minority party so why were we subjected to this kabuki theater?



Dawg lovers should like this.

Slow night. How y'all doing?

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Big Al's picture

I've been saying "2019 is the Year of the Revolution".

But we need to start now. I'm going down to the corner and start yelling.


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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

Let me know what corner you are on and I'll be your first follower. We'll be cool ...


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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Big Al's picture


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Pluto's Republic's picture the Clinton Foundation.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
SnappleBC's picture

Look, they have not even HAD a strategy as near as I can determine beyond GOTV. I attended a local Democrats meeting and that's all they talked about... GOTV. They had no interest in talking policy or issues or anything... GOTV.

So yes, they are going to stoke their zealots to ensure the highest GOTV they can for 2020. The Republicans will do the same. And the other ~45% of us will sit by the sidelines shaking our heads unless we can figure out something else to do.

Still though, some of the replies were priceless Smile

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Azazello's picture

They talk about GOTV and Vote Blue No Matter Who. At the end they might brag to each other about what cruises they took and wonder why the working class doesn't show up at the meetings.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

gulfgal98's picture

@SnappleBC was not the goal of the Democratic party in early 2017.

I also remember that DNC operatives were pushing that idea that policy did not matter because "most voters vote based upon emotion." This is an insult to ALL voters, especially the so called Democratic base which has suffered horribly in the last decade due to lack of policy on the part of the Democratic party. Given a range choices of reasons why people vote, pocket book issues will top all others, especially in economic hard times.

How do these all knowing consultants explain the loss of over 1,000 seats nationwide under Obama? Perhaps the loss was due to the very lack of policy on the part of the Democrats. But they are still touting that same meme today.

And the "all knowing" Markos Moulitsas still does not get it. To this day, his site continues to promote the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative and the anti-Trump narrative instead of addressing real policy issues.

Below is the exchange in early 2017 in which Markos says policy is meaningless. These freaking consultants spout stuff that they believe to be the truth because they do not want to gore their own lucrative consulting ox.

Edge PA
April 13 · 10:37:48 AM

Which is most important for 2018

1. Money

2. Motivating the base

3. Motivating Presidential year voters

4. Motivating non/ infrequent voters

5. Policy
Recommended 15 times

kos Edge PA
April 13 · 10:39:44 AM

If you do (2), then (1) comes along for the ride. And if (2) happens, then (3) and (4) happen more easily because (2) means more volunteers and social media energy.

So definitely (2).

Policy is useless right now. We don’t need any message beyond “NO!” 2020 will be different, but next year? It will ALL be about resisting Trump.
Recommended 75 times

elenacarlena kos
April 13 · 11:49:05 AM

Have you learned nothing from last year’s debacle?? We need more than “not Trump”. That was Hillary’s message. We need to show how our policies improve the economy more than theirs, for the average voter.

Any gains by the Democrats in Congress in the 2018 election can be mostly attributed to those who actually ran on progressive policies. But policy officially still does not matter to those in charge of the Democratic party.

Lack of policy is not a new thing for those within the power structure of the Democratic party, but has been going on for some time. For example back in 2014, I sent Markos a very detailed email asking that dkos focus more on policy issues and I got zero response back from him. He and the other neolibs running the party do not care about policy as it affects the rest of us. They have theirs and the current policy (or lack thereof) is benefiting them just fine.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture


I would be most interested. I'm reviewing what I knew and when I knew it.

For example back in 2014, I sent Markos a very detailed email asking that dkos focus more on policy issues and I got zero response back from him.

In these matters, you've been ahead of the curve.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
gulfgal98's picture

@Pluto's Republic One correction, I thought I sent it in 2014, but it was actually in April 2013. I do not think I was or am ahead of the curve, by any measure. It simply reflects my own core beliefs which I have expressed here on many occasions. Still, thank you for your nice compliment.

I was stupid enough to think Markos actually cared about policy and people. But he is just another political operative who only cares about greasing his own palm. Otherwise, I believe he would have taken time to address the issues I raised, one way or another.

Markos, I originally thought about putting this into a comment, but decided that perhaps it would be better to kosmail you with it instead. I hope this will not get me banned here as result because my intent is not that at all.

In my opinion, more and "better" Dems is not working.

Until we totally change the public conversation and remove it from partisan politics, the public will always lose. The majority of both parties are working on the same side, thus rendering them fairly meaningless when it comes to real decisions that affect most people's daily lives. Most people in this country have much more in common with each other than we have in differences. The social safety net, particularly Social Security and Medicare, is one huge unifying factor. Jobs is another. And yet we get the deficit commission and shared sacrifice via cuts to the social safety net.

We need to concentrate on bringing people together to fight for our common interests because right now, all of us (99%) are losing. We have a great platform here at dkos to begin that fight and it does not mean we lose our ideals. We actually can better sell our ideals without having to constantly defend DINOs. And we can be more choosy about those whom we support like Elizabeth Warren.

Nearly every one in Washington has been or will be captured by big money. With few exceptions, supporting candidates who say the right things until elected is not working like it should any more. We are being divided by interests that are not aligned with any one political party. They are aligned with each other to continue the transfer of public wealth to their own pockets. And they are being aided by nearly everyone in Washington DC. Now the President is successfully dividing the Democratic party with his push to chain the CPI. There is no other political reason for this except to remove the Democratic party from its historic foundation of defending the social safety net. Then it becomes easier to move to privatization of these programs which I believe to be the ultimate goal. And by then Obama will be back in the private sector.

The people of this nation are becoming splintered into more and more small groups, each of which has been convinced that they must protect a small amount of territory that they have left from everyone else. Meanwhile, all of us are being robbed while we fight with each other.

In my very humble opinion, we desperately need to change our mission here and focus on policy issues that affect everyone, regardless of political affiliation. Then, perhaps, we can wake people up and really make a difference. IMHO, the Social Security/chained CPI blogathon has been on of the best things I have seen here at dkos. Let's build upon that kind of activism and make dkos a real force to be reckoned with by the plutocracy and their puppets in Washington.

Just my $.02 for what it is worth.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture


...for reprinting your missive to Marcos here.

A little reaction: This one made my eyes burn:

I hope this will not get me banned here as result because my intent is not that at all.

When you began, you were so forthright about bringing people together. It's your very unique gift to view the world this way, prepared for that possibility. And every day it resets and impulse is fresh again. So basically, you hit him with that first:

The majority of both parties are working on the same side.... Most people in this country have much more in common with each other than we have in differences.... We need to concentrate on bringing people together to fight for our common interests because right now, all of us (99%) are losing. We have a great platform here at dkos to begin that fight.... And we can be more choosy about those whom we support....

Your hindsight on his reaction is spot on. I can see how your words threatened his cash flow. The entire point of that online social laboratory was to divide people along the defined faultline of the duopoly — to play both sides against each other. But when you observed some Democrats were "aliens" dragging the party down — the Blue Dogs, for example — you were dividing within the party. Gulp. Little did any of us realize that the aliens were actually the holy grail, the perfected ideology of neolibralism made flesh.

Hahaha! You snatched off the veil. That was beautiful. And in the very next sentence, you killed it again!

Nearly every one in Washington has been or will be captured by big money. With few exceptions, supporting candidates who say the right things until elected is not working like it should any more.

Right? The rest of it takes a melancholy turn for me, as you describe where things are going. I didn't have that kind of clarity at that time. Perhaps you saw the patterns so clearly because you saw it through the historical lens of the Party:

We are being divided by interests that are not aligned with any one political party.

Very abstract. But astute. Markos would have wondered about that observation. Or not. He's not much of a philosopher. Of course, we have now seen the real forces pulling at the country and our lives. They are not trying to hide from us anymore. Or maybe they don't know we can see them.

They are aligned with each other to continue the transfer of public wealth to their own pockets. And they are being aided by nearly everyone in Washington DC.

Never saw then that it was all about money and nothing else.

There is no other political reason for this except to remove the Democratic party from its historic foundation of defending the social safety net. Then it becomes easier to move to privatization of these programs which I believe to be the ultimate goal.

That was certainly everyone's the big fear! But the reality we face is so much worse. Enslavement from birth. An ugly dystopia.

All of us are being robbed while we fight with each other.

Good god. You could not have been any clearer. I won't get into your last paragraph and immediate solution, except to say he did not deserve to even read it. I now see these specific nests of useful political rats here and there. Organizing and herding the duped. I don't envy them their fates.

You left him with nothing to say.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
gulfgal98's picture

@Pluto's Republic When I wrote it, I was not thinking in the terms you have used in your analysis, but simply from my experience with a small local Occupy group and my long time experience of having worked for over 31 years in local government (which often is a microcosm of what is happening in governments at all levels).

Your analysis clarifies a lot for me as to why Markos never chose to address those issues at dkos. I actually did not see why then, but your analysis and time have brought that clearly into focus for me. I tend to write comments based a lot upon personal intuition. So your analysis helped me to understand why I wrote what I did. Thank you so very much.

One of the big reasons I wanted to be a part of Caucus is that when we first started to organize as an email group before ever setting up a website, most of the original members wanted to focus more on policy instead of partisan politics. This was very appealing to me because of my Occupy experience and later the time spent with the Peace vigil. Those two experiences reaffirmed to me just how much the vast majority of people in this country have in common and that is what terrifies the powers that be.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture

@gulfgal98 much the vast majority of people in this country have in common and that is what terrifies the powers that be.

That's why I say: "The people have all the power, right this very minute." Intuitively, you must have known that. Uniting them is the key. They could have all the things they jointly aspire to. The country is too large, however, for some differences. And harnassing a large power is too much of a temptation for megalomaniacs and psychopaths. The nation should probably be broken up into regions to make the world a safer place — and give people more choices in the laws they wish to live under, and those they reject. Then, people who want guns can live in in place where people with guns live. People who don't want guns in their lives can live in places filled with like-minded people. It's a big and wealthy country, especially after its bounties are nationalized and the people are no longer exploited to death.

If only People could see their power. I try to imagine what could bring them to this realization.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
snoopydawg's picture


How do these all knowing consultants explain the loss of over 1,000 seats nationwide under Obama?

This is how the kos kids explain why democrats lost all those seats. This is also the explanation for why Hillary lost .. except she didn't really. Only lost because people on the 3 important states voted for Trump after he ran on the issues that democrats used to run on. Hillary couldn't even lie and say that she was going to bring back jobs.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

gulfgal98's picture

is officially a cult which has run off the rails with its narcissistic personality just like that of its object of deification. These people are sick.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy