France requests U.S. stop meddling, spreading fake news

France's democracy is under attack by the country that is universally considered the biggest threat to peace on this planet.
The French are concerned about Trump's interference.

France's Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Donald Trump should not meddle in French politics after the US president criticised the nation in two tweets following protests in Paris.
..."People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting "We Want Trump!" Love France," Trump posted.

Le Drian said that the yellow vest protestors were not chanting in English and that images shared in the United States depicting people chanting "we want Trump" were filmed when the leader visited London months ago.

The French Foreign Minister added:
"I say to Donald Trump, and the President of the Republic tells him too: we do not take part in American debates, let us live our life in our country."

Somehow this must be Putin's fault.

Last year's French elections was hacked by Putin himself. The NSA was certain.

Two days before France's recent presidential election, hackers leaked nine gigabytes of emails from candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign onto the web. Since then, the Kremlin has once again emerged as the likeliest culprit. But while public evidence can't definitively prove Russia's involvement, NSA director Michael Rogers suggested to Congress today that America's most powerful cybersecurity agency has pinned at least some electoral interference on Moscow.

In a hearing of the Senate's Armed Forces Committee, Rogers indicated that the NSA had warned French cybersecurity officials ahead of the country's presidential runoff that Russian hackers had compromised some elements of the election.

There you go. Who could doubt the NSA?
For some reason the French disagreed with the NSA's conclusions.

The head of the French government’s cyber security agency, which investigated leaks from President Emmanuel Macron’s election campaign, says they found no trace of a notorious Russian hacking group behind the attack.

In an interview in his office Thursday with The Associated Press, Guillaume Poupard said the Macron campaign hack “was so generic and simple that it could have been practically anyone.”

He said they found no trace that the Russian hacking group known as APT28, blamed for other attacks including on the U.S. presidential campaign, was responsible.

Americans forget, or just don't know, that the world doesn't view things like we do.

For instance, France is well liked by Americans (87%).
France, OTOH, just isn't all that into us (38%).

The same can be said for Germany.

Seven-in-ten Americans say the U.S.-German relationship is "good," according to a new Pew poll. Just 24% of Germans agree, and 72% say they want more independence from the U.S. when it comes to foreign policy.

By the numbers: Similarly, while 70% of Americans say the U.S. should cooperate more with Germany, just 41% of Germans would like to see more cooperation with the U.S. Meanwhile, a whopping 69% would like to see Germany cooperate more with Russia, and 67% with China.

It's like a dysfunctional marriage, in which one of the spouses is in total denial.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Seven-in-ten Americans say the U.S.-German relationship is "good," according to a new Pew poll. Just 24% of Germans agree, and 72% say they want more independence from the U.S. when it comes to foreign policy.

By the numbers: Similarly, while 70% of Americans say the U.S. should cooperate more with Germany, just 41% of Germans would like to see more cooperation with the U.S. Meanwhile, a whopping 69% would like to see Germany cooperate more with Russia, and 67% with China.

It's like a dysfunctional marriage, in which one of the spouses is in total denial.

It would seem that way, until one introduces one other important statistic:

According to RealClear Politics, the current Congressional Job Approval Rate is 19.9%.

So it would appear that similar proportions of Americans want more foreign policy independence from the USA's government, and better co-operation with Russia and China (and France and Germany), than what we're getting.

We're in the same boat as our French and German fellow 99%ers. So in the respect of "common people to common people", our relationships are good. It's just the rich and powerful bastards we don't get along with.

As usual.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@thanatokephaloides When the soldiers on either side of the trenches stopped fighting and all gathered together to share food, drink and merriment.

Yes, that actually happened.

At the first light of dawn on Christmas Day, some German soldiers emerged from their trenches and approached the Allied lines across no-man’s-land, calling out “Merry Christmas” in their enemies’ native tongues. At first, the Allied soldiers feared it was a trick, but seeing the Germans unarmed they climbed out of their trenches and shook hands with the enemy soldiers. The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols and songs. There was even a documented case of soldiers from opposing sides playing a good-natured game of soccer.

Then, as today, the common folk had nothing against each other, it was just the rich bastards who cannot get along because their greed trumps everything.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain
They rotated the soldiers off the front lines and brought up fresh troops, and cracked down on any hint of "fraternization with the enemy".

I'm thinking the recurrent truces of WWI (Christmas 1914 was not the only one, just the most widespread and best-known) were the real reason for the robotization of troops in basic training. They weren't (aren't) supposed to think, or feel, or react like human beings - but like automatons.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

some fake news. Coincidentally, I posted this on another thread earlier this morning:

Of course, posts like this mean that I am on some Russian payroll or another, and/or a Trumper and/or a leftist who has gone so far left that I am somehow magically rightist, under the "horseshoe effect" line of cynical bs theory of rightist Democrats. Uffda! DA!

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snoopydawg's picture

should pay more attention to the words written in any article that blames Russia for anything. Look at what Rogers said to congress when he said Russia interfered with the French election.

First off the headline

The NSA Confirms It: Russia Hacked French Election ‘Infrastructure’

Two days before France's recent presidential election, hackers leaked nine gigabytes of emails from candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign onto the web. Since then, the Kremlin has once again emerged as the likeliest culprit. But while public evidence can't definitively prove Russia's involvement, NSA director Michael Rogers suggested to Congress today that America's most powerful cybersecurity agency has pinned at least some electoral interference on Moscow.

He either did tell congress that it happened or it didn't. Suggested means uncertainty right?

In a hearing of the Senate's Armed Forces Committee, Rogers indicated that the NSA had warned French cybersecurity officials ...

Did anyone in the hearing ask Rogers if the NSA did warn them? I'm betting no on this.

For skeptics, that statement may help tip the balance towards credibly blaming Russia for the attacks

I'm skeptic and it didn't change my mind one bit. You?

Macron says that he was a victim of a massive, coordinated hacking attack....

Analysts already suspected Russia of at least attempting to breach Macron's party: ...

.....And the trove of Macron's party emails published as torrent files Friday included metadata in Cyrillic, suggesting that they had been edited on a computer running software with Russian-language configurations...

....Macron campaign denied it had been breached....

....Rogers' testimony Tuesday, though vague, harbored no such doubts.....

.....Elizabeth Warren stated plainly that Russian hackers had attempted to shift the French election by hacking and releasing one of the candidate's party's emails....

....Rogers' statement could dispel doubt around Russia's continued involvement in hacking operations aimed at influencing Western democracies. Trend Micro and the German government have both said, for instance, that Russian hackers have attempted to target the party of German chancellor Angela Merkel, and successfully stolen data from the German parliament...

This pattern of a definitive statement or headline has been repeatedly used since Hillary and Podesta cooked up Russia Gate to distract people from the contents of what Wikileaks released. And anyone who buys this BS do refuse to discuss their content.

The rubes have bought into this stunningly stupid propaganda so the PTB will put it in a drawer and then pull it out any time they need it to distract people from whatever's happening in the future. I thought that after all the lies and false flag events that they have used to go into their wars of choice would at least give people pause when they tell us something, but good grief, doesn't the continued blaming Russia for everything make people stop and question who profits from the information? Russia just decided out of the blue to meddle in every country? Seriously? Nea

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


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that's even his real name)?

For instance, France is well liked by Americans

but, according to Twain.....

Somewhere between the Angels and the French lies the rest of humanity.


France has usually been governed by prostitutes.

(If only we could say the same about other nations! Amirite?)

I hope he doesn't imagine that he will be able to make a living writing. Heck, even if he were to make any money at it, he'd probably only lose it all.

j/k Any nation wherein a leader's mistress and his children with her march in the state funeral procession is cool with me. Sure, the did march right behind his wife and his children with her, but that's chronological order. (At least one hopes that the marriage came before the mistress.)

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@HenryAWallace Samuel Clemons for $1600, Alex.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@Tall Bald and Ugly

one and the same. Interestingly (to me, anyway), though, the wiki article about him is under Mark Twain, his nom de plume, and not Samuel Clemens, the name his momma (or someone) gave him when he was born. Maybe wiki figured that he was better known as Mark Twain?

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thanatokephaloides's picture


Interestingly (to me, anyway), though, the wiki article about him is under Mark Twain, his nom de plume, and not Samuel Clemens, the name his momma (or someone) gave him when he was born. Maybe wiki figured that he was better known as Mark Twain?


This is just like the case of Winston Hubert McIntosh. Better known as Peter Tosh, both in the Wiki and out of it.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides