Is WW III coming?

I'd like to know if any of you are getting that same feeling. I have never felt this before, but it seems as if everyone is coming to the end of their collective ropes.

I have nothing specific I can point to; however, the decline of gas prices alone is going to put some people into starvation mode given the sharp, quick decline.

Am I just going bonkers or are other feeling this?

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Big Al's picture

They didn't just set the Doomsday Clock to three before midnight for nothing. It's hard to say. It obviously requires crazy and
I don't think Obama and the neoliberals are that crazy. The neocons and the Zionists are that crazy and then quotient in the owners of the central banks, the old European families, etc., and I think there are people in power who would do it. We aren't that far removed from WWI and WWII and they had no problem pulling those triggers.
I've said all along, it's better to assume that's what is going to happen then to ignore it and hope it goes away.

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Blue Dragon's picture

can do about it in the microcosm or the macrocosm. Do you have ideas?

Stockpiling beans in the basement is not my style.

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May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.

Big Al's picture

the national governmental system, i.e., boycott the Presidential Election 2016. Make it big, make it loud, make it international news. Make
the shining light on the hill, the land of the free and home of the brave own up to it's lies. Demand a government that represents the people, either via the people themselves (direct democracy) or a change in the current representative system.
It's the only way, anything else won't do, and as impossible as it seems to accomplish, it's the same thing people around the world are struggling with.
We need a new government.

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IdealistCynic's picture

We also have to consider replacing or neutralizing the entirety of leadership in the US, starting with the puppet masters themselves, the .01% plutocrats who are the de facto rulers of the country. The politicians are just their well paid servants.

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Big Al's picture

there's about 6,000 of them. We could start with Kissinger, I hate him.

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chuckvw's picture

I'm no admirer of Kissinger, but he has been the voice of reason when it comes to the Ukraine and Syria debacles. He sees the same dangers that the diarist sees. It's all relative, of course. Sometimes old school Realpolitik is more real than the flights of fancy, the dangerously delusional thinking, of the neocons and the likes of Clinton II, Nuland, Rice, Powers...

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You should only listen to both sides when one side isn't totally full of shit. -Jim Jefferies

Big Al's picture

Ya, I've seen some of his comments on the situation. Does sound like reason when compared to the wackos in place, don't forget Kerry.
But of course we can't trust him one bit when it comes to geopolitics, the man Is evil at heart, so whatever his game, it's not good. He's a big proponent of the New World Order so he's approaching it from that angle.

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lotlizard's picture

They sure as hell don't represent us.

Walking away from the whole system may sound radical, but it's simply putting into practice the realization that the whole system abandoned us a long time ago.

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Cordelia Lear's picture

when you consider our current Congress is crazy enough to invite Benjamin Netanyahu (who in my opinion is one of the biggest war mongers in recent history) to address them (and just two weeks before he's up for reelection) I think it's a serious subject. Toss in the fact Hillary the inevitable was quick to vote for authorizing war in Iraq with phony evidence. As far as Jeb! goes, is there a Bush who doesn't love war?

We're seriously screwed.

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"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone

Big Al's picture

(not me man) is whether Russia/Putin and China/Jinping are actually part of the New World Order. China's central bank President is part of the Group of 30,

"an international body of leading financiers and academics which aims to deepen understanding of economic and financial issues and to examine consequences of decisions made in the public and private sectors related to these issues. Topical areas within the interest of the group include: the Foreign exchange market, international capital markets, international financial institutions, central banks and their supervision of financial services and markets, and Macroeconomic issues such as product and labor markets."

Russia's central bank is also under the western financial oligarchy.

I mean this could all be theater for the masses while they carry out their plan. Manage wars, crisis'. It doesn't mean their couldn't be a WWIII,
but it's an interesting question.

They all have their billionaires tied into the same system capitalist system.

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Big Al's picture

China and the New World Order.

Question to ask, how did China become such a superpower so fast?
Answer, they had help from the western financial oligarchy.

China is significantly interwoven in the New World Order apparatus now as is Russia.

We could be watching a giant theatrical play and being played the fools.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

It's been going on for a while. It's just not primarily military. If you mean nuclear war, I don't think so, not for some time anyway.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Blue Dragon's picture

something which involves major powers, maybe not all at once for awhile, but eventually.

it could be a currency war mixed up with a hot war in certain locales

of course, this is the second period we could call the hundred year war

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May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.

gulfgal98's picture

It is being fought on a different level than it was during WW I and WW II. It is mostly an economic war with military wars being fought via proxy.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy